The UDC completed the sale of its 50% stake in Bloody Bay Hotel Development Limited (“BBHDL”) to Village Resorts Limited (“VRL”) in 2013. The Cabinet approved the sale of the shares to VRL in January 2013, and UDC and VRL signed the agreement finalizing the sale on March 27, 2013. Aggregate proceeds from the sale were US$11.2 million, which included US$9.5 million for the real estate and related fixed assets and US$1.7 million representing UDC’s share of cash and other liquid assets of BBHDL at the time of the sale.
Following the decision to divest the Wallenford Coffee Company (“WCC”), the Cabinet decided on March 18, 2013, to approve the WCC Memorandum of Understanding (“WCC MOU”). The WCC MOU was executed by all parties on August 29, 2013. The sale price was US$16.0 million and the purchaser assumed possession of WCC on September 11, 2013.
In May 2014, the Government, through the Jamaica Bauxite Mining Limited (“JBM”), executed a Debt Settlement and Asset Purchase Agreement with UC Rusal Alumina Jamaica Limited, owner of 93% interest in the West Indies Alumina Company (“Windalco”), for the sale of JBM’s 7% interest in Windalco for US$11.0 million.
In 2014, Oceana Hotel and Forum Hotel were sold for J$385.0 million and J$350.0 million, respectively.
In January 2015, the Government executed an agreement for the sale of the former Farm Machinery Centre property to RYCO Jamaica Ltd. for J$40.0 million.
In April 2016, the Government, through the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, executed an agreement for the sale of the Petroleum Company of Jamaica for US$19.0 million. The sale was completed in June 2016.
The Government entered into a contract for the management of the transshipment terminal of the Kingston seaport to APM Terminals and Amalgamated Stevedoring Co. Ltd., a consortium of foreign and local entities, in October 2001. The consortium assumed management of the terminal in February 2002. The contract expired in February 2009. In April 2015, the PAJ executed a concession agreement with Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited (“KFTL”), a special purpose vehicle formed to manage the Kingston Container Terminal (“KCT”). The agreement gives KFTL a 30-year concession term with the right to finance, expand, operate, maintain and transfer the facility at the end of the agreement. KFTL assumed operations of the port on July 1, 2016.
In July 2016, the Cabinet approved a 49-year lease, with an option to purchase at any time for market value, of approximately 1,610 acres of agricultural lands in Montpelier, St. James and Shettlewood, Hanover to Jamaica Green Botanical Producers Co. Limited. The lease provides for payment of J$6,500 per acre per annum, which is equivalent to J$10,465,000 per annum. The land is owned by the Montpelier Citrus Company Limited (“MCCL”). The MCCL and lessee executed the lease on October 7, 2016.
In October 2016, the Cabinet considered and approved the terms and conditions for the privatization of Caymans Track Limited’s operations to Supreme Ventures Limited, the preferred bidder. The definitive agreements were signed on February 10, 2017. Delivery of the property occurred on March 7, 2017 for payment of US$2.4 million. The contract has a provision for a minimum lease payment of US$305,000 per annum.
In March 2017, a Share Sale and Purchase Agreement was signed between Jamaican Teas Limited and the Accountant General for the Government’s shares in KIW International Limited. The Government’s shares in KIW comprised 6,800,000 (42%) of the 15,965,608 ordinary shares and all 14,000,000 Cumulative Preference Shares of the company. The purchase price was J$57.0 million.
The public-private partnership for the Norman Manley International Airport achieved commercial closure in October 2018 with the execution of a 25-year concession agreement between AAJ and PAC Kingston Airport Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico S.A.B De C.V.). Financial closure was achieved in October 2019 at which time PAC Kingston Airport Limited assumed operations of the airport.
In May 22, 2019, the Government listed Wigton Windfarm Limited on the Jamaica Stock Exchange, divesting 11 billion ordinary shares, at an offer price of J$0.50 per share.