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absolute, abuse, accelerate, accomplish, accumulated, accurate, accurately, acute, add, added, adjunct, advanced, adverse, adversely, advisory, Affordable, agent, agriculture, airfreight, AKS, Alan, alleged, allegedly, allocate, allocated, allograft, ambiochoice, AmBioMed, ambulatory, AmnioFix, amniotic, amortization, anchor, ancillary, ankle, anniversary, annum, Anthony, applying, appoint, appointed, appointing, appointment, approach, arbitration, area, arena, argued, arising, Arizona, Asia, assert, Assignment, Atlanta, Atlantic, attempt, attempting, attend, attendance, attended, attributable, attributed, auditor, authoritative, automate, automated, automatically, Bachelor, background, bad, bankruptcy, basic, Baylor, BBA, BC, bed, beneficiary, billed, BioD, biographical, biological, Biology, biotechnology, blank, bone, bore, bound, breach, break, Bridge, broker, Brown, Bryant, buy, California, Cancellation, cancelled, capable, caption, captioned, care, career, case, catastrophic, CCEP, cellular, center, certified, CFO, chain, challenge, channel, Christian, Christopher, civil, claim, claimed, clear, clearance, Clerkship, client, clinical, clinically, CMS, Coast, coincide, collaborative, collateral, collect, collected, collection, College, Columbia, command, commit, commitment, committed, comparison, competitor, complaint, complementary, complexity, component, comprised, computation, compute, computed, Computer, concentrated, concentration, concluded, conducive, confidentiality, confirming, Conglomerate, consigned, consignment, conspiracy, consumer, consuming, contemplated, contractor, core, Corey, Council, Counsel, counter, County, coupled, court, coverage, CPA, Craig, create, created, Credentialing, creditor, Crestview, criminal, critical, curtail, customer, Cutler, daily, DAMFIT, data, David, de, dealer, decade, deciding, decision, decline, dedicated, default, defective, defend, deficit, Dei, delay, delaying, delivery, demand, demonstrating, departmental, depositor, depreciable, depreciation, derivative, derived, desired, detect, detected, DHS, difficult, difficulty, discharge, disclaim, discontinued, discounted, discourage, discouraging, discovery, dismissed, disposal, dispose, disproportionately, distinguish, distributor, distributorship, District, diversification, diversified, divert, diverted, divestiture, dividing, Division, divisional, Doctor, document, Dr, Drug, durable, duty, earlier, earned, earning, ease, East, education, educator, efficiently, effort, EHM, Eichberg, eligible, empowered, enforcement, enriched, entitled, EpiFix, EPS, equivalent, error, ETEX, ethical, Eva, eventual, eventually, evolving, excluded, excluding, exemplary, exempt, exert, expansion, expended, experienced, export, expressly, external, facilitated, facility, fact, faculty, fail, failed, failure, fall, familiar, family, Farm, FDA, FDIC, feel, fellowship, fiduciary, field, Finally, fixation, flat, Florida, Flower, focused, focusing, Food, foot, foregoing, formation, Fort, forward, found, founding, fractional, fraud, freight, ft, fulfill, fullest, function, fundamental, fuse, FZMD, gain, gaining, geographic, global, goal, governmental, graduate, graduated, Graft, Granbury, great, grow, growing, Gulf, half, hallmark, handled, handling, harbor, harm, harmed, health, healthcare, heavily, Hendrix, hereof, hereto, hereunto, Hexter, highest, highlight, hinder, holder, hope, hoped, hospital, hospitality, hour, Houston, human, illiquidity, impede, imposed, inability, inaccuracy, incentive, inception, inclusion, incremental, incurrence, indemnification, indemnify, influence, infrastructure, inhibit, initial, initially, initiative, Insider, Installation, insufficient, intangible, integral, integrate, integrated, integrating, integration, intent, intentional, interacting, Intercompany, interdealer, Internationally, interventional, introducing, introduction, inventory, invoice, invoicing, Irrevocable, IRS, Irvin, iv, JAR, John, joining, Jonathan, junior, KAW, key, King, labeling, labor, land, Language, large, largest, lawfully, lawsuit, layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, lease, leased, led, legacy, legislation, length, licensure, life, line, linked, Lion, lived, logging, long, Longhurst, Lou, LP, lump, maker, managerial, mandated, manufacture, manufactured, manufacturer, manufacturing, margin, marketplace, Mary, Maryland, master, matter, maximum, Medicaid, medical, Medicare, medicine, Meeker, membership, merged, merit, meruit, Middle, midnight, Milwaukee, minimum, Missoula, monetary, monthly, motion, move, movement, moving, multinational, multiple, nasdaq, nation, national, nationwide, negligent, negotiated, negotiation, Nerve, network, nominating, nomination, nominee, nontaxable, North, northern, notice, notwithstanding, Obispo, obligor, obsolescence, obsolete, occasional, occupied, offer, offering, open, Oral, order, organization, organizational, organize, orthopedic, Osteopathic, OTCBB, outpatient, overdue, overhead, owed, packaging, page, pain, par, Paro, partially, party, past, patent, Patient, Pavilion, payer, pending, penetrate, penetration, penny, permanent, permissible, permit, permitted, persuasive, pertaining, pertinent, Peter, Pharmacy, phase, Physical, physician, Plaintiff, Plant, podiatric, Podiatry, policy, Political, Polytechnic, pooled, portal, portrayal, post, practitioner, Pratt, precedent, predict, premature, premium, prescribed, prescription, pressure, prevent, preventing, primary, procedural, proceeding, professor, program, progressive, promote, promotion, prompt, promulgated, proportionate, prosecute, prosecution, put, quality, quantity, quantum, quota, quotation, ramp, Randall, rank, ratifying, reach, rear, recapitalization, recapitalized, receipt, reclassified, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconciliation, reconstructive, recoverability, recoverable, Redbud, redemption, redomesticated, reevaluated, regaining, regional, registrar, Rehabilitation, reimbursable, reimbursed, reimbursement, reinstate, reinvesting, reliability, relinquish, relocated, remitted, removal, removed, remuneration, renew, renewal, renewed, repayment, replace, replaced, representation, research, reserve, residency, resident, resigned, resource, respond, restated, resume, ReSurge, retirement, retroactive, retroactively, retrospectively, Richard, Rusty, safe, safety, San, satisfy, schedule, science, Scott, scrutiny, seasonality, Seattle, secondary, sector, segment, senior, sequential, SES, Shadow, shell, Shelton, ShennaCo, shift, shipped, shipping, short, signature, Simulation, situation, small, smaller, Smith, software, sophisticated, Southwestern, spend, spending, spine, Sponsoring, sporadic, spouse, sq, St, staffing, stakeholder, standing, Stark, statute, stead, Stephen, storage, strategic, strategy, stricter, stringent, strong, submit, subordinate, substitute, substitution, succeed, successful, successive, sudden, suggested, suit, Suite, Sunshine, supplier, supply, surgery, surgical, surrender, surviving, sustain, sustained, Sutter, sworn, synchronize, syndicated, synergy, system, takeover, tangible, teaching, team, technological, technology, television, tendon, thereto, therewith, thing, tissue, TJAL, track, tracking, training, transition, transitioned, transportation, travel, Treadway, treasury, Trebor, Tricare, Trinity, tripled, true, trustee, turn, turned, Twelve, unaudited, uncertain, unclear, uncollectible, undepreciated, undergraduate, underlying, underserved, undesirable, undiscounted, undistributed, unenforceable, unfavorably, unique, University, unjustly, unpaid, unproven, unrelated, unsecured, unspecified, unvested, upheld, usage, user, USPI, UT, Utah, validity, validly, valuable, variety, vary, vast, vertical, vi, viable, vigorously, Vilex, virtue, visibility, volume, voluntarily, wage, Warner, warning, weekly, western, WHIG, wide, Wisconsin, withdrawal, WMS, World, worth, wound, Wrap, write, writing, XBRL, York
alternative, analyzing, apparent, ASC, ascertain, assistant, attractive, avoid, bookkeeper, bookkeeping, broad, carefully, checking, chosen, classification, Codification, compensate, complied, copy, correct, corroboration, deductible, devoting, dictated, diligence, discretionary, dispositive, dollar, DPE, effecting, emphasize, enactment, encounter, endeavor, enhance, ensure, essentially, exceeded, exhaustive, expanded, explanatory, financially, finder, flexibility, frequently, furniture, gathering, Heller, identification, incumbent, inexperience, inspection, institutional, instrument, intense, IRA, Jersey, Joyce, Koether, lesser, longer, Marietta, measure, measuring, methodology, multiplied, nonemployee, occurring, parent, Parkway, personal, Petroleum, placement, prepaid, productive, properly, prospective, prove, readily, recruit, reflective, Reform, reorganization, restrictive, Revocable, Ronald, satisfaction, scrutinize, secretarial, selecting, Selection, Shamrock, sharing, skill, sliding, solicited, specifically, stability, stable, structuring, Sun, supplement, target, TEEE, telephone, type, ultimate, unaffiliated, unanticipated, unascertainable, unexercised, unsolicited, unstable, unused, vehicle, venture, Village, wife, yield
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On May 28, 2014, Fuse Medical, LLC, became a wholly owned subsidiary of Fuse Medical, Inc. A Certificate of Cancellation for Fuse Medical, LLC, was filed on February 20, 2015.