Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Consolidated Statements of Earn
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Un
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (_2
- Consolidated Statements of Tota
- Consolidated Statements of To_2
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Background
- Acquisition and Divestitures
- Restructuring, Impairment, and
- Goodwill and Other Intangible A
- Inventories
- Risk Management Activities
- Debt
- Redeemable and Noncontrolling I
- Stockholders' Equity
- Stock Plans
- Earnings Per Share
- Share Repurchases
- Statements of Cash Flows
- Retirement and Postemployment B
- Income Taxes
- Contingencies
- Business Segment and Geographic
- Restructuring, Impairment, an_2
- Goodwill and Other Intangible_2
- Inventories (Tables)
- Risk Management Activities (Tab
- Debt (Tables)
- Stockholders' Equity (Tables)
- Stock Plans (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Share Repurchases (Tables)
- Statements of Cash Flows (Table
- Retirement and Postemployment_2
- Business Segment and Geograph_2
- Acquisition and Divestitures (N
- Restructuring, Impairment, an_3
- Restructuring, Impairment, an_4
- Goodwill and Other Intangible_3
- Goodwill and Other Intangible_4
- Goodwill and Other Intangible_5
- Goodwill and Other Intangible_6
- Goodwill and Other Intangible_7
- Inventories (Details)
- Risk Management Activities (Nar
- Risk Management Activities (Sch
- Debt (Narrative) (Details)
- Debt (Schedule of components of
- Debt (Schedule of fee-paid comm
- Redeemable and Noncontrolling_2
- Stockholders' Equity (Schedule
- Stockholders' Equity (Schedul_2
- Stock Plans (Narrative) (Detail
- Stock Plans (Schedule of compen
- Stock Plans (Schedule of Windfa
- Stock Plans (Schedule of net ca
- Stock Plans (Schedule of estima
- Stock Plans (Schedule of grant
- Earnings per Share (Schedule of
- Earnings per Share (Schedule _2
- Share Repurchases (Details)
- Statements of Cash Flows (Conso
- Retirement and Postemployment_3
- Business Segment and Geograph_3
- Business Segment and Geograph_4