Exhibit 99.4
Immediate Report on the changes in the holdings status of the Corporation and its interested parties
Section 33 (a) of the Securities (Periodic and Immediate Reports) Regulations
We hereby report that on 5th February 2009 there was a change in the number of the shares held by Tao Tsuot Ltd.
The name of the holder of the shares: Tao Tsuot Ltd.
Identity type and number: identity number with the Israeli Registrar of Companies: 520014101
Nationality / country of incorporation or registration: incorporated in Israel
Stock Exchange security no. 1082353
Name and type of share: “Scailex” Ordinary share
The change was made by way of: Sale outside the course of trading on the Stock Exchange
The date on which the transaction was made: 5th February 2009
The exchange rate of the transaction: 30 New Israeli Shekel
These are not dormant shares
The number of shares that were held by the holder before the change was: 9,175,896
The quantity of shares involved in the change: (9,175,896)
Current balance: 0
The outstanding percentage of the Corporation’s held by the holder after the change is 0%
The fully diluted percentage of the Corporation’s held by the holder after the change is 0%