Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 4 Description of Common Stock
- 21 Consolidated Subsidiaries
- 23 Consent of Deloitte & Touche
- 24 Powers of Attorney
- 31 Certification of CEO Required by Rule 13A-14(A) or Rule 15D-14(A)
- 31 Certification of CFO Required by Rule 13A-14(A) or Rule 15D-14(A)
- 32 Certification of CEO Required by Rule 13A-14(B) or Rule 15D-14(B)
- 32 Certification of CFO Required by Rule 13A-14(B) or Rule 15D-14(B)
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Table of Contents
- Audit Information
- Cover Page Cover Page
- Consolidated Income Statement
- Consolidated Statement of Compr
- Consolidated Balance Sheet
- Consolidated Balance Sheet (Par
- Consolidated Statement of Stock
- Consolidated Cash Flow Statemen
- Accounting Policies
- 2018 Global Restructuring Progr
- Acquisition
- Fair Value Information
- Debt and Redeemable Preferred S
- Stock-Based Compensation
- Employee Postretirement Benefit
- Stockholders' Equity
- Leases and Commitments
- Legal Matters
- Objectives and Strategies for U
- Income Taxes
- Earnings Per Share
- Description of Business Segment
- Supplemental Data
- Valuation and Qualifying Accoun
- Intangible Assets, Goodwill and
- Accounting Policies (Policy)
- 2018 Global Restructuring Pro_2
- Acquisition (Tables)
- Fair Value Information (Tables)
- Debt and Reedemable Preferred S
- Stock-Based Compensation (Table
- Employee Postretirement Benef_2
- Stockholders' Equity (Tables)
- Leases and Commitments (Tables)
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Earnings Per Share (Tables)
- Business Segment and Geographic
- Supplemental Data (Tables)
- Intangible Assets, Goodwill a_2
- Accounting Policies (Narrative)
- 2018 Global Restructuring Pro_3
- Restructuring and Related Activ
- 2018 Global Restructuring Pro_4
- Acquisition (Narrative) (Detail
- Acquisition (Schedule of Recogn
- Fair Value Information Narrativ
- Fair Value Information (Fair Va
- Debt and Redeemable Preferred_2
- Debt and Redeemable Preferred_3
- Stock-Based Compensation (Narra
- Stock-Based Compensation (Sched
- Stock-Based Compensation (Sch_2
- Stock-Based Compensation (Sch_3
- Stock-Based Compensation (Sch_4
- Employee Postretirement Benef_3
- Employee Postretirement Benef_4
- Employee Postretirement Benef_5
- Employee Postretirement Benef_6
- Employee Postretirement Benef_7
- Employee Postretirement Benef_8
- Employee Postretirement Benef_9
- Employee Postretirement Bene_10
- Employee Postretirement Bene_11
- Stockholders' Equity (Narrative
- Stockholders' Equity Components
- Stockholders' Equity Componen_2
- Leases and Commitments (Narrati
- Leases and Commitments Operatin
- Leases and Commitments Operat_2
- Leases and Commitments Maturity
- Supplemental Information Relate
- Objectives and Strategies for_2
- Income Taxes (Narrative) (Detai
- Income Taxes (Analysis of the P
- Income Taxes (Income before Inc
- Income Taxes (Deferred Income T
- Income Taxes (Reconciliation of
- Income Taxes (Unrecognized Inco
- Income Taxes (Summary of Income
- Earnings Per Share (Narratives)
- Earnings Per Share (Average Com
- Business Segment and Geograph_2
- Business Segment and Geograph_3
- Business Segment and Geograph_4
- Supplemental Data (Narrative) (
- Supplemental Data (Supplemental
- Supplemental Data Supplemental
- Supplemental Data (Summary of A
- Supplemental Data (Summary of I
- Supplemental Data (Summary of P
- Supplemental Data (Summary of_2
- Supplemental Data (Summary of C
- Supplemental Data (Other Cash F
- Valuation and Qualifying Acco_2
- Intangible Assets, Goodwill a_3