Committee for Aerojet Rocketdyne Shareholders and Value Maximization Announces Solicitation to Call a June 2022 Special Meeting to Elect a New Board of Directors
Necessary Step in Response to Steel Partners’ and Warren Lichtenstein’s Continuing Refusal to Set a Date for 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
Committee Particularly Concerned By Lichtenstein’s Filing of HSR Notice To Acquire Up to $1.0098 Billion in Aerojet Rocketdyne Shares
If Elected at the Special Meeting, Independent Director Slate to Take a Fresh Look at Strategic Landscape and Continue to Seek to Maximize Stockholder Value
EL SEGUNDO, Calif., April 22, 2022. Eileen Drake (Aerojet Rocketdyne’s CEO) and Gen. Kevin Chilton (Ret.), Thomas Corcoran and Gen. Lance Lord (Ret.) (three of its Independent Directors) announced today that they will be commencing a solicitation of consents to call a special meeting of stockholders of Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: AJRD). The special meeting will be proposed for June 21, 2022, to elect a new Board of Directors. This is a necessary step in light of Executive Chairman Warren Lichtenstein’s and his associates’ continuing refusal to agree to a date certain for the 2022 annual meeting of stockholders.
Below is a copy of the letter issued to Aerojet Rocketdyne stockholders by Ms. Drake, Gen. Chilton, Mr. Corcoran and Gen. Lord on behalf of the Committee for Aerojet Rocketdyne Shareholders and Value Maximization:
Dear Fellow Stockholders:
For close to two months we have sought to establish a specific annual meeting date so that stockholders of Aerojet Rocketdyne get the opportunity to decide for themselves the composition of their Board of Directors. During this time Steel Partners, Warren Lichtenstein and their associates on the Board have actively thwarted that effort.
The record is clear that Mr. Lichtenstein’s desire to delay the 2022 annual meeting date only occurred after Ms. Drake delivered notice of an alternative highly-qualified slate of truly independent directors on February 28, 2022. Prior to delivery of the notice, Mr. Lichtenstein insisted that an annual meeting should occur in early June “at the latest.” At the current pace, an annual meeting might not be scheduled until as late as August or September based on recent communications from Mr. Lichtenstein’s advisors.
While obstructing any and all efforts to set an annual meeting date, earlier this month Mr. Lichtenstein filed with antitrust regulators a notice of intent to acquire up to $1.0098 billion in Aerojet Rocketdyne shares, which would increase his ownership to over 30% of the outstanding shares – effectively giving Mr. Lichtenstein and Steel Partners de facto control over your Company without any control premium. Given the deadlock in the Boardroom that he has created, and Mr. Lichtenstein’s unwillingness to recuse himself notwithstanding the clear conflict of interest that exists, the Board is unable to respond to this situation.
As a result of Mr. Lichtenstein’s obstructionist behavior and ensuing deadlock, the Board has been unable to form a committee of independent directors to even begin to address his notice of intention to acquire a significant stake in the Company’s shares. All facts that are conveniently omitted from his 13D beneficial ownership reports and proxy soliciting materials.