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aa, aaa, Absent, Absorption, abundance, abundant, abuse, accept, acceptable, acceptance, accepted, accommodate, accommodation, accretionary, accretive, acid, Acidification, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acreage, activated, active, actively, activity, actuarial, Adaptive, add, added, addendum, adding, Additionally, addressed, addressing, adequacy, adjacent, adjusted, Admin, administered, adsorption, advantage, advice, Advisor, affiliate, affiliated, affirmed, aforementioned, Africa, African, ag, age, agency, agent, aggregate, aggregated, aggressive, aging, ago, Agoratek, AIF, aim, aimed, air, airborne, aircraft, airstrip, al, Alaska, Alberta, aliquot, alkali, alleviate, Alliance, Alligator, allocate, alluvial, ALS, alter, alteration, amalgamated, amalgamation, Ambiente, amenable, America, American, amicably, amphibolite, Amselco, analytical, analyzed, analyzing, Ancho, Andean, andesitic, Anglo, angular, ANM, announced, announcement, annulled, antimony, Antofagasta, AO, apparent, appeal, appealable, appealed, Appellate, appoint, appointed, appointment, appraisal, appraise, approach, April, APSM, aquifer, arbitration, Archaean, archaeological, Arequipa, Arizona, armed, arranged, arrangement, arsenic, arsenopyrite, artisanal, Asante, Askaf, assay, assayed, assaying, asserted, asserting, assertion, assigned, assignment, assimilating, assist, assistance, Assistant, assisted, assume, assumed, Atacama, Athabascan, Atlantic, atmosphere, Atomic, attached, attempt, attention, attitude, Attorney, attract, attractive, Au, auger, August, Australia, automatically, Autram, Ave, Avenue, award, awarding, aware, Baa, Bachelor, back, background, bag, balance, ball, banded, banding, bank, banking, bankrupt, bar, Bard, Barra, barren, Barrick, BASc, baseline, basement, basic, batch, battery, Battle, bay, BBB, BCO, Beach, Beaubien, bed, bedding, bedrock, began, begin, beginning, behavioural, Belo, belt, Bema, benchmark, bending, beneficially, bid, billed, binding, biodiversity, biography, biological, biophysical, black, blasting, blind, BLM, block, Bloomberg, BMO, body, bond, Bongarcon, bookkeeping, booster, bordering, bore, Borough, borrow, borrowing, bottleneck, bottom, boudinage, boundary, box, brackish, branch, Brasil, Brasiliano, brassy, breach, breached, breadth, bring, bringing, British, broad, broken, broker, bronze, brought, brown, Bsc, Buckhorn, buffer, build, building, built, bulge, bulk, Bureau, buy, buyback, BWI, ca, Caa, calcium, calendar, Calgary, California, called, camp, campaign, Cancer, candour, capable, capacity, Captain, capture, captured, capturing, carbon, care, career, careful, carefully, Carlin, cascade, casualty, CAT, Catalina, catchment, category, Catherine, cautioned, CCC, CDE, cease, ceased, ceasing, cement, center, Centerra, central, centralizing, centrally, century, CEO, certified, cessation, CFO, CGU, chair, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, challenging, characteristic, characterization, characterized, characterizing, chargeback, charity, chart, charter, Chartered, chemical, child, children, China, chip, chlorite, choose, chosen, Church, CIBC, CIC, CIL, CIM, circuit, circulant, circular, circulation, citizen, civil, claim, claimed, claiming, clarity, Claro, classified, clastic, Claude, clay, Clean, cleanup, clear, climate, closest, closure, cluster, CMM, CMP, coarse, coincide, cold, collar, collect, collected, collecting, collection, collective, collectively, College, colour, coloured, Columbia, column, combination, combined, combining, Cominco, command, comment, Commerce, commercial, commercially, commitment, committed, commodity, Compact, Compania, compel, compensatory, compete, competing, complementary, complex, complexity, compliant, component, composed, composited, composition, compost, compounding, compressive, compromise, compromising, computed, computer, Computershare, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, Concentrator, concession, concrete, concurrently, condition, confidence, confidential, confidentiality, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, conformity, conglomerate, consecutive, Conservation, consult, consultant, consultation, consulting, consumption, contact, contamination, Contango, contend, content, contest, contested, context, contract, contractional, contractor, contrary, contravention, convention, conventional, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, conveying, conveyor, cooperated, Copiap, copper, core, corner, cornerstone, corridor, Corrupt, corruption, costly, Council, counsel, counter, counterclaim, counterparty, country, County, court, coverage, CPA, crack, Craton, create, created, creating, Creek, crime, criminal, critical, Crown, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crustal, cubic, cultural, curtail, curtailed, curtailment, custody, cut, CVR, CWA, cyanide, cybersecurity, cycle, cyclone, cylinder, cylindrical, dacitic, daily, Dakhlet, dark, database, dataset, datum, DD, de, deal, dealer, dealt, death, debottlenecking, decided, deciding, decision, decline, decommission, decorative, decrease, decreased, decree, dedicated, deemed, deep, deeper, default, defective, defense, deferred, Defiance, deformation, deformative, deformed, degradation, degree, del, delay, delayed, delineate, delineating, delineation, delisted, delisting, delivered, delivering, delivery, Deloitte, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, denied, denominated, density, dentistry, department, departure, depend, dependent, depending, deplete, depleted, depletion, deportment, deposit, depositing, deposition, depth, Deputy, derated, desert, destruction, detail, detailed, detected, detection, deteriorate, Deutsche, devaluation, dewatering, DIA, diameter, diamond, difficult, difficulty, dig, digital, diligence, diluting, dilution, dimension, dining, Diploma, director, disability, disagreement, disaster, disbursed, discarded, discharge, discontinuation, discontinue, discontinued, discovery, discretion, disease, dismissal, dismissed, dispatch, displacement, disposal, dispose, disposed, disposition, disseminated, dissolution, dissolving, distal, distinct, distinctly, distribution, district, diverse, divert, divestiture, dividing, Doctor, Dome, dominant, Dominion, Dominique, downgraded, downhole, downstream, downthrown, drainage, dredging, drill, drilled, drilling, drop, dry, du, dual, Duluth, dump, dust, earlier, earth, easement, easily, east, eastern, Echo, Ecology, Edmonton, efficiency, efficiently, effluent, EGL, EIA, ejected, El, elastic, electromagnetic, electrum, elevated, eligibility, eliminate, eliminated, Elimination, emission, employ, employed, enable, enacted, EnCana, encompassing, encountered, encourage, Endangered, endangerment, engineer, engineered, engineering, England, enriched, enterprise, entitled, entity, entry, EPA, equal, equity, equivalent, Era, erred, escalated, escalating, escaping, ESG, EU, Eustaquio, event, eventual, eventually, evidence, evolve, evolving, excavated, Excavation, excavator, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, exclude, excluded, exclusive, exclusively, exempt, exemption, exert, exhausted, exhaustion, expend, expenditure, expense, expensive, experienced, expertise, expire, expiry, expose, exposed, exposure, expressly, extension, extensive, extensively, external, externally, extinction, extract, extracted, extracting, extraction, extractive, extraordinary, Fabricated, fabrication, facilitate, facilitated, factor, FactSet, fail, failed, failure, fair, fairly, fall, Falla, falling, family, Farellon, fault, favor, favour, favourable, feature, fed, feed, feeding, feet, feldspar, Fellow, felsic, felt, fenced, Fennec, Ferry, festival, FGMI, fiat, fiduciary, field, fill, filled, filling, Finland, fire, fissure, Fitch, fixed, Flag, flaky, fleet, float, flotation, fluctuate, fluctuation, focused, foliated, foliation, food, fool, footprint, force, forced, forestry, forma, Foundation, founder, fourth, fracture, fraud, Freeport, frequently, fresh, Freshwater, front, fulfill, fulfilled, fulfilling, full, fully, function, gabbroic, gain, gear, geochemical, geochemistry, Geoffrey, Geoffrion, geographical, Geologia, geologic, geological, geologist, geology, Geomaque, geophysical, geophysicist, Georgian, geoscientist, geotechnical, Gil, Goldcorp, Golden, good, gouge, governmental, Governor, grace, grain, grained, gram, Grandy, granitic, granitoid, granular, gravel, gravimetric, gravity, grayish, greatest, green, greenhouse, greenschist, greenstone, grid, grind, grinding, Grindstone, ground, groundwater, grow, Grupamento, guarantee, guard, Guatita, Guelb, Guide, gyratory, half, Halo, handling, hanging, hard, harder, hardware, harm, haul, hauled, hauling, Hazemag, head, headquartered, health, heap, heaped, heaping, heat, heavily, heavy, Hecla, hectare, hedge, hedging, Hemlo, hereof, HFO, Hg, high, higher, highest, Highland, highly, highway, Hill, hinder, hiring, history, Hitachi, holder, hole, home, Homestake, homogenized, horizon, horizontal, Horizonte, Hospital, host, hostage, hosted, hosting, Hot, house, Houston, HQ, HR, HTW, Huber, Hull, human, HX, Hydro, hydroelectric, hydrogeological, hydrothermal, ICMI, Idaho, ii, iii, illegal, imagery, Imkebdene, immaterial, Imperial, impermeable, impermissible, importance, important, importation, imported, importing, impossible, impoundment, impractical, impregnation, improper, inaccurate, inadequacy, inappropriate, inception, inch, Inchiri, incident, incidental, incineration, inclement, inclined, inconsistent, inconsistently, increasingly, incremental, incrementally, indefinite, indefinitely, index, individual, individually, Indonesia, induced, inevitable, inferred, infill, inflationary, influence, influencing, infrastructure, infrequent, injunction, injunctive, innovation, input, inquiry, insertion, inside, insight, insolvency, insolvent, inspected, inspection, Inspirational, instability, installation, installed, Institute, instituted, institution, institutional, instrument, intense, intensity, intercompany, interfere, interference, interim, Interior, interlocutory, intermediate, intersection, interval, intervened, intervention, introduced, introduction, intruded, intrusive, invasion, inventory, invest, invested, investigate, investigation, investing, investment, involve, involved, IP, IQ, iron, irregular, isolated, issuance, iv, Jalil, January, jewelry, job, Johannesburg, joined, joining, joint, jointly, judgement, July, June, justified, justify, Kathleen, KBM, Kelly, Kettle, kg, KGBMI, KGC, KGUSA, kilometre, Kingston, Kneiffissat, Knelson, knowledge, Komatsu, koz, Kt, Kupol, kV, lab, labelled, laboratory, Ladera, laid, Lake, lane, language, larger, largest, LaSource, laterite, Laurentian, Laurier, lawsuit, LBM, leach, leached, leaching, lead, leader, leadership, leading, lean, led, lending, length, lesser, Lethbridge, letter, level, leverage, Levesque, liable, liberated, liberation, license, licensee, lie, Lifetime, light, lighter, Lihir, likelihood, limestone, line, linear, linked, literate, lithological, LLC, load, loaded, Lobo, located, location, locked, lode, logged, logging, London, long, longer, low, lower, lowered, lowering, lowest, LP, LT, Lundin, luster, Lybrand, macroeconomic, mafic, magnesium, magnetic, magnitude, main, MaK, malfunction, mandate, mandated, manifold, manually, manufacture, map, mapping, marcasite, Margaret, margin, marginally, Maricunga, marker, Marte, Master, matrix, Mauritanie, Mauritanien, Maverix, maximizing, MBA, McGill, McMoRan, MDO, measure, measured, measuring, Medio, medium, membership, mental, mercury, merged, merger, mesh, Mesoarchean, metal, metallic, metallurgical, metallurgy, metamorphic, metamorphism, metamorphosed, metasedimentary, metavolcanic, method, metre, Metso, Mexico, mica, mid, middle, military, Millsite, minable, mineable, Mineiro, Minera, mineralogical, mineralogy, Mineria, minex, minimal, minimize, minimizing, minimum, Ministry, Minnesota, minute, Miocene, Mississauga, mm, MMD, Mobil, Mobile, model, modeled, modelling, modern, modernize, modified, modifier, modify, Modifying, molten, monitor, monitored, monitoring, month, Moody, Mooney, Moreno, motion, move, movement, Moz, MSA, Mt, MUI, multinational, multiple, Museum, mutual, MW, Nacional, nailed, nameplate, Narcea, narrow, NCIB, NE, nearby, Ned, negative, negatively, negotiate, neighbouring, Neoproterozoic, Nesbitt, network, neutralising, neutralizing, Nevada, Nevado, newly, Newmont, NI, nickel, nil, NLSD, noise, Nominating, nomination, Noranda, Nord, Normandy, Norte, north, northeast, northern, northwest, northwestern, notable, notably, notice, notify, Nouadhibou, Nouakchott, NOV, November, NQ, NS, nugget, nullification, numerical, Nye, NYSE, OBCA, objective, objectivity, observation, observed, occasion, occasionally, occupation, occupational, occupying, occurrence, October, OEA, official, officially, offset, OHA, Okanogan, older, oldest, olivine, onsite, open, opened, opening, operationally, opposing, opposite, opposition, optimum, option, order, ordered, ordering, orderly, ordinary, orebody, organization, Organizational, organized, orientation, oriented, origin, original, Originally, originate, Oro, orogenic, orthoclase, Osborne, ounce, outcrop, outcropping, Outokumpu, outright, outsourcing, overcoming, overflow, overlain, overlapped, overlying, oversaw, oversee, overseeing, overseen, oversight, oversize, overturned, overview, owed, owner, ownership, oxidation, oxide, oxidized, oxidizer, oxygen, oz, Pacific, package, pad, Paleoproterozoic, PanCanadian, Pancho, Pantanillo, paper, parallel, Paranaiba, Park, partial, partially, partner, partnership, party, passed, passing, patented, Paul, Paulo, paved, pay, payable, paying, PCHB, pe, pebble, penetrated, people, Pepperdine, percent, percentage, permanent, permanently, permissible, pertaining, petition, Petroleum, phenomena, photographed, photovoltaic, physical, pickup, piece, Piment, Pine, pinion, pipeline, placer, planar, plane, plant, planting, plastic, play, played, plc, plunge, PM, point, polarization, policy, pollution, poor, Porcupine, portfolio, portion, position, positive, positively, Postle, postponement, potassium, poured, ppm, practical, practice, practiced, precursor, predict, predicted, predominantly, pregnant, premium, prescribed, preserve, preserved, president, presplit, pressure, prevailing, previously, prior, priority, privacy, pro, proactively, problem, procedural, procedure, procure, procurement, produce, produced, producer, producing, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, progressed, progressing, progressive, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, Prohibiting, prolonged, promote, promoted, prone, proper, properly, proportion, proposal, proposed, protracted, proven, provincial, proximal, proximate, proximity, Psychology, publicly, pulp, pulverized, pumped, pumping, pure, Puren, pyrite, pyroxene, pyrrhotite, quality, quantification, quantitative, quantity, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Queen, questionable, quickly, quoted, radiometric, rain, rainy, ramp, ramping, Ramsar, random, range, ranking, rare, rateably, ratio, raw, RBC, RC, RCRA, reached, reaching, reaction, read, reader, readily, reagent, reassessment, recipient, recirculate, recirculated, reclamation, reclassified, recognition, recommending, reconciliation, reconnaissance, Reconsideration, reconstruct, recourse, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovery, recycled, recycling, Red, redeemed, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, refiled, refinery, refocused, Refugio, refund, refundable, refurbishing, refuse, regeneration, region, regional, registrar, regolith, regrind, Reguibat, regular, regularly, Rehandle, rehandled, reject, rejected, rejoined, rejoining, released, reliant, relief, relocated, relocation, rely, remanded, remote, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, render, renegotiate, renegotiation, renew, renewable, renewed, reopened, repatriation, repeatedly, replace, replaced, replacement, reproduced, reputation, reputational, requisite, research, reservoir, resident, residual, resignation, resistance, resolve, resolved, resolving, Restated, restoration, restrict, restricted, restriction, restrictive, restructuring, resumed, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retirement, return, returned, reusable, reuse, reused, revenue, reversal, reverse, reversed, review, reviewed, reviewing, revoke, revoked, rich, Richardson, Rico, Rim, rinsing, Rio, Rita, river, road, rock, rod, role, roll, Rollinson, ROM, Roscoe, rotate, rotated, Rotman, rougher, roughly, Routine, Royal, royalty, RPA, Ruby, run, running, runoff, Rusty, sabotage, Saga, saleable, salt, Salvage, sample, sampled, sampling, sand, sandstone, Santa, Santiago, Santo, SART, Saskatchewan, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, Satisfying, save, scale, scaly, scattered, scenario, Schimper, School, Schulich, Science, Scotia, screen, sealed, season, secondary, sector, sectoral, sedimentary, seepage, seize, select, selected, selection, selective, sell, seller, selling, senior, SENISA, sensitivity, sensitized, separate, separated, separation, September, septic, sequence, sequential, Sericite, Sernageomin, Serrote, serve, served, service, Servicio, serving, Sewage, SGS, Shakespeare, shaking, shale, shape, shaped, sharp, shear, shearing, shed, shield, shifted, shipment, shipped, shipping, shop, short, shortage, shortening, show, showing, shown, shut, shutdown, side, Sigmoidal, signatory, significantly, silica, silicon, silky, similarly, simple, simplified, simplistic, simply, single, sink, site, situated, situation, size, sizeable, skarn, skepticism, sliding, slope, sloping, slurry, SMA, small, smaller, smelter, Smoky, socioeconomic, Sociology, sodium, soft, softer, software, soil, solar, solid, solidified, solution, Sondage, sorted, sought, source, sourced, south, southeast, southeastern, southern, southwest, southwestern, SPA, spaced, spacing, Spain, spanning, specialist, specific, specifically, Spectroscopy, speed, spent, sphalerite, split, spouse, spraying, spread, square, St, stable, staffing, stage, stake, stakeholder, standing, Star, state, stated, static, station, statutory, stay, stayed, steel, step, stepchild, Stillwater, stipulated, Stipulation, stockpile, stockpiled, stopped, storage, store, stored, strata, strategic, strategy, stratigraphic, streak, streambed, streamlined, strength, stretching, strict, strike, string, stringent, stripping, strong, structural, structurally, structure, subarctic, submission, submittal, subpart, subsection, subsidiary, substantive, substation, subvolcanic, succeeded, Sudbury, suffer, suggesting, suit, suitability, suitable, suite, sulfide, sulfur, sulphide, Sulphidization, sulphur, Superintendencia, Superintendent, Superior, supplement, Supplemental, supplemented, supplier, Supreme, surety, surface, survey, surveying, suspension, SVCO, SW, swap, Switzerland, symbol, syndicated, systematic, table, tag, tagged, Tahoe, tailing, talent, Tanana, taper, Task, team, Technikon, technique, tectonic, Tef, telecom, temperature, temporary, tensile, tension, tensional, tenure, terminate, terrorism, tertiary, test, testing, Tetlin, theft, thickening, threat, threshold, throughput, thrust, thrusting, tied, tightening, tighter, timeline, timetable, Tinto, TLO, Tmeimichat, TMLSA, Tok, tolerance, ton, tonne, Tonopah, toothed, top, topography, town, toxic, trader, Trainee, training, transaction, transitory, transmittal, transparency, transposed, Treasurer, treasury, tree, trench, trenching, Trend, trending, Tribunal, tributary, triennial, Trinity, Triple, trommel, truck, True, Trust, trustee, TSF, TSX, Tucson, turn, turnover, TVX, Twin, twinned, type, typical, typically, UK, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, unauthorized, unavailable, unavoidably, uncertain, unclear, unconsolidated, undergo, undergone, underground, underlying, understand, understanding, underway, underwent, Underworld, undesignated, undisclosed, undivided, uneconomic, uneconomical, unfavourable, unfoliated, Unforeseen, uniform, uniformly, uninsured, unique, University, unlawfully, unlimited, unpatented, unpaved, unpermitted, unprocessed, unprofitable, Unrefined, unrelated, unrest, unsafe, unstable, unsuccessful, unworkable, unworn, upcoming, upfront, upgrade, upgraded, upheld, Upland, upper, upstream, upthrown, upward, USA, usage, USMX, utility, utilizing, Vale, valid, validity, Valle, Valley, valuable, valuation, Vancouver, Vantage, variability, variable, variation, varied, variety, vary, varying, VCIC, vegetation, vehicle, vein, veining, Vengold, venture, Verde, verification, verified, verify, version, vertical, viability, viable, vibrating, vice, Village, Vineberg, violation, visibility, visible, vision, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcanosedimentary, volume, voluntary, vote, voted, voting, VTEM, Vulcan, vulnerability, Walter, war, Ward, warehouse, warrant, warranted, wash, washing, waste, wastewater, Waterloo, WDOE, weak, Weir, Wemco, west, western, wetland, wheeled, white, wholly, wide, widely, wildlife, Wilfrid, winding, Wino, withdrawal, withdrawn, withdrew, Witwatersrand, Women, wooden, world, worldwide, wrinkling, WTP, yellow, yellowish, yielding, Yorkton, younger, Zed, zinc, zone, zoning
accompanying, accumulated, cedi, chapter, compatible, conceived, Consumer, designing, domiciled, duly, Employer, filing, furnish, herewith, Instruction, Interactive, Litt, mark, Martin, paragraph, print, recognize, REGISTRATION, relation, respond, rouble, shorter, Sponsoring, Sunnyside, Syracuse, thereon, toll, Treadway, undersigned, viewed, zip
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