In addition, it is Onto Innovation’s policy not to respond to rumors about Onto Innovation. Companies have been found in violation of securities laws if their spokespeople erroneously denied a rumor, even if the spokesperson believed what he or she was saying was true. To that end, we must all avoid responding to any such inquiries regarding Onto Innovation thereby assuring that Onto Innovation’s response is a consistent message communicated solely by its authorized representative.
In the event that a statement or disclosure referenced above is made, whether by mistake or otherwise, the CEO, CFO or General Counsel must immediately be notified in order that Onto Innovation be able to meet any reporting requirements it may have as a result.
6. | Payment to Agencies/Consultants |
Arrangements with outside agents, consultants, contractors and other parties should be in writing. The document should clearly describe the results required, the commission or fees to be paid, how fees are to be paid, the length of the agreement, and the commitment to comply with all laws and regulations.
All payments to consultants, agents, contractors and others shall be paid in accordance with proper business practices and based upon reasonable value for the service performed. Payments must be supported by adequate documentation.
By adhering to the above, we can assure that Onto Innovation receives appropriate value for its expenditures, the expectations and terms of the engagement are clearly defined, potential liability is minimized and Onto Innovation’s interests are best protected.
7. | Corporate Opportunities |
Each of us must avoid taking personal advantage of opportunities that are offered to you by virtue of your employment with Onto Innovation or discovered through the use of Onto Innovation property, information or position without the consent of the Board. We should all be respectful of Onto Innovation property, information, and position, and make sure that none of us, nor any of our family members, use them for personal gain. Discounts on personal purchases of a supplier or customer’s products or services should not be accepted unless such discounts are offered to all Employees in general. As an Employee, we owe a duty to Onto Innovation to advance Onto Innovation’s legitimate interests when the opportunity to do so arises.
For example, through one’s position with Onto Innovation, you may, on occasion, become aware of a business opportunity, such as a new technology, product or intellectual property offering. Our policy does not permit any of us from taking personal advantage of such an opportunity unless it has been offered to Onto Innovation first. If Onto Innovation declines in writing to pursue the opportunity, then you may pursue it.
Sometimes the line between personal and company benefits is difficult to draw, and sometimes there are both personal and company benefits in certain activities. Anyone who intends to make use of company property or services in a manner not solely for the benefit of Onto Innovation should consult beforehand with the General Counsel.
8. | Competition and Fair Dealing |
We seek to outperform our competition fairly and honestly. We seek competitive advantages through superior performance and never through unethical or illegal business practices. Although we seek information about our competitors, stealing proprietary information, possessing trade secret information that was obtained without the owner’s consent, or inducing such disclosures by past or present employees of other companies is prohibited. It is contrary to Onto Innovation practice and ethics to hire, commission or retain a competitor’s current or former employee solely to obtain such information.
Each of us should endeavor to respect the rights of and deal fairly with Onto Innovation’s customers, suppliers, competitors and their employees. No one should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other intentional unfair-dealing practice.