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array, Beilhart, duly, Exhibit, Gordon, Indemnity, Kathy, Litchfield, Lord, omitted, oriented, resident, thereunto, undersigned, Wade, wide
abandon, abandonment, abatement, abbreviated, ability, absence, absolute, absolutely, absorb, absorption, accelerate, accepted, accepting, accessibility, accident, accommodate, accompanying, accomplish, account, accounted, accounting, accreted, accretion, accrual, accrued, accumulated, accurately, achievable, achieve, achieved, achievement, acquired, acquisition, active, actively, activity, actuarial, adapt, add, added, adding, addition, additional, Additionally, addressing, Adelphia, adequacy, adequate, adjust, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administrative, administratively, advance, advantage, adverse, adversely, affect, affected, affecting, affiliate, aforementioned, AFUDC, age, Agency, aggregate, aggregated, agreed, aid, air, alerting, alleged, allegedly, alleging, allocated, allocation, alloy, alternative, amalgam, amend, amended, America, amortization, amortized, amount, amounted, analyzing, ancillary, announced, annual, annually, ansaction, answer, answered, Anthony, anticipate, anticipated, antidilutive, appeal, appendix, applicability, application, applied, applying, approval, approve, approved, approximate, approximately, area, argued, arising, Armando, Arnold, ARO, Ashton, assert, asserted, asserting, assessed, assessing, assessment, asset, assigned, assigning, assume, assumed, Assuming, assumption, assurance, assuring, Atomic, attention, attestation, attractive, attributable, audit, audited, auditing, auditor, August, authority, authorization, average, avoid, avoided, avoiding, back, bad, balance, bandwidth, bank, bankruptcy, bargaining, barred, BART, base, based, baseline, basic, battery, Beach, bear, began, begin, beginning, bein, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiary, Benjamin, bid, bidder, bill, billed, billion, binding, Blake, board, boiler, book, borne, borrowed, borrowing, breach, breakdown, Brevard, broad, broadly, Brotherhood, brought, build, building, built, bulletin, buy, buyer, buying, cable, Cablevision, CAIR, calculated, calculating, calculation, calendar, California, called, Canaveral, cancel, cancer, cap, capability, capacity, Cape, capita, capital, capitalization, capitalized, carbon, care, carried, carrying, case, cash, cask, catastrophic, categorized, category, cease, central, certainty, cessation, chairman, challenged, challenging, Character, charge, charged, charter, Cherokee, childhood, choose, Circuit, circumvented, civil, claim, classified, clause, clean, clear, climate, close, closed, closing, coal, cogeneration, coke, cold, collateral, collect, collected, collectibility, collective, collectively, collusion, Columbia, combination, combined, combustion, commencement, commencing, commercial, commingled, Commission, commitment, committed, committee, commodity, communicated, communicating, community, companionship, comparable, compared, competition, competitive, complaint, complex, compliance, complied, comply, complying, component, composite, compounded, comprehensive, comprised, computation, computed, computing, concentrated, concept, concluded, condensed, condition, conditional, conditioning, conducted, conducting, confidence, confirmed, conflict, conform, conformity, confusing, conjunction, connected, connection, conservation, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consolidate, consolidated, consolidating, consolidation, conspiracy, Constellation, construct, constructed, constructing, construction, consumed, context, contingent, continue, continued, continuing, continuously, contract, contracted, contracting, contractual, contractually, contributor, contributory, control, controlled, controlling, convenience, Conversely, conversion, converted, convertible, converting, cooling, Cooperative, correcting, corrosion, cost, counterclaim, counterparty, County, court, cover, coverage, covered, cracking, create, created, credit, crediting, criteria, critical, cumulative, customer, damage, dark, data, DC, de, debenture, debt, December, decide, decision, declaratory, decline, decommission, decommissioning, decontamination, decrease, decreased, dedicated, deed, deemed, default, defending, defense, deferral, deferred, deferring, deficiency, degradation, degree, delay, delegated, delegation, delisting, deliver, delivered, delivery, Deloitte, demand, demanded, demonstrate, denied, dental, denying, department, dependence, dependent, depending, deposited, depreciated, depreciation, deregulation, derivative, derived, design, designated, designed, desirable, destructive, detail, detected, detection, deteriorate, deterioration, determination, determine, determined, determining, Deutsche, develop, developed, developing, development, difficult, dilute, diluted, direct, directing, directly, director, disallow, disallowed, discharge, discharged, discount, discounted, discounting, discovery, discretion, discussed, discussion, dismantle, dismantlement, dismantling, dismissed, disposal, dispose, disposition, disrupted, dissipation, distributed, district, diverse, diversification, diversified, dividend, division, domestic, Doubtful, downgrade, downwind, driven, drug, dry, Duane, due, duty, earn, earned, easement, east, economic, economical, economically, economy, Edward, effect, effected, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, electric, electrical, electricity, electronically, Eleventh, eligibility, eligible, eliminated, eliminating, em, EMC, emerge, emerging, EMF, Emilia, emission, emit, employed, employee, employer, employment, EMT, enable, enacted, encounter, encumbered, end, ended, ending, energy, engineering, enhance, enrichment, ensuring, entered, entering, entirety, entitled, entrainment, environment, environmental, EPA, epidemiology, equal, equipment, equivalent, ERCOT, error, es, Escoto, ESOP, essentially, establish, established, establishing, estate, estimable, estimate, estimated, ethical, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, eventual, eventually, evidence, evolve, examining, exceed, exceeded, excessive, excluded, excluding, exclusion, exclusive, exclusively, executed, execution, exempt, exercise, exhaustive, exist, existed, existing, expand, expanded, expansion, expect, expected, expense, experienced, experiencing, expertise, expiration, expire, expiring, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, extend, extended, extension, extensive, extent, external, extracting, fabrication, face, facilitate, facility, fact, factor, fail, failed, failing, failure, fair, fairly, fall, Farm, FAS, FASB, favorable, FDEP, feature, federal, fee, FERC, FGT, fiber, FiberNet, fiduciary, FIN, final, financing, fine, Finestone, firm, fiscal, fission, Fitch, fixed, flow, fluctuate, fluctuating, FMPA, focused, forecast, forecasted, foregoing, foreign, format, formed, Fort, forward, fossil, found, fourth, FPLE, FPSC, Framework, franchise, fraud, fraudulent, free, frequently, fuel, fulfill, full, fully, function, fund, fundamental, funded, furnished, future, gain, gas, ge, generalized, generally, generate, generated, generating, generation, generator, geographic, Georgia, Gexa, goodwill, govern, governed, government, governmental, governor, GP, gradually, grant, granted, granting, greater, greenhouse, grid, grow, growth, guarantee, guaranteed, guarantor, guidance, Gulfstream, Hampshire, Hay, haze, heading, health, heat, heater, heavy, hedge, hedged, hedging, heightened, hereof, high, higher, highly, historical, history, hold, holder, holding, home, housing, human, hurricane, hydro, hydropower, hypothetical, IBEW, identical, identification, identified, identify, impact, impair, impairment, impingement, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, important, impose, imposed, improper, improve, improved, improvement, imprudent, imprudently, inability, inadequate, incentive, inception, incident, include, included, income, increase, increased, increasing, incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, indefinitely, independent, independently, Indian, indirect, individual, individually, Indonesian, industrial, industry, ineffective, inflation, influence, influenced, informed, infrastructure, inherent, inInternal, initial, initially, initiative, injunctive, input, insolvent, inspect, installation, instance, instrument, insufficient, insurance, insured, intake, intangible, integrate, integrated, integration, intend, intended, intensity, interchange, intercompany, interconnect, interconnection, interest, interim, internal, internally, international, internet, interpretation, interpretive, interruptible, Interstate, intrinsic, inventory, invest, invested, investee, investing, investment, involve, involved, Iowa, irregular, irrevocably, issuable, issuance, issue, issued, iv, Jacksonville, January, JEA, job, John, joint, jointly, judgment, judicial, June, junior, key, kilowatt, kw, kwh, laboratory, lack, land, largely, largest, Lauderdale, law, lawsuit, lead, lease, leased, left, legal, legally, legislation, legislative, length, lessor, letter, leukemia, level, levelized, leveraged, license, licensing, lien, lieu, life, limit, line, linked, liquid, liquidated, liquidity, list, litigation, LLP, load, loan, local, located, location, lock, locking, long, longer, lose, lost, low, Lowe, lower, lowest, LP, LTIP, Lucie, made, magnetic, Maine, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, make, making, manage, managed, managing, Manatee, manner, manufactured, manufacturing, margin, marked, market, marketable, marketing, marketplace, Martin, master, matching, material, materially, matter, mature, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximum, McGrath, meaningful, measure, measured, measurement, mechanism, median, medical, meet, meeting, member, merchant, mercury, merger, merit, Mesa, met, method, methodology, metro, Miami, Middle, million, minimum, misstatement, mitigate, mitigated, mix, model, modeled, modeling, modified, modify, Mojave, monetary, monitor, monitoring, month, monthly, Moody, mortality, mortgage, mothballed, motion, moved, movement, multiplied, multiplying, municipal, mutual, mw, mwh, nation, national, nationwide, natural, nature, nbsp, NDFC, necessity, negative, negatively, negligence, negotiate, NEPOOL, net, netted, netting, network, neuroblastoma, neurological, nickel, nitrogen, noise, nominal, noncontributory, nonperformance, North, Northeast, Northern, note, noted, notice, notional, notwithstanding, November, NOx, NRC, nuclear, objective, obligate, obligated, obligation, observable, obtain, obtainable, obtained, obtaining, Occasionally, occur, occurred, occurrence, OCI, October, ofcoal, offering, Office, Official, offset, offsetting, oil, Olivera, ongoing, open, operate, operated, operation, operational, opinion, opportunity, optimize, option, order, Ordinarily, ordinary, organizational, organized, original, originally, Orlando, outage, outcome, outlook, output, outstanding, override, owing, ownership, ozone, page, paid, pain, paint, Palm, paper, par, park, partially, participant, participating, participation, particulate, partly, partnership, party, passage, passed, passing, Pasteur, pay, payable, paying, payment, payroll, peak, Pedro, penalty, pending, penetration, pension, people, percent, percentage, perform, performance, performed, performing, periodic, periodically, permanent, permit, permitted, permitting, perpetual, personal, personnel, pertain, Petersburg, petition, petroleum, phase, phased, Phillip, physical, pipeline, piping, PJM, plaintiff, plan, planned, planning, plant, pleasure, PM, PMI, point, poisoning, policy, pollution, pool, pooled, Poor, population, Port, portfolio, portion, portrayal, position, positive, post, posting, postretirement, potential, potentially, PPA, practicable, practical, precise, predict, predominantly, predominately, preferred, premature, prepaid, preparation, prepared, prescribed, prescription, presence, present, presentation, presented, presently, preservative, preserve, pressure, pressurizer, pretax, prevail, prevailing, prevalent, prevent, prevented, prevention, previously, price, pricing, primarily, primary, principal, private, pro, proceeding, procurement, produce, produced, production, professional, program, prohibit, project, projected, projection, prompt, properly, proportionate, proposed, prospective, protect, protecting, protection, protest, protested, provision, prudency, prudent, prudently, PSD, public, published, PURPA, purpose, qualified, qualify, qualifying, quality, quantity, quarter, quarterly, question, quoted, radial, radioactive, range, ranging, ratably, rate, rated, ratemaking, ratified, rating, ratio, rational, reached, reaching, reacquisition, reactor, read, realized, Rebecca, receipt, receivable, receive, received, recent, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recommendation, recommended, reconciliation, reconfiguring, reconsideration, record, recorded, recording, recourse, recover, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recovering, redeem, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, redundancy, reevaluate, reevaluation, referred, reflect, reflected, reflecting, Reform, refueling, refund, refunded, region, regional, registration, regression, regularly, regulate, regulated, regulatory, rehearing, reimbursed, reimbursement, reinvested, rejecting, relate, relating, relation, release, released, relevant, reliability, reliably, relief, relocating, rely, remain, remaining, remand, remanded, remarketed, removal, remove, removed, removing, rendered, renegotiate, renew, renewable, reopen, repaid, repair, replace, replaced, replacement, replacing, reportable, reported, reporting, repository, represent, representation, represented, representing, repurchase, repurchased, request, requested, requesting, require, requirement, requiring, research, reserve, reserved, reset, residential, residual, resolution, resource, respond, response, responsibility, restated, restoration, restrict, restricted, restricting, restriction, restructure, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retained, retired, retiree, retirement, retiring, retrospective, return, returned, revenue, reversal, reverse, review, reviewed, revised, revision, revolving, RFP, risk, River, Riviera, Robert, Robo, ROE, Roig, route, ruled, rulemaking, safeguarded, safety, salvage, Sanford, satisfied, satisfy, schedule, scheduled, Scherer, scientific, Scott, Seabrook, seasonality, sec, secondary, Secure, securing, security, seek, seeking, segment, segregate, selected, selection, selective, sell, seller, selling, Seminole, Sensitivity, separate, separately, September, serial, serve, service, serving, setting, settled, settlement, share, shared, shareholder, sharing, sheet, shelf, Shiflett, shift, short, shown, shutdown, significant, significantly, similar, Similarly, simplicity, simulation, site, siting, SJRPP, slightly, slowdown, small, software, soil, solar, solid, son, sooner, sought, source, southeast, Southern, space, spark, SPE, specific, specifically, spent, split, Sponsoring, spot, spring, st, stabilization, stable, Stall, standard, standby, stated, statement, Station, statute, statutory, stayed, steam, stemming, stipulation, stock, Stockholder, stoppage, storage, store, stored, storing, storm, strategic, strategy, strict, strong, strontium, structure, study, subjective, submission, submit, submitted, subordinated, subsequent, subsequently, substantial, substantially, successful, successfully, suffered, suffering, sufficient, sulfur, sum, summarized, summary, summer, supervision, supplemental, Supplementary, supplemented, supplier, supply, support, supported, supporting, Supreme, surcharge, surveillance, surviving, suspended, suspension, sustain, swap, switch, system, systematic, table, Tampa, Tancer, Tape, target, targeted, tariff, tax, technology, telephone, temperature, temporary, term, terminated, termination, territory, terrorism, terrorist, test, tested, testing, text, thimerosal, threshold, tied, time, timely, timing, Tish, title, today, Tohmatsu, Touche, toxic, tr, trade, traded, trading, traditional, training, transaction, transfer, transferability, transferred, transition, transmission, transmit, transportation, transported, Treadway, treasury, treated, treatment, trend, trial, trust, trustee, turbine, Turkey, turn, twelve, TXU, type, typical, typically, ultimate, unable, unallocated, unanticipated, Unaudited, unauthorized, unavailable, unavoidable, unbilled, uncertain, uncertainty, uncollectible, uncommitted, unconditionally, unconsolidated, underground, underlying, understanding, undiscounted, undivided, unearned, unexpected, unfunded, Uninsured, union, unique, unit, United, unnamed, unneeded, unpaid, unpredictable, unqualified, unrealized, unreasonably, unrecovered, Unsecured, unspecified, unsuccessful, unusual, unusually, upcoming, update, updated, upward, usage, utility, utilize, utilizing, valuation, VaR, variability, variable, variance, variety, vary, varying, venture, vessel, vest, viability, VIE, vigorously, violation, virtually, visibility, volatility, volume, warranty, waste, water, weather, weighing, weighted, weld, west, western, wheeling, wholesale, wholly, wildlife, wind, winter, wiring, withdrawal, work, workforce, working, world, written, year, yield, York, Zachary
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