Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses | NOTE 4 Loans and Allowance for Loan Losses The composition of the Corporation’s loan portfolio and the percentage of loans in each category to total loans at June 30, 2019 and December 31, 2018, were as follows: June 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Commercial, financial and agricultural loans $ 91,875,926 23.7 % $ 88,403,215 23.5 % Real estate: Construction loans 22,976,763 5.9 % 24,890,536 6.6 % Commercial mortgage loans 133,594,392 34.4 % 123,477,369 32.8 % Residential loans 103,129,466 26.6 % 103,347,898 27.4 % Agricultural loans 31,145,318 8.0 % 31,561,686 8.4 % Consumer & other loans 5,563,808 1.4 % 5,086,984 1.3 % Loans outstanding 388,285,673 100.0 % 376,767,688 100.0 % Unearned interest and discount (17,367 ) (17,451 ) Allowance for loan losses (3,465,140 ) (3,428,869 ) Net loans $ 384,803,166 $ 373,321,368 The Corporation’s only significant concentration of credit at June 30, 2019, occurred in real estate loans which totaled $290,845,939 compared with $283,277,489 at December 31, 2018. However, this amount was not concentrated in any specific segment within the market or geographic area. At June 30, 2019, the lendable collateral value of the 1 – 4 family and multifamily mortgage loans that were pledged to FHLB to secure outstanding advances was $63,566,962. FHLB has a blanket lien on the 1 – 4 family and multifamily portfolios, which totaled $118,587,401. The following table shows maturities as well as interest sensitivity of the commercial, financial, agricultural, and construction loan portfolio at June 30, 2019. Commercial, Financial, Agricultural and Construction Distribution of loans which are due: In one year or less $ 39,222,998 After one year but within five years 56,744,401 After five years 18,885,290 Total $ 114,852,689 The following table shows, for such loans due after one year, the amounts which have predetermined interest rates and the amounts which have floating or adjustable interest rates at June 30, 2019. Loans With Predetermined Loans With Rates Floating Rates Total Commercial, financial, agricultural and construction $ 74,706,251 $ 923,440 $ 75,629,691 Appraisal Policy When a loan is first identified as a problem loan, the appraisal is reviewed to determine if the appraised value is still appropriate for the collateral. For the duration that a loan is considered a problem loan, the appraised value of the collateral is monitored on a quarterly basis. If significant changes occur in market conditions or in the condition of the collateral, a new appraisal will be obtained. Nonaccrual Policy The Corporation does not accrue interest on any loan (1) that is maintained on a cash basis due to the deteriorated financial condition of the borrower, (2) for which payment in full of principal or interest is not expected, or (3) upon which principal or interest has been past due for ninety days or more unless the loan is well secured and in the process of collection. A loan subsequently placed on nonaccrual status may be returned to accrual status if (1) all past due interest and principal is paid with expectations of any remaining contractual principal and interest being repaid or (2) the loan becomes well secured and in the process of collection. Loans placed on nonaccrual status amounted to $1,794,349 and $1,204,861 at June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, respectively. There were $842 past due loans over ninety days and still accruing at June 30, 2019, and none at December 31, 2018. The accrual of interest is discontinued when the loan is placed on nonaccrual. Interest income that would have been recorded on these nonaccrual loans in accordance with their original terms totaled $27,027 for June 30, 2019, and $64,015 for December 31, 2018. The following tables present an age analysis of past due loans still accruing interest and nonaccrual loans segregated by class of loans. Age Analysis of Past Due Loans 30-89 Days Past Due Greater than 90 Days Total Past Due Loans Nonaccrual Loans Current Loans Total Loans Commercial, financial and $ 1,067,816 $ 842 $ 1,068,658 $ 7,204 $ 90,800,064 $ 91,875,926 Real estate: Construction loans 91,289 0 91,289 185,238 22,700,236 22,976,763 Commercial mortgage loans 36,998 0 36,998 750,001 132,807,393 133,594,392 Residential loans 534,965 0 534,965 851,906 101,742,595 103,129,466 Agricultural loans 301,144 0 301,144 0 30,844,174 31,145,318 Consumer & other loans 15,094 0 15,094 0 5,548,714 5,563,808 Total loans $ 2,047,306 $ 842 $ 2,048,148 $ 1,794,349 $ 384,443,176 $ 388,285,673 Age Analysis of Past Due Loans 30-89 Days Past Due Greater than 90 Days Total Past Due Loans Nonaccrual Loans Current Loans Total Loans Commercial, financial and $ 247,397 $ 0 $ 247,397 $ 36,157 $ 88,119,661 $ 88,403,215 Real estate: Construction loans 0 0 0 0 24,890,536 24,890,536 Commercial mortgage loans 0 0 0 1,022,550 122,454,819 123,477,369 Residential loans 1,560,913 0 1,560,913 146,154 101,640,831 103,347,898 Agricultural loans 321,319 0 321,319 0 31,240,367 31,561,686 Consumer & other loans 36,654 0 36,654 0 5,050,330 5,086,984 Total loans $ 2,166,283 $ 0 $ 2,166,283 $ 1,204,861 $ 373,396,544 $ 376,767,688 Impaired Loans A loan is considered impaired when, based on current information and events, it is probable that the Corporation will be unable to collect the scheduled payments of principal or interest when due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in determining impairment include payment status, collateral value, and the probability of collecting scheduled principal and interest payments when due. Loans that experience insignificant payment delays and payment shortfalls generally are not classified as impaired. Management determines the significance of payment delays and payment shortfalls on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration all of the circumstances surrounding the loan and the borrower, including the length of the delay, the reasons for the delay, the borrower’s prior payment record, and the amount of the shortfall in relation to the principal and interest owed. Impairment is measured on a loan by loan basis for commercial and construction loans by either the present value of expected future cash flows discounted at the loan’s effective interest rate, the loan’s obtainable market price, or the fair value of the collateral if the loan is collateral dependent. At June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, impaired loans amounted to $4,760,022 and $4,356,381, respectively. A reserve amount of $726,871 and $518,230 was recorded in the allowance for loan losses for these impaired loans as of June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, respectively. The following tables present impaired loans, segregated by class of loans as of June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018: Unpaid Recorded Investment Year-to-date Interest June 30, 2019 Principal Balance With No Allowance With Allowance Total Related Allowance Recorded Investment During Impairment Commercial, financial and $ 1,299,434 $ 113,251 $ 1,099,529 $ 1,212,780 $ 433,815 $ 587,074 $ 19,703 Real estate: Construction loans 395,314 274,514 0 274,514 0 274,514 8,685 Commercial mortgage loans 1,653,696 255,248 948,097 1,203,345 46,865 1,045,411 21,738 Residential loans 2,055,845 925,655 1,130,190 2,055,845 245,169 1,353,530 50,357 Agricultural loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Consumer & other loans 13,538 0 13,538 13,538 1,022 13,538 489 Total loans $ 5,417,827 $ 1,568,668 $ 3,191,354 $ 4,760,022 $ 726,871 $ 3,274,067 $ 100,972 Unpaid Recorded Investment Year-to-date Interest December 31, 2018 Principal Balance With No Allowance With Allowance Total Related Allowance Recorded Investment During Impairment Commercial, financial and $ 184,899 $ 87,525 $ 568,816 $ 656,341 $ 276,392 $ 370,038 $ 52,411 Real estate: Construction loans 402,234 281,434 0 281,434 0 281,434 25,364 Commercial mortgage loans 1,787,305 1,277,611 333,892 1,611,503 51,854 1,544,299 45,403 Residential loans 1,801,002 1,027,647 752,443 1,780,090 188,368 1,594,390 127,806 Agricultural loans 12,526 12,526 0 12,526 0 12,526 5,530 Consumer & other loans 0 0 14,487 14,487 1,616 14,487 820 Total loans $ 4,187,966 $ 2,686,743 $ 1,669,638 $ 4,356,381 $ 518,230 $ 3,817,174 $ 257,334 At June 30, 2018, the year-to-date average recorded investment of impaired loans was $4,434,451 and the interest income received during impairment was $125,729. At June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, included in impaired loans were $3,834 and $7,458, respectively, of troubled debt restructurings. Troubled Debt Restructurings (TDR) Loans are considered to have been modified in a troubled debt restructuring, or TDR, when due to a borrower’s financial difficulty the Corporation makes certain concessions to the borrower that it would not otherwise consider for new debt with similar risk characteristics. Modifications may include interest rate reductions, principal or interest forgiveness, forbearance, and other actions intended to minimize economic loss and to avoid foreclosure or repossession of the collateral. Each potential loan modification is reviewed individually and the terms of the loan are modified to meet the borrower’s specific circumstances at a point in time. Not all loan modifications are TDRs. However, performance prior to the modification, or significant events that coincide with the modification, are included in assessing whether the borrower can meet the new terms and may result in the loan being returned to accrual status at the time of loan modification or after a shorter performance period. Loan modifications are reviewed and recommended by the Corporation’s senior credit officer, who determines whether the loan meets the criteria for a TDR. Generally, the types of concessions granted to borrowers that are evaluated in determining whether the loan is classified as a TDR include: · Interest rate reductions – Occur when the stated interest rate is reduced to a nonmarket rate or a rate the borrower would not be able to obtain elsewhere under similar circumstances. · Amortization or maturity date changes – Result when the amortization period of the loan is extended beyond what is considered a normal amortization period for loans of similar type with similar collateral. · Principal reductions – Arise when the Corporation charges off a portion of the principal that is not fully collateralized and collectability is uncertain; however, this portion of principal may be recovered in the future under certain circumstances. The following tables present the amount of troubled debt restructuring by loan class, classified separately as accrual and nonaccrual at June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, as well as those currently paying under restructured terms and those that have defaulted under restructured terms as of June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018. Loans modified in a troubled debt restructuring are considered to be in default once the loan becomes 30 or more days past due. June 30, 2019 Under restructured terms Accruing Non- accruing # Current # Default Commercial, financial, and $ 3,834 $ 0 1 $ 3,834 0 $ 0 Real estate: Construction loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial mortgage loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Agricultural loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Consumer & other loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total TDR’s $ 3,834 $ 0 1 $ 3,834 0 $ 0 December 31, 2018 Under restructured terms Accruing Non- accruing # Current # Default Commercial, financial, and $ 5,570 $ 0 1 $ 5,570 0 $ 0 Real estate: Construction loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Commercial mortgage loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential loans 1,888 0 1 1,888 0 0 Agricultural loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Consumer & other loans 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total TDR’s $ 7,458 $ 0 2 $ 7,458 0 $ 0 The following table presents the amount of troubled debt restructurings by types of concessions made, classified separately as accrual and non-accrual at June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018. June 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Accruing Nonaccruing Accruing Nonaccruing # Balance # Balance # Balance # Balance Type of concession: Payment modification 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 0 $ 0 Rate reduction 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rate reduction, payment modification 1 3,834 0 0 1 1,888 0 0 Forbearance of interest 0 0 0 0 1 5,570 0 0 Total 1 $ 3,834 0 $ 0 2 $ 7,458 0 $ 0 As of June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018, the Corporation had a balance of $3,834 and $7,458, respectively, in troubled debt restructurings. The Corporation had no charge-offs on such loans at June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018. The Corporation had $3,834 in the allowance for loan losses allocated to such troubled debt restructurings at June 30, 2019, and no balance allocated at December 31, 2018. The Corporation had no unfunded commitments to lend to a customer that has a troubled debt restructured loan as of June 30, 2019. Credit Risk Monitoring and Loan Grading The Corporation employs several means to monitor the risk in the loan portfolio including volume and severity of loan delinquencies, nonaccrual loans, internal grading of loans, historical loss experience and economic conditions. Loans are subject to an internal risk-grading system which indicates the risk and acceptability of that loan. The loan grades used by the Corporation are for internal risk identification purposes and do not directly correlate to regulatory classification categories or any financial reporting definitions. The general characteristics of the risk grades are as follows: Grade 1 – Exceptional Grade 2 – Above Average Grade 3 – Acceptable Grade 4 – Fair Grade 5a – Watch – Grade 5b – Other Assets Especially Mentioned (OAEM) – Grade 6 – Substandard Grade 7 – Doubtful Grade 8 – Loss The following tables present internal loan grading by class of loans as of June 30, 2019, and December 31, 2018: June 30, 2019 Commercial, Financial, and Agricultural Construction Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Residential Real Estate Agricultural Real Estate Consumer and Other Total Rating: Grade 1- Exceptional $ 1,543,294 $ 0 $ 0 $ 22,420 $ 0 $ 236,636 $ 1,802,350 Grade 2- Above Avg. 25,350 0 0 0 0 38,618 63,968 Grade 3- Acceptable 24,747,422 2,879,744 29,292,207 26,036,145 16,574,101 1,952,560 101,482,179 Grade 4- Fair 63,975,074 19,696,504 99,705,018 70,431,427 14,571,217 3,317,528 271,696,768 Grade 5a- Watch 1,391,027 274,515 1,472,301 2,788,321 0 15,647 5,941,811 Grade 5b- OAEM 3,807 0 2,476,833 456,629 0 2,819 2,940,088 Grade 6- Substandard 0 126,000 648,033 3,340,491 0 0 4,114,524 Grade 7- Doubtful 189,952 0 0 54,033 0 0 243,985 Total loans $ 91,875,926 $ 22,976,763 $ 133,594,392 $ 103,129,466 $ 31,145,318 $ 5,563,808 $ 388,285,673 December 31, 2018 Commercial, Financial, and Agricultural Construction Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Residential Real Estate Agricultural Real Estate Consumer and Other Total Rating: Grade 1- Exceptional $ 1,237,602 $ 0 $ 0 $ 22,905 $ 0 $ 210,045 $ 1,470,552 Grade 2- Above Avg. 0 0 0 0 0 43,711 43,711 Grade 3- Acceptable 23,821,846 1,860,003 30,398,565 25,839,646 16,863,356 1,151,239 99,934,655 Grade 4- Fair 58,753,931 22,749,099 88,122,957 73,114,310 14,698,330 3,657,108 261,095,735 Grade 5a- Watch 473,616 0 2,411,710 722,441 0 6,206 3,613,973 Grade 5b- OAEM 3,079,098 0 446,841 1,299,587 0 2,168 4,827,694 Grade 6- Substandard 787,309 281,434 2,097,296 2,349,009 0 16,507 5,531,555 Grade 7- Doubtful 249,813 0 0 0 0 0 249,813 Total loans $ 88,403,215 $ 24,890,536 $ 123,477,369 $ 103,347,898 $ 31,561,686 $ 5,086,984 $ 376,767,688 Allowance for Loan Losses Methodology The allowance for loan losses (ALL) is determined by a calculation based on segmenting the loans into the following categories: (1) impaired loans and nonaccrual loans, (2) loans with a credit risk rating of 5b, 6, 7 or 8, (3) other outstanding loans, and (4) other commitments to lend. In addition, unallocated general reserves are estimated based on migration and economic analysis of the loan portfolio. The ALL is calculated by the addition of the estimated loss derived from each of the above categories. The impaired loans and nonaccrual loans are analyzed on an individual basis to determine if the future collateral value is sufficient to support the outstanding debt of the loan. If an estimated loss is calculated, it is included in the estimated ALL until it is charged to the loan loss reserve. The calculation for loan risk graded 5b, 6, 7 or 8, other outstanding loans and other commitments to lend is based on assigning an estimated loss factor based on a twelve quarter rolling historical weighted average net loss rate. The estimated requirement for unallocated general reserves from migration and economic analysis is determined by considering (1) trends in asset quality, (2) level and trends in charge-off experience, (3) macroeconomic trends and conditions, (4) microeconomic trends and conditions and (5) risk profile of lending activities. Within each of these categories, a risk factor percentage from a rating of excessive, high, moderate or low will be determined by management and applied to the loan portfolio. By adding the estimated value from the migration and economic analysis to the estimated reserve from the loan portfolio, a total estimated loss reserves is obtained. This amount is then compared to the actual amount in the loan loss reserve. The calculation of ALL is performed on a monthly basis and is presented to the Loan Committee and the Board of Directors. The following table details activity in the ALL and loans evaluated for impairment by class of loans for the three and six month period ended June 30, 2019. Allocation of a portion of the allowance to one category of loans does not preclude its availability to absorb losses in other categories. The annualized net charge-offs to average loans outstanding ratio was 0.17% for the six months ended June 30, 2019, compared with 0.13% at December 31, 2018. Three months ended June 30, 2019: June 30, 2019 Commercial, Financial, and Agricultural Construction Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Residential Real Estate Agricultural Real Estate Consumer and Other Total Allowance for loan losses: Beginning balance, March 31, 2019 $ 503,322 $ 1,043,027 $ 1,077,669 $ 458,871 $ 76,880 $ 207,158 $ 3,366,927 Charge-offs 102,217 0 89,853 0 0 6,778 198,848 Recoveries 9,484 0 0 35,940 0 1,247 46,671 Net charge-offs 92,733 0 89,853 (35,940 ) 0 5,531 152,177 Provisions charged to operations 122,964 0 138,429 (15,848 ) 0 4,845 250,390 Balance at end of period, June 30, 2019 $ 533,553 $ 1,043,027 $ 1,126,245 $ 478,963 $ 76,880 $ 206,472 $ 3,465,140 Six months ended June 30, 2019 June 30, 2019 Commercial, Financial, and Agricultural Construction Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Residential Real Estate Agricultural Real Estate Consumer and Other Total Allowance for loan losses: Beginning balance, December 31, 2018 $ 402,251 $ 1,043,027 $ 1,210,302 $ 458,871 $ 108,878 $ 205,540 $ 3,428,869 Charge-offs 102,217 0 274,549 0 0 6,778 383,544 Recoveries 12,180 0 3,368 35,940 0 2,029 53,517 Net charge-offs 90,037 0 271,181 (35,940 ) 0 4,749 330,027 Provisions charged to operations 221,339 0 187,124 (15,848 ) (31,998 ) 5,681 366,298 Balance at end of period, June 30, 2019 $ 533,553 $ 1,043,027 $ 1,126,245 $ 478,963 $ 76,880 $ 206,472 $ 3,465,140 Ending balance - Individually evaluated $ 433,815 $ 0 $ 46,865 $ 245,169 $ 0 $ 1,022 $ 726,871 Collectively evaluated for impairment 99,738 1,043,027 1,079,380 233,794 76,880 205,450 2,738,269 Balance at end of period $ 533,553 $ 1,043,027 $ 1,126,245 $ 478,963 $ 76,880 $ 206,472 $ 3,465,140 Loans : Ending balance - Individually evaluated $ 1,212,780 $ 274,514 $ 1,203,345 $ 2,055,845 $ 0 $ 13,538 $ 4,760,022 Collectively evaluated for impairment 90,663,146 22,702,249 132,391,047 101,073,621 31,145,318 5,550,270 383,525,651 Balance at end of period $ 91,875,926 $ 22,976,763 $ 133,594,392 $ 103,129,466 $ 31,145,318 $ 5,563,808 $ 388,285,673 At June 30, 2019, of the $4,760,022 loans that were individually evaluated for impairment, all $4,760,022 were deemed impaired. The following table details activity in the ALL and loans evaluated for impairment by class of loans for the year ended December 31, 2018. December 31, 2018 Commercial, Financial, and Agricultural Construction Real Estate Commercial Real Estate Residential Real Estate Agricultural Real Estate Consumer and Other Total Allowance for loan losses: Beginning balance, December 31, 2017 $ 324,260 $ 1,043,083 $ 1,056,595 $ 416,474 $ 11,560 $ 191,660 $ 3,043,632 Charge-offs 548,460 783 43,349 6,909 0 6,844 606,345 Recoveries 12,025 0 590 0 147,252 2,215 162,082 Net charge-offs 536,435 783 42,759 6,909 (147,252 ) 4,629 444,263 Provisions charged to operations 614,426 727 196,466 49,306 (49,934 ) 18,509 829,500 Balance at end of period, December 31, 2018 $ 402,251 $ 1,043,027 $ 1,210,302 $ 458,871 $ 108,878 $ 205,540 $ 3,428,869 Ending balance - Individually evaluated $ 276,392 $ 0 $ 51,854 $ 188,368 $ 0 $ 1,616 $ 518,230 Collectively evaluated for impairment 125,859 1,043,027 1,158,448 270,503 108,878 203,924 2,910,639 Balance at end of period $ 402,251 $ 1,043,027 $ 1,210,302 $ 458,871 $ 108,878 $ 205,540 $ 3,428,869 Loans : Ending balance - Individually evaluated $ 656,341 $ 281,434 $ 1,611,503 $ 1,929,214 $ 12,526 $ 14,487 $ 4,505,505 Collectively evaluated for impairment 87,746,874 24,609,102 121,865,866 101,418,684 31,549,160 5,072,497 372,262,183 Balance at end of period $ 88,403,215 $ 24,890,536 $ 123,477,369 $ 103,347,898 $ 31,561,686 $ 5,086,984 $ 376,767,688 At December 31, 2018, of the $4,505,505 loans that were individually evaluated for impairment, only $4,356,381 were deemed impaired. |