Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Results of Operati
- Consolidated Statements of Comp
- Consolidated Statements of Com6
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Consolidated Statements Of Shar
- Consolidated Statements Of Sha9
- Summary of Significant Accounti
- Acquisitions
- Working Capital
- Marketable Securities
- Fair Value Measurements
- Property, Plant and Equipment
- Goodwill and Other Identifiable
- Debt
- Other Non-Current Liabilities
- Employee Benefit Plans
- Commitments and Contingent Liab
- Shareholders' Equity
- Stock-Based Compensation
- Income Taxes
- Quarterly Data (Unaudited)
- Earnings per Share
- Business Segment Data
- Schedule - Valuation and Qualif
- Summary of Significant Accoun28
- Summary of Significant Accoun29
- Acquisitions Acquisition (Table
- Working Capital (Tables)
- Marketable Securities (Tables)
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Property, Plant and Equipment (
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab35
- Debt (Tables)
- Other Non-Current Liabilities (
- Employee Benefit Plans (Tables)
- Commitments and Contingent Li39
- Shareholders' Equity (Tables)
- Stock-Based Compensation (Table
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Quarterly Data (Unaudited) (Tab
- Earnings per Share (Tables)
- Business Segment Data (Tables)
- Summary of Significant Accoun46
- Summary of Significant Accoun47
- Acquisitions Acquisition (Narra
- Acquisitions Acquisition (Detai
- Acquisitions Acquisition (Det50
- Acquisitions (Details 3)
- Working Capital (Schedule of Re
- Working Capital (Schedule of In
- Working Capital (Schedule of Ot
- Marketable Securities (Details)
- Marketable Securities (Details
- Marketable Securities (Detail57
- Fair Value Measurements (Detail
- Property, Plant and Equipment59
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab60
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab61
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab62
- Goodwill and Other Identifiab63
- Debt (Details Textual)
- Debt (Schedule of Debt Maturiti
- Debt (Schedule of Selected Info
- Debt (Schedule of Interest Expe
- Other Non-Current Liabilities68
- Employee Benefit Plans (Schedul
- Employee Benefit Plans (Amounts
- Employee Benefit Plans (Sched71
- Employee Benefit Plans (Amoun72
- Employee Benefit Plans (Sched73
- Employee Benefit Plans (Sched74
- Employee Benefit Plans (Sched75
- Employee Benefit Plans (Details
- Commitments and Contingent Li77
- Commitments and Contingent Li78
- Commitments and Contingent Li79
- Shareholders' Equity (Details T
- Shareholders' Equity (Schedule
- Stock-Based Compensation (Detai
- Stock-Based Compensation (Det83
- Stock-Based Compensation (Det84
- Income Taxes (Details Textual)
- Income Taxes (Schedule of Earni
- Income Taxes (Schedule of Compo
- Income Taxes (Income Tax Reconc
- Income Taxes (Schedule of Defer
- Income Taxes (Schedule of Unrec
- Quarterly Data (Unaudited) (Det
- Earnings per Share (Details)
- Business Segment Data (Details
- Business Segment Data (Schedule
- Business Segment Data (Schedu95
- Schedule - Valuation and Qual96