Segment Information | NOTE 11: Segment Information The Company has two reportable segments: EIM and CAMRA. These segments are managed separately because the services provided by each segment require different technology and marketing strategies. Electronic Invoice Management: Call Accounting Management and Recording: Reconciling items for operating income (loss) in the table below represent corporate expenses, legal costs for patent enforcement and depreciation all of which are in the United States. The accounting policies for segment reporting are the same as those described in Note 1 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014. Summarized financial information concerning the Company’s reportable segments for the nine and three months ended September 30, 2015 and 2014 is shown in the following tables. For Nine Months Ended September 30, 2015 Electronic Call Accounting Corporate Consolidated Revenues $ 6,261,627 $ 5,024,122 $ — $ 11,285,749 Gross profit Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization 5,064,863 3,141,624 — 8,206,487 Depreciation and amortization 716,444 514,530 12,446 1,243,420 Income (loss) from operations 841,038 (421,656 ) (1,175,266 ) (755,884 ) Long-lived assets 3,607,637 1,548,149 79,727 5,235,513 For Nine Months Ended September 30, 2014 Electronic Call Accounting Corporate Consolidated Revenues $ 7,034,084 $ 5,105,169 $ — $ 12,139,253 Gross profit Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization 5,722,445 3,226,293 — 8,948,738 Depreciation and amortization 956,318 444,497 8,167 1,408,982 Income (loss) from operations 572,367 (46,309 ) (1,159,340 ) (633,282 ) Long-lived assets 4,394,319 1,405,581 88,032 5,887,932 For Three Months Ended September 30, 2015 Electronic Call Accounting Corporate Consolidated Revenues $ 2,026,935 $ 1,464,918 $ — $ 3,491,853 Gross profit Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization 1,655,405 865,276 — 2,520,681 Depreciation and amortization 238,755 162,363 4,260 405,378 Income (loss) from operations 69,297 (274,874 ) (225,128 ) (430,705 ) Long-lived assets 3,607,637 1,548,149 79,727 5,235,513 For Three Months Ended September 30, 2014 Electronic Call Accounting Corporate Consolidated Revenues $ 2,199,560 $ 1,910,155 $ — $ 4,109,715 Gross profit Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization 1,749,148 1,238,000 — 2,987,148 Depreciation and amortization 312,489 164,789 3,037 480,315 Income (loss) from operations (10,895 ) 160,931 (266,849 ) (116,903 ) Long-lived assets 4,394,319 1,405,581 88,032 5,887,932 The following table presents summarized financial information by geographic location. For Nine Months Ended September 30, 2015 United United Consolidated Revenues $ 2,648,688 $ 8,637,061 $ 11,285,749 Gross profit (Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization) 1,540,853 6,665,634 8,206,487 Depreciation and amortization 506,121 737,299 1,243,420 Income (loss) from operations (1,400,490 ) 644,606 (755,884 ) Long-lived assets 4,485,333 750,180 5,235,513 For Nine Months Ended September 30, 2014 United United Consolidated Revenues $ 3,121,197 $ 9,018,056 $ 12,139,253 Gross profit (Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization) 2,101,967 6,846,771 8,948,738 Depreciation and amortization 433,720 975,262 1,408,982 Income (loss) from operations (1,435,596 ) 802,314 (633,282 ) Long-lived assets 4,865,994 1,021,938 5,887,932 For Three Months Ended September 30, 2015 United United Consolidated Revenues $ 685,146 $ 2,806,707 $ 3,491,853 Gross profit (Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization) 333,938 2,186,743 2,520,681 Depreciation and amortization 160,061 245,317 405,378 Income (loss) from operations (704,872 ) 274,167 (430,705 ) Long-lived assets 4,485,333 750,180 5,235,513 For Three Months Ended September 30, 2014 United United Consolidated Revenues $ 954,013 $ 3,155,702 $ 4,109,715 Gross profit (Revenues less cost of products, excluding depreciation and amortization) 571,124 2,416,024 2,987,148 Depreciation and amortization 161,948 318,367 480,315 Income (loss) from operations (472,491 ) 355,588 (116,903 ) Long-lived assets 4,865,994 1,021,938 5,887,932 |