MsD Meinert
VP Finance&CFO
Escalade Inc
817 MaxwellAvenue
Evansville Indiana47711USA
8th August 2013
Noticeof a change to the Facility Amount of an OverdraftFacilityexecuted by the Company on 27 May 2010(asamended, varied orsupplementedfrom time to time)(the Facility)between the Company and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., London Branch(theBank)
We refer to theFacility. Unlessa contraryintentionappears, termsdefinedinthe Facilityshallhave thesame meaning whenusedin this Letter.
In accordance withtheterms oftheFacility, the Bank hereby notifies theCompanythatonor about thedateof thisLetter(theEffective Date), the"Facility Amount" for thepurposesof the Facility shall be€1,000,000(euroone million) and allreferencesin the FacilitytotheFacilityAmount (including, without limitation, any suchreferencesin any Schedules totheFacility) shall be read and construedasreferences to the Facility Amount as set out in thisLetter.
To the extent of any inconsistency between the Facility and this Letter, this Letter shall prevail. Save as otherwise notified pursuant to this Letter, the Facility shall continue in full force and effect and the Bank reserves all of its rights and remedies in relation to the Facility.
This Letter and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection to it shall be governed by English law. For the benefit of the Bank only, the courts of England shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute in relation to this Letter including in relation to any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection to it.
Pleaseacknowledge receipt ofthisnotice toconfirm your agreement to, andacceptanceof, its terms (but for the avoidance of doubt, failure todoso shall not affect the validity ofthis notice).
Yours faithfully,
By:/s/ Michelle J. Hunter
For and on behalf ofJPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., London Branch
We acknowledge the terms set out in the notice above.
By:/s/ Deborah Meinert
For and on behalf ofEscalade Inc.
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., London Branch
25 Bank Street,CanaryWharf,London, E14SJP
Tel: +44(0)207TT12000•Fax:+44{0)20 3493 0684
Organisedunder thelawscAU.SA with lirrited liability.Main Offioo1111Polaris Parkway,Columbus,Cllio 43240
Regstered as a branch in Engand&Wales branch No. BR000746.Regstered Branch Offioo 25 Bank Street, Canaiy Whal!,Loodon, E14 5JP
Authorised and regJlated by the PrudentialRegJlationAuthority and Rnancial ConWd Authority