Segment Reporting Disclosure [Text Block] | 14. Segment Information The Company follows ASC280, 1 10 January 2, 2021). Segment operating income (loss) includes selling, general and administrative expenses directly attributable to that segment as well as charges for allocating corporate costs to each of the operating segments. The following tables reflect the results of the reportable segments consistent with the Company’s management system: Thirteen Week Period Ended October 2, 2021 Engineering Specialty Health Care Information Technology Corporate Total Revenue $ 16,482 $ 19,646 $ 9,343 $ - $ 45,471 Cost of services 12,694 14,115 6,448 - 33,257 Gross profit 3,788 5,531 2,895 - 12,214 Selling, general and administrative 3,816 4,393 2,123 - 10,332 Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment 120 99 31 - 250 Amortization of acquired intangible assets 6 - - - 6 Tax credit professional fees - - - 50 50 Gain on sale of assets (2,151 ) - - - (2,151 ) Operating income (loss) $ 1,997 $ 1,039 $ 741 $ (50 ) $ 3,727 Total assets as of October 2, 2021 $ 29,020 $ 26,483 $ 8,560 $ 6,228 $ 70,291 Capital expenditures $ 16 $ 168 $ 35 $ 139 $ 358 Thirteen Week Period Ended September 26, 2020 Engineering Specialty Health Care Information Technology Corporate Total Revenue $ 15,087 $ 9,015 $ 7,459 $ - $ 31,561 Cost of services 10,674 6,724 5,343 - 22,741 Gross profit 4,413 2,291 2,116 - 8,820 Selling, general and administrative 3,359 2,989 2,258 - 8,606 Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment 172 82 38 - 292 Amortization of acquired intangible assets 80 - - - 80 Operating income (loss) $ 802 $ (780 ) $ (180 ) $ - $ (158 ) Total assets as of September 26, 2020 $ 34,961 $ 14,349 $ 7,858 $ 5,385 $ 62,553 Capital expenditures $ (37 ) $ 7 $ 8 $ 271 $ 249 Thirty-Nine Week Period Ended October 2, 2021 Engineering Specialty Health Care Information Technology Corporate Total Revenue $ 47,882 $ 63,723 $ 27,348 $ - $ 138,953 Cost of services 36,875 47,564 19,184 - 103,623 Gross profit 11,007 16,159 8,164 - 35,330 Selling, general and administrative 10,512 12,858 6,026 - 29,396 Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment 428 260 87 - 775 Amortization of acquired intangible assets 95 - - - 95 Tax credit professional fees - - - 170 170 Gain on sale of assets (2,151 ) - - - (2,151 ) Operating income (loss) $ 2,123 $ 3,041 $ 2,051 $ (170 ) $ 7,045 Total assets as of October 2, 2021 $ 29,020 $ 26,483 $ 8,560 $ 6,228 $ 70,291 Capital expenditures $ 55 $ 235 $ 44 $ 165 $ 499 Thirty-Nine Week Period Ended September 26, 2020 Engineering Specialty Health Care Information Technology Corporate Total Revenue $ 43,288 $ 41,896 $ 24,062 $ - $ 109,246 Cost of services 30,673 33,037 17,370 - 81,080 Gross profit 12,615 8,859 6,692 - 28,166 Selling, general and administrative 10,073 10,682 7,082 - 27,837 Depreciation and amortization of property and equipment 380 235 78 - 793 Amortization of acquired intangible assets 240 - - - 240 Write-off of receivables and professional fees incurred related to arbitration 8,397 - - - 8,397 Operating loss $ (6,575 ) $ (2,058 ) $ (468 ) $ - $ (9,101 ) Total assets as of September 26, 2020 $ 34,961 $ 14,349 $ 7,858 $ 5,385 $ 62,553 Capital expenditures $ (7 ) $ 17 $ 43 $ 347 $ 400 The Company derives a majority of its revenue from offices in the United States. Revenue reported for each operating segment are all from external customers. The Company is domiciled in the United States and its segments operate in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Serbia. Revenue by geographic area for the thirteen thirty-nine October 2, 2021 September 26, 2020 Thirteen Week Periods Ended Thirty-Nine Week Periods Ended October 2, 2021 September 26, 2020 October 2, 2021 September 26, 2020 Revenue U. S. $ 41,584 $ 25,628 $ 124,337 $ 91,793 Canada 1,912 3,543 8,371 11,186 Puerto Rico 1,245 1,433 4,128 4,018 Serbia 730 957 2,117 2,249 $ 45,471 $ 31,561 $ 138,953 $ 109,246 Total assets by geographic area as of the reported periods are as follows: October 2, 2021 January 2, 2021 Total assets U. S. $ 63,534 $ 56,308 Canada 1,977 7,067 Puerto Rico 1,393 1,483 Serbia 3,387 3,481 $ 70,291 $ 68,339 |