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administrative, Air, arbitrarily, argument, Article, assumption, bid, binding, blanket, boiler, bot, Brown, Calcasieu, canceling, capriciously, clarified, Clean, coke, Commi, complicated, concurrent, context, copy, counterparty, Declaratory, Defense, deposit, devoted, dioxide, downgrade, Duke, EITF, emission, endanger, EPSA, ETI, examination, excise, exploring, exposure, fiscal, foregoing, foreseeable, friend, functionalizing, goodwill, greenhouse, Gypsy, Harrison, health, highly, hourly, icy, improper, inaccurate, insolvency, intervention, intrinsic, Jerry, judicial, layer, LEUG, lien, life, light, lighting, London, methodology, mitigate, model, motor, move, nonvoting, Noo, northern, notably, NRG, NSR, ocation, Opinio, Oven, owner, paragraph, penalty, Petroleum, pol, pollutant, practicable, predict, premium, previo, Prohibit, range, rebuttal, reconsolidate, reconsolidation, Remitted, repowering, retrospective, scope, SeeBankruptcy, sensitive, ssion, street, Task, technology, thereto, tobook, transferred, type, unaltered, unbundled, unbundling, unpaid, unrecognized, unsecured, upfront, usly, vendor, waived, welfare, Wilma, Windfall, Yeso
accepted, accrual, accuracy, active, ad, administer, advocacy, AFUDC, aggregation, allege, alternative, ANO, apparently, appealed, asserted, attempt, attendant, attorney, audit, authorize, bad, bringing, call, certify, cessation, charter, citizen, classification, clear, closing, commenced, commencing, Commodity, component, compromise, Conservation, continuing, continuity, control, covered, created, cumulative, currency, declare, deconsolidate, deconsolidated, deconsolidation, defendant, delay, delayed, Department, designated, difficult, direction, directly, discovered, dismissing, dispatched, dispute, doubt, dry, eliminate, emergency, employee, employment, enterprise, environment, EPS, er, ERCOT, exclusivity, expedited, extended, extremely, failing, fall, fewer, finance, financially, fluctuation, formal, formally, generator, groundwater, group, Housing, impose, improved, incur, indenture, influence, informed, inherent, initiate, input, insured, integrated, interconnection, invest, investigate, involved, justification, kWh, lawsuit, level, long, lost, manner, margin, mature, measure, mix, modification, municipal, nature, northeastern, noted, obtaining, oil, organization, Parish, participate, passage, paying, pendency, Perryville, pertained, planning, precluded, prejudice, preparing, prevail, priority, procedural, propose, prudently, purported, purportedly, radioactive, RCRA, reassessment, rebuilding, recommence, reconciliation, recoverability, redeemable, region, regional, Regulationbelow, release, rely, remand, repairing, repayment, replacement, residential, resolve, response, restoring, retire, reviewed, revised, schedule, sector, separated, served, show, single, site, sixty, solido, Southwest, statute, stipulated, study, substantial, suit, surcharge, suspended, temporary, terminate, thousand, topic, trustee, turn, unable, unanimously, uncontested, undivided, Urban, validity, valorem, vertically, viable, violated
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
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