Exhibit (21)
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Subsidiaries of Registrant
Listed below are all of our subsidiaries, except certain inactive subsidiaries and certain other of our subsidiaries which are not included in the listing because considered in the aggregate they do not constitute a significant subsidiary as of the end of the year covered by this Form 10-K.
Subsidiaries | State or Jurisdiction of Incorporation | Percentage of Voting Securities Owned |
Beijing Maxen | China | 35 |
Bentek Energy, LLC | Colorado | 100 |
Capital IQ, Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
*Capital IQ Information Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd. | India | 100 |
ClariFI, Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
CTB/McGraw-Hill LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education Canada Corp. | Nova Scotia, Canada | 100 |
Funds Research USA, LLC | Delaware | 100 |
Grow.net, Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
International Advertising/McGraw‑Hill LLC | Delaware | 100 |
J.D. Power and Associates | Delaware | 100 |
*Automotive Resources Asia (Hong Kong) Limited | Hong Kong | 100 |
*J.D. Power Commercial Consulting (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. | China | 100 |
*J.D. Power Asia Pacific K.K. | Japan | 100 |
*J.D. Power and Associates, GmbH | Germany | 100 |
KCP Technologies, Inc. | California | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Education, Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Education LLC | Delaware | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Education (Germany) Gmbh | Germany | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Education (Italy) Srl | Italy | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Education Publications Overseas LLC | Delaware | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Financial Asia Pacific LLC | Delaware | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill Interamericana, Inc. | New York | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill International Enterprises, Inc. | New York | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Financial International LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Philippines Inc. | Philippines | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Interamericana do Brasil Ltda. | Brazil | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Korea, Inc. | Korea | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd | Malaysia | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. | Malaysia | 100 |
*S&P/CITIC Index Information Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd. | China | 50 |
*The McGraw-Hill Companies (Canada) Corp. | Nova Scotia, Canada | 100 |
*R² Financial Technologies Inc. | Ontario, Canada | 100 |
McGraw-Hill International Enterprises LLC | Delaware | 100 |
McGraw-Hill International Holdings LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Global Holdings (Luxembourg) Sarl | Luxembourg | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Asian Holdings (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. | Singapore | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. | Singapore | 100 |
*McGraw Hill Educational Services India Private Limited | India | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Hong Kong Limited | Hong Kong | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. | China | 100 |
Subsidiaries | State or Jurisdiction of Incorporation | Percentage of Voting Securities Owned |
*McGraw-Hill European Holdings (Luxembourg) Sarl | Luxembourg | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education (Israel) Ltd. | Israel | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education (Sweden) AB | Sweden | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Finance Europe Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Finance (UK) Ltd. | United Kingdom | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Holdings (UK) Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Financial Research Europe Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*McGraw‑Hill International (U.K.) Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Cayman Limited | Cayman Islands | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education (UK) Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Indices U.K. Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*Open International Publishing Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*Platts (U.K.) Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Credit Market Services France SAS | France | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill (France) SAS | France | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill (Germany) GmbH | Germany | 100 |
*McGraw‑Hill Interamericana de Espana, S.L. | Spain | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill S&P Iberia, S.L. | Spain | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill (Sweden) AB | Sweden | 100 |
*Quant House SAS | France | 100 |
*QuantHouse, Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
*Quant House UK Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Credit Market Services Europe Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*Steel Business Briefing Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*SBB Brasil Informacoes LTDA | Brazil | 100 |
*SBB China Ltd | China | 100 |
*SBB Danismanlik Ltd | Turkey | 100 |
*SBB International FZ LLC | United Arab Emirates | 100 |
*SBB Singapore PTE Ltd | Singapore | 100 |
*Steel Business Briefing North America, Inc. | Pennsylvania | 100 |
*The Steel Index Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*The McGraw‑Hill Companies S.r.l. | Italy | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Credit Market Services Italy S.r.l. | Italy | 100 |
*Credit Market Analysis Limited | England & Wales | 100 |
*Credit Market Analysis USA Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
*Quotevision Limited | England & Wales | 100 |
*Financial Data Exchange Limited | England & Wales | 100 |
*Kingsman SA | Switzerland | 100 |
*J. Kingsman Limited | England & Wales | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Finance (Luxembourg) Sarl | Luxembourg | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education (Luxembourg) Sarl | Luxembourg | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education Guarantee Co. Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education (U.K.) Holdings Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
McGraw-Hill News Bureaus, Inc. | New York | 100 |
McGraw-Hill New York, Inc. | New York | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill Publications Overseas LLC | Delaware | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Real Estate, Inc. | New York | 100 |
Subsidiaries | State or Jurisdiction of Incorporation | Percentage of Voting Securities Owned |
McGraw-Hill Ventures, Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Education Ventures LLC | Delaware | 100 |
Money Market Directories, Inc. | New York | 100 |
S & P India LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*CRISIL, Ltd. | India | 52.77 |
*CRISIL Credit Information Services India Ltd. | India | 100 |
*CRISIL Irevna Argentina S.A. | Argentina | 100 |
*CRISIL Risk and Infrastructure Solutions, Ltd. | India | 100 |
*Irevna Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*CRISIL Irevna Poland Sp. Z.o.o. | Poland | 100 |
*Irevna, LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*Pipal Research Analytics and Information Services India Private Ltd. | India | 100 |
Standard & Poor's Europe LLC | Delaware | 100 |
Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Indices Guarantee Co. (UK) Ltd | United Kingdom | 100 |
*S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC | Delaware | 73 |
*DJI Opco LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*S&P Opco LLC | Delaware | 100 |
Standard & Poor's International, LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Hong Kong Limited | Hong Kong | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Information Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd. | China | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Ratings Japan K.K. | Japan | 100 |
*Nippon Standard & Poor's K.K. | Japan | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's Singapore Pte. Ltd. | Singapore | 100 |
*Taiwan Ratings Corporation | Taiwan | 51 |
Standard & Poor's International Services LLC | Delaware | 100 |
Standard & Poor's Investment Advisory Services LLC | Delaware | 100 |
Standard & Poor's, LLC | Delaware | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Financial Japan K.K. | Japan | 100 |
*McGraw-Hill Financial Singapore Pte. Limited | Singapore | 100 |
Standard & Poor's Securities Evaluations, Inc. | New York | 100 |
Sunshine International, Inc. | Delaware | 100 |
Tegrity, Inc. | California | 100 |
WaterRock Insurance, LLC | Vermont | 100 |
Capital IQ S.R.L. | Argentina | 100 |
Editora McGraw‑Hill de Portugal, Ltda. | Portugal | 100 |
Grupo McGraw-Hill Companies, S. de R.L. de C.V. | Mexico | 100 |
Lands End Publishing | New Zealand | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill Australia Pty Limited | Australia | 100 |
*McGraw‑Hill Book Company New Zealand Limited | New Zealand | 100 |
*Mimosa Publications Pty Ltd. | Australia | 100 |
*Carringbush Publications Pty Ltd. | Australia | 100 |
*Dragon Media International Pty Ltd. | Australia | 100 |
*Platypus Media Pty Ltd. | Australia | 100 |
*Yarra Pty Ltd. | Australia | 100 |
*Standard & Poor's (Australia) Pty Ltd. | Australia | 100 |
Subsidiaries | State or Jurisdiction of Incorporation | Percentage of Voting Securities Owned |
*Standard & Poor's Information Services (Australia) Pty Ltd. | Australia | 100 |
McGraw-Hill Cayman Finance Ltd. | Cayman Islands | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill Holdings Europe Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
*The McGraw-Hill Companies Limited | United Kingdom | 100 |
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de Chile Limitada | Chile | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill/Interamericana de Venezuela S.A. | Venezuela | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill Interamericana Editores, S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | 100 |
*Grupo McGraw-Hill, S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | 100 |
McGraw-Hill/Interamericana, S.A. | Panama | 100 |
McGraw‑Hill Ryerson Limited | Ontario, Canada | 70.1 |
Standard & Poor's (Dubai) Limited | United Arab Emirates | 100 |
Standard & Poor's Investment Advisory Services (HK) Limited | Hong Kong | 100 |
Standard & Poor's Maalot Ltd. | Israel | 100 |
Standard & Poor's, S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | 100 |
*Grupo Standard & Poor's, S.A. de C.V. | Mexico | 100 |
Standard & Poor's South Asia Services (Private) Limited | India | 100 |
Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited | India | 66.25 |
* Subsidiary of a subsidiary.