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DEF 14A Filing
The LGL Group, Inc. (LGL) DEF 14ADefinitive proxy
Filed: 13 Jul 12, 12:00am
Filed by the Registrant | ý | |
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant | ¨ |
Check the appropriate box: | ||
¨ | Preliminary Proxy Statement | |
¨ | Confidential, For Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-(6)(2)) | |
ý | Definitive Proxy Statement | |
¨ | Definitive Additional Materials | |
¨ | Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12 |
The LGL Group, Inc. |
(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter) |
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant) |
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box): | ||
ý | No fee required. | |
¨ | Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) | Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: | |
(2) | Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: | |
(3) | Per unit price of other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined): | |
(4) | Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: | |
(5) | Total fee paid: | |
¨ | Fee paid previously with preliminary materials: | |
¨ | Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing. | |
(1) | Amount previously paid: | |
(2) | Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: | |
(3) | Filing Party: | |
(4) | Date Filed: | |
1. | To elect seven directors to serve until the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualify; |
2. | To ratify the appointment of McGladrey LLP as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012; and |
3. | To transact such other business as may properly come before the 2012 Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof. |
By Order of the Board of Directors | |
R. LaDuane Clifton | |
Secretary |
Questions and Answers About the Annual Meeting and Voting | 1 |
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management | 7 |
Proposal No. 1 - Election of Directors | 9 |
Corporate Governance | 14 |
Director Independence | 14 |
Board and Committee Meetings | 14 |
Board Committees | 14 |
Director Nominations | 15 |
Board Leadership Structure | 16 |
Board Role in Risk Oversight | 16 |
Stockholder Communications | 16 |
Code of Ethics | 16 |
Report of the Audit Committee | 17 |
Executive Compensation | 18 |
Compensation Discussion and Analysis | 18 |
Compensation Committee Report | 20 |
Summary Compensation Table | 21 |
Employment Agreements | 22 |
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal-Year End | 23 |
Director Compensation | 24 |
Proposal No. 2 - Ratification of Appointment of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm | 26 |
Stockholder Proposals | 29 |
Proxy Solicitation | 30 |
Annual Report | 30 |
A: | The Board is soliciting your proxy to vote at the 2012 Annual Meeting because you were a stockholder at the close of business on July 6, 2012, the record date for the 2012 Annual Meeting, and are entitled to vote at the 2012 Annual Meeting. |
Q: | What information is contained in this Proxy Statement? |
A: | The information in this Proxy Statement relates to the proposals to be voted on at the 2012 Annual Meeting, the voting process, the compensation of directors and certain executive officers, and certain other required information. |
Q: | What should I do if I receive more than one set of voting materials? |
A: | You may receive more than one set of voting materials, including multiple copies of this Proxy Statement and multiple proxy cards or voting instruction cards. For example, if you hold your shares in more than one brokerage account, you may receive a separate voting instruction card for each brokerage account in which you hold shares. If you are a stockholder of record and your shares are registered in more than one name, you will receive more than one proxy card. Please complete, sign, date and return each proxy card and voting instruction card that you receive. |
Q: | How may I obtain an additional set of proxy materials? |
A: | All stockholders may write to us to request an additional copy of these materials. The address is: |
Q: | What is the difference between holding shares as a stockholder of record and as a beneficial owner? |
A: | If your shares are registered directly in your name with our transfer agent, Computershare Shareowner Services, you are considered, with respect to those shares, the "stockholder of record." This Proxy Statement, our 2011 Annual Report and a proxy card have been sent directly to you by the Company. |
Q: | What am I voting on at the Annual Meeting? |
A: | You are voting on the following proposals: |
· | To elect seven directors to serve until the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors are duly elected and qualify; |
· | To ratify the appointment of McGladrey LLP ("McGladrey") as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012; and |
· | To transact such other business as may properly come before the 2012 Annual Meeting or any adjournments thereof. |
Q: | How do I vote? |
A: | You may vote using any of the following methods: |
· | Proxy card or voting instruction card. Be sure to complete, sign and date the card and return it in the prepaid envelope. |
· | By telephone or the Internet. This is allowed if you are a beneficial owner of shares held in street name and your broker, bank or nominee offers these alternatives. |
· | In person at the 2012 Annual Meeting. All stockholders may vote in person at the 2012 Annual Meeting. You may also be represented by another person at the 2012 Annual Meeting by executing a proper proxy designating that person. If you are a beneficial owner of shares, in order to vote in person at the 2012 Annual Meeting, you must obtain |
Q: | What can I do if I change my mind after I vote my shares? |
A: | If you are a stockholder of record, you may revoke your proxy at any time before it is voted at the 2012 Annual Meeting by: |
· | Sending a written notice of revocation to our Corporate Secretary; |
· | Submitting a new, proper proxy dated later than the date of the revoked proxy; or |
· | Attending the 2012 Annual Meeting and voting in person. |
Q: | What if I return a signed proxy card, but do not vote for some of the matters listed on the proxy card? |
A: | If you return a signed proxy card without indicating your vote, your shares will be voted in accordance with the Board's recommendations as follows: "FOR" the election of each of its nominees; and "FOR" the ratification of the appointment of McGladrey as our independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2012. |
Q: | Can my shares be voted if I do not return my proxy card or voting instruction card and do not attend the 2012 Annual Meeting? |
A: | If you do not vote your shares held of record (registered directly in your name, not in the name of a broker, bank or nominee), your shares will not be voted. |
Q: | What are the voting requirements with respect to each of the proposals? |
A: | In the election of directors, each director receiving an affirmative ("FOR") plurality of the votes cast will be elected. You may withhold votes from any or all nominees. |
Q: | What happens if a nominee for director does not stand for election? |
A: | If for any reason any nominee does not stand for election, any proxies we receive will be voted in favor of the remainder of nominees and may be voted for a substitute nominee in place of the nominee who does not stand. We have no reason to expect that any of the nominees will not stand for election. |
Q: | How many votes do I have? |
A: | You are entitled to one vote for each share of common stock that you hold. As of July 6, 2012, the record date, there were 2,599,866 shares of common stock outstanding. |
Q: | Is cumulative voting permitted for the election of directors? |
A: | We do not use cumulative voting for the election of directors. |
Q: | What happens if additional matters are presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting? |
A: | Other than the two items of business described in this Proxy Statement, we are not aware of any other business to be acted upon at the 2012 Annual Meeting. If you grant a proxy, the persons named as proxy holders, Patrick J. Guarino and R. LaDuane Clifton, will have the discretion to vote your shares on any additional matters properly presented for a vote at the meeting. |
Q: | How many shares must be present or represented to conduct business at the 2012 Annual Meeting? |
A: | A quorum will be present if at least a majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock entitled to vote, totaling 1,299,934 shares, is represented at the 2012 Annual Meeting, either in person or by proxy. |
Q: | How can I attend the 2012 Annual Meeting? |
A: | You are entitled to attend the 2012 Annual Meeting only if you were a stockholder as of the close of business on July 6, 2012, the record date, or you hold a valid proxy for the 2012 Annual Meeting. You should be prepared to present photo identification for admittance. If you are a stockholder of record, your name will be verified against the list of stockholders of record on the record date prior to your being admitted to the 2012 Annual Meeting. If you are not a stockholder of record, but hold shares through a broker, bank or nominee (i.e., in street name), you should provide proof of beneficial ownership on the record date, such as your most recent account statement prior to July 6, 2012, a copy of the voting instruction card provided by your broker, bank or nominee, or other similar evidence of ownership. If you do not provide photo identification or comply with the other procedures outlined above, you will not be admitted to the 2012 Annual Meeting. |
A: | Shares held in your name as the stockholder of record may be voted in person at the 2012 Annual Meeting. Shares held beneficially in street name may be voted in person at the 2012 Annual Meeting only if you obtain a legal proxy from the broker, bank or nominee that holds your shares giving you the right to vote the shares. Even if you plan to attend the 2012 Annual Meeting, we recommend that you also submit your proxy card or voting instruction card as described herein so that your vote will be counted if you later decide not to attend the meeting. |
Q: | What is the deadline for voting my shares? |
A: | If you hold shares as the stockholder of record, your vote by proxy must be received before the polls close at the 2012 Annual Meeting. |
Q: | Is my vote confidential? |
A: | Proxy instructions, ballots and voting tabulations that identify individual stockholders are handled in a manner that protects your voting privacy. Your vote will not be disclosed either within the Company or to third parties, except: (1) as necessary to meet applicable legal requirements, (2) to allow for the tabulation of votes and certification of the vote, and (3) to facilitate a successful proxy solicitation. Occasionally, stockholders provide written comments on their proxy card, which are then forwarded to our management. |
Q: | How are votes counted? |
A: | For the election of directors, you may vote "FOR" all or some of the nominees or your vote may be "WITHHELD" with respect to one or more of the nominees. For the other items of business, you may vote "FOR," "AGAINST" or "ABSTAIN." If you elect "ABSTAIN," the abstention will be counted for the purpose of establishing a quorum, but otherwise will have no effect on the outcome of the vote. |
Q: | Where can I find the voting results of the 2012 Annual Meeting? |
A: | We intend to announce preliminary voting results at the 2012 Annual Meeting and publish final voting results in a Current Report on Form 8-K to be filed with the SEC within four business days after the 2012 Annual Meeting. |
Q: | How can I obtain the Company's corporate governance information? |
A: | The following information is available in print to any stockholder who requests it and is also available on the Company's website, www.lglgroup.com: |
· | Certificate of Incorporation of The LGL Group, Inc. |
· | The LGL Group, Inc. By-Laws |
· | The charters of the following committees of the Board: the Audit Committee, the Nominating Committee and the Compensation Committee |
· | Our Business Conduct Policy |
Q: | How may I obtain the Company's 2011 Annual Report on Form 10-K and other financial information? |
A: | A copy of our 2011 Annual Report on Form 10-K is enclosed. |
Q: | What if I have questions for the Company's transfer agent? |
A: | Please contact our transfer agent, at the telephone number or address listed below, with questions concerning stock certificates, transfer of ownership or other matters pertaining to your stock account. |
Q: | Who can help answer my questions? |
A: | If you have any questions about the 2012 Annual Meeting or how to vote or revoke your proxy, you should contact our proxy solicitor at: |
· | each person who is known by us to beneficially own 5% or more of our common stock; |
· | each of our directors and named executive officers; and |
· | all of our directors and executive officers, as a group. |
Common Stock Beneficially Owned (1) | ||||||||
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner | Shares | % | ||||||
5% or Greater Stockholders: | ||||||||
Mario J. Gabelli | 421,617 | (2) | 16.2 | |||||
John V. Winfield | 132,335 | (3) | 5.1 | |||||
Directors and Named Executive Officers: | ||||||||
Marc Gabelli | 372,771 | (4) | 14.3 | |||||
Gregory P. Anderson | 17,659 | (5) | * | |||||
R. LaDuane Clifton | 8,206 | (6) | * | |||||
James Abel | 1,365 | * | ||||||
Michael Chiu | 3,144 | * | ||||||
Vincent Enright | 2,365 | * | ||||||
Timothy Foufas | 12,085 | * | ||||||
Patrick J. Guarino | 14,085 | * | ||||||
Manjit Kalha | 1,365 | * | ||||||
Paul Kaminski | 6,365 | * | ||||||
All executive officers and directors as a group (10 persons) | 439,410 | (7) | 16.8 |
* | Less than 1% of outstanding shares. |
(1) | The applicable percentage of ownership for each beneficial owner and for all executive officers and directors as a group is based on 2,599,866 shares of common stock outstanding as of July 6, 2012. Shares of common stock issuable upon exercise of options, warrants or other rights beneficially owned that are exercisable within |
(2) | Includes (i) 238,261 shares of common stock owned directly by Mario J. Gabelli; (ii) 96,756 shares owned by MJG-IV Limited Partnership, of which Mr. Gabelli is the general partner and has an approximate 5% interest; and (iii) 86,600 shares owned by GGCP, Inc., of which Mr. Gabelli is the chief executive officer. Mr. Gabelli disclaims beneficial ownership of the shares owned by MJG-IV Limited Partnership, and GGCP, Inc., except to the extent of his pecuniary interest therein. Mr. Gabelli's business address is One Corporate Center, Rye, New York 10580. Based solely on information in a Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership on Form 4 filed by Mr. Gabelli with the SEC on June 20, 2012. |
(3) | Includes (i) 124,135 shares of common stock owned directly by Mr. Winfield and (ii) 8,200 shares of common stock owned by The InterGroup Corporation, of which Mr. Winfield is President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board. Mr. Winfield's business address is 10940 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 2150, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Based solely on information contained in a Schedule 13D filed with the SEC on April 30, 2010, by Mr. Winfield and The InterGroup Corporation. |
(4) | Includes (i) 14,369 shares of common stock owned directly by Marc Gabelli; (ii) 7,500 shares issuable upon the exercise of options held by Mr. Gabelli; and (iii) 350,902 shares beneficially owned by Venator Merchant Fund, L.P. ("Venator Fund") and Venator Global, LLC ("Venator Global"). Venator Global, which is the sole general partner of Venator Fund, is deemed to have beneficial ownership of the securities owned beneficially by Venator Fund. Mr. Gabelli is the President and owner of Venator Global. |
(5) | Includes 10,159 shares of common stock and 7,500 shares issuable upon the exercise of options. |
(6) | Includes 5,206 shares of common stock and 3,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of options. |
(7) | Includes 421,410 shares of common stock and 18,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of options. |
Name | Age | Director Since | Offices and Positions Held With the Company, Business Experience and Principal Occupation for the Last Five Years, and Directorships in Public Corporations and Investment Companies |
Marc Gabelli | 44 | 2004 | Chairman of the Board, The LGL Group, Inc. (September 2004 to present); Managing Director and President, GGCP, Inc. (1999 to present), a private corporation that makes investments for its own account; Managing Member, Commonwealth Management Partners LLC (2008 to present), which is the managing member of Venator Global LLC, which is the general partner of Venator Merchant Fund, LP, an investment management vehicle; Director, IFIT Group, a Zurich based financial services administration firm; and Director and Managing Partner, GAMA Funds Holdings GmbH. Mr. Gabelli's qualifications to serve include his extensive knowledge of the Company's business and industry due to his longstanding service on the Board, as well as his financial expertise and leadership experience as an executive of various investment firms. |
James Abel | 66 | 2011 | Interim President and Chief Executive Officer, CPI Corporation (February 2012 to present); Director, CPI Corporation (April 2004 to present), a leader in the portrait photography industry; President and Chief Executive Officer, Financial Executives International (May 2008 to February 2009), an organization representing senior financial executives in dealing with the regulatory agencies involved with corporate financial reporting and internal controls; Chief Financial Officer (December 1990 to December 2007) and Director (December 2002 to December 2007), Lamson & Sessions Co., a diversified manufacturer and distributor of a broad line of thermoplastic electrical, consumer, telecommunications and engineered sewer products for major domestic markets. Mr. Abel shares with the Board his significant financial expertise and experience with manufacturing operations. |
Michael Chiu | 44 | 2010 | Chief Executive Officer, Respirgames, Inc. (November 2011 to present), an early-stage medical device startup; Technology and business consultant (June 2010 to present); President and Chief Technology Officer, Trophos Energy (September 2008 to May 2010), a venture-backed bio-energy company; Business Unit Manager, Teradyne, Inc. (May 2005 to April 2007), a semiconductor automated test equipment supplier; Various roles in marketing, product development and engineering at Teradyne Inc. (1994 to April 2007). Dr. Chiu holds a Ph.D. in engineering and an MBA, both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He brings to the Board his experience in management and operations as well as background in product development, engineering and research. |
Vincent Enright | 68 | 2011 | Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee for certain funds managed by Gabelli Funds, LLC (1991 to present), a mutual fund manager; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, KeySpan Corporation (1994 to 1998), a New York Stock Exchange ("NYSE") listed public utility company; Director, Echo Therapeutics (2008 to present), a medical devices company; Director, Aphton Corporation (September 2004 to November 2006), a biopharmaceutical company. Mr. Enright brings to the Board his significant financial expertise, including his experiences as a public company Chief Financial Officer and as a director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of various investment funds. |
Timothy Foufas | 43 | 2007 | Managing Partner, Plato Foufas & Co. LLC (2005 to present), a financial services company; President, Levalon Properties LLC (2007 to present), a real estate property management company; Senior Vice President, Bayshore Management Co. LLC (2005 to 2006), a real estate property management company; Director of Investments, Liam Ventures Inc. (2000 to 2005), a private equity investment firm; Director, ICTC Group, Inc. (2010 to present), a rural local exchange carrier headquartered in Nome, ND. Mr. Foufas brings to the Board his management skills and expertise in financial, investment and real estate matters. |
Patrick J. Guarino | 69 | 2006 | Managing Partner, August Properties LLC (2005 to present), a private investment company with real estate and securities holdings; Managing Partner, Independent Board Advisory Services, LLC (2002 to 2005), a corporate governance consulting firm; Retired Executive Vice President, Ultramar Diamond Shamrock Corporation (1996 to 2000), a NYSE-listed, Fortune 200, international petroleum refining and marketing company; Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Ultramar Corporation (1992 to 1996), a NYSE, Fortune 200, international petroleum and marketing company; Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Ultramar PLC (1986 to 1992), a London Stock Exchange listed international, integrated oil company. Mr. Guarino brings to the Board valuable knowledge of and fluency with legal and corporate governance matters, and the perspective of a former General Counsel of a public company. |
Manjit Kalha | 37 | 2011 | Chief Executive Officer and Director, Jeet Associates Private Limited (December 2006 to present), a consulting firm based in New Delhi that provides business strategy, finance, and taxation advisory services; Chief Executive Officer, Horizon AMC (June 2008 to present), a firm that provides investment management and consulting services; Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer, Radiant Polymers Private Limited (2001 to 2006), a manufacturing company of high quality specialty plastic components. Mr. Kalha shares with the Board his experience in management and manufacturing operations, and an extensive knowledge of global financial markets. |
Name | Age | Officers and Positions Held With the Company, Business Experience and Principal Occupation for the Last Five Years |
Gregory P. Anderson | 52 | President and Chief Executive Officer, The LGL Group, Inc. (July 2009 to present); Vice President of Operations of MtronPTI (December 2000 to June 2009), Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors of The LGL Group, Inc.'s subsidiary, M-tron Industries, Ltd. (July 2009 to present); President and Chairman of the Board of The LGL Group, Inc.'s subsidiary, Piezo Technology, Inc. (July 2009 to present); and Chairman of the Board of the LGL Group, Inc.'s subsidiary, Piezo Technology India Private Ltd. (July 2009 to present). |
R. LaDuane Clifton | 40 | Chief Accounting Officer, The LGL Group, Inc. (March 2010 to present); Member of Audit Committee of Community First Credit Union of Florida (September 2008 to July 2010); Corporate Controller of The LGL Group, Inc. (August 2009 to March 2010); Chief Financial Officer of a21, Inc. (August 2008 to August 2009), a publicly-held holding company with businesses in stock photography and an online retailer and manufacturer of framed art; Corporate Controller of a21, Inc. (March 2007 to August 2008); Auditor at KPMG LLP (August 2004 to March 2007), an international accounting firm. |
Paul Kaminski (Chairman) | |
James Abel | |
Vincent Enright | |
Timothy Foufas | |
Patrick J. Guarino | |
Manjit Kalha |
Michael Chiu (Chairman) James Abel Vincent Enright Patrick J. Guarino Timothy Foufas |
Name and Principal Position | Year | Salary ($) | Bonus ($) | Stock Awards(1) ($) | Option Awards(1) ($) | All Other Compensation ($) | Total ($) | ||||||||||||||||||
Gregory P. Anderson(2) | 2011 | 200,000 | 8,000 | (3) | - | 245,944 | (4) | 46,877 | (5) | 500,821 | |||||||||||||||
Chief Executive Officer | 2010 | 170,000 | 34,000 | (6) | 101,180 | (7) | - | 21,250 | (8) | 326,430 | |||||||||||||||
R. LaDuane Clifton(9) | 2011 | 150,000 | 6,000 | (10) | - | 98,378 | (11) | 2,392 | (12) | 256,770 | |||||||||||||||
Chief Accounting Officer | 2010 | 130,575 | 13,100 | (13) | 52,101 | (14) | - | 32,225 | (15) | 228,001 |
(1) | Reflects the aggregate grant date fair value of stock awards or option awards granted in the applicable year, computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standard Board Standards Codification Topic 718. For a discussion of the assumptions and methodologies used to calculate these amounts, please see Note E - Stock-Based Compensation in the accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. |
(2) | Mr. Anderson has served as the Company's Chief Executive Officer since July 2, 2009. |
(3) | On, December 30, 2011, the Company awarded Mr. Anderson a discretionary cash bonus of $8,000. |
(4) | On March 14, 2011, the Company granted Mr. Anderson a discretionary award of options to purchase a total of 25,000 shares of the Company's common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $245,944. These options have an exercise price of $22.50 and vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date; refer to Notes A and E to the Company's Financial Statements for valuation assumptions. |
(5) | Mr. Anderson was reimbursed for living expenses incurred in connection with performing his duties at the corporate headquarters in Orlando, FL. This amount also includes a reimbursement for the personal income tax expense arising from these expenses. Mr. Anderson also received a one-time payout of paid time-off ("PTO") in the amount of $15,384 and a 401(k) Company match of $4,681. |
(6) | On, July 21, 2010, the Company awarded Mr. Anderson a discretionary cash bonus of $34,000. |
(7) | On July 21, 2010, the Company granted Mr. Anderson 3,178 restricted shares of the Company's common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $10.44 per share. These shares vested immediately upon the date of the grant, but are not transferable until the termination of Mr. Anderson's employment with the Company. On December 15, 2010, the Company granted Mr. Anderson 3,598 restricted shares of the Company's common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $18.90 per share. These shares vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date; refer to Notes A and E to the Company's Financial Statements for valuation assumptions. |
(8) | Mr. Anderson received a one-time payout of PTO in the amount of $21,250. |
(9) | Mr. Clifton has served as the Company's Chief Accounting Officer since March 2010. He previously served as the Company's Corporate Controller from August 2009 to March 2010. |
(10) | On December 30, 2011, the Company awarded Mr. Clifton a discretionary cash bonus of $6,000. |
(11) | On March 14, 2011, the Company granted Mr. Clifton a discretionary award of options to purchase a total of 10,000 shares of the Company's common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $98,378. These stock options have an exercise price of $22.50 and vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date; refer to Notes A and E to the Company's Financial Statements for valuation assumptions. |
(12) | Mr. Clifton received a one-time payout of PTO in the amount of $6,347 and a 401(k) Company match in the amount of $411. |
(13) | On July 21, 2010, the Company awarded Mr. Clifton a discretionary cash bonus of $13,100. |
(14) | On July 21, 2010, the Company granted Mr. Clifton 1,225 restricted shares of the Company's common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $10.44 per share. These shares vested immediately upon the date of the grant, but are not transferable until the termination of Mr. Clifton's employment with the Company. On December 15, 2010, the Company granted Mr. Clifton 2,080 restricted shares of the Company's common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $18.90 per share. These shares vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date; refer to Notes A and E to the Company's Financial Statements for valuation assumptions. |
(15) | Mr. Clifton was reimbursed for costs incurred in connection with relocating to the Company's headquarters in Orlando, Florida in the amount of $29,706. Mr. Clifton also received a one-time payout of PTO in the amount of $2,519. |
Option Awards | Stock Awards | ||||||||||||||||||||
Name | Number of securities underlying unexercised options (#) exercisable | Number of securities underlying unexercised options (#) unexercisable | Option exercise price ($) | Option expiration date | Number of shares of stock that have not vested (#) | Market value of shares of stock that have not vested ($) | |||||||||||||||
Gregory P. Anderson | 0 | (1) | 25,000 | (1) | 22.50 | 3/14/2016 | 2,519 | (2) | 15,825 | ||||||||||||
R. LaDuane Clifton | 0 | (3) | 10,000 | (3) | 22.50 | 3/14/2016 | 1,456 | (4) | 10,672 |
(1) | On March 14, 2011, the Company granted Mr. Anderson options to purchase 25,000 shares of common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $245,944. The options vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date. |
(2) | On December 15, 2010, the Company granted Mr. Anderson 3,598 restricted shares of common stock as a bonus payment for 2010 under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $18.90 per share. These shares vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date. |
(3) | On March 14, 2011, the Company granted Mr. Clifton options to purchase 10,000 shares of common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $98,378. The options vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date. |
(4) | On December 15, 2010, the Company granted Mr. Clifton 2,080 restricted shares of common stock as a bonus payment for 2010 under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $18.90 per share. These |
Name | Fees Earned or Paid in Cash ($) | Stock Awards ($)(1) | Option Awards ($) | Total ($) | ||||||||||||
Marc Gabelli(2) | 116,750 | 10,005 | 245,944 | 372,699 | ||||||||||||
James Abel(3) | 18,250 | 10,005 | - | 28,255 | ||||||||||||
Michael Chiu(4) | 99,500 | 10,005 | - | 109,505 | ||||||||||||
Vincent Enright(3) | 16,750 | 10,005 | - | 26,755 | ||||||||||||
Timothy Foufas | 31,000 | 10,005 | - | 41,005 | ||||||||||||
Patrick J. Guarino | 31,250 | 10,005 | - | 41,255 | ||||||||||||
Manjit Kalha(3) | 16,000 | 10,005 | - | 26,005 | ||||||||||||
Paul Kaminski | 19,500 | 10,005 | - | 29,505 | ||||||||||||
Hans Wunderl(5) | 10,750 | - | - | 10,750 | ||||||||||||
Robert S. Zuccaro(5) | 13,250 | - | - | 13,250 |
(1) | On December 30, 2011, the Company's then-current directors received grants of 1,365 shares of restricted common stock as 50% of their base compensation for fiscal 2012 ($10,000). The number of shares granted to each director was determined by dividing the dollar amount of base compensation paid in the form of the share grant by the closing price of the Company's common stock on the grant date. Such shares were granted under the 2011 Incentive Plan, vested immediately on the grant date, and are transferable only if a director maintains a minimum ownership level of 1,000 shares of the Company's common stock. |
(2) | On March 14, 2011, the Board granted Mr. Gabelli options to purchase 25,000 shares of common stock under the 2001 Equity Incentive Plan with a grant date fair value of $245,944. The options vest as follows: 30% on the first anniversary of the grant date; an additional 30% on the second anniversary of the grant date; and the remaining 40% on the third anniversary of the grant date. At December 31, 2011, Mr. Gabelli held options to purchase a total of 25,000 shares of common stock; refer to Notes A and E to the Company's Financial Statements for valuation assumptions. During 2011, Mr. Gabelli received a total of $200,003 in director fees that were earned in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, but with respect to which payment was deferred at his election. These fees were disclosed as earned and deferred by Mr. Gabelli, and were accrued and expensed by the Company, in the years in which they were earned. These fees are not reflected in the table above. |
(3) | Messrs. Abel, Enright, and Kalha were first elected to the Board on June 28, 2011. |
(4) | Dr. Chiu served as the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee during 2011. This Committee was formed to advise and assist the Company's management in its pursuit of certain strategic opportunities. |
(5) | Messrs. Wunderl and Zuccaro did not stand for re-election to the Board at the 2011 Annual Meeting held on August 4, 2011. |
Address Change/Comments (Mark the corresponding box on the reverse side) |
The election of 01 - James Abel 02 - Michael Chiu 03 - Vincent Enright 04 - Timothy Foufas 05 - Marc Gabelli 06 - Patrick J. Guarino 07 - Manjit Kalha to the Board of Directors, to serve until the 2013 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their respective successors are duly elected and qualify. (INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, mark the "Exceptions" box above and write that nominee's name in the space provided below.) *Exceptions ______________________________ | ||||||||
The undersigned hereby revokes any proxy or proxies heretofore given, and ratifies and confirms all that the proxies appointed hereby, or any of them, or their substitutes, may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Mark Here for Address Change or Comments SEE REVERSE | ||||||||
NOTE: Please sign exactly as your name or names appear hereon. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please indicate the capacity in which signing. When signing as joint tenants, all parties in the joint tenancy must sign. When a proxy is given by a corporation, it should be signed with full corporate name by a duly authorized officer. |
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