Business segments | 3. Business segments The company operates its business in Canada. The Upstream, Downstream and Chemical functions best define the operating segments of the business that are reported separately. The factors used to identify these reportable segments are based on the nature of the operations that are undertaken by each segment and the structure of the company’s internal organization. The Upstream segment is organized and operates to explore for and ultimately produce crude oil and its equivalent, and natural gas. The Downstream segment is organized and operates to refine crude oil into petroleum products and to distribute and market these products. The Chemical segment is organized and operates to manufacture and market hydrocarbon-based chemicals and chemical products. The above segmentation has been the long-standing practice of the company and is broadly understood across the petroleum and petrochemical industries. These functions have been defined as the operating segments of the company because they are the segments (a) that engage in business activities from which revenues are earned and expenses are incurred; (b) whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the company’s chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to each segment and assess its performance; and (c) for which discrete financial information is available. Corporate and other includes assets and liabilities that do not specifically relate to business segments – primarily cash, capitalized interest costs, short-term borrowings, long-term debt and liabilities associated with incentive compensation and postretirement benefits liability adjustment. Net earnings effects under Corporate and other activities primarily include debt-related financing, corporate governance costs, non-service pension and postretirement benefit costs, share-based incentive compensation expenses and interest income. Segment accounting policies are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies. Upstream, Downstream and Chemical expenses include amounts allocated from Corporate and other activities. The allocation is based on proportional segment expenses. Transfers of assets between segments are recorded at book amounts. Intersegment sales are made essentially at prevailing market prices. Assets and liabilities that are not identifiable by segment are allocated. Upstream Downstream Chemical millions of Canadian dollars 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 Revenues and other income Revenues (a) 8,525 7,302 5,492 25,200 20,714 18,511 1,239 1,109 1,046 Intersegment sales 2,634 2,264 2,215 1,542 1,155 1,007 279 262 212 Investment and other income (note 9) 11 16 13 95 269 2,278 - - - 11,170 9,582 7,720 26,837 22,138 21,796 1,518 1,371 1,258 Expenses Exploration (b) (note 16) 19 183 94 - - - - - - Purchases of crude oil and products 5,833 4,526 3,666 19,326 16,543 14,178 831 751 705 Production and manufacturing (c) 4,305 3,913 3,591 1,606 1,576 1,428 210 209 205 Selling and general (c) - - (5 ) 773 772 972 87 78 83 Federal excise tax - - - 1,667 1,673 1,650 - - - Depreciation and depletion (b) (d) 1,278 1,939 1,396 242 202 206 14 12 10 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit (c) - - - - - - - - - Financing (note 13) 1 13 (7 ) 2 - - - - - Total expenses 11,436 10,574 8,735 23,616 20,766 18,434 1,142 1,050 1,003 Income (loss) before income taxes (266 ) (992 ) (1,015 ) 3,221 1,372 3,362 376 321 255 Income taxes Current (184 ) 484 (491 ) 189 (504 ) 674 21 (32 ) 68 Deferred 56 (770 ) 137 666 836 (66 ) 80 118 - Total income tax expense (benefit) (128 ) (286 ) (354 ) 855 332 608 101 86 68 Net income (loss) (138 ) (706 ) (661 ) 2,366 1,040 2,754 275 235 187 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities 916 1,257 402 2,749 1,396 1,574 354 235 203 Capital and exploration expenditures 991 416 896 383 200 190 25 17 26 Property, plant and equipment Cost 46,435 45,542 45,850 5,900 5,683 6,166 916 888 872 Accumulated depreciation and depletion (15,050 ) (13,844 ) (12,312 ) (3,763 ) (3,594 ) (4,037 ) (662 ) (644 ) (629 ) Net property, plant and equipment 31,385 31,698 33,538 2,137 2,089 2,129 254 244 243 Total assets 34,829 35,044 36,840 5,119 4,890 3,958 438 399 346 Corporate and other Eliminations Consolidated millions of Canadian dollars 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 2018 2017 2016 Revenues and other income Revenues (a) - - - - - - 34,964 29,125 25,049 Intersegment sales - - - (4,455 ) (3,681 ) (3,434 ) - - - Investment and other income (note 9) 29 14 14 - - - 135 299 2,305 29 14 14 (4,455 ) (3,681 ) (3,434 ) 35,099 29,424 27,354 Expenses Exploration (b) (note 16) - - - - - - 19 183 94 Purchases of crude oil and products - - - (4,449 ) (3,675 ) (3,429 ) 21,541 18,145 15,120 Production and manufacturing (c) - - - - - - 6,121 5,698 5,224 Selling and general (c) 54 49 84 (6 ) (6 ) (5 ) 908 893 1,129 Federal excise tax - - - - - - 1,667 1,673 1,650 Depreciation and depletion (b) (d) 21 19 16 - - - 1,555 2,172 1,628 Non-service pension and postretirement benefit (c) 107 - - - - - 107 - - Financing (note 13) 105 65 72 - - - 108 78 65 Total expenses 287 133 172 (4,455 ) (3,681 ) (3,434 ) 32,026 28,842 24,910 Income (loss) before income taxes (258 ) (119 ) (158 ) - - - 3,073 582 2,444 Income taxes Current (40 ) (6 ) (51 ) - - - (14 ) (58 ) 200 Deferred (29 ) (34 ) 8 - - - 773 150 79 Total income tax expense (benefit) (69 ) (40 ) (43 ) - - - 759 92 279 Net income (loss) (189 ) (79 ) (115 ) - - - 2,314 490 2,165 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities (116 ) (125 ) (143 ) 19 - (21 ) 3,922 2,763 2,015 Capital and exploration expenditures 28 38 49 - - - 1,427 671 1,161 Property, plant and equipment Cost 693 665 627 - - - 53,944 52,778 53,515 Accumulated depreciation and depletion (244 ) (223 ) (204 ) - - - (19,719 ) (18,305 ) (17,182 ) Net property, plant and equipment 449 442 423 - - - 34,225 34,473 36,333 Total assets 1,548 1,703 894 (478 ) (435 ) (384 ) 41,456 41,601 41,654 (a) Includes export sales to the United States of $6,661 million (2017 - $4,392 million, 2016 - $3,612 million). Export sales to the United States were recorded in all operating segments, with the largest effects in the Upstream segment. (b) The Upstream segment in 2017 includes non-cash impairment charges of $396 million, before tax, associated with the Horn River development and $379 million, before tax, associated with the Mackenzie gas project. The impairment charges are recognized in the lines “Exploration” and “Depreciation and depletion” on the Consolidated statement of income, and the “Accumulated depreciation and depletion” line of the Consolidated balance sheet. (c) As part of the implementation of Accounting Standard Update, Compensation – Retirement Benefits (Topic 715), beginning January 1, 2018, Corporate and other includes all non-service pension and postretirement benefit expense. Prior to 2018, the majority of these costs were allocated to the operating segments. See note 2 for additional details. (d) The Downstream segment in 2018 includes a non-cash impairment charge of $46 million, before tax, associated with the Government of Ontario’s revocation of its carbon emission cap and trade regulation. The impairment charge is recognized in the “Depreciation and depletion” line on the Consolidated statement of income, and the “Other assets, including intangibles, net” line on the Consolidated balance sheet. (e) Capital and exploration expenditures (CAPEX) include exploration expenses, additions to property, plant and equipment, additions to capital leases, additional investments and acquisitions. CAPEX excludes the purchase of carbon emission credits. (f) Includes property, plant and equipment under construction of $1,553 million (2017 - $1,047 million, 2016 - $2,705 million). |