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accelerated, accepted, accompanying, account, accounted, accounting, accrual, accrued, accumulated, acquired, active, activity, actuarial, added, Additionally, adequacy, adequate, adjustment, administered, administrative, adverse, advertising, affect, aforementioned, agreement, alleging, alliance, allocate, amalgamation, amortization, amortized, anniversary, announced, announcement, annum, Ansoumana, antidilutive, APB, applied, applying, approval, approved, arise, arising, asserted, assessed, assessing, assessment, asset, assignment, assortment, assurance, Atlanta, Attorney, attributable, audit, audited, auditing, Award, aware, back, balance, bargaining, basic, BB, Beach, bear, billion, borrow, borrowed, borrowing, Boston, break, Bulletin, buying, calculated, calculation, calendar, callable, Cancelled, caption, care, carrying, cash, CCWIPP, ceasing, center, certainty, certification, Certified, certifying, charge, charged, Chelsea, Cincinnati, circumstance, classification, classified, clean, closure, collective, combination, combined, Commercial, commitment, committed, common, comparable, compared, comparison, compensated, compensation, complaint, compliance, component, comprehensive, comprised, computed, Computer, concentrating, concluded, conditional, conducted, conform, conformity, conjunction, connection, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consisting, consultative, consulting, Consumer, contact, contingent, conventional, conversion, converted, County, court, coverage, criteria, cumulative, currency, debt, decided, deciding, decision, declared, decline, decrease, decreased, deducting, default, Deferral, deferred, Delaware, delayed, deliver, delivery, Deloitte, denominated, depreciated, depreciation, derivative, designated, designation, determination, determine, determined, determining, DIG, diluted, dilution, directed, discontinue, discount, discussed, discussion, disposal, disposed, disposition, district, dividend, dividing, dollar, Donald, doubtful, dual, due, earlier, earned, Eastern, economic, EDT, EITF, eligible, Emerging, employee, enable, enabling, encounter, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entirety, environmental, EPS, equipment, equity, escalation, Esq, Essence, establish, established, estimate, estimated, evaluated, evaluating, event, evidence, examining, exceeded, exclusive, exclusively, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exist, existing, exit, exited, exiting, expected, expenditure, expense, expensed, experience, expire, expired, expiring, exposed, exposure, extend, extended, extent, externally, face, failing, fair, fairly, FASB, Faty, favorable, Feb, federal, fee, fifteen, fifty, final, fixed, flow, fluctuating, fluctuation, Force, forecast, foreign, forma, format, forty, franchisee, free, frequently, full, fully, fund, funded, funding, future, gain, GAP, Georgia, Goldstein, goodwill, GR, grant, granted, granting, GtAtPc, guidance, Hampton, hardware, Harvard, headcount, hedge, hedging, higher, Highway, holder, holiday, identifiable, identified, identify, impact, impacted, impacting, impairment, implementation, implementing, improved, inactive, Incentive, income, increase, increased, incur, incurred, injunction, Inn, Institute, instructed, intangible, integrity, intent, interest, interested, interim, Internet, Interpretation, interpreting, interpretive, intrinsic, invested, Investing, Investor, invited, issuance, issue, issued, Jersey, jointly, judgment, key, labor, large, larger, law, lawsuit, leaseback, legal, level, leverage, liability, liable, LIBOR, lieu, life, LIFO, light, likelihood, liquid, Liquidation, listed, litigation, LLP, loan, long, longer, lower, lowered, made, make, maker, mandatory, manufacturing, margin, material, materiality, materially, maturity, Maureen, maximum, measured, measurement, media, meet, Meeting, method, Midwest, minimum, misstatement, Mitchell, model, monitor, monthly, Montvale, Moody, motion, nature, necessity, negative, negatively, negotiated, nominal, noncancelable, nonrefundable, note, noted, November, objectivity, obligation, occupancy, occur, occurred, offset, offsetting, opinion, option, order, ordinary, original, originally, outcome, outsourced, outstanding, overtime, paid, par, partially, party, pay, payable, payment, payroll, pending, pension, percentage, perform, performance, permanently, Philadelphia, PLC, point, Poor, portion, postemployment, postretirement, potential, potentially, practicable, practice, predicted, predominantly, preferred, prepaid, preparation, prepared, preretirement, prescribed, pretax, previously, Prime, pro, professional, prominently, property, provision, proximity, public, purported, quoted, rate, rating, ratio, reached, reacquire, realized, receivable, receive, received, recognition, recognize, recognized, reconciliation, recorded, recording, recover, recoverability, recoverable, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refinance, refinanced, reflect, reflected, reflecting, Registrar, regularly, regulatory, Rehoboth, reinvest, reliable, remain, remaining, remediation, remedy, Rent, rental, repaid, repay, repayment, replace, replaced, replacement, represent, representative, represented, representing, reserve, resolution, resolve, responsibility, responsible, restitution, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, retroactive, revenue, reversal, reverse, reversed, review, Richmond, risk, SAB, safeguarded, salaried, salary, SAR, Saturday, scheduled, School, scrap, SEC, segment, separate, separately, set, sheet, Shelf, shipped, Shopwell, shown, significant, significantly, simultaneously, site, sixteen, software, Sommerville, SOP, specific, sponsor, stable, stage, standard, statutory, stockholder, sublease, subleasing, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, sufficiency, sufficient, summary, Supreme, symbol, syndicate, system, table, Task, tax, taxable, team, technology, temporary, Tengelmann, term, terminated, termination, test, thirty, ticker, time, timing, Touche, transaction, transfer, transferred, transition, transitionally, translation, trend, Trucking, twelve, twenty, unable, unamortized, unasserted, uncommitted, underlying, underperforming, undiscounted, undistributed, unfunded, unlisted, unrecognized, unsecured, unspecified, update, upgrading, vacant, vacation, valuation, variable, varying, Vendor, vest, vested, vesting, violated, violation, Virginia, virtually, wage, warehouse, Warenhandelsgesellschaft, Wednesday, week, weekly, weighted, whichever, withdrawal, worked, working, written, wrote, yield
Act, Alberta, alternative, annually, anticipate, appeal, appointed, area, array, assuming, authorized, averaging, banking, base, beauty, began, behalf, brand, Brazilian, British, broad, Building, built, Central, characterized, check, cheese, Choice, chosen, commonly, consent, cooperative, Corrado, Craig, delicatessen, delinquent, Detroit, director, diversified, duly, Dunne, employed, Employer, England, ethnic, expanded, expansion, expended, file, filing, fish, floral, franchising, franchisor, Fred, geographically, gourmet, Graham, grocery, III, incorporation, item, IV, joining, jurisdiction, Kenneth, knowledge, label, largest, Larkin, liquor, local, located, Malinsky, mark, Master, merchandise, metropolitan, Michael, Michigan, Middle, modernizing, national, network, offered, officio, opened, organization, Overwaitea, page, past, Pennsylvania, Peter, pharmacy, Piwek, pleasure, preceding, premium, President, Pride, private, produce, Province, proxy, pursuant, rapid, regional, registered, registrant, Regulation, rejoining, remodeling, retailer, retired, roasting, Robert, seeking, selling, serve, shorter, size, Sturken, submitted, successively, tailored, thereto, thereunto, traditional, Treasurer, turnover, Uhl, Ulrich, undersigned, unusual, variety, Vice, vote, voting, Washington, wide, William
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