Business segments | 2. Business segments The company operates its business in Canada. The Upstream, Downstream and Chemical functions best define the operating segments of the business that are reported separately. The factors used to identify these reportable segments are based on the nature of the operations that are undertaken by each segment and the structure of the company’s internal organization. The Upstream segment is organized and operates to explore for and ultimately produce crude oil and its equivalent, and natural gas. The Downstream segment is organized and operates to refine crude oil into petroleum products and to distribute and market these products. The Chemical segment is organized and operates to manufacture and market hydrocarbon-based chemicals and chemical products. The above segmentation has been the long-standing practice of the company and is broadly understood across the petroleum and petrochemical industries. These functions have been defined as the operating segments of the company because they are the segments (a) that engage in business activities from which revenues are earned and expenses are incurred; (b) whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the company’s chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to each segment and assess its performance; and (c) for which discrete financial information is available. Corporate and Other includes assets and liabilities that do not specifically relate to business segments – primarily cash, capitalized interest costs, short-term borrowings, long-term debt and liabilities associated with incentive compensation and post-retirement benefits liability adjustment. Net income in this segment primarily includes debt-related financing costs, interest income and share-based incentive compensation expenses. Segment accounting policies are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies. Upstream, Downstream and Chemical expenses include amounts allocated from the Corporate and Other segment. The allocation is based on a combination of fee for service, proportional segment expenses and a three-year average of capital expenditures. Transfers of assets between segments are recorded at book amounts. Intersegment sales are made essentially at prevailing market prices. Assets and liabilities that are not identifiable by segment are allocated. Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of dollars 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) 5,776 8,408 6,016 19,796 26,400 25,450 1,184 1,423 1,256 Intersegment sales 2,486 4,087 4,026 1,019 1,359 1,978 234 381 318 Investment and other income 22 667 145 104 65 59 - - - 8,284 13,162 10,187 20,919 27,824 27,487 1,418 1,804 1,574 Expenses Exploration 73 67 123 - - - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 3,768 5,628 3,778 14,526 21,476 21,628 725 1,196 1,065 Production and manufacturing (b) 3,766 3,882 3,389 1,461 1,564 1,695 207 216 210 Selling and general (2 ) 3 5 986 887 886 87 70 66 Federal excise tax - - - 1,568 1,562 1,423 - - - Depreciation and depletion (b) 1,193 857 636 233 216 452 11 12 12 Financing costs (note 12) 5 4 9 - - 2 - - - Total expenses 8,803 10,441 7,940 18,774 25,705 26,086 1,030 1,494 1,353 Income before income taxes (519 ) 2,721 2,247 2,145 2,119 1,401 388 310 221 Income taxes Current (77 ) (219 ) (14 ) 476 296 395 97 76 62 Deferred 262 881 549 83 229 (46 ) 4 5 (3 ) Total income tax expense 185 662 535 559 525 349 101 81 59 Net income (704 ) 2,059 1,712 1,586 1,594 1,052 287 229 162 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 224 2,519 1,690 1,686 1,666 1,453 383 250 198 Capital and exploration expenditures 3,135 4,974 7,755 340 572 187 52 26 9 Property, plant and equipment Cost 45,171 42,142 38,819 7,596 7,460 7,146 857 798 771 Accumulated depreciation and depletion (11,016 ) (10,103 ) (10,749 ) (4,584 ) (4,459 ) (4,347 ) (616 ) (601 ) (586 ) Net property, plant and equipment 34,155 32,039 28,070 3,012 3,001 2,799 241 197 185 Total assets 36,971 34,421 30,553 5,574 5,823 5,732 394 372 397 Corporate and Other Eliminations Consolidated millions of dollars 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) - - - - - - 26,756 36,231 32,722 Intersegment sales - - - (3,739 ) (5,827 ) (6,322 ) - - - Investment and other income 6 3 3 - - - 132 735 207 6 3 3 (3,739 ) (5,827 ) (6,322 ) 26,888 36,966 32,929 Expenses Exploration - - - - - - 73 67 123 Purchases of crude oil and products - - - (3,735 ) (5,821 ) (6,316 ) 15,284 22,479 20,155 Production and manufacturing (b) - - - - - (6 ) 5,434 5,662 5,288 Selling and general 50 121 125 (4 ) (6 ) - 1,117 1,075 1,082 Federal excise tax - - - - - - 1,568 1,562 1,423 Depreciation and depletion (b) 13 11 10 - - - 1,450 1,096 1,110 Financing costs (note 12) 34 - - - - - 39 4 11 Total expenses 97 132 135 (3,739 ) (5,827 ) (6,322 ) 24,965 31,945 29,192 Income before income taxes (91 ) (129 ) (132 ) - - - 1,923 5,021 3,737 Income taxes Current (45 ) (47 ) (18 ) - - - 451 106 425 Deferred 1 15 (16 ) - - - 350 1,130 484 Total income tax expense (44 ) (32 ) (34 ) - - - 801 1,236 909 Net income (47 ) (97 ) (98 ) - - - 1,122 3,785 2,828 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (124 ) (30 ) (49 ) (2 ) - - 2,167 4,405 3,292 Capital and exploration expenditures 68 82 69 - - - 3,595 5,654 8,020 Property, plant and equipment Cost 579 511 429 - - - 54,203 50,911 47,165 Accumulated depreciation and depletion (188 ) (174 ) (163 ) - - - (16,404 ) (15,337 ) (15,845 ) Net property, plant and equipment 391 337 266 - - - 37,799 35,574 31,320 Total assets 579 565 581 (348 ) (351 ) (45 ) 43,170 40,830 37,218 (a) Includes export sales to the United States of $4,157 million (2014 - $5,940 million, 2013 - $5,217 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) A 2013 charge in the Downstream segment of $377 million ($280 million, after-tax) associated with the company’s decision to convert the Dartmouth refinery to a terminal included the write-down of refinery plant and equipment not included in the terminal conversion of $245 million, reported as part of depreciation and depletion expenses, and decommissioning, environmental and employee-related costs of $132 million, reported as part of production and manufacturing expenses. By the end of 2015, amounts incurred associated with decommissioning, environmental and employee-related costs totaled $98 million (2014 - $90 million). (c) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. (d) Includes property, plant and equipment under construction of $3,719 million (2014 - $12,535 million). |