The Plan is a defined contribution plan and is subject to the provisions of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The Plan has two segments: a savings segment and a stock ownership segment. The savings segment entitles participants to contribute up to 18% of their earnings with additional contributions as described below directly by Allegheny Energy Service Corporation (AESC). The AESC contributions are subsequently reimbursed to AESC by its affiliates for which it provides staffing services. The employee stock ownership segment of the Plan enabled employees to become beneficial owners of the common stock of Allegheny Energy, Inc. (the Company) through tax credits that ended with the plan year 1986. Members remain in this segment of the Plan and are credited with additional shares of common stock through dividend reinvestments.
On August 18, 2000, the Company's subsidiary, Monongahela Power Company, purchased Mountaineer Gas Company (Mountaineer Gas). If the non-union employees of Mountaineer Gas elected to enroll, they became participants in the Plan as of January 1, 2001 while the union employees remained in the Mountaineer Gas Company 401(k) Plan. Cash from the non-union employees' accounts totaling $1,236,095 was transferred from Branch Bank and Trust (BB&T) to the Plan on April 1, 2001. Cash from the union employees accounts totaling $1,860,293 was transferred from BB&T to the Plan on December 16, 2002. As of December 16, 2002, all Mountaineer Gas Company 401(k) Plan net assets were transferred into the Plan, and the Mountaineer Gas Company 401(k) Plan was fully liquidated.
Allegheny Ventures Inc., a subsidiary of the Company, purchased Fellon-McCord Associates, Inc. (Fellon-McCord) on November 1, 2001. All employees of Fellon-McCord were eligible to become participants in the Plan as of January 1, 2002. Net assets from the Fellon-McCord 401(k) Plan totaling $617,213 were transferred into the Plan on April 3, 2002. |