Note 4: Net loan losses 17 In thousands of euro Jan-Sep 2020 Jan-Sep 2019 Jan-Dec 2019 Change in expected credit loss on performing loans -35,140 3,805 -2,179 Change in expected credit loss on non-performing loans 681 1,387 1,655 Decrease of provisions to cover realised loan losses - - - Realised loan losses - - - Net loan losses -34,459 5,193 -524 There were no realised losses for the periods Jan-Sep 2020, Jan-Sep 2019 or Jan-Dec 2019. In thousands of euro STAGE 1 STAGE 2 STAGE 3 TOTAL Balance at 31 December 2018 26,080 13,988 80,097 120,165 Transfer to Stage 1 1,754 -1,754 - 0 Transfer to Stage 2 0 0 - 0 Transfer to Stage 3 0 0 - 0 New assets originated or disbursed 4,040 65 - 4,105 Amortisations and repayments -3,544 -2,001 - -5,545 Impact of remeasurment on existing assets -1,047 -1,269 -1,387 -3,703 Foreign exchange adjustments and other changes - - 3,970 3,970 Net change income statement 1,203 -4,959 2,583 -1,173 Balance at 30 September 2019 27,283 9,029 82,679 118,992 Transfer to Stage 1 2,836 -2,836 - 0 Transfer to Stage 2 -264 264 - 0 Transfer to Stage 3 0 0 - 0 New assets originated or disbursed 3,252 2,300 - 5,552 Amortisations and repayments -1,635 -2,175 - -3,809 Impact of remeasurment on existing assets -2,898 7,100 -268 3,934 Foreign exchange adjustments and other changes - - -2,381 -2,381 Net change income statement 1,291 4,653 -2,649 3,296 Balance at 31 December 2019 28,575 13,682 80,031 122,287 Transfer to Stage 1 47 -47 - 0 Transfer to Stage 2 -5,084 5,084 - 0 Transfer to Stage 3 0 0 - 0 New assets originated or disbursed 5,661 447 - 6,108 Amortisations and repayments -2,436 -1,452 - -3,888 Impact of remeasurment on existing assets 4,522 28,617 -681 32,458 Foreign exchange adjustments and other changes - - -3,234 -3,234 Net change income statement 2,710 32,649 -3,914 31,444 Balance at 30 September 2020 31,285 46,331 76,116 153,732 Note 3: Expected credit loss ECL - STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION In thousands of euro 30 Sep 2020 30 Sep 2019 31 Dec 2019 Loans outstanding 150,193 116,199 119,165 Other receivables 1,763 1,892 1,838 Commitments (recorded in other liabilities) 1,266 570 994 Financial placements 510 331 291 Total 153,732 118,992 122,287 ECL - STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME In thousands of euro Jan-Sep 2020 Oct-Dec 2019 Jan-Sep 2019 Net result on financial operations (Note 2) -219 40 -50 Net loan losses (Note 4) -34,459 -5,717 5,193 Foreign exchange gains and losses 3,234 2,381 -3,970 Total recognised in income statement -31,444 -3,297 1,173