Supplementary Information | PRIMEENERGY RESOURCES CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION CAPITALIZED COSTS RELATING TO OIL AND GAS PRODUCING ACTIVITIES (Unaudited) As of December 31, (Thousands of dollars) 2022 2021 Proved Developed oil and gas properties $ 555,280 $ 539,484 Proved Undeveloped oil and gas properties — — Total Capitalized Costs 555,280 539,484 Accumulated depreciation, depletion and valuation allowance (385,811 ) (359,742 ) Net Capitalized Costs $ 169,469 $ 179,742 COSTS INCURRED IN OIL AND GAS PROPERTY ACQUISITION, EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (Unaudited) Years Ended December 31, (Thousands of dollars) 2022 2021 Development Costs $ 13,598 $ 18,678 STANDARDIZED MEASURE OF DISCOUNTED FUTURE NET CASH FLOWS RELATING TO PROVED OIL AND GAS RESERVES (Unaudited) As of December 31, (Thousands of dollars) 2022 2021 Future cash inflows $ 994,842 $ 501,431 Future production costs (378,160 ) (207,697 ) Future development costs (95,746 ) (18,507 ) Future income tax expenses (110,439 ) (57,798 ) Future Net Cash Flows 410,497 217,429 10% annual discount for estimated timing of cash flows (165,961 ) (81,623 ) Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows $ 244,536 $ 135,806 See accompanying Notes to Supplementary Information PRIMEENERGY RESOURES CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION STANDARDIZED MEASURE OF DISCOUNTED FUTURE NET CASH FLOWS AND CHANGES THEREIN RELATING TO PROVED OIL AND GAS RESERVES (Unaudited) The following are the principal sources of change in the standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows during 2022 and 2021: Years Ended (Thousands of dollars) 2022 2021 Sales of oil and gas produced, net of production costs $ (86,302 ) $ (45,322 ) Net changes in prices and production costs 72,640 143,750 Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery 126,029 6,440 Revisions of previous quantity estimates (10,902 ) 18,991 Net change in development costs (2,814 ) (12,904 ) Reserves sold (818 ) (136 ) Reserves purchased — — Accretion of discount 13,581 4,162 Net change in income taxes (8,435 ) (21,180 ) Changes in production rates (timing) and other 5,751 386 Net change 108,730 94,187 Standardized measure of discounted future net cash flow: Beginning of year 135,806 41,619 End of year $ 244,536 $ 135,806 See accompanying Notes to Supplementary Information PRIMEENERGY RESOURCES CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION RESERVE QUANTITY INFORMATION Years Ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 (Unaudited) As of December 31, 2022 2021 Oil (MBbls) NGL’s (MBbls) Gas (MMcf) Oil (MBbls) NGLs (MBbls) Gas (MMcf) Proved Developed Reserves: Beginning of year 5,386 2,882 23,902 2,684 2,258 13,633 Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery 99 74 464 69 1 628 Revisions of previous estimates (375 ) (37 ) 1,309 1,639 813 11,836 Converted from undeveloped reserves — — — 1,747 231 1,067 Reserves sold (28 ) (5 ) (73 ) (15 ) (5 ) (26 ) Reserve purchased — — — — — — Production (939 ) (417 ) (3,325 ) (738 ) (416 ) (3,236 ) End of year 4,143 2,497 22,277 5,386 2,882 23,902 Proved Undeveloped Reserves: Beginning of year — — — 1,784 787 3,897 Extensions, discoveries and improved recovery 3,028 1,833 9,030 (61 ) (557 ) (2,726 ) Revisions of previous estimates — — — 31 4 386 Converted to developed reserves — — — (1,747 ) (231 ) (1,067 ) Reserves Sold — — — (7 ) (4 ) (489 ) End of year 3,028 1,833 9,030 — — — Total Proved Reserves at the End of the Year 7,171 4,330 31,307 5,386 2,882 23,902 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FROM OIL AND GAS PRODUCING ACTIVITIES Years Ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 (Unaudited) Years Ended December 31, (Thousands of dollars) 2022 2021 Revenue: Oil and gas sales $ 124,118 $ 73,126 Costs and Expenses: Lease operating expenses 37,816 27,804 Depreciation, depletion and accretion 28,068 26,325 Income tax expense 10,329 3,989 Total Costs and Expenses 76,213 58,118 Results of Operations from Producing Activities (excluding corporate overhead and interest costs) $ 47,905 $ 15,008 See accompanying Notes to Supplementary Information PRIMEENERGY RESOURCES CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (Unaudited) 1. Presentation of Reserve Disclosure Information Reserve disclosure information is presented in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The Company’s reserves include amounts attributable to non-controlling 2. Determination of Proved Reserves The estimates of the Company’s proved reserves were determined by an independent petroleum engineer in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. The estimates of proved reserves are inherently imprecise and are continually subject to revision based on production history, results of additional exploration and development and other factors. Estimated future net revenues were computed by reserves, less estimated future development and production costs based on current costs. Proved reserve quantity estimates are subject to numerous uncertainties inherent in the estimation of quantities of proved reserves and in the projection of future rates of production and the timing of development expenditures. The accuracy of such estimates is a function of the quality of available data and of engineering and geological interpretation and judgment. Results of subsequent drilling, testing and production may cause either upward or downward revision of previous estimates. Further, the volumes considered to be commercially recoverable fluctuate with changes in prices and operating costs. The Company emphasizes that proved reserve estimates are inherently imprecise and that estimates of new discoveries are more imprecise than those of currently producing oil and gas properties. Accordingly, these estimates are expected to change as additional information becomes available in the future. 3. Results of Operations from Oil and Gas Producing Activities The results of operations from oil and gas producing activities were prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. General and administrative expenses, interest costs and other unrelated costs are not deducted in computing results of operations from oil and gas activities. 4. Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows and Changes Therein Relating to Proved Oil and Gas Reserves The standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows relating to proved oil and gas reserves and the changes of standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows relating to proved oil and gas reserves were prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. Future cash inflows are computed as described in Note 2 by applying current prices to year-end Future production and development costs are computed estimating the expenditures to be incurred in developing and producing the oil and gas reserves at year-end, year-end Future income tax expenses are calculated by applying the U.S. tax rate to future pre-tax Future net cash flows are discounted at a rate of 10% annually (pursuant to applicable guidance) to derive the standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows. This calculation does not necessarily represent an estimate of fair market value or the present value of such cash flows since future prices and costs can vary substantially from year-end 5. Changes in Reserves The 2022 and 2021 extensions and discoveries reflect the drilling activity in the Company’s West Texas and Mid-Continent |