The following is a summary of our available-for-sale securities measured at fair value at March31, 2010 (in thousands):
3/31/10 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Mutual funds $ 5,053 $ $ 5,053 $
Certificates of deposit 2,516 2,516
U.S. Government and agency securities 141,112 137,100 4,012
Asset-backed securities and collateralized mortgage obligations 10,792 3,069 7,723
Corporate notes and bonds 19,105 19,105
Total $ 178,578 $ 137,100 $ 33,755 $ 7,723
The following is a summary of our available-for-sale securities measured at fair value at December31, 2009 (in thousands):
12/31/09 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Mutual funds $ 4,944 $ $ 4,944 $
Certificates of deposit 2,522 2,522
U.S. Government and agency securities 163,466 148,683 14,783
Asset-backed securities and collateralized mortgage obligations 10,555 3,061 7,494
Corporate notes and bonds 47,231 47,231
Total $ 228,718 $ 148,683 $ 72,541 $ 7,494
Changes in Level 3 Instrument
The following is a summary of the changes in our Level 3 instrument measured on a recurring basis for the period ended March31, 2010 (in thousands):
Balance, beginning of the year $ 7,494
Total realized and unrealized gains (losses): 880
Included in other income (expense)
Included in other comprehensive income 880
Purchases, issuances and settlements (111 )
Principal repayments (540 )
Balance, end of period $ 7,723
Other Financial Instruments
We used the following methods and assumptions in estimating our fair value disclosures for our other financial instruments, as follows:
Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash and cash equivalents. The carrying amounts that we have reported in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets for cash and cash equivalents approximate their fair values.
Long-term and short-term debt. We base the fair values of debt instruments on quoted market prices. Where quoted prices are not available, we base the fair values on the present value of future cash flows discounted at estimated borrowing rates for similar debt instruments or on estimated prices based on current yields for debt issues of similar quality and terms.
The estimated fair values of our financial instruments are as follows:
March31, 2010 December31, 2009
Carrying Amount Fair Value Carrying Amount Fair Value
(In thousands)
Balance Sheet Instruments
Cash and cash equivalents $ 775,980 $ 775,980 $ 899,270 $ 899,270
Restricted cash and cash equivalents $ 96,040 $ 96,040 $ 69,920 $ 69,920
Investments $ 178,578 $ 178,578 $ 228,718 $ 228,718
Debt |