Allowance for Credit Losses | (4) Allowance for Credit Losses We adopted the provisions of ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments on January 1, 2020 on a modified retrospective basis. Results and information regarding our ACL included in this Note are calculated and presented in accordance with that accounting standards update. ASU 2016-13 replaces the long-standing incurred-loss model with a current expected credit loss model (“CECL”) that recognizes credit losses over the life of a financial asset. Using the CECL methodology, expected credit losses capture historical information, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts of future conditions. The ACL is deducted from the amortized cost of an instrument to present the net amount expected to be collected on the financial asset. Our ACL primarily consists of the aggregate ACL estimates of our Subsidiary Banks. The estimates are established through charges to operations in the form of charges to provisions for credit loss expense. Loan losses or recoveries are charged or credited directly to the ACL. The ACL of each Subsidiary Bank is maintained at a level considered appropriate by management, based on estimated current expected credit losses in the current loan portfolio, including information about past events, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts. The estimation of the ACL is based on a loss-rate methodology that measures lifetime losses on loan pools that have similar risk characteristics. Loans that do not have similar risk characteristics are evaluated on an individual basis. The segmentation of the loan portfolio into pools requires a balancing process between capturing similar risk characteristics and containing sufficient loss history to provide meaningful results. Our segmentation starts at the general loan category with further sub-segmentation based on collateral types that may be of meaningful size and/or may contain sufficient differences in risk characteristics based on management’s judgement that would warrant further segmentation. The general loan categories along with primary risk characteristics used in our calculation are as follows: Commercial and industrial loans. Construction and land development loans. Commercial real estate loans. December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 (Dollars in Thousands) (Dollars in Thousands) Amount Percent of Total Amount Percent of Total Commercial real estate: Commercial real estate construction development $ 1,313,984 23.0 % $ 1,035,936 19.6 % Hotel 1,080,706 18.9 1,116,539 21.1 Retail multi-tenant 738,874 12.9 699,145 13.2 Lot development: residential and commercial lots 513,760 9.0 548,797 10.4 Warehouse 435,783 7.6 355,635 6.7 Office/Professional buildings 416,014 7.3 311,413 5.9 1 - 4 family construction 338,832 5.9 329,828 6.2 Multi-family 310,115 5.4 380,839 7.2 Owner occupied real estate 270,584 4.7 246,797 4.7 Commercial leased properties 194,023 3.4 167,539 3.2 Farmland 109,697 1.9 97,812 1.8 Total commercial real estate $ 5,722,372 $ 100.0 % $ 5,290,280 $ 100.0 % 1-4 family mortgages. Consumer loans. The loan pools are further broken down using a risk-based segmentation based on internal classifications for commercial loans and past due status for consumer mortgage loans. Non-mortgage consumer loans are evaluated as one segment. On a weekly basis, commercial loan past due reports are reviewed by the credit quality committee to determine if a loan has any potential problems and if a loan should be placed on our internal Watch List report. Additionally, our credit department reviews the majority of our loans for proper internal classification purposes regardless of whether they are past due and segregates any loans with potential problems for further review. The credit department will discuss the potential problem loans with the servicing loan officers to determine any relevant issues that were not discovered in the evaluation. Also, an analysis of loans that is provided through examinations by regulatory authorities is considered in the review process. After the above analysis is completed, we will determine if a loan should be placed on an internal Watch List report because of issues related to the analysis of the credit, credit documents, collateral, and/or payment history. Our internal Watch List report is segregated into the following categories: (i) Pass, (ii) Economic Monitoring, (iii) Special Review, (iv) Watch List—Pass, (v) Watch List—Substandard, and (vi) Watch List—Doubtful. Loans placed in the Economic Monitoring or Special Review categories reflect our opinion that the loans have potential weaknesses that require monitoring on a more frequent basis. Credits in those categories are reviewed and discussed on a regular basis with the credit department and the lending staff to determine if a change in category is warranted. Loans placed in the Watch List—Pass category reflect our opinion that the credit contains weaknesses that represent a greater degree of risk, which warrants “extra attention.” Credits placed in this category are reviewed and discussed on a regular basis with the credit department and the lending staff to determine if a change in category is warranted. Loans placed in the Watch List—Substandard category are considered to be potentially inadequately protected by the current sound worth and debt service capacity of the borrower or of any pledged collateral. Those credit obligations, even if apparently protected by collateral value, have shown defined weaknesses related to adverse financial, managerial, economic, market, or political conditions which may jeopardize repayment of principal under contractual terms. Furthermore, there is a possibility that we may sustain some future loss if such weaknesses are not corrected. Loans placed in the Watch List—Doubtful category have shown defined weaknesses and reflect our belief that it is likely, based on current information and events, that we will be unable to collect all principal and/or interest amounts contractually due. Loans placed in the Watch List—Doubtful category are placed on non-accrual when they are moved to that category. For the purposes of the ACL, in order to maintain segments with sufficient history for meaningful results, the credits in the Pass and Economic Monitoring categories are aggregated, the credits in the Special Review and Watch List—Pass category are aggregated, and the credits in the Watch List—Substandard category remain in their own segment. For loans classified as Watch List—Doubtful, management evaluates these credits in accordance FASB ASC Subtopic 326-20, “Financial Instruments – Credit Losses – Measured at Amortized Cost,” and, if deemed necessary, a specific reserve is allocated to the loan. The analysis of the specific reserve is based on a variety of factors, including the borrower’s ability to pay, the economic conditions impacting the borrower’s industry and any collateral deficiency. If it is a collateral-dependent loan, the net realizable fair value of collateral will be evaluated for any deficiencies. Substantially all of our loans evaluated as Watch List – Doubtful are measured using the fair value of collateral method. In rare cases, we may use other methods to determine the specific reserve of a loan if such loan is not collateral dependent. Within each collectively evaluated pool, the robustness of the lifetime historical loss-rate is evaluated and, if needed, is supplemented with peer loss rates through a model risk adjustment. Certain qualitative loss factors are then evaluated to incorporate management’s two-year reasonable and supportable forecast period followed by a reversion to the pool’s average lifetime loss-rate. Those qualitative loss factors are: (i) trends in portfolio volume and composition, (ii) volume and trends in classified loans, delinquencies and non-accruals, (iii) concentration risk, (iv) trends in underlying collateral value, (v) changes in policies, procedures, and strategies, and (vi) economic conditions. Qualitative factors also include potential losses stemming from operational risk factors arising from fraud, natural disasters, pandemics, geopolitical events and large loans. The large loan operational risk factor was added beginning in the second quarter of 2023. Because of the magnitude of large loans, they pose a higher risk of default. Recognizing this risk and establishing an operational risk factor to capture that risk, is prudent action in the current economic environment. Large loans are usually part of a larger relationship with collateral that is pledged across the relationship. Defaulting on a larger loan may therefore jeopardize an entire collateral relationship. The current economic environment has created challenges for borrowers to service their debt. Increasing cap rates, elevated office vacancies, an upward trend in apartment vacancies and significant increases in interest rates are all contributing to the elevated risk in large loans. Should any of the factors considered by management in evaluating the adequacy of the ACL change, our estimate could also change, which could affect the level of future credit loss expense. We have elected to not measure an ACL for accrued interest receivable given our timely approach in identifying and writing off uncollectible accrued interest. An ACL for off-balance sheet exposure is derived from a projected usage rate of any unfunded commitment multiplied by the historical loss rate, plus model risk adjustment, if any, of the on-balance sheet loan pools. Our management continually reviews the ACL of the Subsidiary Banks using the amounts determined from the estimates established on specific doubtful loans, the estimate established on quantitative historical loss percentages, and the estimate based on qualitative current conditions and reasonable and supportable two-year forecasted data. Our methodology reverts to the average lifetime loss-rate beyond the forecast period when we can no longer develop reasonable and supportable forecasts. Should any of the factors considered by management in evaluating the adequacy of the estimate for current expected credit losses change, our estimate of current expected credit losses could also change, which could affect the level of future credit loss expense. While the calculation of our ACL utilizes management’s best judgment and all information reasonably available, the adequacy of the ACL is dependent on a variety of factors beyond our control, including, among other things, the performance of the entire loan portfolio, the economy, government actions, changes in interest rates, and the view of regulatory authorities towards loan classifications. A summary of the changes in the allowance for probable loan losses by loan class is as follows: December 31, 2024 Domestic Foreign Commercial real estate: other Commercial construction & real estate: Commercial land farmland & real estate: Residential: Residential: Commercial development commercial multifamily first lien junior lien Consumer Foreign Total (Dollars in Thousands) Balance at December 31, 2023 $ 35,550 $ 55,291 $ 42,703 $ 5,088 $ 5,812 $ 11,024 $ 318 $ 1,283 $ 157,069 Losses charged to allowance (34,149) (2,228) — — (46) — (185) — (36,608) Recoveries credited to allowance 4,079 — 20 — 38 123 13 1 4,274 Net losses charged to allowance (30,070) (2,228) 20 — (8) 123 (172) 1 (32,334) Provision (credit) charged to operations 24,373 7,576 1,267 (219) (276) (1,116) 135 62 31,802 Balance at December 31, 2024 $ 29,853 $ 60,639 $ 43,990 $ 4,869 $ 5,528 $ 10,031 $ 281 $ 1,346 $ 156,537 December 31, 2023 Domestic Foreign Commercial real estate: other Commercial construction & real estate: Commercial land farmland & real estate: Residential: Residential: Commercial development commercial multifamily first lien junior lien Consumer Foreign Total (Dollars in Thousands) Balance at December 31, 2022 $ 26,728 $ 44,684 $ 36,474 $ 3,794 $ 4,759 $ 8,284 $ 281 $ 968 $ 125,972 Losses charged to allowance (9,664) — — — (43) (298) (179) — (10,184) Recoveries credited to allowance 5,433 837 143 — 16 260 16 — 6,705 Net losses charged to allowance (4,231) 837 143 — (27) (38) (163) — (3,479) Provision (credit) charged to operations 13,053 9,770 6,086 1,294 1,080 2,778 200 315 34,576 Balance at December 31, 2023 $ 35,550 $ 55,291 $ 42,703 $ 5,088 $ 5,812 $ 11,024 $ 318 $ 1,283 $ 157,069 December 31, 2022 Domestic Foreign Commercial real estate: other Commercial construction & real estate: Commercial land farmland & real estate: Residential: Residential: Commercial development commercial multifamily first lien junior lien Consumer Foreign Total (Dollars in Thousands) Balance at December 31, 2021 $ 23,178 $ 35,390 $ 35,654 $ 3,291 $ 4,073 $ 7,754 $ 272 $ 762 $ 110,374 Losses charged to allowance (9,050) (2) (16) — (160) (28) (223) — (9,479) Recoveries credited to allowance 2,894 123 27 — 240 104 38 — 3,426 Net losses charged to allowance (6,156) 121 11 — 80 76 (185) — (6,053) Provision (credit) charged to operations 9,706 9,173 809 503 606 454 194 206 21,651 Balance at December 31, 2022 $ 26,728 $ 44,684 $ 36,474 $ 3,794 $ 4,759 $ 8,284 $ 281 $ 968 $ 125,972 The table below provides additional information on the balance of loans individually or collectively evaluated for impairment and their related allowance, by loan class: December 31, 2024 Loans Individually Loans Collectively Evaluated For Evaluated For Impairment Impairment Recorded Recorded Investment Allowance Investment Allowance (Dollars in Thousands) Domestic Commercial $ 52,110 $ 400 $ 1,799,693 $ 29,453 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development 8,195 8,122 2,476,259 52,517 Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial 65,733 8,228 2,862,070 35,762 Commercial real estate: multifamily 42,964 1,882 267,151 2,987 Residential: first lien 45 — 530,039 5,528 Residential: junior lien 141 — 469,088 10,031 Consumer — — 49,777 281 Foreign — — 186,561 1,346 Total $ 169,188 $ 18,632 $ 8,640,638 $ 137,905 December 31, 2023 Loans Individually Loans Collectively Evaluated For Evaluated For Impairment Impairment Recorded Recorded Investment Allowance Investment Allowance (Dollars in Thousands) Domestic Commercial $ 30,872 $ 7,971 $ 1,597,358 $ 27,579 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development 15,701 4,320 2,075,921 50,971 Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial 299 — 2,793,254 42,703 Commercial real estate: multifamily 96 — 380,743 5,088 Residential: first lien 93 — 477,940 5,812 Residential: junior lien — — 460,868 11,024 Consumer — — 45,121 318 Foreign — — 180,695 1,283 Total $ 47,061 $ 12,291 $ 8,011,900 $ 144,778 The increase in Commercial loans individually evaluated for impairment at December 31, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023 can be attributed to two loans secured by commercial properties that were placed on non-accrual in the fourth quarter of 2024. The increase in commercial real estate: farmland & commercial loans individually evaluated for impairment at December 31, 2024 compared to December 31, 2023 can be attributed to one relationship secured by commercial buildings in which childcare centers are operated. The increase in Commercial real estate: multifamily loans can be attributed to two loans secured by apartments that were placed on non-accrual in the third quarter of 2024. Loans accounted for on a non-accrual basis at December 31, 2024, 2023 and 2022 amounted to $169,136,000, $47,170,000, and $51,648,000, respectively. The effect of such non-accrual loans reduced interest income by approximately $12,661,000, $6,614,000, and $116,000 for the years ended December 31, 2024, 2023, and 2022, respectively. Amounts received on non-accruals are applied, for financial accounting purposes, first to principal and then to interest after all principal has been collected. Accruing loans contractually past due 90 days or more as to principal or interest payments at December 31, 2024, 2023, and 2022 amounted to approximately $6,693,000, $5,597,000, and $6,132,000, respectively. The table below provides additional information on loans accounted for on a non-accrual basis by loan class: December 31, 2024 December 31, 2023 (Dollars in Thousands) Total Non-Accrual Loans Non-Accrual Loans with No Credit Allowance Total Non-Accrual Loans Non-Accrual Loans with No Credit Allowance Domestic Commercial $ 52,110 $ 51,276 $ 30,872 $ 122 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development 8,195 73 15,701 5,400 Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial 65,733 24,757 299 211 Commercial real estate: multifamily 42,964 73 96 96 Residential: first lien 134 134 202 172 Total non-accrual loans $ 169,136 $ 76,313 $ 47,170 $ 6,001 Doubtful loans are those loans where it is probable that all amounts due according to contractual terms of the loan agreement will not be collected. We have identified these loans through our normal loan review procedures. Doubtful loans are measured based on (i) the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate; (ii) the loan’s observable market price; or (iii) the fair value of the collateral if the loan is collateral dependent. Substantially all of our doubtful loans are measured at the fair value of the collateral. In limited cases, we may use other methods to determine the level of impairment of a loan if such loan is not collateral dependent. While management considers that it is generally able to identify borrowers with financial problems reasonably early and to monitor credit extended to such borrowers carefully, there is no precise method of predicting loan losses. The determination that a loan is likely to be uncollectible and that it should be wholly or partially charged-off as a loss is an exercise of judgment. Similarly, the determination of the adequacy of the ACL (formerly allowance for probable loan losses) can be made only on a subjective basis. It is the judgment of our management that the ACL at December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2023, was adequate to absorb expected losses from loans in the portfolio at that date. The following table presents information regarding the aging of past due loans by loan class: December 31, 2024 90 Days or Total 30 - 59 60 - 89 90 Days or greater & Past Total Days Days Greater still accruing Due Current Portfolio (Dollars in Thousands) Domestic Commercial $ 4,070 $ 51,577 $ 579 $ 534 $ 56,226 $ 1,795,577 $ 1,851,803 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development 2,421 15 8,122 — 10,558 2,473,896 2,484,454 Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial 1,221 — 26,416 262 27,637 2,900,166 2,927,803 Commercial real estate: multifamily — 270 25,064 — 25,334 284,781 310,115 Residential: first lien 4,763 1,337 3,631 3,542 9,731 520,353 530,084 Residential: junior lien 2,599 1,544 2,000 2,000 6,143 463,086 469,229 Consumer 122 32 16 16 170 49,607 49,777 Foreign 816 1,992 339 339 3,147 183,414 186,561 Total past due loans $ 16,012 $ 56,767 $ 66,167 $ 6,693 $ 138,946 $ 8,670,880 $ 8,809,826 December 31, 2023 90 Days or Total 30 - 59 60 - 89 90 Days or greater & Past Total Days Days Greater still accruing Due Current Portfolio (Dollars in Thousands) Domestic Commercial $ 2,387 $ 1,583 $ 30,238 $ 539 $ 34,208 $ 1,594,022 $ 1,628,230 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development 3,460 — 10,245 — 13,705 2,077,917 2,091,622 Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial 1,424 371 93 4 1,888 2,791,665 2,793,553 Commercial real estate: multifamily 369 330 — — 699 380,140 380,839 Residential: first lien 1,812 1,439 2,545 2,437 5,796 472,236 478,032 Residential: junior lien 1,273 613 1,701 1,701 3,587 457,282 460,869 Consumer 263 11 27 27 301 44,820 45,121 Foreign 1,884 848 889 889 3,621 177,074 180,695 Total past due loans $ 12,872 $ 5,195 $ 45,738 $ 5,597 $ 63,805 $ 7,995,156 $ 8,058,961 The increase in Commercial loans past due 60 - 89 days or greater at December 31, 2024 can be primarily attributed to two loans secured by commercial properties that were placed on non-accrual in the fourth quarter of 2024. The decrease in Commercial loans past due 90 days or greater at December 31, 2024 can be attributed to a loan secured by equipment and pipeline infrastructure used in the oil and gas industry and oil and gas production that was charged-down in the first quarter of 2024. The increase in Commercial real estate: farmland and commercial loans past due 90 days or greater at December 3, 2024 can be attributed to two loans, one is a hotel and one is a commercial building, both of which are on non-accrual at December 31, 2024. The increase in Commercial real estate: multifamily loans at December 31, 2024 can be attributed to a loan secured by apartments that is on non-accrual at December 31, 2024. Our internal classified report is segregated into the following categories: (i) “Special Review Credits,” (ii) “Watch List—Pass Credits,” or (iii) “Watch List—Substandard Credits.” The loans placed in the “Special Review Credits” category reflect our opinion that the loans reflect potential weakness which require monitoring on a more frequent basis. The “Special Review Credits” are reviewed and discussed on a regular basis with the credit department and the lending staff to determine if a change in category is warranted. The loans placed in the “Watch List—Pass Credits” category reflect our opinion that the credit contains weaknesses which represent a greater degree of risk, which warrant “extra attention.” The “Watch List—Pass Credits” are reviewed and discussed on a regular basis with the credit department and the lending staff to determine if a change in category is warranted. The loans placed in the “Watch List—Substandard Credits” classification are considered to be potentially inadequately protected by the current sound worth and debt service capacity of the borrower or of any pledged collateral. These credit obligations, even if apparently protected by collateral value, have shown defined weaknesses related to adverse financial, managerial, economic, market, or political conditions which may jeopardize repayment of principal and interest. Furthermore, there is the possibility that we could sustain some future loss if such weaknesses are not corrected. 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior Total (Dollars in Thousands) Balance at December 31, 2024 Domestic Commercial Pass $ 993,045 $ 343,212 $ 135,057 $ 214,702 $ 37,670 $ 63,030 $ 1,786,716 Watch List - Pass — 11,113 — — — — 11,113 Watch List - Substandard 1,341 327 74 122 — — 1,864 Watch List - Doubtful 881 51,184 45 — — — 52,110 Total Commercial $ 995,267 $ 405,836 $ 135,176 $ 214,824 $ 37,670 $ 63,030 $ 1,851,803 Commercial Current-period gross writeoffs $ 5,711 $ 2,689 $ 25,686 $ 44 $ 14 $ 5 $ 34,149 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development Pass $ 1,029,399 $ 921,180 $ 322,348 $ 144,221 $ 39,908 $ 2,925 $ 2,459,981 Special Review — 16,000 — — — — 16,000 Watch List - Substandard 278 — — — — — 278 Watch List - Doubtful 73 — 8,122 — — — 8,195 Total Commercial real estate: other construction & land development $ 1,029,750 $ 937,180 $ 330,470 $ 144,221 $ 39,908 $ 2,925 $ 2,484,454 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development Current-period gross writeoffs $ — $ 1,146 $ 1,082 $ — $ — $ — $ 2,228 Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial Pass $ 814,273 $ 631,806 $ 531,035 $ 312,757 $ 220,510 $ 245,334 $ 2,755,715 Special Review 643 67,567 — — — — 68,210 Watch List - Pass 16,490 — — — — — 16,490 Watch List - Substandard 18,934 242 2,122 — 357 — 21,655 Watch List - Doubtful 52,973 115 12,645 — — — 65,733 Total Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial $ 903,313 $ 699,730 $ 545,802 $ 312,757 $ 220,867 $ 245,334 $ 2,927,803 Commercial real estate: multifamily Pass $ 90,092 $ 11,538 $ 108,830 $ 18,621 $ 8,198 $ 29,871 $ 267,150 Watch List - Doubtful 17,901 25,064 — — — — 42,965 Total Commercial real estate: multifamily $ 107,993 $ 36,602 $ 108,830 $ 18,621 $ 8,198 $ 29,871 $ 310,115 Residential: first lien Pass $ 180,743 $ 107,100 $ 81,618 $ 57,503 $ 29,316 $ 73,390 $ 529,670 Watch List - Substandard 95 — — 274 — — 369 Watch List - Doubtful 23 — 22 — — — 45 Total Residential: first lien $ 180,861 $ 107,100 $ 81,640 $ 57,777 $ 29,316 $ 73,390 $ 530,084 Residential: first lien Current-period gross writeoffs $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 46 $ 46 Residential: junior lien Pass $ 91,202 $ 73,740 $ 65,144 $ 70,969 $ 65,799 $ 102,234 $ 469,088 Watch List- Doubtful 141 — — — — — 141 Total Residential: junior lien $ 91,343 $ 73,740 $ 65,144 $ 70,969 $ 65,799 $ 102,234 $ 469,229 Consumer Pass $ 38,778 $ 8,137 $ 904 $ 422 $ 22 $ 1,514 $ 49,777 Total Consumer $ 38,778 $ 8,137 $ 904 $ 422 $ 22 $ 1,514 $ 49,777 Consumer Current-period gross writeoffs $ 43 $ 120 $ 22 $ — $ — $ — $ 185 Foreign Pass $ 124,716 $ 30,648 $ 16,877 $ 6,962 $ 2,879 $ 4,479 $ 186,561 Total Foreign $ 124,716 $ 30,648 $ 16,877 $ 6,962 $ 2,879 $ 4,479 $ 186,561 Total Loans $ 3,472,021 $ 2,298,973 $ 1,284,843 $ 826,553 $ 404,659 $ 522,777 $ 8,809,826 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior Total (Dollars in Thousands) Balance at December 31, 2023 Domestic Commercial Pass $ 791,233 $ 272,919 $ 364,271 $ 50,602 $ 21,468 $ 74,119 $ 1,574,612 Special Review 7,613 1,800 164 — — — 9,577 Watch List - Pass 11,865 — — — — — 11,865 Watch List - Substandard 1,180 92 28 — — 4 1,304 Watch List - Doubtful 27 30,810 35 — — — 30,872 Total Commercial $ 811,918 $ 305,621 $ 364,498 $ 50,602 $ 21,468 $ 74,123 $ 1,628,230 Commercial Current-period gross writeoffs $ 7,053 $ 2,187 $ 155 $ 264 $ 2 $ 3 $ 9,664 Commercial real estate: other construction & land development Pass $ 938,739 $ 674,037 $ 324,238 $ 96,400 $ 14,058 $ 3,219 $ 2,050,691 Watch List - Substandard 25,230 — — — — — 25,230 Watch List - Doubtful 2,726 12,975 — — — — 15,701 Total Commercial real estate: other construction & land development $ 966,695 $ 687,012 $ 324,238 $ 96,400 $ 14,058 $ 3,219 $ 2,091,622 Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial Pass $ 888,878 $ 628,653 $ 415,458 $ 267,705 $ 184,164 $ 248,626 $ 2,633,484 Special Review 5,205 — 3,357 — — — 8,562 Watch List - Pass 16,654 87 233 — — — 16,974 Watch List - Substandard 129,644 2,201 — 2,304 84 1 134,234 Watch List - Doubtful 211 88 — — — — 299 Total Commercial real estate: farmland & commercial $ 1,040,592 $ 631,029 $ 419,048 $ 270,009 $ 184,248 $ 248,627 $ 2,793,553 Commercial real estate: multifamily Pass $ 123,523 $ 94,551 $ 42,081 $ 73,652 $ 10,743 $ 36,193 $ 380,743 Watch List - Doubtful — 96 — — — — 96 Total Commercial real estate: multifamily $ 123,523 $ 94,647 $ 42,081 $ 73,652 $ 10,743 $ 36,193 $ 380,839 Residential: first lien Pass $ 180,127 $ 83,568 $ 68,082 $ 39,935 $ 27,499 $ 78,306 $ 477,517 Watch List - Substandard — — 327 — — 95 422 Watch List - Doubtful — 93 — — — — 93 Total Residential: first lien $ 180,127 $ 83,661 $ 68,409 $ 39,935 $ 27,499 $ 78,401 $ 478,032 Residential: first lien Current-period gross writeoffs $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 43 $ 43 Residential: junior lien Pass $ 88,628 $ 76,845 $ 96,411 $ 76,490 $ 34,870 $ 87,625 $ 460,869 Total Residential: junior lien $ 88,628 $ 76,845 $ 96,411 $ 76,490 $ 34,870 $ 87,625 $ 460,869 Residential: junior lien Current-period gross writeoffs $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 298 $ 298 Consumer |