| Please see Ecolab’s news release dated February 16, 2021 for additional information, including discussion on the use of certain non-GAAP financial measures. .. 12 Non-GAAP Financial Measures (unaudited) (millions, except percent) Net sales Reported GAAP net sales $3,065.3 $3,244.2 $11,790.2 $12,562.0 Effect of foreign currency translation 4.6 27.4 131.7 35.4 Non-GAAP fixed currency sales 3,069.9 3,271.6 11,921.9 12,597.4 Effect of acquisitions and divestitures (80.6) (18.0) (240.3) (36.3) Non-GAAP acquisition adjusted fixed currency sales 2,989.3 3,253.6 11,681.6 12,561.1 Cost of Sales Reported GAAP cost of sales $1,780.3 $1,809.1 $6,905.8 $7,045.8 Special (gains) and charges 2.6 15.7 48.2 38.5 Non-GAAP adjusted cost of sales $1,777.7 $1,793.4 $6,857.6 $7,007.3 Gross Margin Reported GAAP gross margin 41.9 % 44.2 % 41.4 % 43.9 % Non-GAAP adjusted gross margin 42.0 % 44.7 % 41.8 % 44.2 % Operating income Reported GAAP operating income $416.1 $518.2 $1,395.7 $1,845.2 Effect of foreign currency translation 1.1 5.2 23.8 9.1 Non-GAAP fixed currency operating income 417.2 523.4 1,419.5 1,854.3 Special (gains) and charges 61.9 47.1 227.8 158.7 Non-GAAP adjusted fixed currency operating income 479.1 570.5 1,647.3 2,013.0 Effect of acquisitions and divestitures (2.6) (0.7) (9.4) (1.8) Non-GAAP acquisition adjusted fixed currency operating income $476.5 $569.8 $1,637.9 $2,011.2 Operating Income Margin Reported GAAP operating income margin 13.6 % 16.0 % 11.8 % 14.7 % Non-GAAP adjusted fixed currency operating income margin 15.6 % 17.4 % 13.8 % 16.0 % Non-GAAP acquisition adjusted fixed currency operating income margin 15.9 % 17.5 % 14.0 % 16.0 % Fourth Quarter Ended December 31 Twelve Months Ended December 31 2020 2019 2020 2019 |