Basis of Presentation | NOTE 1 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The Company Americ an Express Company is a globally integrated payments company that provides customers with access to products, insights and experiences that enrich lives and build business success. Our principal products and service s are charge and credit card products and travel-related services offered to consumers and bu sinesses around the world. Business travel-related services are offered through the non-consolidated joint venture, American Express Global Bu siness Travel (the GBT JV). Our various products and services are sold globally to diverse customer groups, includ ing consumers, small businesses, mid-sized companies and large corporations. These products and services are sold through various channels, including mobile and online applications, direct mail, in-house sales teams, third-party vendors and direct response advertising. Effective for the second quarter of 2018, we realigned our reportable operating segments to reflect the organizational changes announced during the first quarter of 2018. Prior periods have been revised to conform to the new reportable opera ting segments, which are as follows: Global Consumer Services Group (GCSG), which primarily issues a wide range of proprietary consumer cards globally. GCSG also provides services to consumers, including travel services and non-card financing products, and manages certain international joint ventures and our partnership agreements in China. Global Commercial Services (GCS), which primarily issues a wide range of proprietary corporate and small business cards and provides payment and expense management serv ices globally. In addition, GCS provides commercial financing products. Global Merchant and Network Services (GMNS), which operates a global payments network that processes and settles card transactions, acquires merchants and provides multi-channel market ing programs and capabilities, services and data analytics, leveraging our g lobal integrated network. GMNS manages our partnership relationships wi th third-party card issuers, merchant acquirers and a prepaid reloadable and gift card program manager , licen sing the American Express brand and extending the reach of the global network. GMNS also manages loyalty coalition businesses in cer tain countries around the world . Corporate functions and certain other businesses and operations are included in Corporate & Other. Principles of Consolidation The Consolidated Financial Statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). Significant intercompany transactions are eliminated. We consolidat e entities in which we hold a “controlling financial interest.” For voting interest entities, we are considered to hold a controlli ng financial interest when we are able to exercise control over the investees’ operating and financial decisions. For variable interest entities (VIEs) , the determination of which is based on the amount and characteristics of the entity’s equity, we are considered to hold a controllin g financial interest when we are determined to be the primary beneficiary. A primary bene ficiary is the party that has both: (1) the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact that VIE’s economic performance, and (2) the obligation to absorb the losses of, or the right to receive the benefits from, the VIE that could p otenti ally be significant to that VIE. Entities in which our voting interest in common equity does not provide it with control, but allows us to exert significant influence over operating and financial decisions, are accounted for under the equity method. We als o have investments in equity securities where our voting interest is below the level of significant influence, including investments that we make in non-public companies in the ordinary course of business . Such investments are initially recorded at cost a nd adjusted to fair value through earnings for observable price changes in orderly transactions for identical or similar transactions of the same company or if they are determined to be impaired . See Note 5 for the accounting policy for our marketable equi ty securities. Foreign Currency Monetary a ssets and liabili ties denominated in foreign currencies are translated into U.S. dollars based upon exchange rates prevailing at the e nd of the reporting period; non- monetary assets and liabilities are translated at the historic exchange rate at the date of the transaction; revenues and expenses are translated at the average month-end exchange rates during the year. Resulting translation adjustments, along with any related qualifying hedge and tax effects, are inc luded in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (AOCI), a component of shareholders’ equity. Translation adjustments, including qualifying hedge and tax effects, are reclassified to earnings upon the sale or substantial liquidation of investments in foreign operations. Gains and losses related to transactions in a currency other than the functional currency are reported net in Other expenses, in our Consolidated Statements of Income. Amounts Based on Estimates and Assumptions Accounting estimat es are an integral part of the Consolidated Financial Statements. These estimates are based, in part, on management’s assumptions concerning future events. Among the more significant assumptions are those that relate to reserves for Card Member losses on l oans and receivables, Membership Rewards liability , goodwill and income taxes. These accounting estimates reflect the best judgment of management, but actual results could differ. Income statement Discount Revenue Discount revenue primarily represents the amount we earn on transactions occurring at merchants that have entered into a card acceptance agreement with us, or a Global Network Services (GNS) partner or other third-party merchant acquirer, for facilitating transactions between the merchants and Card Membe rs. The amount of fees charged for accepting our cards as payment for goods or services, or merchant discount, varies with, among other factors, the industry in which the merchant conducts business, the merc hant’s overall American Express-related transaction volume, the method of payment, the settlement terms with the merchant, the method of submission of transactions and, in certain instances, the geographic scope of the card acceptance agreement between the merchant and us (e.g., local or global) and the transaction amount. The merchant discount is generally deducted from the payment to the merchant and recorded as discount revenue at the time the Card Member transaction occurs. The card acceptance agreement s, which include the agreed-upon terms for charging the merchant discount fee, vary in duration. Our contracts with small- and medium-sized merchants generally have no fixed contractual duration, while those with large merchants are generally for fixed per iods, which typically range from three to seven years in duration. Our fixed-period agreements may include auto-renewal features, which may allow the existing terms to continue beyond the stated expiration date until a new agreement is reached. We satisfy our obligations under these agreements over the contract term, often on a daily basis, including through the processing of Card Member transactions and the availability of our payment network. In cases where the merchant acquirer is a third party (which i s the case, for example, under our OptBlue program, or with certain of our GNS partners), we receive a network rate fee in our settlement with the merchant acquirer, which is individually negotiated between us and that merchant acquirer and is recorded as discount revenue at the time the Card Member transaction occurs. In our role as the operator of the American Express network, we also settle with merchants on behalf of our GNS card issuing partners, who in turn receive an issuer rate that is individually negotiated between that issuer and us and is recorded as expense in Marketing and business development (see below) or as contra-revenue in Other revenue. Net Card Fees Net card fees represent revenue earned from annual card membership fees, which vary ba sed on the type of card and the number of cards for each account. These fees, net of acquisition costs and a reserve for projected refunds for Card Member cancellations, are deferred a nd recognized on a straight-line basis over the twelve-month card membership period as Net card fees in the Consolidated Statements of Income. The unamortized net card fee balance is reported in Other liabilities on the Consolidated Balance Sheets (refer t o Note 10). Other Fees and Commissions Other fees and commissions includes certain fees charged to Card Members, including delinquency fees and foreign currency conversion fees, which are primarily recognized in the period in which they are charged to the Card Member. Other fees and commissions also includes Membership Rewards program fees, which are deferred and recognized over the period covered by the fee, typically one year, the unamortized portion of which is included in Other liabilities on the Conso lidated Balance Sheets. In addition, Other fees and commissions includes loyalty coalition-related fees, travel commissions and fees and service fees earned from merchants, that are recognized when the service is performed, which is generally in the period the fee is charged. Refer to Note 19 for additional information. Contra-revenue P ayments made pursuant to contractual arrangements with our merchants, GNS partners, and other customers are classified as contra-revenue , except where we receive goods, serv ices or other benefits for which the fair value is determinable and measurable, in which case they are recorded as expense. Interest Income Interest on Card Member loans is assessed using the average daily balance method. Unless the loan is classified as non-accrual, interest is recognized based upon the principal amount outstanding, in accordance with the terms of the applicable account agreement, until the outstanding balance is paid, or written off. Interest and dividends on investment securities prima rily relate to our performing fixed-income securities. Interest income is recognized as earned using the effective interest method, which adjusts the yield for security premiums and discounts, fees and other payments, so that a constant rate of return is r ecognized on the investment security’s outstanding balance. Amounts are recognized until securities are in default or when it becomes likely that future interest payments will not be made as scheduled. Interest on deposits with banks and other is rec ognized as earned, and primarily relates to the placement of cash, in excess of near-term funding requirements, in interest-bearing time deposits, overnight sweep accounts, and other interest-bearing demand and call accounts. Interest Expense Interest exp ense includes interest incurred primarily to fund Card Member loans and receivables, general corporate purposes and liquidity needs, and is recognized as incurred. Interest expense is divided principally into two categories: (i) deposits, which primarily r elates to interest expense on deposits taken from customers and institutions, and (ii) debt, which primarily relates to interest expense on our long-term debt and short-term borrowings, as well as the realized impact of derivatives used to hedge interest r ate risk on our long-term debt. Marketing and Business Development As further described below under “Recently Adopted Accounting Standards,” effective January 1, 2018, in conjunction with the adoption of the new revenue recognition standard, the previousl y disclosed “Marketing and p romotion” line on the Consolidated Statements of Income was changed to “Marketing and b usiness d evelopment” to reflect the inclusion of certain reclassified costs from c ontra-discount revenue and Other expenses. Marketing and bu siness development provides a more comprehensive view of costs related to building and growing our business, including the reclassified costs. Marketing and business development expense includes costs incurred in the development and initial placement of a dvertising, which are expensed in the year in which the advertising first takes place. Also included in Marketing and business development expense are Card Member statement credits for qualifying charges on eligible card accounts, corporate incentive payme nts earned on achievement of preset targets, and certain payments to GNS card issuing partners. These costs are generally expensed as incurred. Card Member Rewards We issue charge and credit cards that allow Card Members to participate in various rewards programs (e.g., Membership Rewards, cobrand and cash back). Rewards expense is recognized in the period Card Members earn rewards, generally by spending on their enrolled card products. We record a Card Member rewards liability that represents the estima ted cost of points earned that are expected to be redeemed. Pursuant to cobrand agreements, we make payments to our cobrand partners based primarily on the amount of Card Member spending and corresponding rewards earned on such spending and, under certain arrangements, on the number of accounts acquired and retained. The partner is then liable for providing rewards to the Card Member under the cobrand partner’s own loyalty program. Card Member rewards liabilities are impacted over time by enrollment levels, attrition, the volume of points earned and redeemed, and the associated redemption costs. Changes in the Card Member rewards liabilities during the period are taken as an increase or decrease to the Card Member rewards expense in the Consolidated Statemen t of Income . Effective January 1, 2018, in conjunction with the adoption of the new revenue recognition standard, Card Member rewards also includes cash-back rewards, which were reclassified from contra discount revenue. Balance Sheet Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash and amounts due from banks, interest-bearing bank balances, including securities purchased under resale agreements, and other highly liquid investments with original maturities of 90 days or less. Goodwill Goodwill represents the excess of acquisition cost of an acquired business over the fair value of assets acquired and liabilities assumed. We allocate goodwill to our reporting units for the purpose of impairment testing. A reporting unit is defined as an operating segment, or a business that is one level below an operating segment, for which discrete financial information is regularly reviewed by the operating segment manager. We evaluate goodwill for impairment annually as of June 30, or more frequently if events occur or circumstances change that would more likely than not reduce the fair value of one or more of our reporting units below its carrying value. Prior to completing the assess ment of goodwill for impairment, we also perform a recoverability test of certain long-lived assets. We have the option to perform a qualitative assessment of goodwill impairment to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a repo rting unit is less than its carrying value. Alternatively, we can perform a more detailed quantitative assessment of goodwill impairment. This qualitative assessment entails the evaluation of factors such as economic conditions, industry and market consid erations, cost factors, overall financial performance of the reporting unit and other company and reporting unit - specific events. If we determine that it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount, we t hen perform the impairment evaluation using the quantitative a ssessment . Under the quantitative assessment , t he first step identifies whether there is a potential impairment by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit to the carrying amount, includin g goodwill. If the carrying amount of a reporting unit exceeds the fair value, then a test is performed to determine the implied fair value of goodwill. An impairment loss is recognized based on the amount that the carrying amount of goodwill exceeds the i mplied fair value. When measuring the fair value of our reporting units in the quantitative assessment , we use widely accepted valuation techniques, applying a combination of the income approach (discounted cash flows) and market approach (market multip les). When preparing discounted cash flow models under the income approach, we use internal forecasts to estimate future cash flows expected to be generated by the reporting units. To discount these cash flows, we use the expected cost of equity, determine d by using a capital asset pricing model. We believe the discount rates used appropriately reflect the risks and uncertainties in the financial markets generally and specifically in our internally - developed forecasts. When using market multiples under the market approach, we apply comparable publicly traded companies’ multiples (e.g., earnings or revenues) to our reporting units’ actual results. For the year s ended December 31, 2018 and 2017, we performed a qualitative assessment in connection with our annual goodwill impairment evaluation and determined that it was more likely than not that the fair values of our reporting units exceeded their carrying values. Premises and Equipment Premises and equipment, including leasehold impro vements, are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation. Costs incurred during construction are capitalized and are depreciated once an asset is placed in service. Depreciation is generally computed using the straight-line method over the estimated usef ul lives of the assets, which range from 3 to 10 years for equipment, furniture and building improvements, and from 40 to 50 years for premises, which are depreciated based upon their estimated useful life at th e acquisition date. Leasehold improvements are depreciated using the straight-line method over the lesser of the remaining term of the leased facility, or the economic life of the improvement, and ranges from 5 to 10 years. We maintai n operating leases worldwide for facilities and equipment. Rent expense for facility leases is recognized ratably over the lease term, and includes adjustments for rent concessions, rent escalations and leasehold improvement allowances. We recognize lease restoration obligations at the fair value of the restoration liabilities when incurred and amortize the restoration assets over the lease term. Certain costs associated with the acquisition or development of internal-use software are also capitalized and recorded in Premises and equipment. Once the software is ready for its intended use, these costs are amortized on a straight-line basis over the software’s estimated useful life, generally 5 years. We review these assets for impairment using the same impairment methodology used for our intangible assets. Other Significant Accounting Policies The following table identifies our other significant accounting policies, along with the related Note and page number where the Note can be found. Significant Accounting Policy Note Number Note Title Page Accounts Receivable Note 3 Loans and Accounts Receivable Page 86 Loans Note 3 Loans and Accounts Receivable Page 86 Reserves for Losses Note 4 Reserves for Losses Page 92 Investment Securities Note 5 Investment Securities Page 94 Asset Securitizations Note 6 Asset Securitizations Page 96 Membership Rewards Note 10 Other Liabilities Page 103 Stock-based Compensation Note 11 Stock Plans Page 104 Retirement Plans Note 12 Retirement Plans Page 106 Legal Contingencies Note 13 Contingencies and Commitments Page 106 Derivative Financial Instruments and Hedging Activities Note 14 Derivatives and Hedging Activities Page 108 Fair Value Measurements Note 15 Fair Values Page 111 Income Taxes Note 21 Income Taxes Page 119 Regulatory Matters and Capital Adequacy Note 23 Regulatory Matters and Capital Adequacy Page 123 Reportable Operating Segments Note 25 Reportable Operating Segments and Geographic Operations Page 126 Classification of Various Items Certain reclassifications of prior period amounts have been made to conform to the current period presentation, including the reclassification of certain business development expenses from Other expenses to Marketing and business development, that were not directly attributable to the adoption of the new revenue recognition guidance. Recently Issued and adopted Accounting Standards Recently Issued Accounting Standards In February 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued new accounting guidance on leases. The accounting standard, effective January 1, 2019, requires virtually all leases to be recognized on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Beginning with the quarter ending March 31, 2019, our financial s tatements will reflect the adoption of this standard using the modified retrospective method. We have elected the package of practical expedients and transition provisions allowing us to bring our existing operating leases onto the Consolidated Balance She e t without adjusting comparative periods. We have operating leases worldwide for facilities and equipment, which will be recorded as lease-related assets and liabilities upon adoption of the new guidance for those leases with terms greater than 12 months. Under the guidance, we have also elected to not separate lease and non-lease components in the recognition of the assets and liabilities, as well as the related lease expense. Lease-related assets, or right-of-use assets, will be recognized at the lease c ommencement date at amounts equal to the respective lease liabilities, adjusted for prepaid lease payments, and initial direct costs, and offset by lease incentives received. Lease-related liabilities will be recognized at the present value of the remainin g contractual fixed lease payments, discounted using the Company’s incremental borrowing rate. Operating lease expense will continue to be recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term, while variable lease payments will continue to be expensed a s incurred. The adoption of the standard will have the impact of increasing consolidated assets and l iabilities by approximately $700 million and will not have a material impact on our financial position, results of operations, cash flows or regulatory ris k-based capital. In conjunction with the adoption, we are upgrading our lease administration software and modifying our business processes and internal controls. In June 2016, the FASB issued new accounting guidance for the recognition of credit losses on financial instruments, effective January 1, 2020, with early adoption permitted on January 1, 2019. We do not intend to early adopt the new standard. The guidance introduces a new credit reserving model known as the Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) mode l, which is based on expected losses, and differs significantly from the incurred loss approach used today. The CECL model requires measurement of expected credit losses not only based on historical experience and current conditions, but also by including reasonable and supportable forecasts incorporating forward-looking information. In addition, for available-for-sale debt securities, the new guidance replaces the other-than-temporary impairment model, and requires the recognition of an allowance for reduc tions in a security’s fair value attributable to declines in credit quality, instead of a direct write-down of the security, when a valuation decline is determined to be other-than-temporary. The guidance also requires a cumulative-effect adjustment to ret ained earnings as of the beginning of the reporting period of adoption. We continue to evaluate the impact the new guidance will have on our financial position, re sults of operations, cash flows, credit ratings and regulatory risk-based capital. We expect that the CECL model will alter the assumptions used in estimating credit losses on Card Member loans and receivables, and may result in material increases to our credit reserves as the new guidance involves earlier recognition of expected losses for the li fe of the assets. However, the extent of the impact will depend on the characteristics of our loan portfolio, macroeconomic conditions and forecasted information at the date of adoption. We continue to be actively engaged in cross-functional implementatio n efforts and are in the process of developing and implementing CECL models that satisfy the requirements of the new standard, along with appropriate business processes and controls. In February 2018, as a result of the enactmen t of the Tax Cuts and Jobs A ct (the Tax Act) , the FASB issued new accounting guidance on the reclassification of certain tax effects from AOCI to retained earnings. The optional reclassification is effective January 1, 2019. We are evaluating the new guidance , along with any impacts on our financial position, results of operations and cash flows, none of whi ch are expected to be material. Recently Adopted Accounting Standards Effective January 1, 2018, we adopted new revenue recognition guidance issued by the FASB related to contracts with customers. The scope of the new guidance excludes financial instruments such as credit and charge card arrangements. We elected to adopt the standard using the full retrospective method, which we believe is most useful to our investors. Under the full retrospective method, we are applying the standard back to January 1, 2016. As shown below, the most significant impacts of adoption are changes to the classification of certain revenues and expenses, including certain credit and charge card related costs previously netted against discount revenue, such as Card Member cash-back reward costs and statement credits, corporate incentive payments, as w ell as payments to third-party GNS card issuing partners. Under the new revenue standard, these costs are not considered components of the transaction price of our card acceptance agreements with merchants and thus are not netted against discount revenue, but instead are recognized as expenses. Our payments to third-party GNS card issuing partners are presented net of related revenues earned from the partners. The impact to the 2017 fiscal quarters and years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016 were as follo ws: Increase (Decrease) Three months ended Year Ended December (Millions) December 31, 2017 September 30, 2017 June 30, 2017 March 31, 2017 2017 2016 Revenues Discount revenue $ 981 $ 930 $ 928 $ 868 $ 3,707 $ 3,699 Other (78) (71) (64) (65) (278) (253) Expenses Marketing and business development 617 591 593 549 2,350 2,420 Card Member rewards $ 286 $ 268 $ 271 $ 254 $ 1,079 $ 1,026 In addition, the cumulative impact to our retained earnings on January 1, 2016 was an increase of $55.2 million. The adoption of the new guidance also resulted in changes to the recognition timing of certain revenues, the impact of which is not material to net income. Similarly, the adoption did not have a material impact on our financial position or cash flows . We had no material c ontract assets, contract liabilities or deferred contract costs recorded on the Consolidated Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2018 and 2017. Contract assets and liabilities are reported in a net position on a contract-by-contract basis at the end of each reporting period. In adopting the guidance, we implemented changes to our accounting policies, business processes, systems and internal controls to support the recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements under the new standard. Such changes were not material. In January 2016, the FASB issued new accounting guidance on the recognition and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities, which was effective and adopted by us as of January 1, 2018. The guidance makes targeted changes to GAAP; specifically to the classification and measurement of equity securities, and to certain disclosure requirements associated with the fair value of financial assets and liabilities. This applies to investments we make in non-public companies in the ordinary course of business, which historically were recognized under the cost method of accounting. These investments will be prosp ectively adjusted through earnings for observable price changes upon the identification of identical or similar transactions of the same company. The adoption of the guidance did not have a material impact on our financial position, results of operations a nd cash flows. We implemented changes to our accounting policies, business processes and internal controls in support of the new guidance. Such changes were not material. In August 2017, the FASB issued new accounting guidance providing targeted improvem ents to the accounting for hedging activities, effective January 1, 2019, with early adoption permitted in any interim period or fiscal year before the effective date. The guidance introduces a number of amendments, several of which are optional, that are designed to simplify the application of hedge accounting, improve financial statement transparency and more closely align hedge accounting with an entity’s risk management strategies. Effective January 1, 2018, we adopted the guidance, with no material imp act on our financial position, results of operations and cash flows, along with associated changes to our accounting policies, business processes and internal controls in support of the new guidance. Such changes were not material. |