Business segments | 3. Business segments Second Quarter Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of Canadian dollars 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Revenues and other income Revenues (a) 2,318 1,787 6,870 4,909 328 289 Intersegment sales 650 289 332 242 74 62 Investment and other income (note 5) 3 5 19 42 - (2 ) 2,971 2,081 7,221 5,193 402 349 Expenses Exploration 1 - - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 1,573 1,026 5,803 4,014 216 193 Production and manufacturing (b) 1,106 1,051 488 426 52 48 Selling and general (b) - (7 ) 197 185 23 19 Federal excise tax - - 412 421 - - Depreciation and depletion 300 298 49 47 4 3 Non-service (b) - - - - - - Financing (note 7) - - - - - - Total expenses 2,980 2,368 6,949 5,093 295 263 Income (loss) before income taxes (9 ) (287 ) 272 100 107 86 Income taxes (3 ) (86 ) 71 22 29 22 Net income (loss) (6 ) (201 ) 201 78 78 64 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (10 ) 117 776 302 116 100 Capital and exploration expenditures (c) 183 91 88 39 7 3 Second Quarter Corporate and other Eliminations Consolidated millions of Canadian dollars 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Revenues and other income Revenues (a) - - - - 9,516 6,985 Intersegment sales - - (1,056 ) (593 ) - - Investment and other income (note 5) 5 3 - - 27 48 5 3 (1,056 ) (593 ) 9,543 7,033 Expenses Exploration - - - - 1 - Purchases of crude oil and products - - (1,055 ) (591 ) 6,537 4,642 Production and manufacturing (b) - - - - 1,646 1,525 Selling and general (b) 54 6 (1 ) (2 ) 273 201 Federal excise tax - - - - 412 421 Depreciation and depletion 5 4 - - 358 352 Non-service (b) 26 - - - 26 - Financing (note 7) 26 17 - - 26 17 Total expenses 111 27 (1,056 ) (593 ) 9,279 7,158 Income (loss) before income taxes (106 ) (24 ) - - 264 (125 ) Income taxes (29 ) (6 ) - - 68 (48 ) Net income (loss) (77 ) (18 ) - - 196 (77 ) Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (23 ) (27 ) - - 859 492 Capital and exploration expenditures (c) 6 10 - - 284 143 (a) Included export sales to the United States of $1,561 million (2017 - $1,045 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) As part of the implementation of Accounting Standard Update, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715), beginning January 1, 2018, Corporate and other includes all non-service (c) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. CAPEX excludes the purchase of carbon emission credits. Six Months to June 30 Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of Canadian dollars 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Revenues and other income Revenues (a) 4,307 3,498 12,477 9,883 632 562 Intersegment sales 1,307 907 694 551 147 129 Investment and other income (note 5) 4 10 41 233 - (1 ) 5,618 4,415 13,212 10,667 779 690 Expenses Exploration 9 22 - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 2,947 2,142 10,097 8,023 418 394 Production and manufacturing (b) 2,118 2,024 856 775 103 101 Selling and general (b) - (4 ) 370 373 44 41 Federal excise tax - - 809 815 - - Depreciation and depletion 618 634 100 95 7 6 Non-service (b) - - - - - - Financing (note 7) - 4 - - - - Total expenses 5,692 4,822 12,232 10,081 572 542 Income (loss) before income taxes (74 ) (407 ) 980 586 207 148 Income taxes (24 ) (120 ) 258 128 56 39 Net income (loss) (50 ) (287 ) 722 458 151 109 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 327 425 1,366 358 199 77 Capital and exploration expenditures (c) 389 194 145 73 11 7 Total assets as at June 30 34,781 35,527 5,090 4,334 408 384 Six Months to June 30 Corporate and other Eliminations Consolidated millions of Canadian dollars 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Revenues and other income Revenues (a) - - - - 17,416 13,943 Intersegment sales - - (2,148 ) (1,587 ) - - Investment and other income (note 5) 16 4 - - 61 246 16 4 (2,148 ) (1,587 ) 17,477 14,189 Expenses Exploration - - - - 9 22 Purchases of crude oil and products - - (2,145 ) (1,584 ) 11,317 8,975 Production and manufacturing (b) - - - - 3,077 2,900 Selling and general (b) 56 - (3 ) (3 ) 467 407 Federal excise tax - - - - 809 815 Depreciation and depletion 10 9 - - 735 744 Non-service (b) 53 - - - 53 - Financing (note 7) 49 27 - - 49 31 Total expenses 168 36 (2,148 ) (1,587 ) 16,516 13,894 Income (loss) before income taxes (152 ) (32 ) - - 961 295 Income taxes (41 ) (8 ) - - 249 39 Net income (loss) (111 ) (24 ) - - 712 256 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (48 ) (14 ) - - 1,844 846 Capital and exploration expenditures (c) 13 22 - - 558 296 Total assets as at June 30 1,438 1,071 (327 ) (211 ) 41,390 41,105 (a) Included export sales to the United States of $2,768 million (2017 - $1,944 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) As part of the implementation of Accounting Standard Update, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715), beginning January 1, 2018, Corporate and other includes all non-service (c) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. CAPEX excludes the purchase of carbon emission credits. |