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abrupt, accommodation, accomplished, accrued, accruing, accuracy, actuarial, actuarially, added, age, agriculture, Ali, allocated, allocation, amortization, amortized, antidilutive, AOCI, applied, apply, approach, arise, arrangement, ASC, assessed, assessing, assessment, assigned, assumed, assumption, attract, bad, beginning, Bell, Beloit, bilateral, book, borrowing, Bosco, break, brought, Bulanda, Button, buyer, calendar, canceled, cancellation, case, categorized, cautionary, ceased, ceasing, centralized, Chicago, China, cliff, collateral, collateralization, commensurate, commingled, commodity, comparison, composed, comprised, concentrated, conform, conformity, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, contesting, contractual, COSO, counterparty, coupled, coverage, criteria, curtail, curtailed, curve, customary, cycle, dampen, decision, decrease, decreased, decreasing, deducted, deductible, deferral, deleverage, delivery, denominated, denomination, deploy, deploying, deployment, derivative, derived, detail, deteriorate, difficult, diluted, dilutive, discount, discounted, discrete, discretion, disposition, diversification, domiciled, dumping, Eastern, economy, effort, elevated, eliminate, eliminated, eliminating, EMR, enacted, enactment, Enardo, enrolled, entitled, entity, ERISA, established, establishing, estate, eventually, evidence, examination, examining, exceeded, exit, exiting, expedient, external, face, failure, fairly, FASB, faster, figure, flat, flexibility, focused, forcecount, foreseeable, formal, formally, forward, framework, fulfilling, fully, fundamental, gain, gave, geography, Grp, guarantee, guidance, hampered, hierarchy, hired, history, hold, horizon, HVAC, hypothetical, identical, immaterial, implied, inadequate, inconsequential, indefinitely, indemnification, indemnified, indemnity, Indian, ineffective, intangible, Intercompany, InterMetro, intersegment, intrinsic, invoked, isolation, issuance, Italy, judged, judgment, July, jurisdiction, JV, Katherine, key, land, led, legislative, leverage, leveraging, LLC, longer, master, matching, met, method, Mexican, Michael, minimize, minimum, misstatement, modestly, multinational, noncancelable, noncontrolling, noncurrent, nondeductible, nonmanagement, nonpublicly, North, notional, NP, obligation, observable, obsolescence, obsolete, offset, offsetting, offshore, opinion, opportunity, ordinary, overlap, overseeing, Oversight, payable, Pentair, perfunctory, permanent, permanently, permit, permitted, pertain, petroleum, point, postretirement, predetermined, preestablished, preliminarily, presence, prespecified, prevailing, principle, private, profile, properly, prospective, prospectively, provision, prudence, prudent, publicly, pursue, qualified, qualify, qualifying, quantified, quotation, quoted, ratably, ratio, readily, real, realign, realignment, receivable, receive, received, receiving, recent, recessionary, reclassification, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, reduction, Reform, refund, Regal, regular, reimbursed, reinvest, reissued, relocating, relocation, remitted, removed, reorganization, repaid, replaced, resetting, rest, restarting, restructuring, retain, retained, retrospective, revaluation, reversal, review, reviewed, reviewing, revolving, Robert, routinely, safeguard, safeguarded, Sara, selective, selectively, settled, settlement, settling, Sharp, sharply, shelf, shift, short, shortly, shown, shutdown, significantly, Singapore, slowdown, soft, speculative, spending, Sponsoring, spot, stability, staffed, statute, statutory, stay, strong, stronger, subordinated, subsequent, Subsidy, subtracted, sustain, sustained, swap, symbol, tangible, target, targeting, taxable, technical, technique, temporary, threshold, Train, training, translating, translation, Treadway, treasury, ultimate, ultimately, undelivered, underfunded, undiscounted, undistributed, unfavorable, unfunded, unidentified, universal, unrecognized, unsatisfied, unsecured, unvested, update, Vacant, valuation, variance, vigorously, vital, volume, warranted, warranty, weak, weakening, weaker, Western, withheld, withholding, write, yield
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