Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses | Outstanding Loans and Leases and Allowance for Credit Losses The following tables present total outstanding loans and leases and an aging analysis for the Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments, by class of financing receivables, at December 31, 2024 and 2023. 30-59 Days Past Due (1) 60-89 Days Past Due (1) 90 Days or Past Due (1) Total Past Total Current or Less Than 30 Days Past Due (1) Loans Total (Dollars in millions) December 31, 2024 Consumer real estate Residential mortgage $ 1,222 $ 288 $ 788 $ 2,298 $ 225,901 $ 228,199 Home equity 80 40 127 247 25,490 25,737 Credit card and other consumer Credit card 685 552 1,401 2,638 100,928 103,566 Direct/Indirect consumer (2) 290 113 106 509 106,613 107,122 Other consumer — — — — 151 151 Total consumer 2,277 993 2,422 5,692 459,083 464,775 Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option (3) $ 221 221 Total consumer loans and leases 2,277 993 2,422 5,692 459,083 221 464,996 Commercial U.S. commercial 910 228 345 1,483 385,507 386,990 Non-U.S. commercial 65 17 4 86 137,432 137,518 Commercial real estate (4) 640 121 990 1,751 63,979 65,730 Commercial lease financing 32 9 19 60 15,648 15,708 U.S. small business commercial 190 94 199 483 20,382 20,865 Total commercial 1,837 469 1,557 3,863 622,948 626,811 Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option (3) 4,028 4,028 Total commercial loans and leases 1,837 469 1,557 3,863 622,948 4,028 630,839 Total loans and leases (5) $ 4,114 $ 1,462 $ 3,979 $ 9,555 $ 1,082,031 $ 4,249 $ 1,095,835 Percentage of outstandings 0.38 % 0.13 % 0.36 % 0.87 % 98.74 % 0.39 % 100.00 % (1) Consumer real estate loans 30-59 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $188 million and nonperforming loans of $174 million. Consumer real estate loans 60-89 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $71 million and nonperforming loans of $107 million. Consumer real estate loans 90 days or more past due includes fully-insured loans of $229 million and nonperforming loans of $686 million. Consumer real estate loans current or less than 30 days past due includes $1.5 billion, and direct/indirect consumer includes $54 million of nonperforming loans. (2) Total outstandings primarily includes auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $54.9 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $48.7 billion and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.8 billion. (3) Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option includes residential mortgage loans of $59 million and home equity loans of $162 million. Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option includes U.S. commercial loans of $2.8 billion and non-U.S. commercial loans of $1.3 billion. For more information, see Note 20 – Fair Value Measurements and Note 21 – Fair Value Option . (4) Total outstandings includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $59.6 billion and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $6.1 billion. (5) Total outstandings includes loans and leases pledged as collateral of $26.8 billion. The Corporation also pledged $305.2 billion of loans with no related outstanding borrowings to secure potential borrowing capacity with the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank. 30-59 Days (1) 60-89 Days Past Due (1) 90 Days or (1) Total Past Total Current or Less Than 30 Days Past Due (1) Loans Total Outstandings (Dollars in millions) December 31, 2023 Consumer real estate Residential mortgage $ 1,177 $ 302 $ 829 $ 2,308 $ 226,095 $ 228,403 Home equity 90 38 161 289 25,238 25,527 Credit card and other consumer Credit card 680 515 1,224 2,419 99,781 102,200 Direct/Indirect consumer (2) 306 99 91 496 102,972 103,468 Other consumer — — — — 124 124 Total consumer 2,253 954 2,305 5,512 454,210 459,722 Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option (3) $ 243 243 Total consumer loans and leases 2,253 954 2,305 5,512 454,210 243 459,965 Commercial U.S. commercial 477 96 225 798 358,133 358,931 Non-U.S. commercial 86 21 64 171 124,410 124,581 Commercial real estate (4) 247 133 505 885 71,993 72,878 Commercial lease financing 44 8 24 76 14,778 14,854 U.S. small business commercial 166 89 184 439 18,758 19,197 Total commercial 1,020 347 1,002 2,369 588,072 590,441 Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option (3) 3,326 3,326 Total commercial loans and leases 1,020 347 1,002 2,369 588,072 3,326 593,767 Total loans and leases (5) $ 3,273 $ 1,301 $ 3,307 $ 7,881 $ 1,042,282 $ 3,569 $ 1,053,732 Percentage of outstandings 0.31 % 0.12 % 0.31 % 0.75 % 98.91 % 0.34 % 100.00 % (1) Consumer real estate loans 30-59 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $198 million and nonperforming loans of $150 million. Consumer real estate loans 60-89 days past due includes fully-insured loans of $77 million and nonperforming loans of $102 million. Consumer real estate loans 90 days or more past due includes fully-insured loans of $252 million and nonperforming loans of $738 million. Consumer real estate loans current or less than 30 days past due includes $1.6 billion, and direct/indirect consumer includes $39 million of nonperforming loans. (2) Total outstandings primarily includes auto and specialty lending loans and leases of $53.9 billion, U.S. securities-based lending loans of $46.0 billion and non-U.S. consumer loans of $2.8 billion. (3) Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option includes residential mortgage loans of $66 million and home equity loans of $177 million. Commercial loans accounted for under the fair value option includes U.S. commercial loans of $2.2 billion and non-U.S. commercial loans of $1.2 billion. For more information, see Note 20 – Fair Value Measurements and Note 21 – Fair Value Option . (4) Total outstandings includes U.S. commercial real estate loans of $66.8 billion and non-U.S. commercial real estate loans of $6.1 billion. (5) Total outstandings includes loans and leases pledged as collateral of $33.7 billion. The Corporation also pledged $246.0 billion of loans with no related outstanding borrowings to secure potential borrowing capacity with the Federal Reserve Bank and Federal Home Loan Bank. The Corporation has entered into long-term credit protection agreements with FNMA and FHLMC on loans totaling $8.0 billion and $8.7 billion at December 31, 2024 and 2023, providing full credit protection on residential mortgage loans that become severely delinquent. All of these loans are individually insured, and therefore the Corporation does not record an allowance for credit losses related to these loans. Nonperforming Loans and Leases Nonperforming loans were $6.0 billion and $5.5 billion at December 31, 2024 and 2023. Commercial nonperforming loans were $3.3 billion and $2.8 billion at December 31, 2024 and 2023 and were primarily comprised of commercial real estate. Consumer nonperforming loans were $2.6 billion and $2.7 billion at December 31, 2024 and 2023, primarily comprised of residential mortgage. The following table presents the Corporation’s nonperforming loans and leases and loans accruing past due 90 days or more at December 31, 2024 and 2023. Nonperforming LHFS are excluded from nonperforming loans and leases as they are recorded at either fair value or the lower of cost or fair value. For more information on the criteria for classification as nonperforming, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles. Credit Quality Nonperforming Loans Accruing Past Due December 31 (Dollars in millions) 2024 2023 2024 2023 Residential mortgage (1) $ 2,052 $ 2,114 $ 229 $ 252 With no related allowance (2) 1,883 1,974 — — Home equity (1) 409 450 — — With no related allowance (2) 334 375 — — Credit Card n/a n/a 1,401 1,224 Direct/indirect consumer 186 148 1 2 Total consumer 2,647 2,712 1,631 1,478 U.S. commercial 1,204 636 90 51 Non-U.S. commercial 8 175 4 4 Commercial real estate 2,068 1,927 6 32 Commercial lease financing 20 19 3 7 U.S. small business commercial 28 16 197 184 Total commercial 3,328 2,773 300 278 Total nonperforming loans $ 5,975 $ 5,485 $ 1,931 $ 1,756 Percentage of outstanding loans and leases 0.55 % 0.52 % 0.18 % 0.17 % (1) Residential mortgage loans accruing past due 90 days or more are fully-insured loans. At December 31, 2024 and 2023 residential mortgage included $119 million and $156 million of loans on which interest had been curtailed by the FHA, and therefore were no longer accruing interest, although principal was still insured, and $110 million and $96 million of loans on which interest was still accruing. (2) Primarily relates to loans for which the estimated fair value of the underlying collateral less any costs to sell is greater than the amortized cost of the loans as of the reporting date. n/a = not applicable Credit Quality Indicators The Corporation monitors credit quality within its Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments based on primary credit quality indicators. For more information on the portfolio segments, see Note 1 – Summary of Significant Accounting Principles. Within the Consumer Real Estate portfolio segment, the primary credit quality indicators are refreshed LTV and refreshed Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) score. Refreshed LTV measures the carrying value of the loan as a percentage of the value of the property securing the loan, refreshed quarterly. Home equity loans are evaluated using CLTV, which measures the carrying value of the Corporation’s loan and available line of credit combined with any outstanding senior liens against the property as a percentage of the value of the property securing the loan, refreshed quarterly. FICO score measures the creditworthiness of the borrower based on the financial obligations of the borrower and the borrower’s credit history. FICO scores are typically refreshed quarterly or more frequently. Certain borrowers (e.g., borrowers that have had debts discharged in a bankruptcy proceeding) may not have their FICO scores updated. FICO scores are also a primary credit quality indicator for the Credit Card and Other Consumer portfolio segment and the business card portfolio within U.S. small business commercial. Within the Commercial portfolio segment, loans are evaluated using the internal classifications of pass rated or reservable criticized as the primary credit quality indicators. The term reservable criticized refers to those commercial loans that are internally classified or listed by the Corporation as Special Mention, Substandard or Doubtful, which are asset quality categories defined by regulatory authorities. These assets have an elevated level of risk and may have a high probability of default or total loss. Pass rated refers to all loans not considered reservable criticized. In addition to these primary credit quality indicators, the Corporation uses other credit quality indicators for certain types of loans. The following tables present certain credit quality indicators and gross charge-offs for the Corporation's Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments by year of origination, except for revolving loans and revolving loans that were modified into term loans, which are shown on an aggregate basis at December 31, 2024. Residential Mortgage – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage Term Loans by Origination Year (Dollars in millions) Total as of December 31, 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior Residential Mortgage Refreshed LTV Less than or equal to 90 percent $ 215,575 $ 18,115 $ 12,910 $ 36,748 $ 71,912 $ 32,504 $ 43,386 Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent 1,848 724 463 471 122 31 37 Greater than 100 percent 863 428 195 144 56 15 25 Fully-insured loans 9,913 288 190 302 3,153 2,568 3,412 Total Residential Mortgage $ 228,199 $ 19,555 $ 13,758 $ 37,665 $ 75,243 $ 35,118 $ 46,860 Residential Mortgage Refreshed FICO score Less than 620 $ 2,619 $ 172 $ 171 $ 484 $ 649 $ 427 $ 716 Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 4,687 329 337 826 1,201 736 1,258 Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 22,666 2,008 1,553 4,112 6,322 3,431 5,240 Greater than or equal to 740 188,314 16,758 11,507 31,941 63,918 27,956 36,234 Fully-insured loans 9,913 288 190 302 3,153 2,568 3,412 Total Residential Mortgage $ 228,199 $ 19,555 $ 13,758 $ 37,665 $ 75,243 $ 35,118 $ 46,860 Gross charge-offs for the year ended December 31, 2024 $ 21 $ 2 $ 3 $ 6 $ 2 $ 1 $ 7 Home Equity - Credit Quality Indicators Total Home Equity Loans and Reverse Mortgages (1) Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Loans (Dollars in millions) December 31, 2024 Home Equity Refreshed LTV Less than or equal to 90 percent $ 25,638 $ 780 $ 21,450 $ 3,408 Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent 51 4 42 5 Greater than 100 percent 48 3 34 11 Total Home Equity $ 25,737 $ 787 $ 21,526 $ 3,424 Home Equity Refreshed FICO score Less than 620 $ 645 $ 72 $ 320 $ 253 Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 1,115 83 689 343 Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 4,373 161 3,429 783 Greater than or equal to 740 19,604 471 17,088 2,045 Total Home Equity $ 25,737 $ 787 $ 21,526 $ 3,424 Gross charge-offs for the year ended December 31, 2024 $ 21 $ 6 $ 9 $ 6 (1) Includes reverse mortgages of $500 million and home equity loans of $287 million, which are no longer originated. Credit Card and Direct/Indirect Consumer – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage Direct/Indirect Term Loans by Origination Year Credit Card (Dollars in millions) Total Direct/ Revolving Loans 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior Total Credit Card as of December 31, Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Loans (1) Refreshed FICO score Less than 620 $ 1,483 $ 10 $ 249 $ 452 $ 433 $ 243 $ 53 $ 43 $ 5,866 $ 5,511 $ 355 Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 2,360 9 735 699 523 272 67 55 11,580 11,250 330 Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 8,071 42 3,038 2,179 1,587 825 226 174 35,037 34,743 294 Greater than or equal to 740 43,141 67 17,889 11,240 7,635 3,908 1,319 1,083 51,083 51,019 64 Other internal credit metrics (2,3) 52,067 51,433 165 51 127 95 36 160 — — — Total credit card and other $ 107,122 $ 51,561 $ 22,076 $ 14,621 $ 10,305 $ 5,343 $ 1,701 $ 1,515 $ 103,566 $ 102,523 $ 1,043 Gross charge-offs for the year $ 399 $ 5 $ 46 $ 144 $ 109 $ 51 $ 12 $ 32 $ 4,365 $ 4,188 $ 177 (1) Represents loans that were modified into term loans. (2) Other internal credit metrics may include delinquency status, geography or other factors. (3) Direct/indirect consumer includes $51.4 billion of securities-based lending, which is typically supported by highly liquid collateral with market value greater than or equal to the outstanding loan balance and therefore has minimal credit risk at December 31, 2024. Commercial – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage (1) Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year (Dollars in millions) Total as of 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Prior Revolving Loans U.S. Commercial Risk ratings Pass rated $ 374,380 $ 49,587 $ 33,352 $ 34,015 $ 20,801 $ 10,172 $ 34,176 $ 192,277 Reservable criticized 12,610 157 901 1,035 799 340 1,996 7,382 Total U.S. Commercial $ 386,990 $ 49,744 $ 34,253 $ 35,050 $ 21,600 $ 10,512 $ 36,172 $ 199,659 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 439 $ 3 $ 122 $ 80 $ 19 $ 4 $ 63 $ 148 Non-U.S. Commercial Risk ratings Pass rated $ 135,720 $ 27,119 $ 14,268 $ 12,220 $ 11,750 $ 1,328 $ 6,777 $ 62,258 Reservable criticized 1,798 22 180 145 310 8 106 1,027 Total Non-U.S. Commercial $ 137,518 $ 27,141 $ 14,448 $ 12,365 $ 12,060 $ 1,336 $ 6,883 $ 63,285 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 81 $ — $ 41 $ 22 $ 16 $ — $ — $ 2 Commercial Real Estate Risk ratings Pass rated $ 55,607 $ 5,422 $ 4,935 $ 10,755 $ 8,990 $ 2,911 $ 13,310 $ 9,284 Reservable criticized 10,123 41 211 3,252 2,100 588 3,372 559 Total Commercial Real Estate $ 65,730 $ 5,463 $ 5,146 $ 14,007 $ 11,090 $ 3,499 $ 16,682 $ 9,843 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 894 $ — $ — $ 57 $ 83 $ 62 $ 663 $ 29 Commercial Lease Financing Risk ratings Pass rated $ 15,417 $ 3,902 $ 3,675 $ 2,465 $ 1,921 $ 1,033 $ 2,421 $ — Reservable criticized 291 9 96 67 52 23 44 — Total Commercial Lease Financing $ 15,708 $ 3,911 $ 3,771 $ 2,532 $ 1,973 $ 1,056 $ 2,465 $ — Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 2 $ — $ — $ — $ 2 $ — $ — $ — U.S. Small Business Commercial (2) Risk ratings Pass rated $ 9,806 $ 1,926 $ 1,887 $ 1,650 $ 1,302 $ 604 $ 1,992 $ 445 Reservable criticized 443 8 83 104 115 25 105 3 Total U.S. Small Business Commercial $ 10,249 $ 1,934 $ 1,970 $ 1,754 $ 1,417 $ 629 $ 2,097 $ 448 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 30 $ — $ 1 $ 2 $ 1 $ 6 $ 7 $ 13 Total $ 616,195 $ 88,193 $ 59,588 $ 65,708 $ 48,140 $ 17,032 $ 64,299 $ 273,235 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 1,446 $ 3 $ 164 $ 161 $ 121 $ 72 $ 733 $ 192 (1) Excludes $4.0 billion of loans accounted for under the fair value option at December 31, 2024. (2) Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans of $10.6 billion. Refreshed FICO scores for this portfolio are $699 million for less than 620; $1.2 billion for greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680; $3.0 billion for greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740; and $5.8 billion greater than or equal to 740. Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans gross charge-offs of $489 million. The following tables present certain credit quality indicators for the Corporation's Consumer Real Estate, Credit Card and Other Consumer, and Commercial portfolio segments by year of origination, except for revolving loans and revolving loans that were modified into term loans, which are shown on an aggregate basis at December 31, 2023. Residential Mortgage – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage Term Loans by Origination Year (Dollars in millions) Total as of 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior Residential Mortgage Refreshed LTV Less than or equal to 90 percent $ 214,661 $ 15,224 $ 38,225 $ 76,229 $ 35,072 $ 17,432 $ 32,479 Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent 1,994 698 911 286 53 25 21 Greater than 100 percent 785 264 342 100 31 14 34 Fully-insured loans 10,963 540 350 3,415 2,834 847 2,977 Total Residential Mortgage $ 228,403 $ 16,726 $ 39,828 $ 80,030 $ 37,990 $ 18,318 $ 35,511 Residential Mortgage Refreshed FICO score Less than 620 $ 2,335 $ 115 $ 471 $ 589 $ 402 $ 136 $ 622 Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 4,671 359 919 1,235 777 296 1,085 Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 23,357 1,934 4,652 6,988 3,742 1,836 4,205 Greater than or equal to 740 187,077 13,778 33,436 67,803 30,235 15,203 26,622 Fully-insured loans 10,963 540 350 3,415 2,834 847 2,977 Total Residential Mortgage $ 228,403 $ 16,726 $ 39,828 $ 80,030 $ 37,990 $ 18,318 $ 35,511 Gross charge-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023 $ 67 $ — $ 7 $ 12 $ 6 $ 2 $ 40 Home Equity - Credit Quality Indicators Total Home Equity Loans and Reverse Mortgages (1) Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Loans (Dollars in millions) December 31, 2023 Home Equity Refreshed LTV Less than or equal to 90 percent $ 25,378 $ 1,051 $ 20,380 $ 3,947 Greater than 90 percent but less than or equal to 100 percent 61 17 35 9 Greater than 100 percent 88 35 36 17 Total Home Equity $ 25,527 $ 1,103 $ 20,451 $ 3,973 Home Equity Refreshed FICO score Less than 620 $ 654 $ 123 $ 253 $ 278 Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 1,107 118 589 400 Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 4,340 240 3,156 944 Greater than or equal to 740 19,426 622 16,453 2,351 Total Home Equity $ 25,527 $ 1,103 $ 20,451 $ 3,973 Gross charge-offs for the year ended December 31, 2023 $ 36 $ 4 $ 21 $ 11 (1) Includes reverse mortgages of $763 million and home equity loans of $340 million, which are no longer originated. Credit Card and Direct/Indirect Consumer – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage Direct/Indirect Term Loans by Origination Year Credit Card (Dollars in millions) Total Direct/Indirect as of December 31, 2023 Revolving Loans 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior Total Credit Card as of December 31, 2023 Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Loans (1) Refreshed FICO score Less than 620 $ 1,246 $ 11 $ 292 $ 428 $ 336 $ 85 $ 55 $ 39 $ 5,338 $ 5,030 $ 308 Greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680 2,506 11 937 799 501 121 73 64 11,623 11,345 278 Greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740 8,629 48 3,451 2,582 1,641 462 244 201 34,777 34,538 239 Greater than or equal to 740 41,656 74 16,761 11,802 7,643 2,707 1,417 1,252 50,462 50,410 52 Other internal credit metrics (2, 3) 49,431 48,764 106 183 110 53 57 158 — — — Total credit card and other $ 103,468 $ 48,908 $ 21,547 $ 15,794 $ 10,231 $ 3,428 $ 1,846 $ 1,714 $ 102,200 $ 101,323 $ 877 Gross charge-offs for the year $ 233 $ 5 $ 32 $ 95 $ 53 $ 15 $ 10 $ 23 $ 3,133 $ 3,013 $ 120 (1) Represents loans that were modified into term loans. (2) Other internal credit metrics may include delinquency status, geography or other factors. (3) Direct/indirect consumer includes $48.8 billion of securities-based lending, which is typically supported by highly liquid collateral with market value greater than or equal to the outstanding loan balance and therefore has minimal credit risk at December 31, 2023. Commercial – Credit Quality Indicators By Vintage (1) Term Loans Amortized Cost Basis by Origination Year (Dollars in millions) Total as of December 31, 2023 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior Revolving Loans U.S. Commercial Risk ratings Pass rated $ 347,563 $ 41,842 $ 43,290 $ 27,738 $ 13,495 $ 11,772 $ 29,923 $ 179,503 Reservable criticized 11,368 278 1,316 708 363 537 1,342 6,824 Total U.S. Commercial $ 358,931 $ 42,120 $ 44,606 $ 28,446 $ 13,858 $ 12,309 $ 31,265 $ 186,327 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 191 $ 5 $ 38 $ 29 $ 4 $ 2 $ 27 $ 86 Non-U.S. Commercial Risk ratings Pass rated $ 122,931 $ 17,053 $ 15,810 $ 15,256 $ 2,405 $ 2,950 $ 5,485 $ 63,972 Reservable criticized 1,650 50 184 294 90 158 74 800 Total Non-U.S. Commercial $ 124,581 $ 17,103 $ 15,994 $ 15,550 $ 2,495 $ 3,108 $ 5,559 $ 64,772 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 37 $ — $ — $ 8 $ 7 $ 1 $ — $ 21 Commercial Real Estate Risk ratings Pass rated $ 64,150 $ 4,877 $ 16,147 $ 11,810 $ 4,026 $ 7,286 $ 10,127 $ 9,877 Reservable criticized 8,728 134 749 1,728 782 2,132 2,794 409 Total Commercial Real Estate $ 72,878 $ 5,011 $ 16,896 $ 13,538 $ 4,808 $ 9,418 $ 12,921 $ 10,286 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 254 $ 2 $ — $ 4 $ — $ 59 $ 189 $ — Commercial Lease Financing Risk ratings Pass rated $ 14,688 $ 4,188 $ 3,077 $ 2,373 $ 1,349 $ 1,174 $ 2,527 $ — Reservable criticized 166 9 22 46 16 32 41 — Total Commercial Lease Financing $ 14,854 $ 4,197 $ 3,099 $ 2,419 $ 1,365 $ 1,206 $ 2,568 $ — Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 2 $ — $ — $ 1 $ 1 $ — $ — $ — U.S. Small Business Commercial (2) Risk ratings Pass rated $ 9,031 $ 1,886 $ 1,830 $ 1,550 $ 836 $ 721 $ 1,780 $ 428 Reservable criticized 384 6 64 95 40 63 113 3 Total U.S. Small Business Commercial $ 9,415 $ 1,892 $ 1,894 $ 1,645 $ 876 $ 784 $ 1,893 $ 431 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 43 $ 1 $ 2 $ 2 $ 19 $ 3 $ 4 $ 12 Total $ 580,659 $ 70,323 $ 82,489 $ 61,598 $ 23,402 $ 26,825 $ 54,206 $ 261,816 Gross charge-offs for the year ended $ 527 $ 8 $ 40 $ 44 $ 31 $ 65 $ 220 $ 119 (1) Excludes $3.3 billion of loans accounted for under the fair value option at December 31, 2023. (2) Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans of $9.8 billion. Refreshed FICO scores for this portfolio are $530 million for less than 620; $1.1 billion for greater than or equal to 620 and less than 680; $2.7 billion for greater than or equal to 680 and less than 740; and $5.5 billion greater than or equal to 740. Excludes U.S. Small Business Card loans gross charge-offs of $317 million. Loan Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty As part of its credit risk management, the Corporation may modify a loan agreement with a borrower experiencing financial difficulties through a refinancing or restructuring of the borrower’s loan agreement (modification programs). Consumer Real Estate The following modification programs are offered for consumer real estate loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties, in addition to borrowers affected by natural disasters. Forbearance and Other Payment Plans: Forbearance plans generally consist of the Corporation suspending the borrower’s payments for a defined period, with those payments then due over a defined period of time or at the conclusion of the forbearance period. The aging status of a loan is generally frozen when it enters into a forbearance plan. If a borrower is unable to fulfill their obligations under the forbearance plans, they may be offered a trial offer or permanent modification. Trial Offer and Permanent Modifications : Trial offer for modification plans generally consist of the Corporation offering a borrower modified loan terms that reduce their contractual payments temporarily over a three The table below provides the ending amortized cost of the Corporation’s modified consumer real estate loans at December 31, 2024 and 2023. Consumer Real Estate - Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty Forbearance and Other Payment Plans Permanent Modification Total As a % of Financing Receivables (Dollars in millions) Year Ended December 31, 2024 Residential Loans $ 46 $ 186 $ 232 0.10 % Home Equity 1 31 32 0.12 % Total $ 47 $ 217 $ 264 0.10 % Year Ended December 31, 2023 Residential Loans $ 429 $ 154 $ 583 0.26 % Home Equity 57 31 88 0.34 Total $ 486 $ 185 $ 671 0.26 The table below presents the financial effect of modified consumer real estate loans . Financial Effect of Modified Consumer Real Estate Loans Year Ended December 31 2024 2023 Forbearance and Other Payment Plans Weighted-average duration Residential Mortgage 7 months 8 months Home Equity n/a 9 months Permanent Modifications Weighted-average Term Extension Residential Mortgage 9.6 years 9.9 years Home Equity 17.7 years 17.7 years Weighted-average Interest Rate Reduction Residential Mortgage 1.25 % 1.41 % Home Equity 2.61 % 2.74 % n/a = not applicable For consumer real estate borrowers in financial difficulty that received a forbearance, trial or permanent modification, there were no commitments to lend additional funds at December 31, 2024 and 2023. The Corporation tracks the performance of modified loans to assess effectiveness of modification programs. During 2024 and 2023, defaults of residential and home equity loans that had been modified within 12 months were $128 million and $287 million. The table below provides aging information as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 for consumer real estate loans that were modified over the last 12 months. Consumer Real Estate - Payment Status of Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty Current 30–89 Days Past Due 90+ Days Past Due Total (Dollars in millions) December 31, 2024 Residential mortgage $ 123 $ 54 $ 55 $ 232 Home equity 28 2 2 32 Total $ 151 $ 56 $ 57 $ 264 December 31, 2023 Residential mortgage $ 334 $ 101 $ 148 $ 583 Home equity 58 5 25 88 Total $ 392 $ 106 $ 173 $ 671 Consumer real estate foreclosed properties totaled $60 million and $83 million at December 31, 2024 and 2023. The carrying value of consumer real estate loans, including fully-insured loans, for which formal foreclosure proceedings were in process at December 31, 2024 and 2023, was $464 million and $633 million. During 2024 and 2023, the Corporation reclassified $89 million and $106 million of consumer real estate loans to foreclosed properties or, for properties acquired upon foreclosure of certain government-guaranteed loans (principally FHA-insured loans), to other assets. The reclassifications represent non-cash investing activities and, accordingly, are not reflected in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows. Credit Card and Other Consumer Credit card and other consumer loans are primarily modified by placing the customer on a fixed payment plan with a significantly reduced fixed interest rate, with terms ranging from 6 months to 72 months, most of which had a 60-month term at December 31, 2024. In certain circumstances, the Corporation will forgive a portion of the outstanding balance if the borrower makes payments up to a set amount. The Corporation makes modifications directly with borrowers for loans held by the Corporation (internal programs) as well as through third-party renegotiation agencies that provide solutions to customers’ entire unsecured debt structures (external programs). The December 31, 2024 amortized cost of credit card and other consumer loans that were modified through these programs during 2024 was $650 million compared to $598 million in 2023. These modifications represented 0.31 percent of outstanding credit card and other consumer loans for 2024 compared to 0.29 percent for 2023. During 2024, the financial effect of modifications resulted in a weighted-average interest rate reduction of 18.89 percent compared to 19.02 percent in 2023, and principal forgiveness of $113 million compared to $61 million in 2023. The Corporation tracks the performance of modified loans to assess effectiveness of modification programs. During 2024 and 2023, defaults of credit card and other consumer loans that had been modified within 12 months were insignificant. At December 31, 2024, modified credit card and other consumer loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty over the last 12 months totaled $650 million, of which $546 million were current, $58 million were 30-89 days past due, and $46 million were greater than 90 days past due. At December 31, 2023, modified credit card and other consumer loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulty totaled $598 million, of which $491 million were current, $59 million were 30-89 days past due, and $48 million were greater than 90 days past due. Commercial Loans Modifications of loans to commercial borrowers experiencing financial difficulty are designed to reduce the Corporation’s loss exposure while providing borrowers with an opportunity to work through financial difficulties, often to avoid foreclosure or bankruptcy. Each modification is unique, reflects the borrower’s individual circumstances and is designed to benefit the borrower while mitigating the Corporation’s risk exposure. Commercial modifications are primarily term extensions and payment forbearances. Payment forbearances involve the Corporation forbearing its contractual right to collect certain payments or payment in full (maturity forbearance) for a defined period of time. Reductions in interest rates and principal forgiveness occur infrequently for commercial borrowers. Principal forgiveness may occur in connection with foreclosure, short sales or other settlement agreements, leading to termination or sale of the loan. The following table provides the ending amortized cost of commercial loans modified during 2024 and 2023. Commercial Loans - Modifications to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty Term Extension Forbearances Interest Rate Total As a % of Financing Receivables (Dollars in millions) Year Ended December 31, 2024 U.S. commercial $ 1,266 $ 262 $ — $ 1,528 0.39 % Non-U.S. commercial 27 — — 27 0.02 Commercial real estate 1,849 444 100 2,393 3.64 Total $ 3,142 $ 706 $ 100 $ 3,948 0.67 Year Ended December 31, 2023 U.S. commercial $ 1,016 $ 30 $ — $ 1,046 0.29 % Non-U.S. commercial 136 — 24 160 0.13 Commercial real estate 1,656 416 — 2,072 2.84 Total $ 2,808 $ 446 $ 24 $ 3,278 0.59 Term extensions granted increased the weighted-average life of the impacted loans by 1.7 years during 2024 compared to 1.6 years in 2023. The weighted-average duration of loan payments deferred under the Corporation’s commercial loan forbearance program was 9 months during 2024 and 2023. The deferral period for loan payments can vary, but are mostly in the range of 8 months to 24 months. Modifications of loans to troubled borrowers for Commercial Lease Financing and U.S. Small Business Commercial were not significant during 2024. The Corporation tracks the performance of modified loans to assess effectiveness of modification programs. In 2024 and 2023, defaults of commercial loans that had been modified within 12 months were $102 million and $159 million. The table below provides aging information as of December 31, 2024 and 2023 for commercial loans that were modified over the last 12 months. Commercial - Payment Status of Modified Loans to Borrowers in Financial Difficulty Current 30–89 Days Past Due 90+ Days Past Due Total (Dollars in millions) December 31, 2024 U.S. Commercial $ 1,346 $ 70 $ 112 $ 1,528 Non-U.S. Commercial 27 — — 27 Commercial Real Estate 2,100 90 203 2,393 Total $ 3,473 $ 160 $ 315 $ 3,948 December 31, |