Investments | 3. Investments Net investment income is as follows: Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30 2020 2019 2020 2019 (In millions) Fixed maturity securities $ 432 $ 452 $ 1,300 $ 1,362 Limited partnership investments 71 16 26 140 Short term investments 2 13 11 42 Equity securities 18 16 24 62 Income from trading portfolio (a) 22 34 144 Other 14 13 44 39 Total investment income 559 544 1,405 1,789 Investment expenses (19 ) (19 ) (58 ) (56 ) Net investment income $ 540 $ 525 $ 1,347 $ 1,733 (a) Net unrealized gains (losses) related to changes in fair value on securities still held were $ and $ for the three months ended September 30, 2020 and 2019 and September . Investment gains (losses) are as follows: Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30 2020 2019 2020 2019 (In millions) Fixed maturity securities $ 26 $ 3 $ (32 ) $ (6 ) Equity securities 25 7 (45 ) 60 Derivative instruments (2 ) (2 ) (7 ) (13 ) Short term investments and other (3 ) (17 ) Deconsolidation of Diamond Offshore (see Note 2) (1,211 ) Investment gains (losses) (a) $ 46 $ 8 $ (1,312 ) $ 41 (a) Gross investment gains on available-for-sale securities were $ and $ September . Gross investment losses on available-for-sale securities were $ and $ September September , $ September September September . The allowance for credit loss related to available-for-sale fixed maturity securities is the difference between the present value of cash flows expected to be collected and the amortized cost basis. All available evidence is considered when determining whether an investment requires a credit loss write-down or allowance to be recorded. Examples of such evidence may include the financial condition and near term prospects of the issuer, whether the issuer is current with interest and principal payments, credit ratings on the security or changes in ratings over time, general market conditions and industry, sector or other specific factors and whether it is likely that the amortized cost will be recovered through the collection of cash flows. Changes in the allowance are presented as a component of Investment gains (losses) on the Consolidated Condensed Statements of Operations. The following tables present the activity related to the allowance on available-for-sale securities with credit impairments and PCD assets. Accrued interest receivables on available-for-sale fixed maturity securities totaled and is excluded from the estimate of expected credit losses and the amortized cost basis in the tables within this Note. Three months ended September 30 , 2020 Corporate and Other Bonds Asset- backed Total (In millions) Allowance for credit losses: Balance as of July 1, 2020 $ 39 $ 12 $ 51 Additions to the allowance for credit losses: For securities for which credit losses were not previously recorded 4 4 For available-for-sale securities accounted for as PCD assets 1 1 Reductions to the allowance for credit losses: Securities sold during the period (realized) 9 9 Additional increases or (decreases) to the allowance for credit losses on securities that had an allowance recorded in a previous period (1 ) 1 Total allowance for credit losses $ 34 $ 13 $ 47 Nine months ended September 30 , 2020 Allowance for credit losses: Balance as of December 31, 2019 $ - $ - $ - Additions to the allowance for credit losses: Impact of adopting ASC 326 6 6 For securities for which credit losses were not previously recorded 62 12 74 For available-for-sale securities accounted for as PCD assets 3 3 Reductions to the allowance for credit losses: Securities sold during the period (realized) 15 15 Intent to sell or more likely than not will be required to sell the security before recovery of its amortized cost basis 1 1 Additional increases or (decrease) to the allowance for credit losses on securities that had an allowance recorded in a previous period (21 ) 1 (20 ) Total allowance for credit losses $ 34 $ 13 $ 47 The components of available-for-sale impairment losses recognized in earnings by asset type are presented in the following table. The table includes losses on securities with an intention to sell and changes in the allowance for credit losses on securities since acquisition date: Three Months Ended September 30, Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 2019 2020 2019 (In millions) Fixed maturity securities available-for-sale: Corporate and other bonds $ 4 $ 12 $ 94 $ 24 Asset-backed 1 2 14 10 Impairment losses recognized in earnings $ 5 $ 14 $ 108 $ 34 The amortized cost and fair values of fixed maturity securities are as follows: September 30, 2020 Cost or Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Allowance for Credit Losses (a) Estimated Fair Value (In millions) Fixed maturity securities: Corporate and other bonds $ 20,734 $ 3,047 $ 89 $ 34 $ 23,658 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 9,459 1,766 1 11,224 Asset-backed: Residential mortgage-backed 3,796 153 1 3,948 Commercial mortgage-backed 2,048 85 70 13 2,050 Other asset-backed 2,097 76 19 2,154 Total asset-backed 7,941 314 90 13 8,152 U.S. Treasury and obligations of government-sponsored enterprises 347 4 1 350 Foreign government 481 29 510 Fixed maturities available-for-sale 38,962 5,160 181 47 43,894 Fixed maturities trading 17 6 23 Total fixed maturity securities $ 38,979 $ 5,166 $ 181 $ 47 $ 43,917 December 31, 2019 Cost or Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Estimated Fair Value Unrealized OTTI Losses (Gains) (a) Fixed maturity securities: Corporate and other bonds $ 19,789 $ 2,292 $ 32 $ 22,049 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 9,093 1,559 10,652 Asset-backed: Residential mortgage-backed 4,387 133 1 4,519 $ (17 ) Commercial mortgage-backed 2,265 86 5 2,346 1 Other asset-backed 1,925 41 4 1,962 (3 ) Total asset-backed 8,577 260 10 8,827 (19 ) U.S. Treasury and obligations of government-sponsored enterprises 146 1 2 145 Foreign government 491 14 1 504 Redeemable preferred stock 10 10 Fixed maturities available-for-sale 38,106 4,126 45 42,187 (19 ) Fixed maturities trading 51 2 53 Total fixed maturities $ 38,157 $ 4,128 $ 45 $ 42,240 $ (19 ) (a) On January 1, 2020, the Company adopted ASU 2016-13; see Note 1. The Unrealized OTTI Losses (Gains) column that tracked subsequent valuation changes on securities for which a credit loss had previously been recorded has been replaced with the Allowance for Credit Losses column. Prior period amounts were not adjusted for the adoption of this standard. The net unrealized gains on available-for-sale investments included in the tables above are recorded as a component of Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (“AOCI”). When presented in AOCI, these amounts are net of tax and noncontrolling interests and any required Shadow Adjustments. To the extent that unrealized gains on fixed income securities supporting long term care products and structured settlements not funded by annuities would result in a premium deficiency if those gains were realized, a related increase in Insurance reserves is recorded, net of tax and noncontrolling interests, as a reduction of net unrealized gains through Other comprehensive income (loss) (“Shadow Adjustments”). As of September 30, 2020 and December 31, 2019, the net unrealized gains on investments included in AOCI were correspondingly reduced by Shadow Adjustments of $2.3 billion and $2.0 billion (after tax and noncontrolling interests). The available-for-sale securities in a gross unrealized loss position for which an allowance for credit losses has not been recorded are as follows: Less than 12 Months 12 Months or Longer Total September 30, 2020 Estimated Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Estimated Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses Estimated Fair Value Gross Unrealized Losses (In millions) Fixed maturity securities: Corporate and other bonds $ 1,579 $ 86 $ 56 $ 3 $ 1,635 $ 89 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 154 1 154 1 Asset-backed: Residential mortgage-backed 98 1 13 111 1 Commercial mortgage-backed 693 69 19 1 712 70 Other asset-backed 432 18 13 1 445 19 Total asset-backed 1,223 88 45 2 1,268 90 U.S. Treasury and obligations of government-sponsored enterprises 25 1 25 1 Foreign government 20 20 Total fixed maturity securities $ 3,001 $ 176 $ 101 $ 5 $ 3,102 $ 181 December 31, 2019 Fixed maturity securities: Corporate and other bonds $ 914 $ 21 $ 186 $ 11 $ 1,100 $ 32 States, municipalities and political subdivisions 34 34 Asset-backed: Residential mortgage-backed 249 1 30 279 1 Commercial mortgage-backed 381 3 20 2 401 5 Other asset-backed 449 3 33 1 482 4 Total asset-backed 1,079 7 83 3 1,162 10 U.S. Treasury and obligations of government-sponsored enterprises 62 2 2 64 2 Foreign government 59 1 1 60 1 Total fixed maturity securities $ 2,148 $ 31 $ 272 $ 14 $ 2,420 $ 45 Based on current facts and circumstances, the Company believes the unrealized losses presented in the September additional impairment losses to be recorded as of Contractual Maturity The following table presents available-for-sale fixed maturity securities by contractual maturity. September 30, 2020 December 31, 2019 Cost or Amortized Cost Estimated Fair Value Cost or Amortized Cost Estimated Fair Value (In millions) Due in one year or less $ 1,372 $ 1,392 $ 1,334 $ 1,356 Due after one year through five years 11,955 12,625 9,746 10,186 Due after five years through ten years 13,026 14,359 14,892 15,931 Due after ten years 12,609 15,518 12,134 14,714 Total $ 38,962 $ 43,894 $ 38,106 $ 42,187 Actual maturities may differ from contractual maturities because certain securities may be called or prepaid. Securities not due at a single date are allocated based on weighted average life. Mortgage Loans The allowance for expected credit losses on mortgage loans is developed by assessing the credit quality of pools of mortgage loans in good standing using debt service coverage ratios (“DSCR”) and loan-to-value (“LTV”) ratios. The DSCR compares a property’s net operating income to its debt service payments, including principal and interest. The LTV ratio compares the current unpaid principal balance of the loan to the estimated fair value of the underlying property collateralizing the loan. The pools developed to measure the credit loss allowance use increments of DSCR and LTV to draw distinctions between risk levels. Changes in the allowance for mortgage loans are presented as a component of Investment gains (losses) on the Consolidated Condensed Statements of Operations. Mortgage loans are included in Other invested assets on the Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets. The following table presents the amortized cost basis of mortgage loans for each credit quality indicator by year of origination: Mortgage Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year (a) As of September 30, 2020 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Prior Total (In millions) DSCR ≥1.6x LTV less than 55% $ 75 $ 33 $ 19 $ 85 $ 33 $ 161 $ 406 LTV 55% to 65% 33 29 55 12 129 LTV greater than 65% 5 12 17 DSCR 1.2x - 1.6x LTV less than 55% 31 10 13 16 79 149 LTV 55% to 65% 20 54 32 24 130 LTV greater than 65% 48 103 151 DSCR ≤1.2x LTV less than 55% LTV 55% to 65% 14 14 28 LTV greater than 65% 23 45 24 7 99 Total $ 143 $ 296 $ 104 $ 222 $ 85 $ 259 $ 1,109 (a) The values in the table above reflect DSCR on a standardized amortization period and LTV based on the most recent appraised values trended forward using changes in a commercial real estate price index. Derivative Financial Instruments A summary of the aggregate contractual or notional amounts and gross estimated fair values related to derivative financial instruments follows. The contractual or notional amounts for derivatives are used to calculate the exchange of contractual payments under related agreements and may not be representative of the potential for gain or loss on these instruments. Gross estimated fair values of derivative positions are currently presented in Equity securities, Receivables and Payable to brokers on the Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets. September 30, 2020 December 31, 2019 Contractual/ Notional Estimated Fair Value Contractual/ Notional Estimated Fair Value Amount Asset (Liability) Amount Asset (Liability) (In millions) With hedge designation: Interest rate swaps $ 675 $ (28 ) $ 715 $ (8 ) Without hedge designation: Equity Options – purchased 57 $ 1 – written 100 (1 ) Interest rate swaps 80 (3 ) Embedded derivative on funds withheld liability 193 (16 ) 182 (7 ) Investment Commitments As part of the overall investment strategy, investments are made in various assets which require future purchase, sale or funding commitments. These investments are recorded once funded, and the related commitments may include future capital calls from various third-party limited partnerships, signed and accepted mortgage loan applications and obligations related to private placement securities. As of September |