Lessee, Operating Leases [Text Block] | 6. EASES The Company leases two 2027. In February 2016, 2016 02, December 15, 2018 April 28, 2019 Upon adoption of the lease standard on April 28, 2019, not not not The Company has used the following policies and assumptions in evaluating its population of leases: ● Determining a lease – The Company assesses contracts at inception to determine whether an arrangement is or includes a lease which conveys the Company’s right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. Operating lease right-of-use assets and associated liabilities are recognized at the commencement date and initially measured at the present value of the lease payments over the defined lease term. ● Allocating lease and non-lease components – The Company has elected the practical expedient to not ● Discount rate – The Company calculates the discount rate based on the Company’s incremental borrowing rate using the contractual lease term. ● Lease term – The Company does not 12 ● Rent increases or escalation clauses – Certain leases contain scheduled rent increases or escalation clauses. The Company assesses each contract individually and calculates variable payments based on the terms of the individual agreement. ● Renewal options and / or purchase options – Certain leases include renewal options to extend the lease term and / or purchase options to purchase the leased asset. The Company assesses these options using a threshold of reasonably certain, which is a high threshold and, therefore, the majority of the Company’s leases do not ● Option to terminate – Certain leases include the option to terminate the lease prior to its scheduled expiration. This allows a contractually bound party to terminate its obligation under the lease contract, typically in return for an agreed upon financial consideration. The terms and conditions of the termination options vary by contract; such options are not The Company’s weighted average remaining lease term was 3.8 October 26, 2019. October 26, 2019: (In thousands) Remainder of Fiscal 2020 $ 8,897 Fiscal 2021 20,315 Fiscal 2022 9,894 Fiscal 2023 7,741 Fiscal 2024 4,510 Thereafter 1,703 Total minimum lease payments including interest 53,060 Less: Amounts representing interest (3,515 ) Present value of minimum lease payments 49,545 Less: Current portion of lease liabilities (14,267 ) Non-Current portion of operating lease liabilities $ 35,278 Lease expense for the three six October 26, 2019 six October 26, 2019. Our minimum lease payments under non-cancelable operating leases as of April 27, 2019 (In thousands) Fiscal 2020 $ 16,105 Fiscal 2021 12,084 Fiscal 2022 9,894 Fiscal 2023 7,741 Fiscal 2024 4,510 Thereafter 1,703 Total minimum lease payments including interest $ 52,037 |