TA-2: Filer Information
Submission Contact Information
The registrant may provide a single e-mail address for contact purposes.
1(f)(i). Contact Name: | |
1(f)(ii). Contact Phone Number: | |
1(f)(iii). Contact E-Mail Address: | |
Notification Information
Notification will automatically be sent to the Login CIK, Submission Contact and Primary Registrants.
The registrant may provide additional e-mail addresses for those
persons the filer would like to receive notification e-mails regarding the filing.
1(g). Notification E-mail Address:
| |
1(h). Full Name of Registrant as stated in Question 3 of
Form TA-1:
TA-2: Service Company Information
2(a). During the reporting period, has a Registrant engaged a service company to perform any of its transfer agent functions:
| |
2(c). During the reporting period, has the Registrant been engaged as a service company by a named transfer agent to perform transfer agent functions? |
TA-2: Registration Information
3(a). Registrant's appropriate regulatory agency (ARA):
| Securities and Exchange Commission |
3(b). During the reporting period, has the Registrant
amended for TA-1 within 60 calendar days following the date on
which information reported therein became inaccurate, incomplete
|  Yes, filed amendment(s)  No, failed to file amendment(s)  Not applicable |
3(c). If the answer to subsection (b) is no, provide an explanation:
| |
TA-2: Annual Report Information
If the response to any of questions 4-11 below is none or zero, enter "0."
4(a). Number of items received for transfer during the reporting period:
| 100,033 |
4(b). Number of individual securityholder accounts for which the TA maintained master securityholder files:
| 3,992,024 |
5(a). Total number of individual securityholder accounts, including
accounts in the Direct Registration System (DRS), dividend reinvestment
plans and/or direct purchase plans as of December 31:
| 3,992,024 |
5(b). Number of individual securityholder dividend reinvestment plan
and/or direct purchase plan accounts as of December 31:
| 3,934,907 |
5(c). Number of individual securityholder DRS accounts as of December 31:
| 0 |
5(d). Approximate percentage of individual securityholder accounts from
subsection (a) in the following categories as of December 31:
Corporate Equity
| 5(d)(ii).
Corporate Debt
| 5(d)(iii). Open-End
Investment Company
| 5(d)(iv). Limited
| 5(d)(v).
Municipal Debt
| 5(d)(vi).
0.00 | 0.00 | 81.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 19.00 |
6. Number of securities issues for which Registrant acted in the following capacities, as of December 31:
Corporate Securities
Open-End Investment Company Securities
Limited Partnership Securities
Municipal Debt Securities
| |
6(a). Receives items for transfer and maintains the master securityholder files:
| 6(a)(i). 0 | 6(a)(ii). 0 | 6(a)(iii). 480 | 6(a)(iv). 0 | 6(a)(v). 0 | 6(a)(vi). 110 |
6(b). Receives items for transfer but does not maintain the master securityholder files:
| 6(b)(i). 0 | 6(b)(ii). 0 | 6(b)(iii). 0 | 6(b)(iv). 0 | 6(b)(v). 0 | 6(b)(vi). 0 |
6(c). Does not receive items for transfer but maintains the master securityholder files:
| 6(c)(i). 0 | 6(c)(ii). 0 | 6(c)(iii). 0 | 6(c)(iv). 0 | 6(c)(v). 0 | 6(c)(vi). 0 |
7. Scope of certain additional types of activities performed:
7(a). Number of issues for which dividend reinvestment plan and/or direct
purchase plan services were provided, as of December 31:
| 590 |
7(b). Number of issues for which DRS services were provided, as of December 31:
| 0 |
7(c). Dividend disbursement and interest paying agent activities conducted during the reporting period:
7(c)(i). number of issues
| 485 | 7(c)(ii). amount (in dollars)
| $ 43,633,612,377.67 |
Number and aggregate market value of securities aged record
differences, existing for more than 30 days, as of December 31:
Prior Transfer Agent(s)
(If applicable)
Current Transfer Agent
8(a)(i). Number of issues:
| 2 | 0 |
8(a)(ii). Market value (in dollars):
| $ 162,354.24 | $ 0 |
8(b). Number of quarterly reports regarding buy-ins filed by the registrant
with its ARA (including the SEC) during the reporting period pursuant
to Rule 17Ad-11(c)(2):
| 0 |
8(c). During the reporting period, did the Registrant file all quarterly
reports regarding buy-ins with its ARA (including the SEC) required by
Rule 17Ad-11(c)(2)?
Not Applicable
9(a). During the reporting period has the Registrant always been in
compliance with the turnaround time for routine items as set forth in
Rule 17Ad-2?
Not Applicable
If the answer to subsection (a) is no, complete subsections (i) through (ii)
10. Number of open-end investment company securities purchases and
redemptions (transactions) excluding dividend, interest and
distribution postings, and address changes processed during the
reporting period:
10(a). Total number of transactions processed:
| 20,536,361 |
10(b). Number of transactions processed on a date other than date of receipt of order (as ofs):
| 34,780 |
During the reporting period, provide the date of all database searches
conducted for lost securityholder accounts listed on the transfer
agent's master securityholder files, the number of lost securityholder
accounts for which a database search has been conducted, and the
number of lost securityholder accounts for which a different address
has been obtained as a result of a database search:
11(b). Number of lost securityholder accounts that have been remitted to the states during the reporting period:
| 731 |
TA-2: Signature
12(a). Signature of Official responsible for Form:
| Stephen G Swirnow |
12(b). Telephone Number:
| 410-345-6787 |
12(c). Title of Signing Officer:
| Vice President and Managing Legal Counsel |
12(d). Date Signed (Month/Day/Year):
| 03/29/2023 |