In addition to submitting the basic “APPENDIX B - BID PROPOSAL”, and the “APPENDIX C - QUALIFICATION FORM”, the Bidder shall also submit an “APPENDIX A - AFFIDAVIT”, identifying the individual, partnership, joint venture, corporation or limited liability company submitting the Bid, and staling that neither Bidder nor It’s agents, nor any other party for it or on it’s behalf, has paid or agreed to pay, directly or indirectly, any person firm or corporation, valuable consideration for assistance in procuring, attempting to procure, the lease/Contract herein referred to, and further agreeing that no such consideration or award will be hereafter paid.
This “APPENDIX A - AFFIDAVIT” must be on the form attached hereto.
14. | Disqualification Of Interested Parties: |
More than one Bid from the Bidder, under the same or different names, will not be considered. Reasonable grounds for believing that the Bidder has interest in more than one Bid will cause the rejection of all Bids in which the Bidder is interested. One or all Bids will be rejected if there is reason for believing that collusion exists among the Bidders and no participant in such collusion will be considered in future Bids.
Bids will not be accepted from any Bidder that is in arrears or is in default to the LAC upon any debt, contract or lease or that is a defaulter as Surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the LAC, or has failed to faithfully perform any previous contract/lease with the LAC.
The “APPENDIX B - BID PROPOSAL”, specifies rental payments that the Bidder proposed to make to the LAC.
At the time and place set forth for the opening and reading of Bids, each and every Bid, received at, or prior to, the scheduled closing time for receipt of Bids, will be publicly opened, and only “APPENDIX B - BID PROPOSAL”, or the essence of it, will be read aloud.
Any Bid received after the scheduled closing time for receipt of the Bids will be returned to the Bidder, unopened.
A Bidder may withdraw his Bid, at any time, prior to the date and time set for the opening of Bids. This will not preclude the submission of another Bid by such Bidder at, or prior to, the date and time set for the opening of Bids.
After the scheduled time for the opening of Bids, no Bidder will be permitted to withdraw his Bid unless the award is delayed for a period exceeding sixty (60) days from the final date of the receipt of Bids.
18. | Evaluation Of Proposals: |
In evaluating the Bids, consideration will be given to the Bids which provide the required information to the LAC, and the Bidder’s ability to perform.
The LAC will make the final judgment and determination as to which of all the Bidders has offered the best, most responsible Bid. The LAC will employ such analysis techniques and professional consultants as it deems necessary to make such judgment.
The LAC may request the submission of additional information to assist in the evaluation of the Bids, and the Bidders will be expected to cooperate fully with such a request.
The right is reserved, by the LAC, to waive any irregularities in any Bid, to reject any or all Bids, to re-advertise for Bids, if desired, and to accept the Bid which, in the judgment of the LAC, even though it does not offer the highest direct financial return, is nevertheless deemed the most advantageous for the public and the LAC, i.e., the most responsible Bid. Any Bid which is incomplete, conditions obscure, or which contains additions not called for, or irregularities of any kind, may be cause for rejection of the Bid. In the event of default of the successful Bidder, or his refusal to enter into a Lease/Contract with the LAC, the LAC reserves the right to accept the Bid of any other Bidder without the necessity of re-advertisement.
The LAC will ordinarily make an award, or reject all Bids received on this proposal, at it’s next Regular Meeting following the opening of the Bids, but may, In it’s discretion, extend such action for up to sixty (60) days. Extensions beyond the sixty (60) day period may be made with the consent of Bidders. Any Bidder who declines to consent to the extension above described, shall be entitled to withdraw it’s Bid in lieu of consent to the extension of award beyond the sixty (60) days.
20. | Explanations, Written And Oral: |
Should a Bidder find a discrepancy in, or omission from, the “INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS”, or “BID PROPOSAL”, or should Bidder be in doubt as to their meaning, Bidder shall at once notify, in writing, the Director of Aviation, Lafayette Regional Airport, who will send, as may be applicable, written Addendum or clarification to all Bidders. The LAC will not be responsible for any oral instructions. Addendum may be required to clarify, or amend, any portion of the “BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENT”. Any written Addendum to the “BID PROPOSAL DOCUMENT”, from the Director of Aviation, Lafayette Regional Airport, should be attached to “APPENDIX H - ADDENDUM/ADDENDA” of this document, prior to submittal of the Bid.