Notes to reconciliation of equity as of June 30, 2017
The major items of the reconciliation of equity as of June 30, 2017 are as follows:
A. Exchange differences on translating foreign operations
Under IFRS 1, a first-time adopter may choose to deem the cumulative exchange differences on translating foreign operations as zero at the date of transition to IFRS. Kyocera has chosen to apply this exemption and transferred all cumulative exchange differences on translating foreign operations into retained earnings at the date of transition to IFRS.
As a result, “Retained earnings” decreased by 16,360 million yen and “Other component of equity” increased by 15,354 million yen, which was derived after deducting adjustments to deferred taxes of 1,006 million yen.
B. Deemed cost
Under IFRS 1, for property, plant and equipment, a first-time adopter may use fair value as deemed cost at the date of transition to IFRS. Kyocera has applied this exemption and used fair value as the deemed cost at the date of transition to IFRS for certain item of property, plant and equipment.
The carrying amount of these property, plant and equipment under U.S. GAAP was 29,234 million yen, while the fair value was 18,269 million yen. As a result, “Property, plant and equipment” decreased by 10,965 million yen and “Retained earnings” decreased by 7,648 million yen, which was derived after deducting adjustments to deferred taxes of 3,317 million yen.
C. Retirement benefit
Under U.S. GAAP, the prior service costs and the actuarial gain and loss, resulted from defined benefit plan or unfunded retirement and severance plans which were incurred during the period but not recognized as the same periodic pension costs are recognized as accumulated other comprehensive income by the amount after tax. The amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive income are subsequently recognized in profit or loss as a component of retirement benefit expenses over a period of time in the future. Under IFRS, the prior service costs are expensed as incurred. The actuarial gain and loss are recognized in other comprehensive income by the amount after tax and they are transferred from other components of equity to retained earnings directly without recording through profit or loss.
Due to these changes, retirement benefit assets included in “Othernon-current assets” increased by 1,522 million yen and “Retirement benefit liabilities” decreased by 2,617 million yen. As a result, “Retained earnings” decreased by 32,624 million yen and “Other components of equity” increased by 35,603 million yen, which were derived after deducting adjustments to deferred taxes of 1,239 million yen.
D. Income taxes
Under U.S. GAAP, all subsequent changes of deferred tax asset and liability due to a change in the tax rate, reassessment of recoverability are recognized in profit or loss. Under IFRS, changes of deferred tax assets and liabilities on other comprehensive income are recognized in other comprehensive income.
In addition, under U.S. GAAP, the temporary differences arising from the elimination of intercompany transaction are deferred as prepaid taxes using the sellers’ tax rates. Under IFRS, above temporary differences are recognized as deferred tax assets using the purchasers’ tax rates considering its recoverability.
As a result, “Retained earnings” decreased by 46,300 million yen and “Other components of equity” increased by 46,243 million yen.