Jason Herpel:
One last thing, additionally, I’d like to keep in mind. The process of integrating our business with another, maximizing the results while ensuring transparency and availability to team members, is our sweet spot. We’ve done that for a number of deals at this point, we have a lot of experience with that.
Jason Herpel:
Acknowledge, it’s a little bit different this time, as we’re the one being acquired. That said, the principles are the exact same. And the same principles that led it successfully last time, are going to guide the current one. Obviously it’s an exciting time for us. If you need anything at any time, pick up the phone, call me.
Nick Wilson:
Yeah, that’s brilliant, Jason, thank you for that. Now, I think we’re going to turn it back to Roy to talk about the fundamental foundation of our success here.
Roy Jakobs:
Yeah. Thank you. And I think both Nick and Jason already alluded to it. So ultimately people are the ones that will make this business even more successful than it is today. And that’s also what we very much acknowledge within Phillips, and we work on very hard. So what we pride ourselves in is that we are also really acknowledged through others on that. So you see some of the awards that we got this year, especially also in North America, for some of the call outs that you see on this page.
Roy Jakobs:
But the key is that we strongly believe that the fundaments of a successful business lie in personal development, inclusion and diversity. And if you want to care for others, you also very much need to care for your own team, and your own people. So that’s also why we say we will be the best place to work for, for people who share our passion. Our passion for improving people’s lives. But you have five behaviors that actually guide us in this, and that we like to see pursue across all we do.
Roy Jakobs:
The first one is called customer first. And not surprisingly, it’s all about what we need to focus on to actually drive our actions into serving the quadruple aim. The second is about quality and integrity first, and as a business that serves people and wants to improve people’s lives, don’t need to explain how important it is that we do that with quality, always.
Roy Jakobs:
And that means quality for products and services we provide, but also quality in how we do business. The third element is teaming up to win. We understand that it’s very hard to win if you play only by yourself. This is team sports, and we have a big team as you saw, 81,000 people. Now, imagine the power of turning that into one unbeatable team that goes for the same goal. That is really what we want to achieve every day. I’m adding every single one of you, we believe that we will only grow stronger.
Roy Jakobs:
What we also expect from each one of you is that you take ownership to deliver fast, because we are in a competitive environment. And you know, it very much from your own environment where you have all sort of formidable competitors that you have been in the game with, but you clearly stayed ahead. The same holds true for every single business of Phillips. And by taking ownership yourself, you actually ensure that we keep winning all stewards of future.
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