Item 1. Business. |
General |
Industrial Services of America, Inc. (the "Registrant") is a scrap recycling and management services company specializing in ferrous, non-ferrous and fiber recycling as well as solid waste management, equipment sales and leasing, and commercial real estate development with associated properties. |
The ISA Recycling division is a contributing profit center of the Registrant, with major products including recycled steel, iron, copper, aluminum, brass and fiber, which consists mainly of corrugated cardboard. This division is also actively involved in the export of recycled materials. |
The management division of the Registrant is engaged in the business of commercial, retail and industrial waste management and waste handling. This division offers a "total package" concept to commercial, retail and industrial clients to cover their waste management needs. Combining waste reduction, waste materials diversion and waste equipment technology, the Registrant creates waste programs tailored to each client's individual needs. The Registrant offers a more complete line of products and services than its competitors and is better able to coordinate these services on a regional and nationwide basis. By offering competitively priced waste handling equipment from a number of different manufacturers, the Registrant is able to tailor equipment packages for individual client needs. The waste management services offered by the Registrant include locating and contracting with a hauling company at a reasonable cost at each participating location for the cust omers of the Registrant that are a part of the management program offered by the Registrant. Because the Registrant is not a waste transporter, it is able to maintain a neutral position with the customers and the hauling companies. The Registrant has designed and developed proprietary computer software that provides the Registrant's personnel with relevant information on each of the client's locations, as well as pertinent information on disposal rates and costs of equipment, including installation and shipping. This software has allowed the Registrant to build a database for serving customers nationwide as well as Mexico, Canada and Puerto Rico. The Registrant is able to estimate cost savings to potential customers by reviewing their current waste hauling invoices either regionally or nationwide. The Registrant is also capable of generating customized billing statements to accommodate customer needs. |
The Registrant plans to grow by seeking additional suppliers of recycled materials, taking advantage of new markets for those materials, both domestic and foreign, expanding its marketing base and by seeking future joint ventures and acquisitions of companies in the management services portion of the business. The Registrant continues to target retail and industrial customers throughout North America for the purpose of increasing its clientele in this sector. Although the number of locations for each industrial customer will generally be less than that of large retail chains, solid waste output for each location of industrial clients is generally greater than that of retail clients. Since industrial clients generate greater volumes of solid waste, the Registrant believes that industrial clients offer more opportunities for large equipment orders than retail clients. |
Increasing world demand for metals and paper will provide growth in the future for the recycling business. Opportunities for continued growth in the management services business are enhanced by the increasingly stringent regulatory and political constraints being placed on the waste hauling and disposal industries. These more stringent federal, state and local regulations drive prices higher throughout the industry. With ever-increasing costs, solid waste disposal is becoming one of the larger expense items for retail and industrial customers, and perhaps one of the most difficult to control. These increased costs enhance the value of the Registrant's services. Through the retention of the Registrant's services, customers can outsource their in-house waste needs to an experienced independent entity capable of lowering and containing waste disposal costs. The Registrant is able to provide customized reports detailing clients' recycling revenues as well as wa ste disposal expense. |
Registrant Background |
The Registrant was incorporated in October 1953 in Florida under the name Alson Manufacturing, Inc. ("Alson"). From the date of incorporation through January 5, 1975, the Registrant was involved in the design and manufacture of various forms of electrical products. In 1979, the Board of Directors and the shareholders of the Registrant commenced liquidation of all the tangible assets of Alson. On October 27, 1983, Harry Kletter, the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Registrant, acquired 419,500 shares of Common Stock of the Registrant. The existing directors resigned and five new directors were elected. |
On July 1, 1984, the Registrant began a solid waste handling and disposal equipment sales organization under the name Waste Equipment Sales and Services Company ("WESSCO"). On January 1, 1985, the Registrant merged with Computerized Waste Systems, Inc. ("CWS"), a Massachusetts corporation. CWS was a corporation specializing in offering solid waste management consultations for large multi-location companies involved in the retail, restaurant and industrial sectors. At the time of the merger, CWS was concentrating on large retail chains, but has changed its emphasis to include commercial and industrial clients. This strategy created an additional target market for the Registrant. Subsequent to the merger with CWS, the Registrant moved the CWS headquarters from Springfield, Massachusetts to Louisville, Kentucky. At the time of the merger, much of the client base and marketing efforts were concentrated in the Northeast. With the move to Louisville, the Registra nt began to expand its marketing efforts, which are nationwide as well as Canada and Puerto Rico. |
CWS has developed a network of over 2,300 vendors throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada, which include hauling companies, recycling companies and equipment manufacturing and maintenance companies. Through this network, the Registrant is able to provide pricing estimates for potential customers in a timely fashion. CWS customer representatives have access to this information through the computer software designed and developed to accommodate the daily needs of the Registrant. Through this information retrieval system, customer representatives can review the accuracy of customer concerns from recent billings to hauling rates to the average monthly cost of service. |
The Registrant also processes, sells and brokers a broad range of materials for recycling. These materials include ferrous and non-ferrous metals, corrugated containers, high-grade paper and plastic. The Registrant offers document destruction and transport of recyclable materials to the Registrant's facility for regional clients. This division also brokers recycled commodities for CWS customers. |
The Registrant's divisions operate closely with each other in terms of present customer care and proposals for new customers. WESSCO has expanded its product line and presently offers a variety of equipment, which would be necessary for an efficient waste handling and/or recycling system for an individual user. The prices WESSCO can offer are competitive with most dealers since it purchases equipment at dealer cost without paying dealer overhead. The WESSCO program is attractive to customers planning expansion programs. Some of these customers have designated WESSCO as their exclusive waste equipment supplier and consultant. By working with the customer from the time the initial building plans are developed, WESSCO has input into the design, development and implementation of the waste handling system. |
The Registrant derives a significant portion of its revenues from one primary customer accounting for approximately 57%, 57% and 53% of 2003, 2002 and 2001 total revenues. The loss of all or a substantial portion of the business from this primary customer could have a material adverse effect on the Registrant. |
In addition to its other services, the Registrant provides management services relating to recycling and waste stream analysis. The main advantage to offering these types of management services is that the individual projects are priced on a substantial prepaid individual basis. This method of pricing allows the Registrant to collect an up-front fee with the opportunity to "sell" the customer traditional services after the evaluation and/or any subsequent implementation is complete. By offering management and evaluation services, the Registrant is able to pursue additional customers. |
Industry Background |
The Registrant is involved in the management of non-hazardous solid waste and recyclables for retail, commercial and industrial customers. As such, the industry is actually driven by the multi-billion dollar solid waste collection and disposal industry. The size of this industry has increased for the past several years and should continue to increase, as landfill space decreases. Although society (and industry) has developed an increased awareness of environmental issues and recycling has increased, waste production also continues to increase. Because of environmental concerns, new regulations and cost factors, it has become difficult to obtain the necessary permits to build any new landfills. Management believes that with the consolidation taking place in the waste industry, it will become increasingly difficult for a customer to receive a fair price. The Registrant should therefore be in a position to be called upon to represent the best interest of that customer; this fact can only enhance the Registrant's business. |
The rising costs associated with solid waste disposal have created additional opportunities for the Registrant. Because waste disposal has begun to be an increasingly larger percentage of the total monthly expenditures incurred by commercial establishments, the Registrant believes that the services offered by the Registrant will be in greater demand. Many commercial establishments that have paid little attention to the costs associated with waste disposal in the past are now looking for ways to reduce expenses in this area. The Registrant offers commercial establishments its expertise to lower waste disposal bills and initiate recycling programs to generate additional revenues and/or reduce costs and materials bound for ultimate disposal. |
In addition to increasing landfill costs, regulatory measures and more stringent control of material bound for disposal ("flow control") are making the management of solid waste an increasingly difficult problem. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (the "EPA") is expected to continue the present trend of restricting the amount of potentially recyclable material bound for landfills. Many states have passed, or are contemplating measures, which would require commercial establishments to recycle a minimum percentage of their waste stream and would restrict the percentage of recyclable materials in any commercial load of solid waste material. Many states have already passed restrictive regulations requiring a plan for the reduction of waste or the segregation of recyclable materials from the waste stream at the source. Management of the Registrant believes that these restrictions may create additional marketing opportunities as waste disposal need s within commercial establishments become more specialized. Some large commercial establishments have hired in-house staff to handle the solid waste management and recycling responsibilities, but have found that without adequate resources and staff support, in-house handling of these responsibilities may not be an effective alternative. The Registrant offers these establishments a possible solution to this increasing burden. |
Related Parties Agreement -K&R |
On February 16, 1998 the Registrant's Board of Directors ratified and formalized an existing relationship in connection with (i) the leasing by the Registrant of its facilities from K&R Corporation (K&R) and (ii) the provision of consulting services from K&R to the Registrant. K&R is an affiliate of the Registrant. |
Lease Agreement. The Lease Agreement (the "K&R Lease"), effective as of January 1, 1998, between K&R, as landlord, and the Registrant, as lessee, covers approximately 20.5 acres of land and the improvements thereon, which are located at 7100 Grade Lane in Louisville, Kentucky (the "Leased Premises"). The principal improvements consist of an approximately 22,750 square foot building used as the corporate and CWS offices, an approximately 8,286 square foot building used for sales/leasing and information technology offices, an approximately 13,995 square foot building used as the paper recycling plant, an approximately 12,000 square foot building used for the metals recycling plant, and an approximately 51,760 square foot building used as the recycling offices and warehouse space, with the remaining 15,575 square feet of space contained in five (5) buildings ranging in size from approximately 256 to 8,000 square feet. The initial term of the K&R Lease is for ten years with two five-year option periods (the "Option Periods") available thereafter. The base rent for the first five years was $450,000 per annum. The rent for the second five years, beginning January 1, 2003, is $505,272 per annum, payable at the beginning of each month in an amount equal to $42,106 (the "Fixed Minimum Rent"). The Fixed Minimum Rent adjusts each five years, including each of the Option Periods, in accordance with the Consumer Price Index. The Fixed Minimum Rent also increases to $750,000 per annum, in an amount equal to $62,500 per month in the event of a change in control of the Registrant. The Registrant is also required to pay, as additional rent, all real estate taxes, insurance, utilities, maintenance and repairs, replacements (including replacement of roofs if necessary) and other expenses. The K&R Lease provides for indemnification of K&R by the Registrant for all damages arising out of the Registrant's use or condition of the Leased Premises exc epting therefrom K&R's negligence. |
K&R Consulting Agreement.The K&R Consulting Agreement remains in effect until December 31, 2007, with automatic annual renewals thereafter unless one party provides written notice to the other party of its intent not to renew at least six months in advance of the next renewal date. K&R shall provide strategic planning for mergers and acquisitions (the "K&R Consulting Activities"). The Registrant shall be responsible for all of K&R's expenses and pay services to K&R of $240,000 in equal monthly installments of $20,000 in connection with the K&R Consulting Activities. |
The K&R Consulting Agreement terminates upon a non-defaulting party providing written notice to the other party of its intent to terminate. The recipient of the notice has 10 days to cure monetary defaults and 30 days to cure non-monetary defaults. Upon termination, K&R agrees not to engage, directly or indirectly, in the business conducted by, or hire employees from, the Registrant for a period of five years and within 100 miles of any operation of the Registrant. |
The Registrant's principal shareholder and Chief Executive Officer is compensated through consulting fees pursuant to the K&R Consulting Agreement. |
Acquisition Agreement and Related Lease - Fitzpatrick |
As of May 31, 2003, the Registrant terminated the following agreement for a termination payment of $156,000. Effective June 1, 1998, ISA Indiana, Inc. (the "Subsidiary"), an Indiana corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant; R. J. Fitzpatrick Smelters, Inc. (the "Seller"); and R. J. Fitzpatrick and Cheryl Fitzpatrick (collectively the "Guarantors"); entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement (the "Fitzpatrick Purchase Agreement") whereby the Subsidiary acquired all of the business, property, rights and assets of the Seller and assumed certain liabilities of the Seller as set forth in the Fitzpatrick Purchase Agreement. Under the Fitzpatrick Purchase Agreement, the Subsidiary entered into a real property Lease Agreement (the "Fitzpatrick Lease"), effective June 1, 1998, from the Guarantors and the Seller for ten successive terms of ten years each at a rental of $13,000 per month during the original term (as adjusted in accordance with the Consu mer Price Index for each renewal term) with an option to purchase for $1,600,000 the real property (including an adjoining 20 acre tract less 3 acres to be retained by the Seller and Guarantors). The location of the business is on an approximate 14-acre tract at U.S. 50 and Jennings County Road 900 West, North Vernon, Jennings County, Indiana, approximately 65 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky. The business of the Seller is a metal salvage and metal handling operation and is comprised of five buildings, the total square footage of which is approximately 71,400 feet. The principal improvement is a one-story concrete warehouse/foundry/office approximating 25,500 square feet. The remaining buildings are steel-framed buildings constituting warehouses, garages and office space. |
Lease and Purchase Agreement - Penske |
Effective July 8, 2002, ISA Indiana, Inc. (the "Tenant"), an Indiana corporation and wholly-owned subsidiary of the Registrant and Penske Truck Leasing Co., L.P. (the "Landlord") entered into an Lease and Purchase Agreement whereby the Tenant agrees to pay Landlord $3,000 per month for three years with an option to purchase for $425,000. The location of the business is on an approximate 5-acre tract at 1565 East 4th Street, Seymour, Indiana, approximately 60 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky. The land is improved by an approximately 10,000 square foot maintenance and office building. |
Consulting Agreements |
R.. Jerry Falkner Agreement On June 11, 1996, the Registrant entered into an agreement with R. Jerry Falkner (Falkner) to perform financial advisory services for the Registrant. The Registrant granted Falkner options to purchase 20,000 shares at $5.00 per share. This option agreement, which expires June 11, 2006, provides Falkner with registration rights for these option shares. |
JCA/AML Agreement On June 2, 1998, the Registrant entered into an agreement (the "JCA/AML Agreement") with Joseph Charles & Associates, Inc. ("JCA") and Andrew M. Lassak (AML) for a period of up to five (5) years. The Registrant granted to JCA and AML and/or his designee for the financial advisory services rendered options to purchase 185,000 shares of the Registrant's Common Stock (the "Common Stock") at $6.00 per share based on a five-year vesting schedule. The Registrant granted to JCA and AML options to purchase the Registrant's Common Stock on the basis of 65% of the shares of Common Stock subject to options being granted to AML and 35% to JCA. The Registrant terminated the JCA/AML Agreement effective June 2, 2001. Consequently, options to purchase 70,000 shares over the last two years of the agreement did not vest. As of June 2, 2003, vested options to purchase 45,000 shares expired. The remaining vested options to purcha se 70,000 shares will expire June 2, 2004. |
Lassak Agreement On November 3, 1999, the Registrant entered into an agreement (the "Lassak Agreement") with Andrew M. Lassak ("Lassak") to perform financial advisory services. The Registrant granted to AML and/or his designee for the financial advisory services rendered options to purchase 120,250 shares of the Registrant's Common Stock (the "Common Stock") at $2.50 per share based on a five-year vesting schedule. The Registrant terminated the Lassak Agreement effective June 2, 2001. Consequently, options to purchase 45,500 shares over the last two years of the agreement did not vest. As of June 2, 2003, vested options to purchase 29,250 shares expired. The remaining vested options to purchase 45,500 shares will expire June 2, 2004. The Registrant and its counsel are reviewing the status of the options contained in the Lassak Agreement in light of questions concerning the intention of the parties as to the replacement of earlier awarded optio ns to Mr. Lassak under the JCA/AML Agreement. |
Competition |
On a commercial/industrial waste management level, the Registrant has competition from a variety of sources. Much of it is from companies that concentrate their efforts on a regional level. Management of the Registrant believes that with the proprietary database of regional and national pricing, the Registrant will maintain its edge on a national basis. |
There has been increased competition from national hauling companies. The large national hauling companies often attempt to handle an entire chain of locations for a "national chain" client. This scenario poses a potential conflict of interest since these hauling companies can attain greater profitability from increases in hauling and disposal revenues. In addition to having an interest in higher hauling and disposal rates, the national hauling companies do not have operations in every community and do not, to the knowledge of management, have some of the billing and computer capabilities, which the Registrant is able to offer. Additionally, management has encountered evidence of some reluctance from independent hauling companies to work with national hauling companies. |
There is also competition from some equipment manufacturers. These companies have their primary interest in selling or leasing equipment and offer management services in order to secure these sales or leases. There is a cost involved in using the equipment and the money saved must justify the amount spent on this equipment. |
The metal recycling business is highly competitive and is subject to significant changes in economic and market conditions. Certain of the Registrant's competitors have greater financial, marketing and other resources. There can be no assurance that the Registrant will be able to obtain its desired market share based on the competitive nature of this industry. |
An important difference between the Registrant and the majority of its competition is the Registrant's management process. The systematic approach attempts to provide consistent results for the customer. At the implementation stage, the Registrant actively bids out every location that a new customer requests. The Registrant repeats this bidding process at any time that a client receives notice of an undocumented price increase or at regular intervals as indicated in the contractual relationship. At subsequent stages, the Registrant will evaluate a customer's solid waste program and provide alternatives for improvement. |
The Registrant has developed a network of maintenance and hauling companies throughout the country and due to the volume of business awarded to them by the Registrant, often these companies will offer discounted hauling and maintenance rates to the Registrant. However, the Registrant is not affiliated with any particular company or vendor in the hauling and/or maintenance industries, but rather deals with those companies and vendors that can supply quality service at a favorable price. In addition to the volume of business handled by some of these vendors, the vendors understand that as long as the accounts are well serviced, they will be invited to bid on future accounts. |
Few, if any, of the Registrant's competitors have a national network of vendors similar to the one the Registrant has developed over its years of operation. The major hauling companies are limited in the scope of services, which they can provide to commercial/industrial accounts. Although the major hauling companies have operating companies in most major and intermediate-sized cities, they do not have nationwide geographic coverage. Therefore, for large commercial/industrial clients, they must obtain bids from local hauling companies that may perceive them to be future competitors. The Registrant has positioned itself to negotiate with the haulers, while servicing its clients on a nationwide basis. |
Most of the direct competition is from small regional companies that bid on regional accounts or national accounts on a regional basis. Few of the Registrant's competitors appear to be equipped to handle large national accounts nor do they seem to have the inclination to expand their geographic coverage. There are numerous national companies in closely related businesses, including national hauling companies that have substantially greater financial resources than does the Registrant. Should any of these companies decide to compete directly with the Registrant, it could have a material adverse effect on the business of the Registrant. |
Employees |
As of December 31, 2003, the Registrant had one hundred twenty-two (122) full-time employees as follows: Recycling 72, Management Services 35, Sales/Leasing 5 and Administration/Information Technology 10. No employee is a member of a union with a contract with the Registrant. |
Effect of State and Federal Environmental Regulations |
Any environmental regulatory liability relating to the Registrant's operations is generally borne by the customers with whom the Registrant contracts and the third party vendors in their capacity as transporters. As a matter of Registrant's policy, the Registrant uses its best efforts to secure indemnification for environmental liability from its customers and third party vendors. Although management of the Registrant believes that its business does not subject it to potential environmental liability, the Registrant continues to use best efforts to be in compliance with federal, state and local environmental laws, including but not limited to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, as amended, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, as amended, the Clean Air Act, as amended, and the Clean Water Act. Such compliance has not historically constituted a materia l expense to the Registrant. |
The collection and disposal of solid waste and rendering of related environmental services are subject to federal, state and local requirements which regulate health, safety, the environment, zoning and land-use. Federal, state and local regulations vary, but generally govern disposal activities and the location and use of facilities and also impose restrictions to prohibit or minimize air and water pollution. In addition, governmental authorities have the power to enforce compliance with these regulations and to obtain injunctions or impose fines in the case of violations, including criminal penalties. These regulations are administered by the EPA and various other federal, state and local environmental, health and safety agencies and authorities, including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor. |
The Registrant strives to conduct its operations in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. While such amounts expended in the past or anticipated to be expended in the future have not had and are not expected to have a material adverse effect on the Registrant's financial condition or operations, the possibility remains that technological, regulatory or enforcement developments, the results of environmental studies or other factors could materially alter this expectation. |
Each state in which the Registrant operates has its own laws and regulations governing solid waste disposal, water and air pollution and, in most cases, releases and cleanup of hazardous substances and liability for such matters. Several states have enacted laws that will require counties to adopt comprehensive plans to reduce, through waste planning, composting, recycling, or other programs, the volume of solid waste landfills. These laws have recently been promulgated in several states. Legislative and regulatory measures to mandate or encourage waste reduction at the source and waste recycling, also are under consideration by Congress and the EPA. |
Finally, various states have enacted, or are considering enacting, laws that restrict the disposal within the state of solid or hazardous wastes generated outside the state. While laws that overtly discriminate against out of state waste have been found to be unconstitutional, some laws that are less overtly discriminatory have been upheld in court. Challenges to other such laws are pending. The outcome of pending litigation and the likelihood that other such laws will be passed and will survive constitutional challenge are uncertain. |
Item 2. Properties. |
The Registrant leases its corporate offices and processing property and buildings in Louisville, Kentucky for $42,106 per month from K&R pursuant to the K&R Lease. See ITEM 1. BUSINESS. "Related Parties Agreement - K&R" |
The Subsidiary of the Registrant has entered into the Fitzpatrick Lease effective June 1, 1998, for ten successive terms of ten years each at a rental of $13,000 per month during the original term (as adjusted in accordance with the Consumer Price Index for each renewal term) with an option to purchase for $1,600,000. See ITEM 1. BUSINESS. "Acquisition Agreement and Related Lease - Fitzpatrick." |
The Subsidiary of the Registrant has entered into the Penske Lease and Purchase Agreement effective July 8, 2002, for three years at a rental of $3,000 per month with an option to purchase for $425,000. See ITEM 1. BUSINESS. "Lease and Purchase Agreement Penske." |
On May 1, 2003, the Registrant purchased 10.723 acres at 7110 Grade Lane, Louisville, Kentucky for $1,523,129. It includes a 146,627 square foot commercial warehouse building. The property is adjacent to the Registrant's headquarters. The Registrant financed the property with long-term debt with a bank at prime rate through May 2005 with a balloon payment of $1,185,000. The Registrant has leased the property to an unrelated third party for a term of two years ending April 30, 2005 with a monthly rental of $21,350. |
Item 3. Legal Proceedings. |
The Registrant is a party to litigation from time to time in the normal course of its business. However, there are no material proceedings pending by, or against the Registrant or affecting any of its properties. |
Item 4. Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders. |
None. |