Pay vs Performance Disclosure | 12 Months Ended |
Dec. 31, 2022 USD ($) | Dec. 31, 2021 USD ($) | Dec. 31, 2020 USD ($) |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Pay vs Performance [Table Text Block] | Average Summary Compensation Table Total for Non-PEO Named Executive Officers ($) (1) (4) Average Compensation Actually Paid to Non-PEO Named Executive Officers ($) (3) (4) Value ($) of Initial Fixed $100 Investment Based On: Year Summary Compensation Table Total for PEO ($) (1) (2) Compensation Actually Paid to PEO ($) (2) (3) Total Shareholder Return ($) (5) Peer Group Total Shareholder Return($) (5)(6) Net Income (in thousands) ($) (7) FFO Per Diluted Share ($) (8) 2022 5,467,097 (36,469) 1,875,710 435,024 120.29 99.67 186,274 7.00 2021 5,397,019 14,229,431 1,681,057 4,026,839 179.73 131.78 157,638 6.09 2020 4,666,270 5,689,719 1,618,443 1,892,120 106.70 92.00 108,391 5.38 | | |
Company Selected Measure Name | FFO per diluted share | | |
Named Executive Officers, Footnote [Text Block] | For all years presented, the PEO is Marshall A. Loeb.For all years presented, the non-PEO Named Executive Officers include: Brent W. Wood, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; John F. Coleman, Executive Vice President; R. Reid Dunbar, Senior Vice President; and Ryan M. Collins, Senior Vice President. | | |
Peer Group Issuers, Footnote [Text Block] | For the relevant fiscal year, represents the cumulative TSR of the Peer Group, defined as the FTSE Nareit Equity REITs Index. | | |
PEO Total Compensation Amount | $ 5,467,097 | $ 5,397,019 | $ 4,666,270 |
PEO Actually Paid Compensation Amount | $ (36,469) | 14,229,431 | 5,689,719 |
Adjustment To PEO Compensation, Footnote [Text Block] | The dollar amounts reported represent the Compensation Actually Paid for our PEO and the average Compensation Actually Paid for our other Named Executive Officers, as computed in accordance with SEC rules, but do not reflect the actual amount of compensation received by our PEO or other Named Executive Officers during the applicable year. Fair value or change in fair value, as applicable, of equity awards in the Compensation Actually Paid columns was determined by reference to (a) for restricted share awards (excluding performance share awards), closing price on applicable year-end date(s) or, in the case of vesting dates, the actual vesting price, (b) for performance share awards that are not market based, the same valuation methodology as restricted share awards above except year-end values are multiplied times the probability of achievement as of each such date, and (c) for market-based performance share awards the fair value calculated by a Monte Carlo simulation model as of the applicable year-end dates. For the portion of Compensation Actually Paid that is based on year-end stock prices, the following prices were used: $148.06, $227.85, $138.06, and $132.67 for year-end 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively. Compensation Actually Paid reflects the following adjustments from total compensation reported in the Summary Compensation Table: PEO ($) Average Other Named Executive Officers ($) Total Reported in 2022 Summary Compensation Table (“SCT”) 5,467,097 1,875,710 Less, Value of Stock Awards Reported in SCT (2,956,285) (826,293) Plus, Year-End Value of Awards Granted in Fiscal Year that are Outstanding and Unvested 2,256,774 646,922 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that are Outstanding and Unvested (4,391,500) (1,151,722) Plus, Vesting Date Fair Value of Awards Granted this Year and that Vested this Year 121,406 36,794 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value (from Prior Year-End) of Prior Year Awards that Vested this Year (533,961) (146,387) Minus, Prior Year-End Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that Failed to Vest this Year — — Total Adjustments (5,503,566) (1,440,686) Compensation Actually Paid for Fiscal Year 2022 (36,469) 435,024 PEO ($) Average Other Named Executive Officers ($) Total Reported in 2021 SCT 5,397,019 1,681,057 Less, Value of Stock Awards Reported in SCT (3,028,367) (759,494) Plus, Year-End Value of Awards Granted in Fiscal Year that are Outstanding and Unvested 6,253,558 1,574,699 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that are Outstanding and Unvested 5,453,289 1,490,384 Plus, Vesting Date Fair Value of Awards Granted this Year and that Vested this Year 88,020 24,863 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value (from Prior Year-End) of Prior Year Awards that Vested this Year 65,912 15,330 Minus, Prior Year-End Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that Failed to Vest this Year — — Total Adjustments 8,832,412 2,345,782 Compensation Actually Paid for Fiscal Year 2021 14,229,431 4,026,839 PEO ($) Average Other Named Executive Officers ($) Total Reported in 2020 SCT 4,666,270 1,618,443 Less, Value of Stock Awards Reported in SCT (2,481,393) (686,016) Plus, Year-End Value of Awards Granted in Fiscal Year that are Outstanding and Unvested 3,007,943 835,889 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that are Outstanding and Unvested 334,747 87,026 Plus, Vesting Date Fair Value of Awards Granted this Year and that Vested this Year 73,081 20,607 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value (from Prior Year-End) of Prior Year Awards that Vested this Year 89,071 16,171 Minus, Prior Year-End Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that Failed to Vest this Year — — Total Adjustments 1,023,449 273,677 Compensation Actually Paid for Fiscal Year 2020 5,689,719 1,892,120 | | |
Non-PEO NEO Average Total Compensation Amount | $ 1,875,710 | 1,681,057 | 1,618,443 |
Non-PEO NEO Average Compensation Actually Paid Amount | $ 435,024 | 4,026,839 | 1,892,120 |
Adjustment to Non-PEO NEO Compensation Footnote [Text Block] | The dollar amounts reported represent the Compensation Actually Paid for our PEO and the average Compensation Actually Paid for our other Named Executive Officers, as computed in accordance with SEC rules, but do not reflect the actual amount of compensation received by our PEO or other Named Executive Officers during the applicable year. Fair value or change in fair value, as applicable, of equity awards in the Compensation Actually Paid columns was determined by reference to (a) for restricted share awards (excluding performance share awards), closing price on applicable year-end date(s) or, in the case of vesting dates, the actual vesting price, (b) for performance share awards that are not market based, the same valuation methodology as restricted share awards above except year-end values are multiplied times the probability of achievement as of each such date, and (c) for market-based performance share awards the fair value calculated by a Monte Carlo simulation model as of the applicable year-end dates. For the portion of Compensation Actually Paid that is based on year-end stock prices, the following prices were used: $148.06, $227.85, $138.06, and $132.67 for year-end 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively. Compensation Actually Paid reflects the following adjustments from total compensation reported in the Summary Compensation Table: PEO ($) Average Other Named Executive Officers ($) Total Reported in 2022 Summary Compensation Table (“SCT”) 5,467,097 1,875,710 Less, Value of Stock Awards Reported in SCT (2,956,285) (826,293) Plus, Year-End Value of Awards Granted in Fiscal Year that are Outstanding and Unvested 2,256,774 646,922 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that are Outstanding and Unvested (4,391,500) (1,151,722) Plus, Vesting Date Fair Value of Awards Granted this Year and that Vested this Year 121,406 36,794 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value (from Prior Year-End) of Prior Year Awards that Vested this Year (533,961) (146,387) Minus, Prior Year-End Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that Failed to Vest this Year — — Total Adjustments (5,503,566) (1,440,686) Compensation Actually Paid for Fiscal Year 2022 (36,469) 435,024 PEO ($) Average Other Named Executive Officers ($) Total Reported in 2021 SCT 5,397,019 1,681,057 Less, Value of Stock Awards Reported in SCT (3,028,367) (759,494) Plus, Year-End Value of Awards Granted in Fiscal Year that are Outstanding and Unvested 6,253,558 1,574,699 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that are Outstanding and Unvested 5,453,289 1,490,384 Plus, Vesting Date Fair Value of Awards Granted this Year and that Vested this Year 88,020 24,863 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value (from Prior Year-End) of Prior Year Awards that Vested this Year 65,912 15,330 Minus, Prior Year-End Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that Failed to Vest this Year — — Total Adjustments 8,832,412 2,345,782 Compensation Actually Paid for Fiscal Year 2021 14,229,431 4,026,839 PEO ($) Average Other Named Executive Officers ($) Total Reported in 2020 SCT 4,666,270 1,618,443 Less, Value of Stock Awards Reported in SCT (2,481,393) (686,016) Plus, Year-End Value of Awards Granted in Fiscal Year that are Outstanding and Unvested 3,007,943 835,889 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that are Outstanding and Unvested 334,747 87,026 Plus, Vesting Date Fair Value of Awards Granted this Year and that Vested this Year 73,081 20,607 Plus (or Minus), Change in Fair Value (from Prior Year-End) of Prior Year Awards that Vested this Year 89,071 16,171 Minus, Prior Year-End Fair Value of Prior Year Awards that Failed to Vest this Year — — Total Adjustments 1,023,449 273,677 Compensation Actually Paid for Fiscal Year 2020 5,689,719 1,892,120 | | |
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Total Shareholder Return [Text Block] | Total Shareholder Return and Peer Group Total Shareholder Return | | |
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Net Income [Text Block] | Net Income (in thousands) | | |
Compensation Actually Paid vs. Company Selected Measure [Text Block] | FFO Per Diluted Share | | |
Total Shareholder Return Vs Peer Group [Text Block] | Total Shareholder Return and Peer Group Total Shareholder Return | | |
Tabular List [Table Text Block] | FFO Per Diluted Share (1)(2) Same PNOI Change (1)(3) Debt-to-EBITDAre Ratio (1)(4) Company TSR Compared to FTSE Nareit Equity REITs Index (1)(5) | | |
Total Shareholder Return Amount | $ 120.29 | 179.73 | 106.70 |
Peer Group Total Shareholder Return Amount | 99.67 | 131.78 | 92 |
Net Income (Loss) | $ 186,274,000 | $ 157,638,000 | $ 108,391,000 |
Company Selected Measure Amount | 7 | 6.09 | 5.38 |
PEO Name | Marshall A. Loeb | | |
Additional 402(v) Disclosure [Text Block] | The dollar amounts reported represent the total compensation for the PEO and the average total compensation for the other Named Executive Officers, in each cased as reported in the Summary Compensation Table for the applicable year.Value assumes $100 invested on December 31, 2019Represents net income computed in accordance with GAAP. FFO, Same PNOI and EBITDAre are not computed in accordance with GAAP. A reconciliation of FFO and other required disclosure can be found on page 23 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, which we filed with the SEC on February 15, 2023. Reconciliations of Same PNOI (Cash Basis) and EBITDAre and other required disclosure, including disclosure related to the Debt-to-EBITDAre ratio and Interest and Fixed Charge Coverage ratio, can be found on pages 5, 6, 8, 10, 21, 23 and 24 in the Company’s quarterly Supplemental Information for the period ended December 31, 2022, which can be found on the Investor Relations page of the Company’s website at Interest and Fixed Charge Coverage ratio is calculated as EBITDAre divided by the sum of interest expense plus principal amortization.FFO is a commonly used operating performance measure of REITs used to evaluate the performance of the Company's investments in real estate assets and its operating results.Same PNOI Change is a non-GAAP, property-level supplemental measure of performance used to evaluate the performance of the Company's investments in real estate assets and its operating results on a same property basis. Debt-to-EBITDAre Ratio is a non-GAAP measure used to analyze the Company's financial condition and operating performance relative to its leverage.The Company's TSR relative to that of the FTSE Nareit Equity REITs Index over a three-year period is a metric included in the Company's multi-year long-term incentive plans. | | |
Measure [Axis]: 1 | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Measure Name | FFO Per Diluted Share(1)(2) | | |
Non-GAAP Measure Description [Text Block] | The Company selected FFO per diluted share as its Company-Selected Financial Measure. FFO is a commonly used operating performance measure of REITs used to evaluate the performance of the Company's investments in real estate assets and its operating results and is defined by Nareit. FFO is not computed in accordance with GAAP. A reconciliation of FFO and other required disclosure can be found on page 23 of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, which we filed with the SEC on February 15, 2023. | | |
Measure [Axis]: 2 | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Measure Name | Same PNOI Change(1)(3) | | |
Measure [Axis]: 3 | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Measure Name | Debt-to-EBITDAre Ratio(1)(4) | | |
Measure [Axis]: 4 | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Measure Name | Company TSR Compared to FTSE Nareit Equity REITs Index(1)(5) | | |
PEO [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | $ (5,503,566) | $ 8,832,412 | $ 1,023,449 |
PEO [Member] | Stock Awards Reported Adjustment [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (2,956,285) | (3,028,367) | (2,481,393) |
PEO [Member] | Stock Awards Granted During Year, Outstanding and Unvested [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 2,256,774 | 6,253,558 | 3,007,943 |
PEO [Member] | Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Stock Awards, Outstanding and Unvested [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (4,391,500) | 5,453,289 | 334,747 |
PEO [Member] | Vesting Date Fair Value of Stock Awards Granted and Vested During the Year [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 121,406 | 88,020 | 73,081 |
PEO [Member] | Change in Fair Value From Prior Year of Prior Year Stock Awards Vested During Current Year [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (533,961) | 65,912 | 89,071 |
PEO [Member] | Prior Year Awards Fair Value, Failed to Vest [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (1,440,686) | 2,345,782 | 273,677 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Stock Awards Reported Adjustment [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (826,293) | (759,494) | (686,016) |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Stock Awards Granted During Year, Outstanding and Unvested [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 646,922 | 1,574,699 | 835,889 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Change in Fair Value of Prior Year Stock Awards, Outstanding and Unvested [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (1,151,722) | 1,490,384 | 87,026 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Vesting Date Fair Value of Stock Awards Granted and Vested During the Year [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | 36,794 | 24,863 | 20,607 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Change in Fair Value From Prior Year of Prior Year Stock Awards Vested During Current Year [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | (146,387) | 15,330 | 16,171 |
Non-PEO NEO [Member] | Prior Year Awards Fair Value, Failed to Vest [Member] | | | |
Pay vs Performance Disclosure [Table] | | | |
Adjustment to Compensation Amount | $ 0 | $ 0 | $ 0 |