Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Group income statement
- Condensed group statement of co
- Condensed group statement of ch
- Group balance sheet
- Condensed group cash flow state
- Basis of preparation
- Non-current assets held for sal
- (Notes)
- Impairment and losses on sale o
- Exploration expense (Notes)
- Sales and other operating reven
- Depreciation, depletion and amo
- Production and similar taxes
- Earnings per share and shares i
- Dividends
- Net debt
- Inventory valuation
- Statutory accounts
- Basis of preparation (Policies)
- Analysis of replacement cost pr
- Sales and other operating rev_2
- Depreciation, depletion and a_2
- Production and similar taxes (T
- Earnings per share and shares_2
- Dividends (Tables)
- Net debt (Tables)
- Basis of preparation Disclosure
- Basis of preparation Disclosu_2
- Non-current assets held for s_2
- Impairment and losses on sale_2
- Analysis of replacement cost _2
- Exploration expense (Details)
- Sales and other operating rev_3
- Depreciation, depletion and a_3
- Production and similar taxes (D
- Earnings per share and shares_3
- Earnings per share and shares_4
- Dividends - Narrative (Details)
- Dividends - Schedule of Dividen
- Net debt - Disclosure of the Ne
- Inventory valuation (Details)
- Uncategorized Items - bp-202006