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AAC, abi, absence, abundant, accelerated, accessed, accommodate, accreditation, accredited, accretion, accrual, accurate, accurately, accured, acknowledgement, acquiree, acti, acutely, add, additionally, Additionaly, addressed, addressing, adequacy, ADIT, adjacent, adjust, Adjustable, adjusted, adjustment, admini, administered, administration, administrative, Advisory, affirmed, afforded, aforementioned, age, agency, agenda, aggradational, aggraded, agitated, agreed, aircraft, airfield, airstrip, AK, aka, alienated, alleged, alleging, allocate, allocated, allocation, alloy, alluvial, alluvium, alter, alteration, altered, alternative, altitude, amalgamation, Ambler, amenable, American, Amex, analytical, analyze, analyzed, ancient, andGold, angular, anniversary, annum, anomaly, antimony, ap, APB, apex, Apollo, appeal, appellate, applied, applying, apron, Archaeology, Argentina, argillic, argillized, Arizona, arrangement, arsenic, assay, assayed, assaying, assembled, assumption, Atkinson, ator, attached, attain, attainable, attention, attenuation, attestation, attract, attracted, attracting, attractive, attributable, attribute, attrition, Au, aureole, Aurora, Austin, automatically, Autumn, avoid, avoided, award, awarded, aware, Bachelor, bag, band, banded, Barker, Baron, barren, barring, baseline, Bay, bcy, bed, bedding, bedrock, began, belief, belonging, belt, beneath, beneficiary, Berea, bifurcation, Bigelow, bigger, bill, billion, binding, Bingham, black, Blackriver, Blakestad, blanket, bleached, blood, BlueMap, body, Boise, book, border, borehole, borough, borrowing, boulder, boundary, bout, bracket, Brazil, break, breakup, breccia, bringing, British, broad, broader, Broken, brokerage, brought, bruary, BS, bucket, BudgetMap, built, bulk, bullion, Bundtzen, Bureau, burgeoning, buried, buy, Buzzell, calculate, calculated, calculating, calculation, calendar, called, campaign, Canada, Canadian, Canyon, capacity, care, caretaker, caretaking, cargo, case, catch, category, Caterpillar, caving, Cayman, CBB, cement, cemented, central, CEO, certificate, certified, cessation, CFO, ch, chain, Chairman, challenged, challenging, channel, Chapter, character, characteristic, characterize, characterized, charter, Chartered, chemical, chlorite, chloritically, choose, chosen, churn, circulation, civil, claimant, classical, classified, classify, clay, cleansed, clear, cleavage, cleaved, climate, closest, closure, CMT, coal, coarsest, Coeur, colder, collaboration, collapse, collared, College, Columbia, combined, Commerce, committee, Commodore, commonly, communicate, communicated, communication, community, comparable, compare, compared, compatible, compensatory, competitor, complaint, complex, compliance, compliant, component, composed, composited, composition, compound, compromised, concealing, concent, conceptual, conclude, concluded, conclusion, concurrent, condition, conducive, confidence, conflict, conflicted, connected, connection, consecutive, conservation, conserve, consolidated, consolidating, consumer, contact, contacting, containg, content, context, contingent, Contingently, contractor, contrary, contrast, conversion, convexly, conveyance, conveyed, cooking, copyrighted, core, correct, correction, correctly, COSO, counted, counterclaim, couple, cour, court, coverage, CPA, credit, criteria, critical, crosscut, crossing, crudely, crumbling, crushed, crystal, ctively, cubic, cultural, cumbersome, cumulated, cumulative, cumulatively, currency, curtail, curve, curvilinear, custody, custom, customarily, customer, cut, cutting, daily, Dalton, damage, dammed, database, David, daylight, daytime, de, deal, dealing, death, debe, debenture, DEC, deciding, decision, decline, declining, declivity, DeCoria, deed, deeded, deep, deeply, defeandant, defence, defendant, defense, deficiency, deficient, deflation, deformation, Degerstrom, degradation, degree, delay, delayed, delaying, delineated, delineation, deliver, delivered, Delmer, delta, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstration, denominated, density, department, depleted, depth, derivative, derived, deriving, descent, desert, destruction, detachable, detached, detail, detailed, detected, deteriorate, deteriorated, deteriorating, deterioration, detract, detrimental, detrital, Devonian, diameter, diamond, Dick, die, difficult, digital, diligence, diligently, diorite, discarded, discharged, disclaim, discontinuously, discount, discourage, discouraged, discretion, discretionary, disemminated, disgorging, dispersed, display, dispute, disputed, disruption, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, distance, distil, distinct, distinguish, distributed, distributi, distribution, diverse, diversely, diversion, divided, dividend, Division, DNR, dolomite, domain, domestic, dominant, door, downsizing, downstream, downturn, Dr, dragline, drawn, dried, drift, drifting, driven, Duff, dug, duration, duty, earlier, earned, earning, earth, earthen, east, eastern, eco, edge, efficient, effort, Eickerman, EIFT, eighteen, EITF, eject, ejectment, eld, electric, electromagnetic, element, elevated, elevation, eleven, eligible, embayed, embedded, eminated, Empirical, employed, employee, employing, Emporia, enable, enacted, enclosed, enclosing, encourage, encouraged, Endangered, endowment, Energy, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, enriched, ent, entail, entirety, entitle, entitled, entity, enveloped, enveloping, epidote, EPS, equivalent, eralized, erein, erosion, erosional, erosionally, error, essentially, estate, ethically, European, event, eventual, eventually, evicted, evolved, exact, excav, excavation, excavator, excellent, excessive, exclusive, exclusivity, exemplary, exempt, exemption, exhalative, exhaustive, expand, expanded, expansion, expen, expended, expenditure, experience, expert, expertise, exporting, expose, exposed, exposing, exposure, expressed, external, extra, extract, extracted, extraction, extremely, face, faced, fact, factor, Fahrenheit, fair, fall, fan, Fanlike, Farther, FAS, FASB, fault, Fe, feature, fed, FERRICRETE, fiduciary, field, filament, filer, filled, filling, FIN, final, Finally, finder, fine, fire, firm, Fish, flank, float, flood, flooded, flooding, floor, flow, fluvial, fo, focused, Fogo, folded, foliated, foliation, foot, footwall, foreign, Forest, formal, formulated, Fort, Forza, fossilized, fr, fraction, fracture, framework, freestanding, freeze, Freezing, freighting, frequency, frequently, front, frozen, fruit, FSP, fuel, fulfill, fulfillment, fund, funding, Gail, gain, gained, gaining, Gallagher, gallon, Gamma, GBOT, gently, geochemical, geochemically, Geographically, geology, geomorphological, geophysical, geostatistical, glacial, glaciation, Glacier, goal, Goldrich, Goldust, Gonzaga, goodwill, gouge, governmental, gradient, gradually, grained, grand, graphtic, grassy, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, great, greenfield, greenstone, GRMC, grow, growing, growth, GS, guarantee, guidance, Gulch, half, halo, hammer, Handbook, hanging, Hanover, harm, Harvard, heard, heat, heaver, heavy, hedge, hedged, hedging, heightened, hematite, hereinafter, hereto, hereunder, Hermosillo, hierarchy, higher, highway, hill, hinder, Historian, history, hit, hole, honorary, honored, horizon, horizontal, horizontally, host, hosted, hosting, hot, hourly, housing, Hubbard, hybrid, hydraulic, hydrothermal, hydrothermally, hypothecated, ice, Idaho, idea, identical, ient, ig, ii, illegal, illegally, illustrate, image, imp, impede, implement, implementation, implemented, implicit, implied, important, importing, impose, imposed, impossible, impregnate, improper, improperly, improve, improved, impugned, inability, inactive, incentive, incidental, incised, includin, incorrect, increasingly, indefinite, individual, inert, inferred, infrastructure, infusion, inhabited, inlier, inorganic, inprior, insider, instrument, inte, integral, Integrated, integrity, intelligently, intent, intercept, intercompany, interfere, interim, Interior, intermittently, internal, international, internet, interrupt, intersected, intervention, introduced, intrusion, Inurnment, invalid, investigate, investigating, investor, iron, irregular, irregularly, irreparable, IRS, isoclinally, issuable, istrict, iv, Jeff, job, judge, Judicial, July, junior, jury, Keener, Kennecott, Kenner, Kenneth, Kentucky, key, kind, Kolyma, labeled, laboratory, laid, Lake, lapse, laptop, larger, largest, latitude, lawsuit, lay, layer, lcy, ld, lead, leading, leasehold, leaving, led, ledge, legislation, lesser, letter, level, license, licensed, lie, lieu, life, lifetime, light, lighter, likelihood, likelihoodthat, likewise, limonite, Lincoln, line, lineament, linear, linking, liquid, liquidation, liquidity, lithologic, Lithological, lity, Livengood, LLC, log, logical, London, longer, loose, lose, lost, lowermost, lowland, LP, LSG, lying, machinery, Mackay, magmatic, magnetic, magnitude, Maichel, main, maintenance, maker, makeup, mandate, mandated, mandatory, manner, manufacturer, map, mapped, mapping, margin, marginal, marginally, Marifil, Marisol, markdown, Marquette, marriage, Martin, massive, Master, mation, matured, maturity, maximum, McLellan, meadow, meaningful, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, media, medium, Mello, melt, membership, memorandum, mentioned, mercury, merged, meridian, merit, mesothermal, met, Metallogeny, Metallurgy, metamorphic, metasedimentary, metric, Mexican, Mexico, mica, mile, milligram, million, min, mineable, Minera, mineralzation, mini, minimal, minimally, minute, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mix, mixed, mobilized, mode, model, moderate, modern, modest, modification, modified, modify, molten, monitoring, month, monthly, moratorium, mortgage, Mosaic, mountain, mouth, movement, MTA, MTRSC, mud, muddy, multi, multiengine, multiple, multiplying, municipality, Murray, Mustang, mutual, narrower, NASDAQ, native, natu, nearest, necessarily, necessity, negative, negatively, neighboring, network, Nevada, Nevoro, ng, NGB, nil, nomic, noncontrolling, nonconvertible, nonfinancial, nongovernmental, nonqualified, northeast, northen, northward, northwest, notation, notification, notified, Notwithstanding, ntinue, nture, nugget, NYSE, objective, observable, observed, obstacle, obstructed, occu, offer, offering, offset, Offshore, oil, older, om, ongestion, ongoing, opposed, Orchow, order, orderly, ordinary, oregrade, oriented, orogenic, orward, OT, OTC, OTCBB, outboard, Outdoor, outlined, outlying, outward, overburden, overlain, overland, overlying, oversee, Oversight, oversize, overstaked, oxide, pa, Pacific, pad, PALEOCHANNEL, Paleozoic, Pallasgreen, pan, panned, PANNING, parallel, parent, pari, partner, passu, Pate, pattern, Paul, payback, paygrade, payout, pe, Pedra, penetrate, penetrated, penetration, penny, people, percussion, perfecting, perimeter, peripheral, permanent, permanently, perpendicular, persistent, personnel, pervasive, phase, phone, photo, photography, physical, physically, piece, pinching, Pioneer, PIPE, pipeline, placemen, placement, plain, plaintiff, planar, platinum, PLC, pledge, pledged, point, policy, portfolio, possessing, possession, possessory, posted, posting, postponement, postulated, power, ppm, precipitated, precipitation, precluded, predate, preference, Preferential, preferred, preliminary, premium, prepaid, prescribed, prescribing, presence, preservation, preserving, pressure, prevailing, primary, prime, priority, pro, procedure, proceed, proceeding, prohibited, prohibition, prolific, prominent, promulgated, pronounced, proof, proper, proportion, prorated, protocol, prove, Province, provisionally, proximity, prudent, Prudhoe, publicly, pulverized, punky, pure, purity, purport, purported, pursue, qualification, quantitative, quartz, quatz, quest, questionable, questioned, quickly, quiet, quieted, quota, quoted, RAB, radiometric, rain, ralized, rank, ransmission, rapidly, ratably, ratio, raw, reach, reached, readily, realistically, reassessment, recalculation, recapitalization, receipt, recla, reclaimed, recognition, recommend, recommendation, recommended, reconciliation, reconnaissance, Recreation, refine, refocused, regime, regular, reimbursed, reimbursement, Reject, rejected, relationship, release, released, relevant, reliability, reliably, relief, relinquish, relinquished, relocated, relocation, rely, relying, remit, remitted, remnant, remote, remotely, removal, remove, removed, removing, remuneration, repaired, replace, replaced, Republic, repurchased, request, requested, requesting, reset, residential, resignation, resistant, resolution, resource, respe, rest, restated, resting, restoration, retention, retroactive, retroactively, revealed, Revett, ribbon, rich, Richard, ridge, rift, righ, Rim, river, rmittently, Robert, rock, rod, Rodney, Rolfe, rolling, rotary, rounded, route, routine, routinely, rrence, RS, RST, rugged, RVC, SA, Salt, sand, satisfy, saved, scattered, Schara, schist, schistosity, science, scientific, scope, scoping, scout, scree, screen, scrutiny, se, sea, SEC, secondary, sector, securitized, sediment, sedimentary, segregating, seismic, sell, selling, semi, send, sending, senior, sense, sensing, sensitive, sentiment, separately, separation, sequence, sericite, sericitically, settlement, seventeen, shallow, shape, shareholder, Sharp, shear, sheared, SHEARING, sheer, sheet, sheeted, shell, shifting, shingled, shoot, short, shown, Siberia, side, significantly, sill, silt, similarly, sixteen, size, skewed, skewing, slabby, slide, slope, sloping, slower, SME, smelter, snow, snowmobile, social, Society, software, soil, solicit, solid, Sonora, sooner, sophisticated, south, spaced, sparse, spatial, speak, specific, specifically, spend, spending, split, sponsor, sponsored, Sponsoring, sporadically, spouse, spr, spread, spreadsheet, square, SquawCreek, stable, stacked, stained, staining, stakeholder, stand, standard, standing, statehood, statistical, Statute, statutory, steep, steepest, Steve, stockwork, stop, straight, strata, strategic, Stratigraphic, strative, stratum, streak, stream, strength, strictly, strike, stringent, stringer, strip, strong, strongly, structural, structure, subordination, subprime, subscription, subsea, subsequentl, subsidiary, substance, Substrate, subsurface, subterranean, successfully, suffic, suggest, suit, suitability, suitable, suite, sulfide, Sullivan, Summarily, summarize, summarized, Summit, superficial, superior, supervision, supervisory, supplied, supply, Supreme, surficial, surrendered, survey, suspended, sustain, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, swell, swelling, sympathetic, systematic, systemcontinuesalong, tainted, takeover, tangible, target, targeted, Teague, team, technical, Technician, technique, technological, technology, Ted, temporarily, temporary, tendency, tentatively, tenure, terrain, Texada, texture, thaw, thawed, theConversion, theNational, theoretical, thereof, thick, thin, thirty, thosusand, thought, threshold, ti, ticker, tied, tighter, tin, tiny, tion, tle, tock, ton, tonnage, tonne, tool, tooling, Toronto, tough, township, traced, tracing, traction, tractor, tradable, traditional, traffic, trail, transation, translated, transparency, traversing, Treadway, Treasurer, treatment, trench, trenching, trial, tributary, truck, true, Tsunami, Tucson, tundra, tunnel, tunneling, TURBIDITE, turbidity, turn, Turner, twenty, uce, unamortized, unanticipated, unaware, unconditional, unconsolidated, uncontrollable, underexplored, undergone, underlain, underlying, underside, understand, understanding, undertaken, undertook, undetected, undeterminable, undetermined, undiscounted, unemployment, unevaluated, unexpected, unexplored, unfavorable, unfoliated, unforeseen, uniformly, unimproved, Universal, University, unmineralized, unobservable, unprecedented, unrealized, unrecognized, unrecorded, unrelated, unreliable, unrestricted, unsuccessful, unusual, unusually, unvested, upcoming, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upper, upstream, Uranium, USA, usage, Utah, vacated, valley, valuable, Vancouver, variability, variable, variably, variant, variety, vary, varying, Vegeta, Vegetation, veinlet, vember, verbal, verdict, verify, vernacular, vertical, vest, vested, vesting, viability, viable, vicinity, view, viewed, visible, void, volcangenic, waived, waiver, wall, war, warr, warrant, warranted, water, weakening, wealthiest, web, website, weighed, weighing, west, western, Westminster, WGM, wh, whi, whichever, white, Whitworth, wholly, widening, wider, widespread, width, Wildlife, William, winding, window, world, worsened, worth, writing, written, wrongfully, wrote, xecutive, Yamana, yard, yearly, yield, yielded, York, younger, ziplock, zone
adequately, appraiser, Assignment, assisted, Barnett, Bonanza, Box, Colorado, competent, custodian, daughter, deductible, developed, Directory, Ellamae, Eneveloe, Eskil, family, foregoing, format, founded, gem, gemological, Gemologist, husband, IHC, Jackson, Jopeck, Layfield, Leonard, Littleton, married, millsite, Monument, NE, NNW, nominal, practiced, practicing, promotional, radiating, realizable, resume, Seattle, stepped, Stewart, sundry, thereunto, transfer, Trea, trustee, undersigned, unrecovered, venturer, waiting, wife
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