Exhibit 99.2

Annual Shareholder Meeting Speech
August 24, 2022
Good morning. I would like to extend a warm welcome to our shareholders who have set aside time to join us today at Kewaunee’s 2022 annual shareholder meeting. This year’s meeting is again being conducted virtually, providing our shareholders a more accessible format in which to participate.
Before proceeding, the standard message from our attorneys regarding forward looking statements.
Today I will share with you highlights from our recently completed fiscal year ended April 30, 2022, as well as an update on our outlook and strategic direction. There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation and we will take as many as time affords. If you do have questions, you may submit them online through the chat function during the presentation. Finally, all materials will be posted to the investor relations section of our website for future reference.
To begin, we will kick things off with a brief overview of the Company.
Kewaunee is a leading global designer, manufacturer, and installer of laboratory furniture and technical products which our customers use to perform an array of research and development related activities. Our products are utilized to furnish laboratories across a variety of industries, including life sciences, education, petroleum, government, and healthcare end - markets. Kewaunee’s end-users are some of the largest, most prestigious companies in the world.
The industries served by Kewaunee continue to receive prioritization for investment as companies, governments, and institutions look to encourage discovery that require specialized environments. The data presented are from the 2020 SEFA Laboratory Enclosures and Furniture Market Report which was published pre-COVID-19. This remains the most reliable data- set available to assess the size and growth trajectory for the markets we serve. As an industry leader for technical furniture solutions, I believe Kewaunee is uniquely positioned to capitalize on what continues to be favorable industry growth trends.
Further, there have been several industry reports published over the past year that point to investment increases in sectors that require Kewaunee’s products. An increase in funding for research and development will likely lead to the investment in new laboratories and the renovation of existing laboratory space, both of which should benefit Kewaunee.
Kewaunee is active in multiple sectors, providing geographical and industry diversification. The diversity of end-use segments for the Company’s products supports a narrative of growth and end-market expansion for Kewaunee. We continue to invest in increasing our penetration of the healthcare and industrial markets through the launch of new products and establishment of new distribution channels. An example of this strategy was the launching of the EverHutch storage product line for healthcare customers which continues to gain traction.
Kewaunee’s Domestic operating segment designs and manufactures laboratory, healthcare, and technical furniture that is sold principally within the US marketplace. While we are active in the Canadian and South American markets, the United States represents a large majority of Domestic segment sales on an annual basis. We sell our manufactured products to end -users through our exclusive dealer network and a national stocking distributor. We made the decision during the y ear to transition territories in which we have historically sold directly to either general contractors or end-users to two of our dealers who will service them going forward. I will provide more details on the strategic significance of this decision and the impact of the transition on the business later in the presentation.
Our International operating segment participates more comprehensively across the laboratory construction value chain based on a broader set of capabilities. Our ability to provide “turn-key” solutions, through the design, construction, manufacture, installation, and maintenance of the laboratory is a competitive advantage that has resulted in our international team continuing to lead in the markets we serve. Currently, our international segment serves customers within the Indian, Middle East, Africa, and the Pan-Asian markets.