Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Audit Information
- Consolidated Statement Of Opera
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Statement of Com_2
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Balance Sheet (Par
- Consolidated Statement Of Cash
- Consolidated Statement Of Chang
- Consolidated Statement Of Cha_2
- Summary Of Business And Signifi
- Recent Accounting Developments
- Revenue Recognition (Note)
- Earnings Per Share Attributable
- Other Comprehensive Income (Not
- Restructuring Charges and Other
- Acquisitions (Note)
- Divestitures and Impairments of
- Supplementary Financial Stateme
- Leases (Note)
- Equity Method Investments (Note
- Goodwill And Other Intangibles
- Income Taxes (Note)
- Commitments And Contingent Liab
- Variable Interest Entities (Not
- Debt And Lines Of Credit (Note)
- Derivatives and Hedging Activit
- Capital Stock (Note)
- Retirement Plans (Note)
- Postretirement Benefits (Note)
- Incentive Plans (Note)
- Financial Information By Busine
- Interim Financial Results (Note
- (Accounting Policies)
- Revenue Recognition (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share Attributab_2
- Other Comprehensive Income (Tab
- Restructuring Charges and Oth_2
- Acquisitions (Tables)
- Discontinued Operations and Dis
- Supplementary Financial State_2
- Leases (Tables)
- Equity Method Investments (Tabl
- Goodwill And Other Intangible_2
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Variable Interest Entities (Tab
- Debt And Lines Of Credit (Table
- Derivatives and Hedging Activ_2
- Capital Stock (Tables)
- Retirement Plans (Tables)
- Postretirement Benefits (Tables
- Incentive Plans (Tables)
- Financial Information By Busi_2
- Interim Financial Results (Tabl
- Revenue Recognition Disaggregat
- Revenue Recognition Narrative (
- (Reconciliation Of Earnings Per
- (Schedule of Accumulated Other
- (Schedule of Reclassifications
- (Restructuring and Related Cost
- Restructuring Charges and Oth_3
- Acquisitions (Narrative) (Detai
- Divestitures and Impairments _2
- Divestitures and Impairments _3
- (Accounts And Notes Receivable)
- (Inventories By Major Category)
- (Current Investments) (Details)
- (Plants, Properties And Equipme
- (Schedule Of Interest Income An
- Supplementary Financial State_3
- Leases (Schedule of Lease Costs
- Leases (Supplemental Balance Sh
- Leases (Supplemental Balance _2
- Leases (Schedule of Lease Terms
- Leases (Supplemental Cash Flow
- Leases (Schedule of Maturities
- Leases (Narrative) (Details)
- Equity Method Investments (Narr
- (Changes In Goodwill Balances)
- (Identifiable Intangible Assets
- (Amortization Expense Of Intang
- Goodwill And Other Intangible_3
- (Schedule of Income Before Inco
- (Schedule of Components of Inco
- (Schedule of Effective Income T
- (Schedule of Deferred Tax Asset
- Income Taxes (Schedule of Defer
- (Schedule of Unrecognized Tax B
- (Summary of Operating Loss And
- Income Taxes (Narrative) (Detai
- Commitments And Contingent Li_2
- (Activity Between Company And E
- Variable Interest Entities (Act
- Variable Interest Entities (Nar
- (Debt Extinguishment) (Details)
- Debt And Lines Of Credit (Debt
- (Summary Of Long-Term Debt) (De
- Debt And Lines Of Credit (Summa
- Debt And Lines Of Credit (Narra
- (Schedule of Notional Amounts o
- (Gains Losses Recognized In Acc
- (Gains And Losses Recognized In
- (Impact Of Derivative Instrumen
- (Impact of Derivative Instrum_2
- Derivatives and Hedging Activ_3
- (Rollforward Of Common Stock Ac
- Capital Stock (Narrative) (Deta
- (Schedule Of Net Funded Status)
- (Schedule Of Amounts Recognized
- (Schedule Of Amounts In Accumul
- (Pension Benefit Adjustments Re
- (Pension Plans With An Accumula
- (Net Periodic Pension Expense F
- (Major Actuarial Assumptions Us
- (Effect Of A 25 Basis Point Dec
- (Pension Allocations By Type Of
- (Fair Values Pension Plan Asset
- Retirement Plans (Fair Value, I
- (Fair Value Measurements Using
- Retirement Plans (Projected Fut
- Retirement Plans (Narrative) (D
- (Components Of Postretirement B
- Postretirement Benefits (Discou
- (Weighted Average Assumptions U
- (Changes In Postretirement Bene
- (Postretirement Benefit Adjustm
- (Estimated Total Future Postret
- Postretirement Benefits (Narrat
- (Assumptions Used To Determine
- (Summary Of Performance Share P
- (Summary Of Activity Of Restric
- (Stock-Based Compensation Expen
- Incentive Plans (Narrative) (De
- (Sales By Industry Segment) (De
- (Operating Profit By Industry S
- (Information By Industry Segmen
- (Information By Industry Segm_2
- (Depreciation, Amortization And
- (Information By Industry Segm_3
- (Information By Geographic Area
- (Information By Geographic Ar_2
- Financial Information By Busi_3
- Interim Financial Results (Deta
- Interim Financial Results (Foot