Business segments | 2. Business segments Third Quarter Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of Canadian dollars 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) 1,668 1,316 5,204 4,971 262 281 Intersegment sales 587 709 241 253 62 58 Investment and other income (note 3) 7 1 15 870 - 1 2,262 2,026 5,460 6,094 324 340 Expenses Exploration 7 16 - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 947 861 4,014 3,827 179 188 Production and manufacturing 893 887 394 323 51 51 Selling and general 5 (1 ) 167 238 19 22 Federal excise tax - - 438 434 - - Depreciation and depletion 330 346 53 46 3 2 Financing costs (note 5) 1 (2 ) - - - - Total expenses 2,183 2,107 5,066 4,868 252 263 Income (loss) before income taxes 79 (81 ) 394 1,226 72 77 Income taxes 17 (55 ) 102 224 20 21 Net income (loss) 62 (26 ) 292 1,002 52 56 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 479 432 268 264 99 73 Capital and exploration expenditures (b 92 149 55 38 5 7 Third Quarter Corporate and Other Eliminations Consolidated millions of Canadian dollars 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) - - - - 7,134 6,568 Intersegment sales - - (890 ) (1,020 ) - - Investment and other income (note 3) 2 2 - - 24 874 2 2 (890 ) (1,020 ) 7,158 7,442 Expenses Exploration - - - - 7 16 Purchases of crude oil and products - - (889 ) (1,019 ) 4,251 3,857 Production and manufacturing - - - - 1,338 1,261 Selling and general 29 17 (1 ) (1 ) 219 275 Federal excise tax - - - - 438 434 Depreciation and depletion 5 4 - - 391 398 Financing costs (note 5) 17 21 - - 18 19 Total expenses 51 42 (890 ) (1,020 ) 6,662 6,260 Income (loss) before income taxes (49 ) (40 ) - - 496 1,182 Income taxes (14 ) (11 ) - - 125 179 Net income (loss) (35 ) (29 ) - - 371 1,003 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (9 ) 3 - - 837 772 Capital and exploration expenditures (b) 7 11 - - 159 205 (a) Included export sales to the United States of $1,080 million (2016 - $941 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. Nine Months to September 30 Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of Canadian dollars 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) 5,166 3,699 15,087 13,470 824 798 Intersegment sales 1,494 1,516 792 689 191 156 Investment and other income (note 3) 17 22 248 919 (1 ) 1 6,677 5,237 16,127 15,078 1,014 955 Expenses Exploration 29 75 - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 3,089 2,584 12,037 10,139 573 518 Production and manufacturing 2,917 2,634 1,169 1,059 152 149 Selling and general 1 (3 ) 540 729 60 63 Federal excise tax - - 1,253 1,237 - - Depreciation and depletion 964 1,053 148 158 9 6 Financing costs (note 5) 5 (6 ) - - - - Total expenses 7,005 6,337 15,147 13,322 794 736 Income (loss) before income taxes (328 ) (1,100 ) 980 1,756 220 219 Income taxes (103 ) (336 ) 230 363 59 59 Net income (loss) (225 ) (764 ) 750 1,393 161 160 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 904 32 626 1,028 176 205 Capital and exploration expenditures (b) 286 745 128 145 12 21 Total assets as at September 30 35,387 36,975 4,671 4,403 365 379 Nine Months to September 30 Corporate and Other Eliminations Consolidated millions of Canadian dollars 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 Revenues and other income Operating revenues (a) - - - - 21,077 17,967 Intersegment sales - - (2,477 ) (2,361 ) - - Investment and other income (note 3) 6 3 - - 270 945 6 3 (2,477 ) (2,361 ) 21,347 18,912 Expenses Exploration - - - - 29 75 Purchases of crude oil and products - - (2,473 ) (2,357 ) 13,226 10,884 Production and manufacturing - - - - 4,238 3,842 Selling and general 29 27 (4 ) (4 ) 626 812 Federal excise tax - - - - 1,253 1,237 Depreciation and depletion 14 12 - - 1,135 1,229 Financing costs (note 5) 44 58 - - 49 52 Total expenses 87 97 (2,477 ) (2,361 ) 20,556 18,131 Income (loss) before income taxes (81 ) (94 ) - - 791 781 Income taxes (22 ) (26 ) - - 164 60 Net income (loss) (59 ) (68 ) - - 627 721 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (23 ) (1 ) - - 1,683 1,264 Capital and exploration expenditures (b) 29 37 - - 455 948 Total assets as at September 30 1,283 674 (336 ) (337 ) 41,370 42,094 (a) Included export sales to the United States of $3,024 million (2016 - $2,704 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. |