Loans, Notes, Trade and Other Receivables Disclosure [Text Block] | NOTE 5. Outstanding loan balances consisted of the following at June 30, 2017, December 31, 2016. (Amounts in thousands) June 30, December 31, Loan Portfolio 2017 2016 Commercial $ 152,204 $ 153,844 Commercial real estate: Real estate - construction and land development 22,275 36,792 Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 310,995 292,615 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 184,868 167,335 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - Individual Tax Identification Number (“ITIN”) 43,229 45,566 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 18,904 20,425 Real estate - residential - equity lines 32,133 35,953 Consumer and other 50,780 51,681 Gross loans 815,388 804,211 Deferred fees and costs 1,541 1,324 Loans, net of deferred fees and costs 816,929 805,535 Allowance for loan and lease losses (11,688 ) (11,544 ) Net loans $ 805,241 $ 793,991 Gross loan balances in the table above include net purchase discounts of $2.8 $2.9 June 30, 2017 , and December 31, 2016, Age analysis of gross loan balances for past due loans, segregated by class of loans, as June 30, 2017, December 31, 2016, Greater Recorded (Amounts in thousands) 30-59 60-89 Than 90 Investment > Past Due Loans at Days Past Days Past Days Past Total Past 90 Days and June 30, 2017 Due Due Due Due Current Total Accruing Commercial $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 152,204 $ 152,204 $ — Commercial real estate: Real estate - construction and land development — — — — 22,275 22,275 — Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied — — 1,196 1,196 309,799 310,995 — Real estate - commercial owner occupied 145 — — 145 184,723 184,868 — Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 489 144 760 1,393 41,836 43,229 — Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 132 — 185 317 18,587 18,904 — Real estate - residential - equity lines 165 55 — 220 31,913 32,133 — Consumer and other 136 25 — 161 50,619 50,780 — Total $ 1,067 $ 224 $ 2,141 $ 3,432 $ 811,956 $ 815,388 $ — Greater Recorded (Amounts in thousands) 30-59 60-89 Than 90 Investment > Past Due Loans at Days Past Days Past Days Past Total Past 90 Days and December 31, 2016 Due Due Due Due Current Total Accruing Commercial $ 51 $ — $ — $ 51 $ 153,793 $ 153,844 $ — Commercial real estate: Real estate - construction and land development — — — — 36,792 36,792 — Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied — — 1,196 1,196 291,419 292,615 — Real estate - commercial owner occupied — — 114 114 167,221 167,335 — Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 567 80 1,149 1,796 43,770 45,566 — Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 147 — 856 1,003 19,422 20,425 — Real estate - residential - equity lines 68 36 48 152 35,801 35,953 — Consumer and other 166 70 11 247 51,434 51,681 — Total $ 999 $ 186 $ 3,374 $ 4,559 $ 799,652 $ 804,211 $ — The following tables summarize impaired loans by loan class as of June 30, 2017, December 31, 2016. As of June 30, 2017 Unpaid (Amounts in thousands) Recorded Principal Related Impaired Loans Investment Balance Allowance With no related allowance recorded: Commercial $ 1,351 $ 2,282 $ — Commercial real estate: Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 1,196 1,196 — Real estate - commercial owner occupied 639 679 — Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 6,496 8,231 — Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 653 1,137 — Real estate - residential - equity lines 872 1,317 — Total with no related allowance recorded $ 11,207 $ 14,842 $ — With an allowance recorded: Commercial $ 1,762 $ 1,789 $ 602 Commercial real estate: Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 806 806 80 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 1,562 1,601 172 Real estate - residential - equity lines 445 445 223 Consumer and other 38 38 13 Total with an allowance recorded $ 4,613 $ 4,679 $ 1,090 By loan class: Commercial $ 3,113 $ 4,071 $ 602 Commercial real estate 2,641 2,681 80 Residential real estate 10,028 12,731 395 Consumer and other 38 38 13 Total impaired loans $ 15,820 $ 19,521 $ 1,090 As of December 31, 2016 (Amounts in thousands) Recorded Principal Related Impaired Loans Investment Balance Allowance With no related allowance recorded: Commercial $ 1,573 $ 2,438 $ — Commercial real estate: Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 1,196 1,196 — Real estate - commercial owner occupied 784 841 — Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 6,047 7,685 — Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 1,914 2,722 — Real estate - residential - equity lines 917 1,342 — Consumer and other 210 216 — Total with no related allowance recorded $ 12,641 $ 16,440 $ — With an allowance recorded: Commercial $ 1,952 $ 1,957 $ 641 Commercial real estate: Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 808 808 21 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 337 337 64 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 2,562 2,617 494 Real estate - residential - equity lines 454 454 227 Consumer and other 40 40 14 Total with an allowance recorded $ 6,153 $ 6,213 $ 1,461 By loan class: Commercial $ 3,525 $ 4,395 $ 641 Commercial real estate 3,125 3,182 85 Residential real estate 11,894 14,820 721 Consumer and other 250 256 14 Total impaired loans $ 18,794 $ 22,653 $ 1,461 Nonaccrual loans, segregated by loan class, were as follows as of June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016. (Amounts in thousands) June 30, December 31, Nonaccrual Loans 2017 2016 Commercial $ 2,410 $ 2,749 Commercial real estate: Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 1,196 1,196 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 639 784 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 3,346 3,576 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 653 1,914 Real estate - residential - equity lines 872 917 Consumer and other 38 250 Total $ 9,154 $ 11,386 Had nonaccrual loans performed in accordance with their contractual terms, we would have recognized additional interest income, net of tax, of approximately $76 $165 three June 30, 2017 2016, $174 $175 six June 30, 2017 2016, The following table summarizes average recorded investment and interest income recognized on impaired loans by loan class for the three six June 30, 2017 2016. Three Months Ended Three Months Ended June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016 Average Interest Average Interest (Amounts in thousands) Recorded Income Recorded Income Average Recorded Investment and Interest Income Investment Recognized Investment Recognized Commercial $ 3,210 $ 9 $ 2,835 $ 4 Commercial real estate: Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 2,003 12 2,016 12 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 642 — 1,401 6 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 8,061 40 9,123 41 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 1,102 — 1,761 — Real estate - residential - equity lines 1,338 5 1,895 7 Consumer and other 38 — 109 — Total $ 16,394 $ 66 $ 19,140 $ 70 Six Months Ended Six Months Ended June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016 Average Interest Average Interest (Amounts in thousands) Recorded Income Recorded Income Average Recorded Investment and Interest Income Investment Recognized Investment Recognized Commercial $ 3,303 $ 20 $ 2,525 $ 4 Commercial real estate: Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 2,003 23 2,018 24 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 726 2 1,425 12 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 8,166 79 9,141 82 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 1,415 — 1,757 — Real estate - residential - equity lines 1,349 9 1,507 13 Consumer and other 107 — 71 — Total $ 17,069 $ 133 $ 18,444 $ 135 The impaired loans for which these interest income amounts were recognized primarily relate to accruing troubled debt restructured loans. Loans are reported as troubled debt restructurings when we grant a concession(s) to a borrower experiencing financial difficulties that we would not not At June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016, $6.7 $7.1 In order for a restructured loan to be on accrual status, the loan’s collateral coverage must generally be greater than or equal to 100% June 30, 2017, one that had $107 no June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016. As of June 30, 2017, $11.3 $12.1 December 31, 2016. June 30, 2017, 118 111 1.39% June 30, 2017, 1.50% December 31, 2016. The types of modifications offered can generally be described in the following categories: Rate Maturity Payment deferral Principal reduction The following tables present the period end balances of newly restructured loans and the types of modifications that occurred during the three six June 30, 2017 2016. For the Three Months Ended For the Three Months Ended (Amounts in thousands) Rate & Rate & Troubled Debt Restructuring Rate & Maturity Payment Deferral Payment Deferral Total Rate & Maturity Payment Deferral Payment Deferral Total Commercial $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 1,058 $ — $ — $ 1,058 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN — 61 — 61 — — — — Total $ — $ 61 $ — $ 61 $ 1,058 $ — $ — $ 1,058 For the Six Months Ended For the Six Months Ended (Amounts in thousands) Rate & Rate & Troubled Debt Restructuring Rate & Maturity Payment Deferral Payment Deferral Total Rate & Maturity Payment Deferral Payment Deferral Total Commercial $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 1,058 $ — $ — $ 1,058 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN — 61 — 61 — — 120 120 Total $ — $ 61 $ — $ 61 $ 1,058 $ — $ 120 $ 1,178 For the three six June 30, 2017 2016, For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2017 For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2016 Pre- Post- Pre- Post- Modification Modification Modification Modification Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding (Amounts in thousands) Number of Recorded Recorded Number of Recorded Recorded Troubled Debt Restructurings Contracts Investment Investment Contracts Investment Investment Commercial — $ — $ — 1 $ 1,127 $ 1,127 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 1 81 61 — — — Total 1 $ 81 $ 61 1 $ 1,127 $ 1,127 For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2017 For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2016 Pre- Post- Pre- Post- Modification Modification Modification Modification Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding Outstanding (Amounts in thousands) Number of Recorded Recorded Number of Recorded Recorded Troubled Debt Restructurings Contracts Investment Investment Contracts Investment Investment Commercial — $ — $ — 1 $ 1,127 $ 1,127 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 1 81 61 1 171 170 Total 1 $ 81 $ 61 2 $ 1,298 $ 1,297 There were no 12 June 30, 2017 2016, three six June 30, 2017 2016. The recorded investment in consumer mortgage loans collateralized by residential real estate property that are in the process of foreclosure is $368 We define a performing loan as a loan where any installment of principal or interest is not 90 may 90 not Performing and nonperforming loans, segregated by class of loans, were as follows at June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016. (Amounts in thousands) June 30, 2017 Performing and Nonperforming Loans Performing Nonperforming Total Commercial $ 149,794 $ 2,410 $ 152,204 Commercial real estate: Real estate - construction and land development 22,275 — 22,275 Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 309,799 1,196 310,995 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 184,229 639 184,868 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 39,883 3,346 43,229 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 18,251 653 18,904 Real estate - residential - equity lines 31,261 872 32,133 Consumer and other 50,742 38 50,780 Total $ 806,234 $ 9,154 $ 815,388 (Amounts in thousands) December 31, 2016 Performing and Nonperforming Loans Performing Nonperforming Total Commercial $ 151,095 $ 2,749 $ 153,844 Commercial real estate: Real estate - construction and land development 36,792 — 36,792 Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 291,419 1,196 292,615 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 166,551 784 167,335 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 41,990 3,576 45,566 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 18,511 1,914 20,425 Real estate - residential - equity lines 35,036 917 35,953 Consumer and other 51,431 250 51,681 Total $ 792,825 $ 11,386 $ 804,211 The foundation or primary factor in determining the appropriate credit quality indicators is the degree of a debtor’s willingness and ability to perform as agreed. In conjunction with evaluating the performing versus nonperforming nature of our loan portfolio, management evaluates the following credit risk and other relevant factors in determining the appropriate credit quality indicator (rating) for each loan class: Pass Grade: no may ● Strong Cash Flows – borrower’s cash flows must meet or exceed our minimum debt service coverage ratio. ● Collateral Margin – generally, the borrower must have pledged an acceptable collateral class with an adequate collateral margin. ● Qualitative Factors – in addition to meeting our minimum cash flow and collateral requirements, a number of other qualitative factors are also factored into assigning a Pass Grade including the borrower’s level of leverage (debt to equity), prospects, history and experience in their industry, credit history, and any other relevant factors including a borrower’s character. Those borrowers who qualify for unsecured loans must fully demonstrate above average cash flows and strong secondary sources of repayment to mitigate the lack of unpledged collateral. Watch Grade: may one not ● The primary source of repayment may ● The primary source of repayment is adequate, but the secondary source of repayment is insufficient ● In-depth financial analysis would compare to the lower quartile in two ● Volatile or deteriorating collateral ● Management decisions may ● Delinquencies in bank credits or other financial/trade creditors ● Frequent overdrafts ● Significant change in management/ownership Special Mention Grade: may not not not ● Inadequate or incomplete loan documentation or perfection of collateral, or any other deviation from prudent lending practices ● Credit is structured in a manner in which the timing of the repayment source does not ● Current economic or market conditions exist which may ● Adverse trends in the borrower's operations or continued deterioration in the borrower’s financial condition that has not ● The borrower is less than cooperative or unable to produce current and adequate financial information Substandard Grade: not not may may not The following represents, but is not not ● Sustained or substantial deteriorating financial trends, ● Unresolved management problems, ● Collateral is insufficient to repay debt; collateral is not ● Improper perfection of lien position, which is not ● Unanticipated and severe decline in market values, ● High reliance on secondary source of repayment, ● Legal proceedings, such as bankruptcy or a divorce, which has substantially decreased the borrower’s capacity to repay the debt, ● Fraud committed by the borrower, ● IRS liens that take precedence, ● Forfeiture statutes for assets involved in criminal activities, ● Protracted repayment terms outside of policy that are for longer than the same type of credit in our portfolio, ● Any other relevant quantitative or qualitative factor that negatively affects the current net worth and paying capacity of the borrower or of the collateral pledged, if any. Doubtful Grade: one may may may not ● Proposed merger(s), ● Acquisition or liquidation procedures, ● Capital injection, ● Perfecting liens on additional collateral, ● Refinancing plans. Generally, a Doubtful Grade does not six six not The following table summarizes internal risk grades by loan class as of June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016. As of June 30, 2017 Special (Amounts in thousands) Pass Watch Mention Substandard Doubtful Total Commercial $ 109,725 $ 36,319 $ 3,144 $ 3,016 $ — $ 152,204 Commercial real estate: Real estate - construction and land development 22,274 1 — — — 22,275 Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 298,596 9,413 398 2,588 — 310,995 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 172,614 10,282 — 1,972 — 184,868 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 36,467 — — 6,762 — 43,229 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 17,448 803 — 653 — 18,904 Real estate - residential - equity lines 28,833 2,017 67 1,216 — 32,133 Consumer and other 50,715 2 — 63 — 50,780 Total $ 736,672 $ 58,837 $ 3,609 $ 16,270 $ — $ 815,388 As of December 31, 2016 Special (Amounts in thousands) Pass Watch Mention Substandard Doubtful Total Commercial $ 124,089 $ 21,684 $ 4,570 $ 3,501 $ — $ 153,844 Commercial real estate: Real estate - construction and land development 36,782 10 — — — 36,792 Real estate - commercial non-owner occupied 284,099 5,398 1,321 1,797 — 292,615 Real estate - commercial owner occupied 157,064 7,301 496 2,474 — 167,335 Residential real estate: Real estate - residential - ITIN 38,279 — — 7,287 — 45,566 Real estate - residential - 1-4 family mortgage 17,696 815 — 1,914 — 20,425 Real estate - residential - equity lines 33,828 858 — 1,267 — 35,953 Consumer and other 51,398 2 — 281 — 51,681 Total $ 743,235 $ 36,068 $ 6,387 $ 18,521 $ — $ 804,211 The following tables summarize the ALLL by portfolio for the three six June 30, 2017 2016. For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2017 (Amounts in thousands) Commercial Residential ALLL by Loan Class Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Consumer Unallocated Total Beginning balance $ 2,649 $ 5,963 $ 1,490 $ 1,074 $ 465 $ 11,641 Charge-offs — — (115 ) (244 ) — (359 ) Recoveries 36 — 19 51 — 106 Provision 165 109 (197 ) 256 (33 ) 300 Ending balance $ 2,850 $ 6,072 $ 1,197 $ 1,137 $ 432 $ 11,688 For the Three Months Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands) Commercial Residential ALLL by Loan Class Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Consumer Unallocated Total Beginning balance $ 2,466 $ 5,892 $ 1,961 $ 814 $ 362 $ 11,495 Charge-offs (1,020 ) (31 ) (478 ) (205 ) — (1,734 ) Recoveries 1,496 475 105 27 — 2,103 Provision (351 ) (307 ) 283 127 248 — Ending balance $ 2,591 $ 6,029 $ 1,871 $ 763 $ 610 $ 11,864 For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2017 (Amounts in thousands) Commercial Residential ALLL by Loan Class Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Consumer Unallocated Total Beginning balance $ 2,849 $ 5,578 $ 1,716 $ 955 $ 446 $ 11,544 Charge-offs (51 ) — (284 ) (471 ) — (806 ) Recoveries 235 27 94 94 — 450 Provision (183 ) 467 (329 ) 559 (14 ) 500 Ending balance $ 2,850 $ 6,072 $ 1,197 $ 1,137 $ 432 $ 11,688 For the Six Months Ended June 30, 2016 (Amounts in thousands) Commercial Residential ALLL by Loan Class Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Consumer Unallocated Total Beginning balance $ 2,493 $ 5,784 $ 1,577 $ 770 $ 556 $ 11,180 Charge-offs (1,106 ) (37 ) (550 ) (348 ) — (2,041 ) Recoveries 78 2,480 86 81 — 2,725 Provision 1,126 (2,198 ) 758 260 54 — Ending balance $ 2,591 $ 6,029 $ 1,871 $ 763 $ 610 $ 11,864 The following tables summarize the ALLL and the recorded investment in loans and leases as of June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016. As of June 30, 2017 Commercial Residential (Amounts in thousands) Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Consumer Unallocated Total ALLL: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 602 $ 80 $ 395 $ 13 $ — $ 1,090 Collectively evaluated for impairment 2,248 5,992 802 1,124 432 10,598 Total $ 2,850 $ 6,072 $ 1,197 $ 1,137 $ 432 $ 11,688 Gross loans: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 3,113 $ 2,641 $ 10,028 $ 38 $ — $ 15,820 Collectively evaluated for impairment 149,091 515,497 84,238 50,742 — 799,568 Total gross loans $ 152,204 $ 518,138 $ 94,266 $ 50,780 $ — $ 815,388 As of December 31, 2016 Commercial Residential (Amounts in thousands) Commercial Real Estate Real Estate Consumer Unallocated Total ALLL: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 641 $ 85 $ 721 $ 14 $ — $ 1,461 Collectively evaluated for impairment 2,208 5,493 995 941 446 10,083 Total $ 2,849 $ 5,578 $ 1,716 $ 955 $ 446 $ 11,544 Gross loans: Individually evaluated for impairment $ 3,525 $ 3,125 $ 11,894 $ 250 $ — $ 18,794 Collectively evaluated for impairment 150,319 493,617 90,050 51,431 — 785,417 Total gross loans $ 153,844 $ 496,742 $ 101,944 $ 51,681 $ — $ 804,211 The ALLL totaled $11.7 1.43% June 30, 2017 $11.5 1.44% December 31, 2016. June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016, $213.4 $229.4 Other Liabilities Consolidated Balance Sheets June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 $695 The ALLL is based upon estimates of loan and lease losses and is maintained at a level considered adequate to provide for probable losses inherent in the outstanding loan portfolio. Our ALLL methodology significantly incorporates management’s current judgments, and reflects the reserve amount that is necessary for estimated loan and lease losses and risks inherent in the loan portfolio in accordance with ASC Topic 450 Contingencies 310 Receivables. The allowance is increased by provisions charged to expense and reduced by net charge-offs. In periodic evaluations of the adequacy of the allowance balance, management considers past loan and lease loss experience by type of credit, known and inherent risks in the portfolio, adverse situations that may Management monitors delinquent loans continuously and identifies problem loans to be evaluated individually for impairment testing. For loans that are determined impaired, a formal impairment measurement is performed at least quarterly on a loan-by-loan basis. Our method for assessing the appropriateness of the allowance includes specific allowances for identified problem loans, an allowance factor for categories of credits and allowances for changing environmental factors (e.g., portfolio trends, concentration of credit, growth, economic factors). Allowances for identified problem loans are based on specific analysis of individual credits. Loss estimation factors for loan categories are based on analysis of local economic factors applicable to each loan category. Allowances for changing environmental factors are management’s best estimate of the probable impact these changes have had on the loan portfolio as a whole. We believe that the ALLL was adequate as of June 30, 2017. no not may As of June 30, 2017, 75% may may may All impaired loans are individually evaluated for impairment. If the measurement of each impaired loans’ value is less than the recorded investment in the loan, we recognize this impairment and adjust the carrying value of the loan to fair value through the ALLL. For collateral dependent loans, this can be accomplished by charging off the impaired portion of the loan based on the underlying value of the collateral. For non-collateral dependent loans, we establish a specific component within the ALLL based on the present value of the future cash flows. If we determine the sources of repayment will not The unallocated portion of ALLL provides for coverage of credit losses inherent in the loan portfolio but not June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016, 4% may may We have lending policies and procedures in place with the objective of optimizing loan income within an accepted risk tolerance level. We review and approve these policies and procedures annually. Monitoring and reporting systems supplement the review process with regular frequency as related to loan production, loan quality, concentrations of credit, potential problem loans, loan delinquencies, and nonperforming loans. The following is a brief summary, by loan type, of management’s evaluation of the general risk characteristics and underwriting standards: Commercial Loans may may Most commercial loans are generally secured by the assets being financed and other business assets such as accounts receivable or inventory. Management may may may Commercial Real Estate (“CRE”) Loans The properties securing the CRE portfolio are diverse in terms of type and primary source of repayment. This diversity helps reduce our exposure to adverse economic events that affect any single industry. We monitor and evaluate CRE loans based on occupancy status (investor versus owner occupied), collateral, geography, and risk grade criteria. Generally, CRE loans to developers and builders that are secured by non-owner occupied properties require the borrower to have had an existing relationship with the Company and a proven record of success. Construction loans are underwritten utilizing feasibility studies, sensitivity analysis of absorption and lease rates, and financial analysis of the developers and property owners. Construction loans are generally based upon estimates of cost and value associated with the complete project (as-is value). These estimates may may Consumer Loans third not 80%, one We maintain an independent loan review program that reviews and validates the credit risk program on a periodic basis. Results of these reviews are presented to the Board of Directors and Audit Committee. The loan review process complements and reinforces the risk identification and assessment decisions made by lenders and credit personnel, as well as our policies and procedures. Management’s continuing evaluation of all known relevant quantitative and qualitative internal and external risk factors provides the foundation for the three 1 450, 450” 2 450 3 310, 310” three may not not no not may Our loan portfolio is evaluated by general loan class including commercial, commercial real estate (which includes construction and other real estate), residential real estate (which includes 1 4 450, General valuation allowances, as prescribed by ASC 450, |