Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentation
- Note 2 - Revenue
- Note 3 - Long-term Debt
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measurement
- Note 5 - Stockholders' Equity
- Note 6 - Retirement Plans
- Note 7 - Stock-based Compensati
- Note 8 - Leases
- Note 9 - Commitments and Contin
- Note 10 - Goodwill and Intangib
- Note 11 - Income Taxes
- Note 12 - Segment Information
- Note 13 - Subsequent Event
- Insider Trading Arrangements
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentation
- Note 2 - Revenue (Tables)
- Note 3 - Long-term Debt (Tables
- Note 7 - Stock-based Compensa_2
- Note 8 - Leases (Tables)
- Note 10 - Goodwill and Intang_2
- Note 11 - Income Taxes (Tables)
- Note 12 - Segment Information (
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentatio_2
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentatio_3
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentatio_4
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentatio_5
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentatio_6
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentatio_7
- Note 1 - Basis of Presentatio_8
- Note 2 - Revenue (Details Textu
- Note 2 - Revenue - Deferred Rev
- Note 2 - Revenue - Disaggregati
- Note 3 - Long-term Debt (Detail
- Note 3 - Long-term Debt - Long-
- Note 3 - Long-term Debt - Aggre
- Note 4 - Fair Value Measureme_2
- Note 5 - Stockholders' Equity (
- Note 6 - Retirement Plans (Deta
- Note 7 - Stock-based Compensa_3
- Note 7 - Stock-based Compensa_4
- Note 8 - Leases (Details Textua
- Note 8 - Leases - Lease Expense
- Note 8 - Leases - Maturities of
- Note 8 - Leases - Operating Lea
- Note 8 - Leases - Future Minimu
- Note 10 - Goodwill and Intang_3
- Note 10 - Goodwill and Intang_4
- Note 11 - Income Taxes (Details
- Note 11 - Income Taxes - Federa
- Note 12 - Segment Information_2
- Note 12 - Segment Information -
- Note 13 - Subsequent Event (Det