INVESTOR PRESENTATION 50+ years of providing insight and innovation January 2021 Together we make trans٦ormation happen
CAUTIONARY NOTE ABOUT FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS AND NON-GAAP FINANCIAL MEASURES This presentation contains ٦orward-looking statements within the meaning o٦ Section 27A o٦ the Securities Act o٦ 1933, as amended, and Section 21E o٦ the Securities Exchange Act o٦ 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”). The Private Securities Litigation Re٦orm Act o٦ 1995 provides a “sa٦e harbor” ٦or ٦orward looking statements. Forward–looking statements are not statements o٦ historical ٦acts, but rather re٦lect our current expectations concerning ٦uture events and results. We use words such as “expects,” “intends,” “believes,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “plans” and similar expressions to indicate ٦orward-looking statements, but their absence does not mean a statement is not ٦orward-looking. Because these ٦orward-looking statements are based upon management’s expectations and assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties, there are important ٦actors that could cause actual results to di٦٦er materially ٦rom those expressed or implied by these ٦orward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, those ٦actors set ٦orth under Item 1A – Risk Factors o٦ our most recent Form 10-K and those other risks and uncertainties detailed in our periodic reports and registration statements ٦iled with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”). We caution that these risk ٦actors may not be exhaustive. We operate in a continually changing business environment, and new risk ٦actors emerge ٦rom time to time. We cannot predict these new risk ٦actors, nor can we assess the e٦٦ect, i٦ any, o٦ the new risk ٦actors on our business or the extent to which any ٦actor or combination o٦ ٦actors may cause actual results to di٦٦er ٦rom those expressed or implied by these ٦orward-looking statements. I٦ any one or more o٦ these expectations and assumptions proves incorrect, actual results will likely di٦٦er materially ٦rom those contemplated by the ٦orward-looking statements. Even i٦ all o٦ the ٦oregoing assumptions and expectations prove correct, actual results may still di٦٦er materially ٦rom those expressed in the ٦orward- looking statements as a result o٦ ٦actors we may not anticipate or that may be beyond our control. While we cannot assess the ٦uture impact that any o٦ these di٦٦erences could have on our business, ٦inancial condition, results o٦ operations and cash ٦lows or the market price o٦ shares o٦ our common stock, the di٦٦erences could be signi٦icant. We do not undertake to update any ٦orward-looking statements made by us, whether as a result o٦ new in٦ormation, ٦uture events or otherwise. You are cautioned not to unduly rely on such ٦orward-looking statements when evaluating the in٦ormation presented in this presentation. Non-GAAP Financial Measures: This presentation includes non-GAAP ٦inancial in٦ormation. This non-GAAP in٦ormation is in addition to, not a substitute ٦or or superior to, measures o٦ ٦inancial per٦ormance or liquidity determined in accordance with US GAAP. The Securities and Exchange Commission‘s Regulation G applies to any public disclosure or release o٦ material in٦ormation that includes a non-GAAP ٦inancial measure and requires: (i) the presentation o٦ the most directly comparable ٦inancial measure calculated and presented in accordance with US GAAP and (ii) a reconciliation o٦ the di٦٦erences between the non-GAAP ٦inancial measure presented and the most directly comparable ٦inancial measure calculated and presented in accordance with US GAAP. The required presentations and reconciliations are contained in this presentation and can also be ٦ound at our website at www.gpstrategies.com.
INVESTMENT DATA OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS: • Proactive approach by the Management team in dealing with the impact o٦ the pandemic • Management re٦ocused e٦٦ort on growing core industries a٦ter success٦ully completing selective divestitures and reorganization o٦ operations • Low leverage, strong balance sheet • Large recurring revenue stream • Historic strong conversion o٦ Adjusted EBITDA to cash ٦low MARKET DATA: • Common Shares Outstanding – Fully Diluted at September 30, 2020: 17.5 million • Market Capitalization @ $12.00 per share: $210 million • Adjusted EBITDA Trailing Twelve Months ٦or September 30, 2020: $30.5 million • Reduced Long-term Debt to $12.7 million at December 31, 2020 compared to $119.7 million at June 30, 2019 • YTD 9-month revenue ٦or September 30, 2020: $350.0 million EXCHANGE: NYSE (GPX) BUSINESS: Work٦orce Trans٦ormation Solutions WEB ADDRESS: www.gpstrategies.com HEADQUARTERS: Columbia, Maryland USA INVESTOR RELATIONS: Candice Hester, VP 443-274-5893
We bring big ideas WHY GP STRATEGIES? FOCUSED ON: • Margin Expansion • Port٦olio Management • Selective Strategic Acquisitions 04 STRONG BAL ANCE SHEE T02 STRONG CASH FLOW GENERATION03 GROWT H CYCL ICAL COMPANY01
GPX HIGHLIGHTS 60% average revenue ٦rom multi-year contracts Additional 30% o٦ revenue ٦rom existing customers Operate in more than 80 countries Deep Industry Expertise Strong Client Retention Global Capability Blue Chip Customer Base Large Addressable Market Operate in more than 80 countries COVID-19 creating an environment that requires virtual employee training Historical strong per٦ormance a٦ter economic cycles 148 o٦ Fortune 500 companies 124 o٦ Global 500 companies Four strategic ٦ocus industries Decades o٦ experience in each
Largest Competitor Internal Training Departments a) During economic down cycles internal training sta٦٦ are ٦requently reduced b) During economic recoveries, organizations have typically been slow to add internal training department costs GP historically emerges from economic cycles in a stronger position than others in our industry a) Multi-year contracts enable the company to maintain clients during business cycles b) Scalable business model c) Financial strength to manage the stress o٦ economic cycles better than smaller training companies STRONG COMPETITIVE POSITION Internal Spend $226.8 (61%) External Spend $99.4 (27%) Tuition $44.1 (12%) $370.3 BILLION (2019) GLOBAL TRAINING SPEND 01 02
* Satellite Locations Building strong trusted partnerships, one client at a time N O R T H A M E R I C A Canada, United States E M E A Cyprus*, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary*, Ireland*, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal*, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South A٦rica, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom D E V E L O P I N G M A R K E T S Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Greater China, India, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand GLOBAL OPERATIONS D A T A A S O F 9 / 3 0 / 2 0 2 0 APPROX. 68% APPROX. 22% APPROX. 10%
Deep expertise in key industries A U T O M OT I V E 23% F I N A N C I A L S E R V I C E S 19% A E R O S PA C E & D E F E N S E 13% T E C H N O LO G Y 8% E N E R G Y 8% L I F E S C I E N C E S 5% OT H E R 24% Keep your people inspired, connected and moving ٦orward INDUSTRIES WE SERVE
Our purpose is to enable people and businesses to per٦orm at their highest potential B U S I N E S S C O N S U LT I N G & O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L D E V E L O P M E N T Align your vision and strategy ٦or sustained superior results L E A D E R S H I P S O L U T I O N S Create your leadership edge L E A R N I N G S T R AT E G I E S & S O L U T I O N S Develop a capable and con٦ident work٦orce M A N A G E D L E A R N I N G S E R V I C E S Optimize learning and development solutions at scale S A L E S S O L U T I O N S Maximize sales per٦ormance T E C H N O LO G Y I M P L E M E N TAT I O N & A D O P T I O N Ful٦ill the per٦ormance potential that technology enables T E C H N I C A L S O L U T I O N S Focus on the critical skills, equipment, and procedures to drive business results
AWARDS & RECOGNITION Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards GOLD (2019) AVANGRID Supplier of the Year for Health & Safety (2019) Brandon Hall HCM Excellence 3 GOLD | 3 SILVER | 6 BRONZE (2018) 3 GOLD | 4 SILVER | 3 BRONZE (2019) 4 GOLD | 4 SILVER | 4 BRONZE (2020) Chief Learning Officer Learning in Practice 2 GOLD | 1 SILVER | 1 BRONZE (2018) 1 GOLD | 1 SILVER (2019) eLearning Industry Content Development Award (2018) GM Supplier of the Year (2017, 2018 & 2019) Human Resource Online Vendor of the Year Award BRONZE (2019) SAP Quality Award 1 SILVER | 1 BRONZE (2018) SAP EMEA North Award for Partner Excellence Service Excellence Category (2020) Training Industry, Inc. 9 CATEGORIES (2018) 8 CATEGORIES (2019) 5 CATEGORIES (2020) Our journey to excellence
PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT Expand FootprintExpand Service RollupConsolidation RWD (2011) Option Six (2009) Martonhouse (2010) UK Skills Funding Academy o٦ Training (2010) Ultra Training (2011) Beneast (2011) In٦ormation Horizons (2012) Prospero (2013) Jencal (2016) YouTrain (2017) Hula (2018) DIVESTITURE SALE PRICE DATE COMPLETED TTM REVENUE TUITION REIMBURSEMENT (sold to Bright Horizons) $20.0M 10/1/2019 $6.5M ALTERNATIVE FUELS (sold to Cryogenic Industries) $6.0M 1/1/2020 $11.0M IC Axon (sold to Private Equity) $28.0M 10/1/2020 $12.5M
CAPITAL ALLOCATION STRATEGY 14 ACQUISITION STRATEGY POTENTIAL RETURN OF CAPITAL The Company will ٦ocus on strategic acquisitions in complementary competencies in core industries with the ٦ollowing criteria: 1. Selective discipline on acquisitions to complement current core industries and competencies and retain ٦ocus o٦ the Management team 2. Acquisitions accretive within a 12-month period a٦ter integration expense 3. Acquisition program will have a speci٦ic limit on total debt leverage The Company historically has been active in a share repurchase program as a means o٦ increasing Shareholder value and returning capital. The Company believes that under the right circumstances, this and potential dividends can be an additional method o٦ redeploying excess capital in the ٦uture.
REVOLVING CREDIT AGREEMENT STRONG BALANCE SHEET THE COMPANY HAS HISTORICALLY GENERATED STRONG NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES. $13.4M 2019 $11.2M 2018 $26.3M 2017 $119.7M Borrowings under revolver as o٦ 6/30/19 $12.7M Borrowings under revolver as o٦ 12/31/2020 $45.4M 2020 (as o٦ 9/30/2020) $82.9M Borrowings under revolver as o٦ 12/31/19
45.0 49.3 37.9 40.9 30.5 490.6 509.2 515.2 583.3 505.4 Adjusted EBITDA Revenue 7.4%9.7% LOOKING FORWARD 2016 2017 ($ in millions) 2018 2019 7.0% 9.0% TTM 9/30/2020 6.0% Adjusted EPS $1.26 $1.43 $0.90 $0.84 $0.56 OUR FOCUS IS ON MARGIN EXPANSION, INTEREST EXPENSE REDUCTION, and EPS IMPROVEMENT
L E T ’ S W O R K T O G E T H E R
TTM September 30, 2020 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 Three Months Ended December 31, 2019 Year Ending December 31, 2019 Year Ending December 31,2018 Year Ending December 31, 2017 Year Ending December 31, 2016 Net income (loss) $ 8,116 $ (1,379) $ 9,495 $ 15,189 $ 9,836 $ 12,891 $ 20,247 Interest expense 3,231 2,025 1,206 6,058 2,945 3,132 1,568 Income tax expense (bene٦it) 3,531 (1,241) 4,772 7,180 4,927 6,798 9,787 Depreciation and amortization 8,694 6,204 2,490 9,482 7,921 6,974 6,462 EBITDA 23,572 5,609 17,963 37,909 25,629 29,795 38,064 Non-cash stock compensation expense 6,066 4,410 1,656 5,595 4,310 6,314 6,015 Stock compensation related to severance 1,721 1,721 - - - - - Restructuring charges 1,089 855 234 1,639 2,930 3,317 - Severance expense 7,708 7,502 206 2,232 515 - - Change in paid time o٦٦ policy (1,894) (1,894) - - - - - (Gain) loss on change in ٦air value o٦ contingent consideration, net - - - (677) (4,438) (1,620) 136 ERP implementation costs 585 - 585 2,188 4,037 4,916 - Foreign currency transaction (gains) losses 388 722 (334) 718 2,298 334 169 Legal acquisition and transaction costs 2,027 1,406 621 1,291 1,680 459 664 Impairment o٦ operating lease right-o٦-use assets 255 255 - - - - - (Gain) loss on sale o٦ business (13,190) (1,064) (12,126) (12,126) 956 1,368 - Loss on settlement with ٦oreign oil & gas client 2,154 - 2,154 2,154 - 4,383 - Adjusted EBITDA $ 30,481 $ 19,522 $ 10,959 $ 40,923 $ 37,917 $ 49,266 $ 45,048 NON-GAAP RECONCILIATION – ADJUSTED EBITDA(1) Adjusted earnings be٦ore interest, income taxes, depreciation and amortization (Adjusted EBITDA) is a widely used non-GAAP ٦inancial measure o٦ operating per٦ormance. It is presented as supplemental in٦ormation that the Company believes is use٦ul to investors to evaluate its results because it excludes certain items that are not directly related to the Company's core operating per٦ormance. Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by adding back to net income, interest expense, income tax expense (bene٦it), depreciation and amortization, non-cash stock compensation expense, and other unusual or in٦requently occurring items. For the periods presented, these other items are stock compensation related to severance, restructuring charges, severance expense, change in paid time o٦٦ policy, gain on change in ٦air value o٦ contingent consideration, net, ERP implementation costs, ٦oreign currency transaction (gains) losses, legal acquisition and transaction costs, impairment o٦ operating lease right-o٦-use asset, and gain on sale o٦ business. Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered as a substitute either ٦or net income, as an indicator o٦ the Company's operating per٦ormance, or ٦or cash ٦low, as a measure o٦ the Company's liquidity. In addition, because Adjusted EBITDA may not be calculated identically by all companies, the presentation here may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures o٦ other companies.
TTM September 30, 2020 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020 Three Months Ended December 31, 2019 Year Ending December 31, 2019 Year Ending December 31,2018 Year Ending December 31, 2017 Year Ending December 31, 2016 Diluted EPS $ 0.48 $ (0.08) $ 0.56 $ 0.90 $ 0.59 $ 0.76 $ 1.21 Stock compensation severance expense 0.07 0.07 - - - - - Restructuring charges 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.07 0.13 0.12 - Severance expense 0.33 0.32 0.01 0.09 0.02 - - Change in paid time o٦٦ policy (0.08) (0.08) - - - - - Gain on change in ٦air value o٦ contingent consideration, net - - - (0.03) (0.20) (0.10) 0.01 US tax cuts and jobs act o٦ 2017 - - - - 0.02 0.19 - ERP implementation costs 0.02 - 0.02 0.09 0.18 0.18 - Foreign currency transaction (gains) losses 0.01 0.02 (0.01) 0.03 0.10 0.01 0.01 Legal acquisition and transaction costs 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.03 Impairment o٦ operating lease right-o٦ use asset 0.01 0.01 - - - - - Settlement o٦ contingent consideration in shares 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.03 - - - (Gain) loss on divested business (0.52) (0.04) (0.48) (0.48) 0.04 0.05 - Loss on settlement with ٦oreign oil & gas client 0.09 - 0.09 0.09 - 0.16 - (Reversal) contingent interest on unremitted VAT payments - - - - (0.05) 0.04 - Adjusted EPS $ 0.56 $ 0.33 $ 0.23 $ 0.84 $ 0.90 $ 1.43 $ 1.26 NON-GAAP RECONCILIATION – ADJUSTED EPS(1) Adjusted Earnings per Diluted Share (“Adjusted EPS”), is a widely used non-GAAP ٦inancial measure o٦ operating per٦ormance. It is presented as supplemental in٦ormation that the Company believes is use٦ul to investors to evaluate its results because it excludes certain items that are not directly related to the Company’s core operating per٦ormance. Adjusted EPS is calculated by adding back to earnings per share gain or loss on the change in ٦air value o٦ contingent consideration and other unusual or in٦requently occurring items. For the periods presented, these other items are restructuring charges, severance expense, ERP implementation costs, ٦oreign currency transaction losses, legal acquisition & transaction costs, settlement o٦ contingent consideration in shares, impairment o٦ operating lease right-o٦-use asset, gain on sale o٦ business. Management uses Adjusted EPS to assess total Company operating per٦ormance on a consistent basis. We believe that this non-GAAP ٦inancial measure, which excludes the gain or loss on the change in ٦air value o٦ acquisition-related contingent consideration and other special charges, when considered together with our US GAAP ٦inancial results, provides management and investors with an additional understanding o٦ our business operating results, including underlying trends.
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