Business segments | 2. Business segments Second Quarter Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of Canadian dollars 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) 1,403 1,783 4,559 5,178 263 311 Intersegment sales 328 718 211 268 54 63 Investment and other income 2 16 20 13 - (1 ) 1,733 2,517 4,790 5,459 317 373 Expenses Exploration 42 16 - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 905 1,070 3,555 4,071 171 205 Production and manufacturing 838 953 421 392 51 50 Selling and general (3 ) (1 ) 253 243 19 20 Federal excise tax - - 415 387 - - Depreciation and depletion 350 273 51 56 2 2 Financing costs (note 5) (1 ) - - - - - Total expenses 2,131 2,311 4,695 5,149 243 277 Income (loss) before income taxes (398 ) 206 95 310 74 96 Income taxes (108 ) 380 24 95 19 27 Net income (loss) (290 ) (174 ) 71 215 55 69 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 82 (264 ) 295 541 72 105 Capital and exploration expenditures 250 704 64 96 8 4 Second Quarter Corporate and Other Eliminations Consolidated millions of Canadian dollars 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) - - - - 6,225 7,272 Intersegment sales - - (593 ) (1,049 ) - - Investment and other income 1 1 - - 23 29 1 1 (593 ) (1,049 ) 6,248 7,301 Expenses Exploration - - - - 42 16 Purchases of crude oil and products - - (590 ) (1,051 ) 4,041 4,295 Production and manufacturing - - - - 1,310 1,395 Selling and general 1 8 (3 ) 2 267 272 Federal excise tax - - - - 415 387 Depreciation and depletion 4 4 - - 407 335 Financing costs (note 5) 19 5 - - 18 5 Total expenses 24 17 (593 ) (1,049 ) 6,500 6,705 Income (loss) before income taxes (23 ) (16 ) - - (252 ) 596 Income taxes (6 ) (26 ) - - (71 ) 476 Net income (loss) (17 ) 10 - - (181 ) 120 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (6 ) (5 ) - - 443 377 Capital and exploration expenditures 13 15 - - 335 819 (a) Included export sales to the United States of $966 million (2015 - $1,362 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. Six Months to June 30 Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of Canadian dollars 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) 2,383 2,995 8,499 9,847 517 600 Intersegment sales 807 1,316 436 524 98 122 Investment and other income 21 18 49 43 - - 3,211 4,329 8,984 10,414 615 722 Expenses Exploration 59 33 - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 1,723 1,908 6,312 7,266 330 387 Production and manufacturing 1,747 1,903 736 748 98 103 Selling and general (2 ) (1 ) 491 464 41 42 Federal excise tax - - 803 764 - - Depreciation and depletion 707 532 112 108 4 5 Financing costs (note 5) (4 ) 3 - - - - Total expenses 4,230 4,378 8,454 9,350 473 537 Income (loss) before income taxes (1,019 ) (49 ) 530 1,064 142 185 Income taxes (281 ) 314 139 284 38 50 Net income (loss) (738 ) (363 ) 391 780 104 135 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (400 ) (515 ) 764 1,055 132 160 Capital and exploration expenditures 596 1,594 107 221 14 16 Total assets as at June 30 37,166 36,612 5,239 5,839 393 381 Six Months to June 30 Corporate and Other Eliminations Consolidated millions of Canadian dollars 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) - - - - 11,399 13,442 Intersegment sales - - (1,341 ) (1,962 ) - - Investment and other income 1 1 - - 71 62 1 1 (1,341 ) (1,962 ) 11,470 13,504 Expenses Exploration - - - - 59 33 Purchases of crude oil and products - - (1,338 ) (1,961 ) 7,027 7,600 Production and manufacturing - - - - 2,581 2,754 Selling and general 10 32 (3 ) (1 ) 537 536 Federal excise tax - - - - 803 764 Depreciation and depletion 8 7 - - 831 652 Financing costs (note 5) 37 5 - - 33 8 Total expenses 55 44 (1,341 ) (1,962 ) 11,871 12,347 Income (loss) before income taxes (54 ) (43 ) - - (401 ) 1,157 Income taxes (15 ) (32 ) - - (119 ) 616 Net income (loss) (39 ) (11 ) - - (282 ) 541 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (4 ) (42 ) - - 492 658 Capital and exploration expenditures 26 38 - - 743 1,869 Total assets as at June 30 662 413 (216 ) (411 ) 43,244 42,834 (a) Included export sales to the United States of $1,763 million (2015 - $2,163 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. |