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accrual, advocacy, affe, agreeme, aid, amountscapitalized, attempt, attorney, automatic, back, bad, Big, Block, CDBG, cessation, charter, citizen, classification, clear, commonly, communicated, Community, comp, Conservation, credi, ct, Department, dry, Duringthe, eevaluate, eligible, enterprise, environment, er, ERCOT, exclusivity, extremely, failing, formal, formally, Governor, iana, immaterial, inherent, input, intangible, intent, itization, justification, lifted, long, passage, pendency, pertained, prepetition, prevail, RCRA, rebuilding, reclassified, recommence, recoverability, redetermination, Regulationbelow, rely, remand, repaid, repay, repayment, rescind, rom, routine, securitization, SeeState, shareholder, sixty, solido, statute, substation, suit, throug, topic, turn, turnaround, ummarized, uncertain, uncontested, undivided, unrealized, Urban, viable, WPP, Zone
abandoned, abeyance, accounted, achieve, acquire, actively, addressed, administering, adverse, adversely, AFC, affected, affirmative, air, ALJ, allegation, alleged, allegedly, approximate, arguing, arising, assessment, auction, auditing, auditor, bandwidth, Baton, beat, begin, bill, bond, CAIR, cancel, cap, charge, chemical, choice, Circuit, clarification, clarify, clean, close, CMGC, column, combination, commence, compensated, comply, concluding, conditional, conduct, confirm, consideration, constitute, contemporaneously, contest, continual, continuation, continued, contractor, Cottonwood, coverage, covering, create, Crete, decided, declaratory, Deer, Deferrable, defining, degree, depend, detailed, determination, determine, determined, developed, developing, directing, disallowance, disallowing, distinct, distract, divestiture, docket, east, eastern, emission, enhancement, EPMC, equipment, establishing, evaluate, examine, exempt, expansion, expended, experimental, exposure, extend, ExxonMobil, face, factor, factored, fairly, FASB, Feliciana, FIN, finalized, firm, fleet, foreseeable, forma, formation, governing, granting, handled, heating, high, historically, identified, identifying, ii, improve, imprudence, imputed, industry, install, installment, institute, internal, interpretation, interstate, invested, Issuer, Judicial, junior, lack, ld, letter, limiting, ll, marketing, maturity, meant, methodology, minimize, mitigate, modify, monitoring, month, nationwide, netted, netting, NOX, obtained, occur, occurred, opposing, original, owed, parallel, passed, perform, permanently, permitting, phase, pilot, pipeline, po, pollutant, pollution, preparation, presence, pro, prospectively, protect, prudent, qualify, quality, quantitative, question, range, ratemaking, reactive, recent, recognize, recommended, reconcile, reconciling, Refining, reflecting, refunded, reimbursement, reinstatement, reject, rejected, released, reliability, remove, representative, requesting, requiring, reserved, resolved, retired, reversing, role, roll, Rouge, season, SeePart, Senate, settle, similar, sition, skewed, SPP, St, stakeholder, stated, studying, Subordinated, substantially, successfully, summarized, summer, tariff, technology, tenor, timeframe, toa, Top, trading, traditional, Transport, treated, type, typical, typically, ultimate, unchanged, undepreciated, undertaken, unfairly, unfinanced, unfounded, unnecessary, upcoming, uprate, urging, vigorously, void, wait, waste, West, whichever, wi, wind, winter, wou
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- 10-Q Quarterly report
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