Maria T. Zuber
Vice President for Research and
Professor of Geophysics, MIT
Every one of the senior management team feels like they are co-owners in this idea of Responsible Growth and they have absolutely bought into the idea that if we do the right thing for our customers, the bank does well, the customers do well, the shareholders do well.
Susan S. Bies
Former Member, Federal Reserve Board
When you put the customer first, it forces you to think of the long term because anybody can make a loan. It’s easy to say “yes.” It’s much more appropriate that you understand your customer’s needs and the potential solutions that may work in their particular case because if we mis-sell products, we hurt our customer, and we’re not really going to help them. And long term, there’s consequences then both for the customer and for the bank.
Frank P. Bramble, Sr.
Chair, Enterprise Risk Committee
Former Executive Vice Chair, MBNA Corporation
Integral to Responsible Growth is yeah, we’re going to grow but we’re going to grow within our risk tolerance, within our risk framework. We’re not going to do anything crazy to the customer and we’re not going to do anything crazy for the customer.
Clayton S. Rose
President, Bowdoin College
It’s not about getting up every day and thinking about the maximization of shareholder returns. It’s getting up every day and thinking about how we serve our customers in a way that fits within the structure of our business. And, if we do that, our shareholders are going to benefit enormously.
R. David Yost
When you think about the opportunity the bank has to start with someone who is very young, and grow with them throughout their life as their needs increase and then even down to their children, and their children’s children.
Lionel L. Nowell III
Lead Independent Director, Bank of America
Former Senior VP & Treasurer, PepsiCo, Inc.
We provide and help people in America lead quality lives. For the individuals that start with us, you know, with the savings account, we want to be there for every aspect of their life. As they transition through college, to marriage, to buying their first car, to buying their first home, I mean, we want to be a part of that family. And, I, I call it being part of their family and, you know, I always tell people, “Man, you know, with Bank of America, you sure feel like you can live the American dream and we can be a part of that.”
Arnold W. Donald
One of every two households in America is a client of Bank of America. We have two hundred plus thousand employees. That’s a lot of human spirit walking around, and valuing that human spirit, I think, is a core value at Bank of America.