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abandon, accrued, actuarial, add, administering, aforementioned, age, agree, Aid, airport, Alberta, allocate, allocated, allocating, allocation, alter, amalgamate, amortization, amortized, amplified, analyzing, anchor, AOCL, approach, ASC, assembled, assumed, assumption, ASU, attained, attributable, AZ, balance, basic, bear, beef, benchmark, binding, blended, breakage, breast, Canadian, cancelable, canceled, cap, caption, carefully, carryforward, carryover, CCPA, charitable, claim, clarification, clarity, classification, classified, cleaning, closure, CMR, Codification, comfortable, commence, commencement, commensurate, commerce, component, concurrent, condensed, confirmed, consecutive, consideration, contact, contractual, contractually, conversion, converted, corroborated, counterparty, covenant, curly, currency, cycle, dairy, de, deadline, decide, deciding, decision, deemed, default, deferral, deletion, denied, denominated, depreciated, depreciation, depressed, derived, description, diagnosed, Diluted, dilution, dilutive, disaggregation, discontinued, discovery, discrete, discretion, disinfection, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, distancing, distribution, divested, dividing, Domino, dormancy, doubtful, drawn, dressing, driven, duration, earn, eliminated, elimination, employee, enacted, enacting, enactment, enterprise, equivalent, error, estate, Eurodollar, exacerbate, examination, examining, exclude, excluded, excluding, executory, exemption, expedient, facilitate, FASB, fee, FICA, FL, flat, flooding, floor, fluid, forfeiture, Fort, found, fountain, frequency, fried, friend, function, furlough, furloughed, Furniture, GAAP, gas, gathering, geographic, great, group, grouped, grown, guarantee, hand, harbor, Harvey, hearing, hedge, hierarchy, hindsight, history, hit, holder, Hurricane, hypothetical, IBR, illiquidity, Imelda, implicit, implied, inception, incurrence, indefinite, indefinitely, indemnity, influenced, installed, installment, instrument, instrumental, intangible, interbank, intercompany, intraperiod, intrinsic, inventory, investee, involuntary, Irma, irrespective, IRS, job, Kingdom, landlord, Legacy, legislation, lending, lessee, lesser, lessor, liable, LIBOR, lieu, lifted, likelihood, liquor, London, long, lost, Louisiana, lowest, loyal, Macaroni, magnitude, maker, maximum, mediator, Membership, merchandise, merge, methodology, minimize, mitigation, moderate, modification, Moody, motion, newly, offset, orderly, ordinary, original, outbreak, outpace, owed, owner, package, pandemic, paragraph, partial, partially, Patron, pattern, pause, PCAOB, penalty, Pensacola, permanent, permanently, petty, phase, Pizza, Plant, popularity, pork, portrayal, poultry, precautionary, precipitate, predicated, predominantly, prepaid, prepayment, preserve, principle, priority, proactive, proceeding, prominent, proportion, proportionate, quarantine, question, ranch, rapidly, ratably, ratio, rational, reacquired, readily, real, realizable, realization, realize, realized, reassessment, receipt, reclassified, recognition, reconcile, reconciled, recoverability, recoverable, reevaluate, refinancing, refund, reimbursable, reimbursed, reinstate, released, remitted, remote, removed, reopen, reopened, repaid, repair, repayment, reset, reside, residual, resolve, resolved, restated, restructuring, resume, resumed, retrospective, reversal, reverting, risky, running, safe, safely, scope, Scottsdale, secondarily, secondary, sensitivity, sentiment, settle, settled, sheet, similarly, single, sinking, sixteen, spoilage, spoiled, standard, standby, statutory, step, stipulated, stop, stopped, storm, strain, sublet, Subtopic, survey, suspension, temporarily, territory, thereunder, threshold, timelier, titled, tool, Topic, traced, traction, translating, translation, travel, treasury, trillion, Tropical, twelve, Unadjusted, unamortized, unaudited, unclear, uncollectible, underperforming, undiscounted, undrawn, unexpected, unforeseen, unobservable, unpaid, unplanned, unprecedented, unpredictable, unqualified, unrealized, unrecognized, unrecorded, unredeemed, unreported, unrestricted, unsatisfied, vacating, variability, variable, vendor, virtual, virtually, waiving, weakening, Wednesday, week, weighted, workforce, Worth
ACA, accommodate, Appendix, attached, CFR, Chairman, Chase, composition, constituted, damaging, defining, depinto, diversion, divestiture, Division, duly, employed, ethnic, Fargo, Farm, Fenner, foodservice, george, Greenstone, herewith, inaccurate, inapplicable, Indonesia, instance, instilling, integrating, Jordan, joseph, JPMorgan, Label, Linkbase, LLC, Lynch, Merrill, michael, Mitsubishi, Morgan, mrkonic, omitted, page, penetrated, Pierce, precise, President, registration, relocated, Schema, Smith, softened, summer, SunTrust, taylor, thereunto, Tokyo, TV, twenty, UFJ, unanticipated, undersigned, Vice, william, Wilmington, worked, wyman, XBRL
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